It's best to perceive wisdom from a higher plateau, particular one above dualist ramblings of good versus evil, white versus black, etc., which really has always been a way for humans to point the finger externally rather than unfold internally. Such dualist systems have created control systems, with doctrines meant to be blindly followed (if understood by the masses) through commandments or face the treacherous environments of a Church created ideology plaguing religion today known as "hell". Dualist traditions then arise to wide-spread flowering via corporate organizational structures utilizing a political-montheistic monarch-deity to collect sole tithing from all under such governance and further enact dictatorship-divine right rulership. Hence, historically, there was no separation from Church and State, until the New Atlantis attempt of the United States. Religion was a way for the elite to play the game, with a "my way or the highway" attitude controlling not only the physical vessel of the adepts, but the consciousness as well. Before the days of a commanding demiurge placing adepts within the emotional vibrations of either psychological heaven or hell, which in effect vibrationally alter the adept's divine will shifting material manifestations thereof, spirituality based on natural phenomena presented harmony, as shown through the yin/yang, or the constant universal dance between the yoni/lingam, the masucline will-power and feminine energy-vibration. It is the Zen adage of being like water with the flow of consciousness as being "divinely-present" to "as is" within the moment as opposed to the stone using its own egoic-monkey-brain dualist-interpreting will-power to stand its ground against the slowly corroding feels of the water. Heaven or hell, right or left, which way should the stone move to better weather the climate based on casual-relationships (karma), or do you "let go" and let the waters bring you home, back to Truth. The major religions appear to stem from Mesopotamia (Tower of Babalon), with the Abrahmic traditions merely stemming from the Semitic adoption of the Canaanite religion/culture/language, and Hinduism/Zoroastrianism (AVedic) further sharing significant commonalities with such heritages. In addition, Egyptian, then Greece, then Roman, all appear to be derivatives thereof furthermore. Esoterica in each lore hint to the astral projection practices of the shamanic priestly oriented along with energy manipulation where the adept brings forth energy-vibration through the subconscious through certain energetic channels of the body to be expelled for further manifestation as consciousness (light) interacting with vibration (energy) results in the hologram perceived by the typical human senses as physical reality (matter) (E=mc^2). Provided the subconscious is key to unity-consciousness as all is connected, information may be presentable to the shaman as well, such as the shamanic-hunter knowing the akashic-record death contracts of an animal, can place the animal's location. Nonetheless, to properly understand the Mesopotamian religion, at least from a Sakta perspective, is to reach for the Mother Goddess of the tradition, the opponent of the patriarchal demiurge. The patriarchal demiurge demonized the Mother Goddess, whose protectors were considered the demonic lineage as she became the Mother of All, including "abominations". Understanding these beings under archetypal nature, the Mother Goddess as Umma Tiamat is of intensity and therefore described as "Dragon". Umma Tiamat and her murdered husband are the essence that was manipulated by the demiurge to be the soul of humanity, the earth, and the sky, with their blood flowing through humanity, hence, blood rituals as a way to charge the environment for energy manifestation due to its vital life essence charge. To reach for this original Mother Goddess, is actually the opposite of what one would typically expect as the patriarchal demiurge has presented as the feminine model the excruciatingly pacified and veiled "Eve". Eve biting the apple, was the serpent attempting to return her back before the fall of man, to Lilith, a handmaiden of Goddess Ishtar (Babalon-Mary Magdalene; Chalice-Holy Graal). Hence, the ancients knew, and adepts throughout time have kept the mysteries alive, that humans hold within themselves, god-like (demiurge) abilities. To deny humanity its truth, its own origin, is to keep sheep flocking to herds to be further programmed under the guise of the psychological sedative faith-based hope, never realizing that each individual has within themselves their own wolf potential. It appears the demiurge was afraid of competitors in the Annunaki animal-livestock sanctuary that was the paradise of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve, as expressed biblically, were not the only people on the globe as progeny required wives, in addition to people of darker color significantly predating the latest human genetic mutation that is white colored people. With the advent of the Abrahamic twist on the Canaanite religion, Mesopotamian deities were demonized due to political/cultural reasons, a trend that continued globally through the Abrahamic traditions under the strict governance of an old Canaanite deity rehashed as new after the Semitic conquest of Israel, creating a new one and only monarch-deity. Hence, religions that seek to control "All" through one demiurge, typically conflict with the oneness of unity consciousness as taught by Qabalists as Kether and Brahmins as Brahman. It is important to note that while many religions are to view God as "formless", where archetypes, angels, etc., are simply aspects or minions thereof, certain religions place a human vessel as the actual image of deity and not as a concentration item for the adepts own divine will. The Annunaki are allegedly master geneticists, and most likely had no need to keep "wild" livestock with a potentially evolving and demiurge like potential. Hence, created in "gods image" can be taken physically, or metaphorically in holding unity-consciousness (subconscious), or both as found through the universe unfolding itself. Therefore, dualists contexts of good and evil, black and white, are left for the theologians, modern day Pharisees and Sadducees attempting to comprehend the ramblings of their ancient forefathers, who consistently judge with righteous indignation, all the while preaching "judge not lest ye be judged". Such is not the fault of the adepts, but the trappings of the interpretive monkey-mind oscillating between two conceptual ideas which has been most likely consistently ingrained within the adept since birth. Even adepts who gear towards positive affirmations will face the backlash of what is buried in the subconscious, should the affirmation vibrationally conflict with certain held beliefs as felt through "growth periods" or "dark nights of the soul". As opposed to the flow of consciousness, the adept is left in the monkey-mind, engaging the monkey-mind, but with now two (2) monkey-voices in the head going ape-shit bananas, where the silence of presence brings harmony and wisdom to the adept. To best understand the energies on opposite polar ends, is to be removed from the extreme Abrahamic interpretive stance and perspective outlooks as they have become political means of control creating hierarchical social value systems and self-righteous condemnation towards adversarial positions (def. satan), as opposed to spiritual unification, or yoking with divinity. The pyramid can either have the eye of the demiurge at the top looking down on the numerous levels of minions which may or may not have a Capitalist-Slavery Darwinian-Complexity up-leveling system under the complete governance and legal-regulatory manipulation of those who crafted the socio-economic-spiritual playing field, or it is the eye of unity-consciousness where the adept climbs thirty-three (33) steps to inner completion reaching unity (the supernal triad) before the fall of man. The two are not exactly distinct, as the adage "as within, so without", as subconscious working can be a daunting and fearful task leading adepts to "fall" down the tree of life into their own delusions and create further egoic attachments enlarging lower based (chakra) emotions which can manifest as disharmony as the adept is forced to face their issues at a more rapid rate, or a shell over the flow of consciousness known as qliphoth. As a derivative of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Greece provides us with a clue on how to interpret the polar opposite energies, black/white dragons of the yin/yang, by and through understanding the nature of the time-space (kala-kali) continuum. As the way the typical human senses engages physical reality particularly, whatever is potentially created in order to be understood must be observed in a linear fashion to make sense, or rather, chronologically. Hence, holographic manifestation molds itself in a chronological fashion to provide the divine play (lila). Nonetheless, as an aspect of time, time corrodes and degrades as everything in the world of forms (samsara) is transiently fading away. This fading away, or letting go, or transmutation of substance, is achieved through the opponent of chronological order, chaos. Chaos typically causes a change of direction, an obstacle for evolution, which is an energy typically bringing the adept to sorrow particularly if the adept is unable to interpret their growth cycles. As time moves forward, one energetic aspect forges forward via chronology as the other energetic aspect degrades what should be left behind via chaos. Nonetheless, the oscillation between the two (2) leads adepts in confusing journey's as their egoic-monkey mind continues to interpret every stage, environmental circumstance, or whatever unresolved matters that have energetically bottled-up over consciousness plaguing the adept from perceiving the pristine moment without mental-interpretative filters. Nonetheless, as argued above and further evidenced by a simple face-value glance at most religions, most would seek the energy of Chronos of chronology due to the fear of Chaos, which is the description of the Mesopotamian Mother Goddess Umma Tiamat, as she is the Chaotic waters from which all is created and all will collapse into, the void. She is the apocalyptic serpent beast, or the Leviathans of the demiurges archonic-creator gods religions, as she "reveals" the Truth regarding samsara, or an adepts own apokalpsis. She is not only the one who bore all deities, such as the Vedic Goddess Vak (Sound/Vibration), but collapses everything back into pure infinite potential, as space-time and its manifestations are an illusion (Mahamaya), which for the fallen and samsaric-attached is a delusion (maya). Therefore, the religious dance between good and evil, deity and adversary, black and white, hell and heaven, etc., is simply monkey-mind attempts to interpret the polar energies of Chronos and Chaos and how such moves about as consciousness manifests the holographic physical reality using such vibrational energies. Most religions thrive on the faults of the interpretive monkey-mind analysis and through its material desires, where such have formed heinous control institutions meant to gather flock to heavenly Chronos are forever be damned to hellish Chaos. Nonetheless, the shamans-mystics taught a different route, to be flowing like water as opposed to the degrading stone attempting to hold its egoic-will in the water. Such entails consciousness witnessing "divine time", or the "presence" of the divine-will of Kairos.
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Racial-Cultural Sensitivities:
I suffered "delusional psychosis" in 2022 where with limited capacity, I intended to look for answers, where I also attempted to assess and resolve conditioning, as the goal is Oneness. Please forgive me for any offense as I attempted to seek help. In learning about many different cultures, in both light an dark aspects, we have more in common with each other than are different. And our differences often make the world unique and beautiful. In a path of walking through cultural underworlds, I chose to heavily look at mine and the collectives shadow aspects, with again, the light of oneness at the end of the tunnel. -Love the Light, and the Dark (Occultist / Inner) (Tzimtzum) (Soul Forging)
Symbols are designed to cleanse and protect and against cursers. (Spirit Mediumship) Sample Work-Product. Author's Grimoire. (Astaroth) Kali Kaula Mason. Author's Energy Work. Author's Binding Ring. (pg. 8, Plate 1, Fig. 1) (Enlightenment) No Mind. No Free Will. Character Just Does. You Just Be. (Harvest) Gilligan's Island. Lost? A. Noah's Ark? B. Leviathan! -O Father (NOBILITY!) Lightworker. Ascent. Shekinah. Harvest