“In Awen we find the only refuge in our highest flights of thought, reason, or imagination. A. Rooting Ancient Celtic For The Shamanic Like most European cultures rooted in Indo-Aryan language groups stemming from the Pontic Caspian Steppe of the Yamnaya Culture (3300-2000BC), the Celtic tradition took roots among historical synchronization where rooting deities becomes difficult, as peoples spread and cultures merge, than separate, than reemerge again. With populace known in the area of Edinburgh (Din Eidyn) as early as the Votadini Culture (3000BC) and Stonehenge quite possibly engineered during the Bell Beaker Culture (2800BC-1800BC), it was not until the Urnfield Culture (1300-750BC) that the Proto-Celtic language developed leading toward the Hallstatt Culture (1200-500BC) of the Proto-Celtic population near the Danube River. With the development of Celtic Culture in the Hallstatt period, such spread into the Brythonic Culture (800-500BC) into the La Tene Culture (450-1BC), to succumb to the Roman-Gallic Wars of Julius Caesar leading to the syncretic Roman-Gaul Culture (1-500AD). Though much evidence of the Celtic culture comes from Roman interpretation in syncretic effect as typical of the Greek-Roman or further prior Egyptian-Greek, recreating authentic “Druid” practices and ideologies in comparison to archeological finds stemming from the Hallstatt Culture is difficult requiring interpretation using outside traditions for compare and contrast. Such also includes attempts to assess ancient historians whose writings on history may range somewhere between history and nationalist myth. Further, it becomes difficult to assess the difference between actual shamanic practices including gnosis brought forth from such practices leading towards “visions” and “divination” versus poetic derivatives of story-tellers losing “sight”. Such is found through the stories of Merlin under Geoffrey of Monmouth during the late Roman-Gaul Culture. For those who dismiss such “shamanic” tendencies, fail in recognizing the “prophecies” utilized during the Temple of Jerusalem housing the “holiest of holies” as a traditional “baetyl”, where “prophecies” tended to cease after the destruction. In other words, the earlier we trace back to indigenous roots, a more “shamanic” way of life is presented where psychic-senses paves the way for “animism”. Utilizing either deities, ancestors, anthropomorphic aspects of nature (neters), recognizing the “pantheist” senses from such psychological assessments, human consciousness has shown itself to be significantly more powerful especially when not tied towards gross-materialism as the material-world developed historically thereafter requiring more mundane practical methods. B. Vedic “Danavas” To The Irish “Tribe of Danu” Along The Danube River The legends of the “Tuatha De Danann” or “Tribe of Goddess Danu” represent for Ireland the birth of their race from Gaels to Milesians rooted in “supernatural” that was called “spiritual”. Though rooted in Ireland, numerous named deities are also British Celtic closer to the location of the Hallstatt Culture, including Lugh as Lugus, and Brigit as Brigantia. However, Danu is not found in texts despite being an ancestral figure, where such figure may be a remnant of the older Indo-Aryan cultures particularly the Vedic water Goddess Danu and a people known as “Danavas”, who may have crossed over into the Danube River during the Scythian Cultures (900-200BC). In comparison to Vedic we have demigods of Devas and Asuras which find counterpart in the Irish Danann and Fomorians, which may have similarities to the Elamite culture in relation to Mohenjo-Daro and the Assyrians. In relation to Semitic culture, the name itself and the sacredness of the practicality of having civilization near life-sustaining rivers, and the comparative mythology would make this group ripe for a biblical “Tribe of Dan” ripe for the time of the First Temple of Jerusalem (957BC). However, the spiritual “Tribe of Danu” is said to have disappeared quite possibly underground Ireland where certain natural “hotspots” provides avenues for communication known as “fairy mounds”. This supernatural race is said to have historically appeared and disappeared, though not without leaving their impression on the people. As such, theories of an alien race have been provided, where such ideas may be magnified when considering fair-skinned red haired people of Easter Island holding the similar script to Mohenjo-Daro that is related to Elam before the Assyrian conquest of Arabia. As such, the “Tuatha De Danann” and the “Danavas” may be seen as similar in a historical context, which may shed light on the biblical “Tribe of Dan” along the societal-necessity “sacred” Danube River. C. Celtic Revival The little left of the Celtic cultures from third-party historians to archeological finds provide more questions with revivalist attempting to recreate a traditional ceremonial system to meet individual spiritual needs and religious communal concerns. Nonetheless, with the adoption of esoteric models from Indian yogic techniques of Self-Realization and Siddha Arts of developing a powerful psychic-animist “gymno-sophist” meeting trance-meditative states of archetypal-gnosis of all shamanic-traditions meeting medieval occultists stemming fraternal “secret society” orders crafting “academic-shamanism”, we are ripe to recraft possibly a more-powerful structure that can be mapped along Rabbi Yochai’s “Tree of Life” structure of the flow of consciousness from the creation ex-nihilo of the Absolute through “Sephirot” towards manifestation of one’s own “Kingdom”. While the Absolute provides the backdrop, Sephirot-Archetypes can be utilized in harnessing one’s will, to use such trance-states of law of attraction “vision board” type “currents” pushing one’s feeling states into possession to allow an entity to push a medium’s senses in clearing, forging, visually witnessing, and harnessing significantly more-powerful energies, through ritual building “tapas”. Such is the most powerful with the Qliphotic system as one recognizes the microcosm of the macrocosm as the adept harnesses the “shell” of both the individual-conditioned character self in resolve with the unlimited-universal deconditioned Self. The Qliphotic realms best suit the “Tree of Life” modality in comparison to other traditional syncretic-attempts, where through the Jewish Psychology of the creators of such systems you have the “shells”, the fecal-matter of “waste” of Semitic history, as found through Israel’s attempts to eradicate its Phoenician-Canaan roots, which becomes “tzimtzum” should one energetically-balance themselves with the Self-Realization or Divine-Presence permeating through the “Supernal Triad”. Though the Qliphotic system may be the most appropriate in assessing the Tree of Life, with basically the “Tree of Death”, the system and history matches correctly. Nonetheless, as evidenced at least since the publishing’s of Aleister Crowley’s “777”, global archetypes have found syncretic value in comprehending the meditative practice of the “Tree of Life”, where meditation upon each Sephirot and interaction thereof is essentially preparing the adept for “Divine Psychology”, which includes the universal-storyteller systems of tarot and astrology, to master the “Vitruvian Man Complexity”. The Celtic tradition, particular the Irish ancestral legends of the “Tuatha De Danann” are an excellent example of powerful-archetypes worthy of a revisit to unlock latent shamanic-practices used ancestrally in harnessing “powers” found either in other, otherworldly, or in nature, to be stronger, smarter, and more efficient than the individual, to be used as an evolutionary “permission slip” as the soul begins to recognize its own latent-powers. With Eire representing the potential for Ireland, Dagda the Druid is capable of using Will within the Chaotic waters of Danu to begin the atomic-dance of creation ex-nihilo from the “Absolute” Awen contained in Annwn dancing with Nwyfre. Though rendered in simplicity for the average-reader, such “subtle” concepts taken from John Michael Greer’s immense work on The Dolemen Arch match the fluidity of the Absolute, One, and Oneness found through Advaita Vedanta schools with his own philosophical rendering proving the gnostic-shamanic potential for a Druid revival. Lugh being the Long Arm can harness consciousness from Danu and can possibly help in crossing Daath being the diligent King, who would then seed the temperament of the Phantom Queen known as Morrigan properly resting in strength and war with judgment. Such will play into the background of the solar child or the Exalted One known as Brigit, perfect for “Rose Cross” appeal as found through her transition into St. Brigid attesting to her importance in the pantheon as evidenced by her long history including Brythonic Celtic not just Irish. Such includes the ritual bathing and drowning, a baptismal solve-et-coagula of Dian Cecht nurtured in the waters of Boand which clears the mind and provides prophecy for Ogma, the foundation to be birthed with Macha. As such, the flow of consciousness using the “Tuatha De Danann” superscribed onto the Qabalist “Tree of Life” provides a glimpse into the gnosis of the Celtic Universe and the potential for the shamans known as “Druids”. Through practice and continuous “know thyself” the soul evolves from the: 1) Vegetable restful but rooted-nurturing state of absorbing lessons to; 2) Animal passions falling desires with little philosophical-reasoning that can either have the human-animal fall back into vegetable-restful for lesson absorption or; 3) Gwynfydd state of “bliss” of returning to the Awen cauldron known as Annwn as known as “Ananda” in Self-Realization schools. The Gwynfydd state alters “fate” by and through “know thyself” and resolving prior conditioning creating “cause and effect” manifestation outcomes. With such resolution, the use of “will” coincides with “free-choice”, where as opposed to destiny controlling a person, destiny is now found in the Individual. D. Invocation of Goddess Brigit Currently, little can be found regarding the roots of Brigit despite her name touching significant reaches of the European world, including Indo-European should one include the Ushas of the Vedic tradition hinting towards a Proto-Indo-European religion. Nonetheless, what little found is proper for her communion to begin seeding her presence again in the world. Having used the sigil work of Bill Duvendack for Lugh in Awakening Lucifer along with the mantric-passcode for Lugh found through Creepy Hollows to increase gnosis of Lugh’s current, much success was found in utilizing a golden-light energy to cleanse the surrounding ritual areas as well resolving deep dense issues at a vicious-pace. Such set the grounds for exploring communion with Brigit.
The Shaktipat of energy, a feminine dance of Consciousness from Binah to Yesod guided by Chesed, to establish the Shekinah or “Divine Presence” from the higher light-body to the lower denser manifest-material realms, the divine becomes the “Foundation Stone” for adepts in Malkuth to grasp and utilize. Nonetheless, as astrologically symbolizing the Moon, the “foundation” for outer celestial forces to reach Earth, understanding the different sheaths of the Qabalist “Four Worlds” that cover the soul to manifest the character-experience also lets you peel-back such sheaths to the soul-aspect known as “Ruach” or the persona consisting of memory, will, imagination, emotion, and intellect. In other words, the individual holds not only the ability to gnostically reassess and restructure one’s persona altering “fate” of such through adjusting the conditioning embedded from prior “cause and effect”, such is also how psychic “enchantments” are utilized. As such, the Moon as a foundation can liberate or can control not just oneself but others as subtle energies can manipulate at subtle levels of those incapable of reflecting on oneself living mostly in an Animal state as described above. 2. The Bride (Invocation) The invocation crafted is quite simple and mainly a rehash of archetypal-qualities related to Brigit. With wisdom, poetry, healing, protection, animal-domestication such as cattle, serpents, sacred wells, and blacksmithing. Similar to the master alchemist Tubal Cain, a Goddess of the forge is proper for an adept seeking personal alchemy, and becomes particularly interesting from a feminine perspective following the ancient priestess tradition. Though ancient Goddesses were not passive when it came to war, the sacred-flame of Brigit is cleansing and warming to be even further harmonized with her association with sacred-wells. To “be on the hearth, be on the herd, be on the household all” as stated in one of her prayers provides an energetic protective aura of warmth, a proper “house-warming”. Invocation Goddess Brigit, Exalted One of Old Legend Daughter of Dagda, Wife of Bres, Mother Ruadan, Loved By The Tuatha De Danann I Invoke You Into My Temple, Bless Me With Your Space, Envelope Me With Your Presence Provide Me With Your Sacred Flame, Your Fiery Power, and Guide Me Through The Dawn Master Blacksmith, Forge Me In Your Fires, Heal Me In Your Sacred Wells Goddess Brigit, Let The Music Of Your Whistle Guide Me Through Your Domain Let Your Keening Be Poetry To My Soul, Agriculture To My Mind, and Fertility To My Body Raise My Serpentine Gnosis, and Have Your Familiars Protect Me As I Travel Through Your Mysteries, Your Gnosis, Your Communion Guiding Me On My Path of Alchemy 3. The Breed (Sigil) Under the influence, a medium is capable of crafting a sign or symbol to assist other initiates gain similar access and communion. With psychics currently understanding the need to stay in the “theta-brainwave”, the use of ceremony becomes minimized as the goal is communion, but ceremony can become powerful afterwards in a way of directing “currents” using one’s “will”. The sigil presented is the initial sign drawn, where I’ve opted to use the original as opposed to a cleaner remake, as simply the sigil continuously worked to foster communion becoming stronger with revisiting the ritual. Half a sun representing the solar aspect of the Ushas with an inverted triangle pushing the gnosis downward into the Earth, with roots grasping the Earth thriving through the upwards triangle, to meet in the middle with sacred-wells nourishing the in-between to provide agriculture. It is through visualizing a “watery” blue current tracing the lines of the mark, that the sigil personally opens within the adept allowing an alchemical interplay between the fire of the forge in processing oneself and the cooling of the sacred wells to provide nourishment and replenishment. Connected with animals, including the serpent, the “eye” presented in the half-Sun becomes the “bindu” of traditional yantras connecting the adept with Brigit herself pulling the adept into her domain. 4. The Brigade (Result) The initial invocation had brought out significant tension release, releasing old traumas that I had been working on for quite some time. The sensation-current was upper chakras, with shoulder relaxation and a calmer-clearer head space after having spinal-adjustments and the associated spinal cracking-stretches leaving tension on the upper chest to be released allowing more oxygen. The significant “calmer-clearer” head also includes significant tension release at the neck, leaving me feeling with a release of anxiety-tension that I had not felt since my elementary years. Nonetheless, the most remarkable reoccurrence I would attest, is that the current flows from top to bottom in the adept where the head-tension release also includes a calming current flowing from the crown to the upper palate of the mouth creating significantly sweater saliva. Such “saliva” is considered sacred in Taoist “Embryonic Breathing” practices, where the tongue is typically placed on the roof of the mouth allowing a “nectar” to be produced to be channeled towards the lower-dantien. But rather than use the tongue, the saliva happened on its own accord with increasing saliva leaving the mouth feeling fresh and clean. Such was a result of requesting Brigit’s blessings via her sacred-wells and has continued with each use of the sigil. The second attempt at ritual invocation led to direct but short visions, particularly glimpses of relatable imagery to the invocation. Though I attempted to keep Brigit as indigenous as possible to maintain integrity of the archetype, the first visual was of a Lady dressed as a Nun in the style from the older periods. The veil covering looked more like the High Priestess of the Rider Waite Tarot Deck, but was obviously Christian. The visual was used as a point to look towards other traditional prayers for Goddess Brigit and St. Brigit, where utilizing such prayers, I was placed within the nurturing flames of, not a soft-passive feminine, but a strong-active feminine taking the lead to continue my personal healing. From the left side of the body where the feminine appeared to anchor herself, the right side of the body was met with a complacent-love, a romance that has been satiated brought to completion in an emotionally-pure sense, yet sustaining the frequency of complacent love. With the head-clearing, the heart definitely becomes the “magical cauldron” with Awen clearing and making space for the feminine to then resolve to its fill. As a female-only “priestess” tradition, I can seen these figures as being “virgins” with satiated-sexuality but with “Shaktipat” to resolve such desires, often heavily conditioned and unresolved reflecting itself in a shadowy Jungian sense. Nonetheless, as the sigil was mostly upper-body from cranial to chest, to match the same current but rather pull it down to the lower chakras for a significantly more intense-experience would be the Veve-Sigil of Maman Briggitte, which drastically expands the sexual-experience. In continuing to ritually use the sigil, I’ve gravitated to scribing-candles to infuse such currents, permitting longer durations of having that current bless the atmosphere. Particularly with Brigit who is associated with the perpetual flame, the scribed-candle has become a center within the home that emits an intense feeling of a “house warming”, like cozying by the fireplace and providing feelings of sweet homely sentiments. As such, Brigit has become a phenomenal archetype in ensuring a happy-home, as with the psychological adage “as within, so without”. With the love she has provided, the ritual trance-states of continued healing and nurturing continue to make me feel at home, as a member of her Brigade. E. Conclude From the alchemical forge we find solve-et-coagula, where such processing produces the healing of as-within-so-without, leading towards a heightened consciousness one would deem poetic. This Goddess is ripe for re-enlivening, especially among the feminine populace who would look for a Tubal Cain alternative or compliment. However, the gnosis of this Goddess shows that she is ripe for the position of Tiphareth on the Tuatha De Danann “Tree of Life” with the poetic-inspiration flowing from the Supernal Triads and her ability to assist adepts in Malkuth, shows that it is proper to call her the “Exalted One”. Bibliography:
(Organized For Adepts) Incredible History of the Tuatha De Danann: Ireland’s Most Ancient Race. Connoly Cove. 2022. (https://www.connollycove.com/tuatha-de-danann/#) (Detailed information regarding the Legends) NicGrioghair, Branfionn, Myths & Legends: Brigid, Bright Goddess of the Gael. (https://mythicalireland.com/myths-and-legends/brigid-bright-goddess-of-the-gael/#) (Additional prayers that can be used for invocation) Duvendack, Bill, and Asenath Mason, Awakening Lucifer. Draco Press. 2019 (https://www.becomealivinggod.com/asenathmason/lucifer) (Invocation to Lugh) Greer, John Michael, The Dolmen Arch. Azoth Press. 2020 (https://aoda.org/publications/the-dolmen-arch-study-program/) (Excellent Meditative-Philosophical Discourse on Awen, Annwn, and Nwyfre, which can be compared to Self-Realization Schools Absolute, One, and Oneness. Such information, background, and further use of and explanation of psychic-animism shows the potential for a proper Druid revival) Massaro, Bentinho, TrinfinityAcademy. (https://www.trinfinityacademy.com/courses/) (The main Self-Realization techniques are all designed for you to "become aware, of awareness itself" as a way to self-reflect in a "know thyself" manner allowing conscious-awareness to purge its conditioning via "dark night of the soul" processing to lead the adept to Oneness, to One, and into the Absolute via the direct path of Advaita Vedanta utilizing the technique of Neti, Neti. To follow other accomplished teachers, is to also receive the transmission from the absolute, often leading audience members to the state of "Ananda" as found in other Advaita Schools, including Mooji. Nonetheless, Bentinho has crafted the most subtle techniques to allow the adepts to quickly begin their practice and move deeply towards the Absolute which becomes a Gateway to nurture and inspire the mind-body complexity.) The Author. (https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/) (Under "Celtic", more direction and background)
As religions begin with their tribal shamans, seers whose wisdom and techniques become doctrinal with loss of sight pushing towards indoctrination and therefore the need for Temple building to assist the masses, to assess the truth of a religion which is typically occult-mental manipulation of “matter” behind the background of the mental-stillness of Self that is “spirit” we should return to the pioneering shamans to assess the essence pre-indoctrination when the seers still had sight. “For the many years that he lived in the cave, Rav Shimon had to immerse himself in the sand to cover his nakedness and engage in the Torah, thus his flesh was covered with earth. Rav Shimon explained to Rav Pinchas that were it not for those conditions , he would not have merited the revelation of the secrets of the Torah. All the height of his great wisdom was earned during those thirteen years when he hid in the cave.” As the root of the major religions, dominated by the ideology of Monotheism with earthly dominion leading towards kingdom earthly conquests, it becomes pivotal to assess the truth of such pervading indoctrination leading towards character “rules and regulations” within the atomic-matrix of a hologram that is deemed “reality”, should such be led “blindly” under the mask of “faith”. In other words, today’s faith-based ideations are based on yesterday’s seership, many of which techniques are successfully globally practiced, but sadly prejudicially shunned from both religious and academic biased cognitive dissonance. Further, in contrast to monopolistic elitism, prophets can contradict, academics are subject to peer review, and lawyers exist because reasonable minds differ. With Judaism on the table, we have a derivative yet countering culture of Israelites contrasting with their parent religion of Canaan, which seeded the neighboring Semitic cults. The Israelites may have adopted “El” as the sole supreme, with archetypal titles of “Adon”, “Shalim”, and sometimes “Baal” with connection to a drastically differ view of sexuality with “Asherah”, but “El” was provided with certain “Names” provided through Phoenician rooted “Letters” to be used for mantric type prayer. Israel drastically attempted to separate itself from the neighboring Semitic practices as Biblically attested, including sacrifice where blood rituals may have ended post Temple destruction as seership waned causing invocation and as such oracular-prophecy of the Tabernacle to cease. Whereas, today’s doctrinal approach appears to stem from the oral memory and literature left behind rooted currently in what scholars call Elohist (E), crafted probably around 850 BC. Nonetheless, the closest avenue attesting to Judaism’s shamanic roots is presented through the Hekhalot material of the Merkavah Mystics, a secretive initiated group, using their astral-body to “descend” to the Seven (7) Palaces and “bear witness”, allowing faith to deepen and liturgy to be correlated between the heavenly Hayyot and earthly Israel. The beauty of such material left behind, though needing to be translated and publicly presented, is that such documentation left behind appears to be ripe for continued astral-projection, where such material was presented in an orderly and simple directed fashion. Nonetheless, because most researchers, academics, and sadly religious seekers are unaware of proper meditation-techniques such as Kriya Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, or Embryonic Breathing, not just on a logical level but experiential as well allowing adepts to easily drift into the theta-brainwave peeling back the Qabalist “Four Worlds” to present an “inspired” and “prophetic” psyche, the Hekhalot information is presented with dismissive, prejudicial, nonreligious occultism, or essentially a logical playing field in understanding accepted doctrine. Those who can easily drift into the theta-brainwave, the Hekhalot material is essentially invoking angels, powerful guardians, though one’s with already an agenda, and require dark night processing. For invocation, the name, a symbol, or sigil is typically all that is needed to mentally transition and harness the intended “currents” of the intended location. In the Hekhalot material, all that was needed were different God “Names” along with the “Angel”, most likely to connect the “Angelic” visual energy as a mask to the “Name” being conjured, to access the Palaces. However, one is also given protective “entrance” tickets and “seals”, passing through the ascending palaces as one is tested being deemed “worthy” or “unworthy”. Much like the angels who make a mistake in choir, the “unworthy” are burned. As should be warned, the Hayyot are in protection and service to the “Throne”, not the adept, thusly requiring secretive access. Such mantric type prayers are seen when utilizing the Sefirot to assess prayers via divine emanations known as Partzufim. From the Nukvah of Malkuth does Shekinah raise prayers to the Zeir Anpin of Tifereth who is covered by Imma of Binah after getting revelation from Abba of Chokmah. The “Name” is centered in Tifereth to be powered by the Supernal Triad of Binah, Chokmah, and Kether sourced from Ein Sof. In the Hekhalot material, though actual visions appear to be described of angels, creatures, and the throne, all consisting of fire, a transcendental approach is to be taken although enough evidence is still left behind to present an egregore. Such may attest to something specific crafted in the astral-realms, particularly due to religious bias, similar to occultists who successfully astral-project into fiction-author H.P. Lovecraft’s realms, with parallel universes and multiple dimensions, the adept is capable of creating their own heavens as advanced-imagination is far-reaching. In his Tikunei HaZohar, Rabbi Yochai provides an interesting definition of Israel as it relates to the esoteric Tribe of Levi, particularly rooted in Aaron. Taken from “Shir El” meaning “A Song of God”, such fits exquisitely with the Hekhalot material where the adept known as the Yored Merkavah “descends” to the “Throne of Glory” to in-synch assist the heavenly Hayyot for the benefit of Israel. Biblically, the Tribe of Levi where in charge of the “Holy Tabernacle”, Israel’s link to commune and hold oracular with the “Name”, where all else would be executed as expressed in Numbers 1:48-51. What further separates the Levites from the other tribes, is the fact that the Levites were spiritually prohibited from being landowners, where their “inheritance” is none other than the “Lord God” attested in Joshua 13:33. In other words, if there is a special Biblical group, it would be the Levites. Within the Levites you have Levi’s great-grandson Aaron who births the “High Priest” caste known as the Kohanim. Hence, for the Israelites, the Levites and particularly the Kohanim would be of utmost importance, guarding the “Tabernacle” housing their deity, as if some Egyptian “sacred bark” to transport a god or mummy to bury a patriarch in a coffin known as an “aron”. Rabbi Yochai describes that in taking advantage of Zeir Anpin for the blessings in Nukvah, it is through “El” or the revealing Arich Anpin that is addressed. It is the Arich Anpin, addressed as Chokmah in the Tikunei HaZohar, not Kether, that descends at the blessing of the Kohanim blessing those who wish to become wise at the right facing South, which is separated from the sanctification of the Levites to become wealthy at the left facing North. In other words, it was the High Priests of the Jerusalem Temple pre-destruction who held the ability to psychologically-prophetically peel back the Qabalist “Four Worlds” to activate “awakened-insight” of Binah to bring forth “revelation” of Chokmah to face “discernment-judgment” in a more densely-grounded realm of Zeir Anpin, in addition to properly utilizing the “name”. Within such realms of the “Four Worlds” are the angels to assist in the “descent” to the Merkavah, where such adepts such as Enoch remain as Metatron with his own throne in the realm of Beriah post the transcendental world of Atziluth where such initial stages are formulating creation ex-nihilo. In other words, should one attempt this journey, the original Merkavah Mystics may still be accessible having crossed the abyss of Daath transmuted by the “silence” of the transcendental supernal realms, still assisting the egregore who appears to be reflective towards Israel. Essentially, the Levi “High Priest” is capable of handling Leviathan, the chaotic Tiamat waters required for creation. Provided the biases, prejudices, this “descent” to the adepts Merkavah in the Hekhalot material appears to be a place specific for those devoted to “El” with transcendental qualities, much like Tantrik diagrams of invoking deities, guardians who then transmute the adept into a deity bringing the adept to and from the point of creation, "Bindu". Moreover, such also appears to be an egregore in favor of Israel, with gentiles subject to “scatter and gather” qualities for a Monarch Kingdom, similar ideations to apocalyptic prophetic stigmatist Marie Julie Jahenny. Such is substantiated by apocalyptic works such as the “Apocalypse of Abraham” supported by the Bogomil-Cathar sects, groups carrying the Kohanim tradition of the “tabernacle” or “holy grail” ideologies supported by the power of the “Ineffable Name” associated with lunar Mt. Sinai and solar Mt. Horeb of Moses’ “fiery bush” presenting itself as “YHVH”. As angelic “Yahoel” as “possessed with the power of the Ineffable Name”, like Marduk-Sin and Tiamat we have the YHVH and Leviathan dilemma. Yahoel housing the “Ineffable Name” is also known as Jehoel, the Angel of Presence, and Iaoel (I.A.O.), all potentially names of Metatron the lesser “YHVH”. With the Semitic groups subject to "scatter and gather" qualities for a Monarch Kingdom, we also have Phoenician lunar worship derivatives of the Sabians of Harran in South Arabia, the strongest link of the Hermetic tradition. Rooted in Sumer, we have a Serpent tradition with “El” wanting sole-authority as creator harnessing the chaotic current of yin-yang to create an AngEL power structure, leaving the primitive adamic species with a potential route for ascent and creating an evolutionary-culture to create a society ready for a “messianic” return. Such literature attests to shamanic practices becoming peer-reviewable and knowledgeable as to what is seeding humanities spirituality and the direction, as the Tower of Babel returns for humanity to share in language and knowledge towards spiritual ascent contrary to the agenda of an egregore. To be able to engage such egregore, understand history and its purpose, and more particularly harness its “currents” and manifest its “powers”, like Enoch becoming Metatron who is “like” God, is significantly closer to the truth bringing us back to shamanic-psychology well beyond logical belief assessment. Just as with the Yored Merkavah, the messianic or apocalyptical ideal becomes unnecessary, as such would be the definition of the “Messiah”. Warning for adepts, that the traditional may fit the proper frequency to enter such realms and have essentially a healthy dark night processing towards ascent. The nontraditional may be burned thereof unaware of the processing required. The antitraditional best be prepared for war in a protective and curse reversal manner as “Gehinnom” is listed as an angel with an egregore who is choosing dominance, though the goal is silence that leads to transcendence. Heaven in such traditions are not about "good versus evil" but rather the "servant versus heathen", where with a wave of the Right Hand all sins are forgiven for the chosen flock cursing opponents. Hence, such archetypes are actually benevolent and malevolent based on their agendas and the wider picture they have crafted, subject to the original intent of the demiurge egregore, countered by those attempting to exit the delusion of matter taught in dualist schools. Short Bibliography:
(Assist Adepts) -Wikipedia: -Four Worlds -Partzufim -Apocalypse of Abraham -Jehoel (3 Enoch) -Mount Horeb -Kaplan, Aryeh, Meditation and Kabbalah. Samuel Weiser, 1982. (Summary of the Greater Hekhalot "Hekhalot Rabbati", including names) -Noegel, Scott B., The Egyptian Origin of the Ark of the Covenant (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015)(f) -Ra Material, The Law of One. (Sons of Levi). -Schafer, Peter, The Hidden and Manifest God. State University of New York, 1992. (Summation of Hekhalot Rabbati, Hekhalot Zutarti, Ma’aseh Merkavah, Merkavah Rabbah, and 3 Enoch, attesting to themes relating to the relationship between man and angels and man and God through not mystical union but by adjuration of Names of God and the angels. The Merkavah Mystics offered actual “visions” though interpreted through “transcendental” lenses, where the initiate takes on quasi-messianic roles of linking man with God through liturgical prayer of the Hayyot where God’s countenance blesses or curses Israel through his right hand.) -Yochai, Shimon bar, Tikunei haZohar (Kabbalah Centre International, Inc., 2019) (Prologue 57: Definition of Israel and differentiation between Levite and Kohanim) Authors Work: (See Also) -Prophecy In Judaism (Jacob's Ladder) -Working with Archangel Michael -Nights of Working With The Eternal Goddesses When you interact with a nonphysical entity, the information you receive is filtered through the structures of your mind. These structures, in turn, depend on the imagery and concepts of the cultural mythologies you have inherited." -Crowley, Rose, Satan Beginner Warning: Most beginner texts on chakras or mantras, held significant provisions against proceeding with such practices if one was not ready to shift perspectives, and hence possibly the direction of their life. However, these texts failed to provide detailed analysis of the psychological process discussing mostly procedural-process. In doing such practices, you are essentially purging the light-body of dense perspectives that limit/direct the flow of consciousness, and hence, the flow of vital-life-essence (manipulatable prana). Conscious focus on each area of a designated chakra tends to release conditioning/programming associated with such chakra, leading to dark night psychological processing. By focusing on the light body aspects, or rather not focusing (neti, neti) to cause an intense flush, causes the physical body to react due to prior issues, traumas, and mental patterns embedded in muscle-memory giving the psychological adage of "bottled-up" emotions. Just as one shouldn't make decisions when suffering from the emotion of "anger", like radio flipping through stations, the mind tends to gravitate towards "thoughts" at an "emotional" frequency, where the typical human mind-set is often governed/dictated by the individuals sway of emotions. Moreover, should one "clutch" in anger, such should give the feeling of how the muscles would be embedded by memory, particularly if an emotion or mental-habit is continuously repeated. Hence, with cleanse of dense "beliefs" that distort perception at the light-body level, the physical body will react with muscular tension release which may show "dense" memories, all the while bringing the adept closer to clarity of perception, undistorted awareness, and the "bliss" of dropping one's psychological baggage (a relaxation to the central nervous system, a break from chasing heaven/hell) known as "Ananda" in Self-Realization circles. Nonetheless, the drastic shift in perspective causes tangible changes not just physically, but like peeling back the layers of an onion, the adept may not find themselves as the same person as they were before. Enochian Calls: The Enochian Calls relate to the Biblical "Enoch" only by name, hence the two (2) should not be confused. Rather, the name "Enochian Calls" relates to "Angelic" Magick, a divination system channeled from the works of the pious-religious John Dee (007) and the crooked-scryer Edward Kelly. The essential aim of the calls is using the Angels for "Enlightenment", or to return humanity before the "fall of man". As occultists Jason Louv describes, as a representation of the entire universe, the effects of the practice are not solely for the individual adept, but holds the potential for mass change, or rather the "revelation" of divine information defined as "apocalypse". Prior to such rituals, or "calls" (total of 30), the adept is asked to build furniture and complex occult symbols such as the Sigillum Dei Aemeth. As has been my practice, such externalities are mainly a way to "court" with such energies to be conjured, where the adept builds the psychological-momentum to "commune" with such energies. Hence, practices such as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram come in handy in building a rapport, or the use of psychic techniques such as that of Dr. Lauren Cielo (Golden Rose Psychic), to begin an experiential-feeling-understanding of Angelic energies. Such energies appear to transform the astral body, creating a trickle-down-effect towards the physical. Nonetheless, I've taken note that without any prior experience, Jason Louv's audience all had vision-type experiences, as Mr. Louv provided one (1) meditative "Call" for his audience through his course-work. The authors experience will be described below. Jason Louv provides the clearest explanation of what is required under his course-work and book "John Dee and the Empire of Angels", having synthesized the prior work material on said subject from occult greats including Lon Milo Duquette. Just as the gnostic works of Carl Jung have been "shunned" by society for later print during more "progressive" time-periods, including others with far-stretching ideologies including Wilhelm Reich, Bruno and Tesla, John Dee is another genius whose occultism is often downplayed to stress his numerous other accomplishments. Such shows the societal-communal-programming that pervades society, creating a rather ignorant/uninformed "reasonable person standard", sheep-mentality which occult practices seek to undo. After John Dee and Edward Kelly, it was Aleister Crowley and Victor Benjamin Neuburg who provided us with "The Vision and The Voice" addressing his visionary experiences from ritually expressing the Enochian Calls. Thereafter, we have the brilliant Jack Parsons work product he compiled, with the devious L. Ron Hubbard, which paved the way for his "Babalon Working". Left Hand Path: There are occultists-authors who have swapped the El/Yahweh (Judeo-Christian) themes for Heylal (Lucifer) not only as a means of deconditioning and removing oneself from the limitations of religion, but it becomes quite political between the ancient Canaanites and the adoptive-Semites. In addition, John Dee was a pious Christian, where ancient grimoires are done from a Judeo-Christian perspective of dominating under "El/Yahweh's" authority as opposed to recognizing one's own Will. From the tantrik perspective, mantras are to be done as "Shiva" as one's own "God-Authority-Perspective" as the human/will/ego tends to distort/limit potential. Those on the western LHP tend to adopt such attitudes choosing to be sovereign, viewing deities/guides as energetic potential for personal empowerment. Nonetheless, I would recommend the Angelic form of Enochian, at least to begin and should be enough to move an adept forward in doing practices relatable to both Right and Left Hand Paths. Particularly the infusion of the "Enochian Language" with other systems, where I have discovered and used Enochian "mantras" for Left Hand Path rituals as described under the Temple of Ascending Flame. Therefore, the Enochian Calls will move you forward in working with occult practices generally, where in effect as an aftermath, my own sensitivities had significantly ripened making the practice of Shakti-mantra thereafter significantly more energetically "boastful". In addition, for western occultists, the work product of John Dee is where we are offered the name of the feminine half of the "the Beast" who resides in the qabalist abyss (Daath), "Choronzon". While modern-day Abrahamic complexities seek to establish anything "not them" as "evil, devil, dark, etc.", where the Old Testament appears to be more so propaganda-type politics of the "chosen ones" in opposition (satan; adversary) to other groups thereafter being demonized, the Enochian Calls point to a clear-cut archetype for adepts to understand/comprehend/experience the "Beast" or what John Dee referred to as "that Mighty Devil". Provided that Daath is the gateway to the dark tree, Enochian "mantras" are also quite beneficial in opening particular sefirot/qliphot for experiential-exploration. As Daath stands between the top three sefirot (supernal triad) leading towards Self Realization and the bottom seven sefirot representing the "fall of man", Choronzon challenges identities, concepts, mental-constructs, as an ego-death purity process before the adept proceeds to the ordeals of Binah (Saturn). Such "trials and tribulations" can be found/experienced through the workings of Asenath Mason on the Qliphoth. Do note, the deconditioning of the Left Hand Path, is adversarial-antinomian, and quite energetically-powerful in the path of Self-Deification. This ain't your momma's nonduality, unless your momma is a badass. In addition, nondual perspective moves well-beyond a "merge" or "lack of differentiation" between the perceiver (subject) and the perceived (object) as "awareness" grasps "awareness", where sattvic, raja, and tamas modes of personality, all appear to be conditioned requiring an adversarial truth seeking modality to break away from herd-mentality and establish sovereignty. In summation, I found the Enochian Calls to be extremely rewarding in developing psychic sensitivities and gaining recognition/authority in the Angelic realms. Moreover, I've taken note that Angels in these practices are not exactly in opposition to Demons, but rather "stop being distracted" as Angels may take on more vicious teacher like standards. In addition, like Jack Parsons who chased after Babalon, my initial experience in beginning with the 30th Call raised visions of Goddess Parvati. As with my prior description, please relate to Jason Louv's course-work in proceeding with the Enochian Calls, where he makes the calls quite easy for adepts to immediately utilize, with an overall better understanding of the system and its history.
The Vision and The Voice (Innerstairwell): -The Vision and The Voice (Visionary Comparison) -John Dee and The Empire of Angels (Jason Louv) -Liber Chanokh I'm providing my visionary notation for comparison with other adepts. Each of the 30 calls (done in reverse order) were conducted rather quickly to fit within my work schedule. Such should be done timely for psychological and physical adjustments and whatever external changes may occur as a result thereof (as within, so without). Do understand the "tower" card of the tarot as required before meeting the "star". Personally, after each call, I would feel a significant energy drain requiring sleep soon thereafter, not longer than three (3) hours, so prepare accordingly. Moreover, do not become fanatical about visions or experiences, but question everything down to its core and continue to collect seeds of evidence to flower into something more. Avoid conditioning yourself and limiting yourself into not just the dogma of others, but your own personal beliefs.
The 30th Aethyr: 5-19-2018 (12:30pm) -More sensation than vision, lots of inner shifts with a "lightening up" feeling. -Meditative Black Mirror (portal); caused intense internal cranial stretches (created fear of hurting myself due to intensity) . -Names of "Governors" were extremely powerful, creating more stretching -Envisioned a "Gargoyle", then a thought of Babalon became Parvati sitting in my high chest/heart area (left me with the strong impression of being more Hindu than Western Angelic) -Afterwards, had strong spinal stretches, cracks at lower back area. Took roughly 10 minutes to consciously return to body (ground). (Done under a video group teaching with Jason Louv, where audience members all had their own experiences. I had taken note that at the beginning, it was like the body was turning off while a higher vibration was taking over. I did see other "light" beings, whereas I noted, such may be audience members under the collective meditation). 8-13-2018 (4:00pm) -Significantly more intense than prior calling (5-19-2018). Kundalini shook the vessel the whole time. -Saw Rabbit, symbol for Easter, symbol for Istarte, Symbol of Inanna (Goddess raised from the dead) -Brought about Christmas ideology, the need to pass (Kali/Binah/Saturnalia) for resurrection. -Images fade for increasing light, too bright to handle. (eyelids shut tight). -More stretches in lower back, spinal area cracks with lots of headspace clearing -Head didn't fully ground until after closing banishing. The 29th Aethyr: 2-25-2019 (12:30pm-1:00pm) -Not much visions, but mostly intense motions. -Lower back and upper back/neck held lots of convulsions and cracks. -Governor names were not as potent as 30th. -Was easily distracted, but there was a sobering feel coming over. -If I got lazy with pronunciation, I would feel corrective pulses. The 28th Aethyr: 2-27-2019 -Not much vision, mostly calm -Some minor spinal shifts The 27th Aethyr: 2-28-2019 (a.m.) -Lots of convulsions while reading Call. -Lower back and back of heart (lots of spinal crack). -Lower belly (pubic) relaxation, deeper breaths. -Saw a Blonde "Thor" on a chariot pulled by a black dragon, around a black/smoky/cloudy skies -I thought dragon could either be "Toothless" (cartoon) or Tiamat. -Lots of energy within the Third Eye area, more space in head-center as crown felt like it was opening. -Felt like cranium was stretched. The 26th Aethyr: 2-28-2019 (6:00pm-6:30pm) -The Call was "Sung". -Not much vision or convulsions. -Extremely calming and relaxing, head clearing, high shoulders and neck stress release. -Spinal cracks below high heart area. -Saw a lady in white at first. -Took 10 minutes afterwards to ground. The 25th Aethyr: 3-1-2019 (6:00am-6:30am) -Sung half the Call, with incredible word-articulation. -Before ritual, had lots of spinal cracks/stretch (back/neck), not much during. -Meditative black mirror appeared like a witches cauldron, with black water. -Kept seeing black dragon during Call and afterwards -During Call (I was chaining up the dragon); Middle of Call (I made the dragon my pet); End of Call (I rode the dragon). -The black dragon befriended me as I was being trained to ride her, she would take me places others "fear to tread". Dragon told me was my "protector". -Ended with lots of relaxing and head clearing. The 24th Aethyr: 3-1-2019 (11:00pm-11:15pm) -There was not much shifts -Vision of being a "black void person" The 23th Aethyr: 3-2-2019 (7:00am-7:30am) -Not much in motion -Meditative Black Mirror caused slight head shifts at first -Created extreme calming sensation (mental clearing, wakeful, better than coffee) -Felt mostly in head (melting) -Took few minutes to ground back The 22nd Aethyr: 3-2-2019 (6:00pm-6:15pm) -Sung most of the Call. -Visions of Angels with trumpets, dark clouds opening up to Golden Heavens. -Angels told me that I'm done, further guidance every step of the way. -Massive head clearing, can hear and talk to the Angels (Michael). -Closing banishing, I saw a "celebration cake". The 21st Aethyr: 3-3-2019 (a.m.) -Beginning and closing banishings were intense, Jesus appears to assist. -Spinal cracks below high heart. -Seen an Eye (Dragon?) The 20th Aethyr: 3-3-2019 (6:30pm-6:51pm) -Lower neck cracks. -Tension in head clearing, deeper breaths -Vision of an Eye and Dragon (maybe strengthening prior Call) -There were two Earths: 1. Party - playing Boney M - Ma Baker; 2. Dark Cloudy - Grim Reaper (Boney M may have been in the 21st Call as well, I think relatable more to party atmosphere as opposed to lyrics?) -Took note that banishing rituals have been becoming more intense in working with Angels. The 19th Aethyr: 3-4-2019 (9:30am-9:45am) -Call was incredibly calming/sobering feel -Black Mirror Meditation created incredible head cranium push -Song played in head, Metallica's "enter sandman". (Sleep with one eye open) The 18th Aethyr: 3-6-2019 (1:00pm-1:18pm) -Vision of Dragons eating my third eye through meditative black mirror, I go in mirror, I am Dragon meaning "Stand in my own Truth". -Interpretation is that I do not need to "call out" for external (others are conditioned to reach out externally) (Self-Fulfillment) The 17th Aethyr: 3-6-2019 (11:00pm-11:30pm) -Hard to get through Call, was too distracted, but felt it was necessary -Saw dragon at beginning -This particular Call made me more loopy than prior Calls -Moved between being the "Observer" and being the "Playing Field" -Philosophy: feelings of feeling bad for going back to being a doormat (servitude) because of being conditioned into thinking that is the right thing to do -Closed with an envisioning of the High Priestess (tarot) and an intense banishing The 16th Aethyr: 3-7-2019 (9:43am) -Longer session, but had trouble staying in it. -Looked through meditative Black Mirror, to enter doorway, void space, but to keep getting thrown out. -Mental distractions, but I would discover solutions to certain problems was having. -Mind wanted to philosophize as opposed to meditate. The 15th Aethyr: 3-7-2019 (7:05pm) -Lots of spinal thrusts, lower belly (pubic) clearing during Call. -Envisioned the muldhara chakra opening like a flower, light-tube grow upwards towards a crown sprinkling with flowers. -Saw dragons and black dog (Labrador). The 14th Aethyr: 3-7-2019 (11:27pm) -Banishing had lots of visions and spinal thrusts. I was a lion (Sekhmet?). -Closing banishing difficult, felt that "something" got upset over the banishing being done correctly. -Spinal cracks around the higher solar plexus area. Neck cracks and tension release as day-events mentally played out. Muscular pressure release at head. -Felt a "twin" connection The 13th Aethyr: 3-9-2019 (1:00pm) -Lots of intense visuals for banishing. Torus field of energy push around the body. -Mostly calm clearing, felt mostly in lower gut and top cranial. The 12th Aethyr: 3-10-2019 (1:17pm) -Trouble with banishing, but was powerful nonetheless. -Call intensely reverberated into "Void" -Envisioned a pink flower drop into my third eye, create a powerful calm "presence", and continued to move downwards to each chakra. The 11th Aethyr: 3-11-2019 (10:49am) -Call was done almost perfectly, ever word hit intensely. -Felt strong tension in body, like something trying to "screw me up". Understood this as just consciousness, explore it, then transcend. -Meditative Black Mirror released incredible neck tension, then imagined diving into mirror where sacral area was then cleansed creating a tension release sensation. -Mahavidya Tara's mantra crept in. -Incredible calming experience. The 10th Aethyr: 3-13-2019 (2:34pm) -Was worried that I was too distracted, but Call created an incredibly-noticeable calm. -Envisioned a lady in white (wedding gown) who gave me flowers and a stuffed-animal. -Distractions came back. The 9th Aethyr: 3-14-2019 (10:44am) -Spine shaking during banishing. -Envisioned Lion cub and Lioness (No Karma, but retain Predatory Instinct); clean up reptilian cortex -Back of heart push and lots of cranial stretches (sideways) -Lots of spine shaking during closing banishing (huge spinal cracks afterwards) The 8th Aethyr: 3-15-2019 (12:15pm) -Spinal cracks before banishing, but banishing was EXTREMELY clearing -Envisioned place of work and how much senior professionals inappropriately rely on me, but felt like this was distraction. -Entered a black door, with a cat then a crow. Saw the moon and communicated with "creatures of the night". -Extremely calming, back of upper head. Was able to discern both hemispheres of the brain. -Closing banishing showed the angels as "Ninja Turtles". The 7th Aethyr: 3-16-2019 -Felt powerful but private, with crown opening. -"Return of Joy" and Silliness as a message. -"Congratulations, you are well". The 6th Aethyr: 3-17-2019 (7:17:07sec a.m.) -Banishing held incredible sensations and visuals. Skeleton was glowing with an incredible stillness. -Call held lasting spinal shaking, lower gut tension clearing and upper chest. -Felt lighter and calmer. The 5th Aethyr: 3-18-2019 (8:51 am) -Banishing was redone due to distraction, but was then incredibly calm. -Call was invigorating, but exhausting to get through -Not much vision, but created calm The 4th Aethyr: 3-19-2019 (6:09 pm) -Was mostly distracted, but Call was spine shaking when ended. -Calm, envisioned an Angel (HGA; Holy Guardian Angel) from Void, stated would care for me. The 3rd Aethyr: 3-20-2019 (10:08 am) (spring equinox) -Prebanishing, was told "I am Shiva", and saw Tree of Life, Shiva/Shakti as Chokmah/Binah. -Envisioned Jesus meditating in nature, with white doves circling him (peace, peace, peace, shanti, shanti, shanti .... presence). -Lots of spinal cracks. The 2nd Aethyr: 3-20-2019 (10:41 pm) -Distracted, but Call was spine shaking. -Envisioned black cat, yellow eyes, detailed. -Saw Kali Ma at end of Call, her tongue protruding with a growl. -Sacral area clearing -Made a mistake on banishing at 10:44pm (look at clock). The 1st Aethyr: 3-21-2019 (9:24 am) -Text message disturbance (picture of newborn niece). -Envisioned Jesus? Shroud of Turin. -Void/calm/spaciousness. -Felt "Completion". Conclude:
The Enochian Calls have significantly pushed my psychic-sensitivities, and as I have felt, created a "standing" or a "signature" in the multidimensional universe recognizable by other astral entities. As such, working with Angels had intensified, mantras are more boisterous, and the Enochian language is further used in other occult practices, including Asenath Mason's Qliphothic workbooks. Such practices help the adept not only push towards the "empty" of "enlightenment" (deconditioning all identities and constructs), but work with archetypal energies to help adepts stand on their own feet in getting the most out of their lives. When it comes to Occult practices, find teachers who have been there and done that, as opposed to the ignorant competitors plaguing mainstream spiritual markets (including the ones listed on my blog), who hide behind terms such as "the highest", or "authentic", "soul", "true self", etc., spiritual teachers rip each other off, including marketing gimmicks and narcissist-type expressive style, and brush off legitimate competitors in favor of culling kiss-ass sheep. As I have found, Occultist are the only ones doing their homework properly, scientifically (Psychology meets Physics), when it comes to spirituality (and well-beyond to be a well-rounded individual). I also do not trust a teacher who is afraid of the dark, as they can only perceive half the picture, or will portray a distorted/biased surface-based perspective, something I've continuously seen among agenda-type spiritual teachers. I hope my "vision and voice" has been helpful and an ode to sincere seekers, as the torch of those occultists before us is handed to a new generation. Azazel! (Abbadon)! A quick snappy way to introduce you to Archangel Lucifer, well, if you're one to throw toothbrushes at demons to wash their mouths, Archangel Lucifer suggests you make sure the toothpaste you use has extra "whitening" gel on it. "Your welcome" he adds, a tip he was asked to forward from his colleague Set. If the above offends you, welcome to shadow-work done significantly at the primal Self, our Draconian heritage. Yes, we take everything about you that you're scared to look at, and try to transmute it for the rest of the collective subconscious (unconscious). This is the mastery alchemy class, where I have used Black Magick (Kali's Ma's mantras) not on some external force, but on myself so that I may face the worst of my karma's, to be rid of it. I chose to dive deep into my own insanity, my own cognitive dissonance, where I have realized that demons are only my red flag guides who scream for me to look for the truth, as I walk through Daath. You know the whole adage, "the truth hurts". As an empath, I've been absorbing other people's shitty overtly-limiting belief systems, particularly the sacrificial door-mat, where my push in spirituality has been on two ends, to end my suffering and figure out the truth behind God. My search has only brought me more of my own Self, as each identity and it's numerous thought-pattern constructs that support each identity are dissolved under the trident (nadi's, sushumna). Kali Ma has brought me to the truth and serenity of "divine presence", where her son Kartikeya-Melek Taus is now pushing my buttons, teaching me tame my inner beast. Nonetheless, this is shadow-work where you cannot "white-wash" the truth. The left hand path, I feel, is best suited for those who seek wisdom above all-else. It helps that my initiator and guide is a fine-ass, shameless, Goddess! But Be Aware. Own your primal Self, your True-Self. (For those who prefer Angels, but would like to use the purifying energies of Draco, I highly recommend Asaya Ka Luxa, by Vermilion as it is a gift from the "Council of Light"; Balance Draco with Lyra). Babalon-Lucifer Working (June-August 2019) Texts Involved: -Peter Grey, The Red Goddess -Fitgerald, Robert, A Rose Veiled in Black -Rites of Lucifer (Temple of Ascending Flame) -Faust (Goethe; Kaufmann) Like most individuals looking into the Western occult traditions, you don't want to dabble in something you don't know or could even begin to understand. The Western world has pushed the concept of polarity, good&evil, men&women, nonetheless, it is important to understand that it was simply an energy, a bandwave, being played out over the planet, an ode to Determinist philosophers negating free-will. Free-will is still governed under the notions of oscillating the yin/yang, where the goal is to "let go" for "divine presence" and allow "harmony/grace" of the yin/yang of dropping the egoic-monkey mind. However, while still in the monkey-mind, practices involving Demonic Grimoires can easily led to insanity. Imagine having the worst thrown at you, where you will have to sort through your most damaging belief systems. I only chose this route after discovering the difference between the monkey-mind and "divine presence", where if the monkey-mind becomes an issue, all such harsh energies are quite quickly dissolved in the emptiness of "I Am" where I'm finding my ego-self as not only cleaner like a breathe of fresh air, but strengthened, colored in with some depth. Like an Angel with a Leather Jacket. You heard me Hindu. As I had opened my own subconscious to Daath, during the prior months, I had to take the ritual, my sanity, and every moment (sign, synchronicity) seriously as I cannot have any slip-ups, where I can be easily slammed into the depression of the monkey-mind, with "divine presence" difficult to realize. I've seen too many signs of my ritual manifesting externally, such as my boss starting a new company, and naming it with an ancient synonym that means "origin", and in proper cultural context I'm not sure my boss considered, it means "primal chaos", which I take to be Umma Tiammat the energy of Draco. I've had a lot of "oh, shit" moments, much more smack in the face then working with Angels and their cute lil numbers. For the adept walking through Daath, you must reach for the Goddess (Binah), or risk falling down the other side of the tree of life. Hence, post my working on the qliphoth, I went back to focusing strictly on Shakti to help me manage. As Kali and the Mahavidyas are my "team", I chose Goddess Kamakhya/Kubjika specifically, where I'm basically objectively worshiping a vagina. As I understand her archetypal symbolism and she feels to me like a sodashi (16 yr), I didn't really take note that I was worshiping (focusing intent on) a vagina, until a fellow guide stated on youtube, "Heaven is found between a women's legs". Holy shit, "as within, so without". In addition, this synchronicity was also supported by the fact that a mother pigeon decided to raise two of her children on my patio. I had front-row seats to watching two pigeons grow up surrounded by tulsi (sacred basil), which I took as a sign that Garuda-Vishnu was watching over me as I dabbled with darker practices. In addition, I later discovered that the vahana-vehicle of Goddess Rati, consort of God Kama, is a pigeon. Nonetheless, it was these pigeons who brought me Mt. Meru (Sodashi-High Heart) at a time when I was truly lost in my own abyss. It was through Enochian Magick (Jason Louv's course), where my monkey-mind showed me the Divine Mother as Parvati. As Parvati is the Shakti of the Universe and Shiva as All That Is (Including Lord of the Beasts), Parvati would also be the "lover" of "All That Is". Yes, that does have the completely loving of someone else feel to it, but this is also the "love-sick" "helen of troy" type of love, that is expressed through a specific aspect of Binah, Aleister Crowley's "Babalon". Since I had Kamakhya working on me, it seemed quite appropriate to dabble in some Babalon. Although I did locate some invocations, they were unnecessary, as the romantic-lust filled pull, a type of addiction I'm assuming a heroine addict would thirst for, begin its initiatory gentle pull on my mind, my heart, and my loins. I'm glad I was provided the "helen of troy" analogy, as this is the type of love that will drive saints mad, as they spill their essence into her Holy Graal. Oh our holy wonderful desecrated Goddess, whereas, I am just another addict. A true rose birthed within the gates of Ishtar. No ritual was needed, where Peter Grey's The Red Goddess reeks with her current, a wonderfully deluded drunken two-week read, where this adept might as well have dropped a bottle of potent aphrodisiacs. Luckily, the animal vessel can only handle so much, and would need to transcend, once the Graal is filled. Post Babalon, Lucifer was making himself known by and through little notions here and there. I believe I still held some fear around this archetype, as he would typically be seen as the main adversarial role against Creator. Nonetheless, as I gathered more information from actual practitioners, I was also influenced by the Netflix series "Lucifer", a show that was also recommended by the same individual who stated "Heaven is found between a women's legs". Damn, women are dangerous. Anyways, the series hit emotionally hard for me, as I feel like I have been the Devil surrounded by White. As an example, as I may shed a memory, I actually had to stop wearing my Shiva pendant at Protestant elementary, as I was found out and it would have gotten real bad if I didn't hide. I had to deny my Self then, for the limiting-belief of safety. Moreover, I felt Lucifer's presence quite often, when listening to music, etc., but I had not allowed myself to "let go" for his current due to fear. After working with Umma Tiamat and handling the intensity of Her Demon-Gods, I'm expecting Lucifer to "bring the fire"! I was nervous and I pushed working with Lucifer for a while as I gathered more information. As found through many traditions, making pacts with beings is common occurrence, particularly with archetypes representing the crossroads, as both Robert Johnson/Eric Clapton have publicly expressed. All of my rituals so far, have been for Self realization. I'm not trying to increase my suffering and plunge myself more into harsh samsara. So do I make the pact with Lucifer, do I not make this pact, as this pact would be the first outside of my comfort-zone. Umma Tiamat is our own soul-consciousness, that primal current that will shred matter back into source, and she is also the soul-consciousness of Mother Earth. Hence, I have no issue with Tiamat and her crew, as it is our True Self. Nonetheless, it was painful and can be quite frightening for an adept afraid of the dark. Lucifer is an initiator and guide on the path, can I really handle his initiatory ordeal? Am I really going to sell my soul, for a heavenly material life, but a hellish afterlife, as so perpetuated by religion? Lucifer would be around nudging me. No invocation needed, his name more than enough to heighten the feel of my own aura being stretched, as felt through a push in my cranium. But, I'm not looking for heaven, already found hell, where I was unclear what Lucifer would have for me, what he would want from me in exchange. In fact, I had asked as such while watching the series "Lucifer", only to hear the response "companionship". My investigative monkey-mind went through an analysis, what if Lucifer want's me to be his companion "for life", like he want's ownership of my consciousness, like Pauline Jesus. He rebuts, and has me move away from the monkey-mind and feel what the word "companion" feels like, like "compadre", or even "compassion". As Asenath Mason has described, a pact with Lucifer is essentially a pact with your own shadow self. Such makes significant sense, where should an adept dabble in the deeper aspects of the subconscious, you need a guide whose been there and done that. In other words, don't dabble, unless you have an initiator and guides to help you maintain and harness the lower animal self, the Beast. That's more than enough, I'm all in with this working, to let that feeling in my cranium, that current to come flooding through. To connect with this current, I chose the work product of the Temple of Ascending Flame, as I have found the writings of Asenath Mason to be quite articulate in assessing my numerous questions. The philosophy that she has presented is on point, as the matter is well-researched, and these are actual adepts who use such sigils and invocations. I open the door to my subconscious by and through Umma Tiamat, giving Her blessings as She is a current that can bring the calm of the void. By and through sigils and invocations, I embark in allowing the Luciferian current to flood my consciousness and central nervous system, prepared to meet the worst, since this is none other than the devil of our stories, Lucifer himself. In addition, I will do either Bentinho or Mooji meditations prior (and sometimes after), to ensure clarity of consciousness, where such removes the need for numerous external rituals. Guru brings you to Stillness. The vibration of my surrounding temple-bedroom drastically increased. I can feel a current flush through my room, increasing the intensity as if on a potent energy drink. Fear slightly arises as I remember the Demon-Gods of Umma Tiamat, but I'm reminded to stay in "divine presence". It's time, not to meet my maker, but the Western destroyer. As this was post Babalon (Binah) in attempting to continue to move upward on the tree of life, I was provided with imagery of winds and desolate cities, an environmental apocalypse. In moving up the tree, this would be the continued removal of all forms. Babalon (Binah) would be the "lust/love for life", where without such, you have decaying ruins leading to the formless potential (Kether). As I have found last halloween, horror movies lack significant intimidation, as fear seams to have drastically subsided in my vessel. In addition, horror movies are not scary when you cheer for the goblins, as I found when I watched "The VVItch". Therefore, the desolate scenario was not only "over-done" thanks to our media, but it was now time to stop lingering about and focusing on the main attraction. Lucifer himself did not look much different than the unmasked Lucifer as shown on the Netflix series, though, such is my monkey-mind's interpretation, and this was only a mask he has chosen for this working. Unlike the show characters intimidated by the real face of Lucifer, as a fan of oddities, at a glance of Lucifer's face my inner-child yelps with a "cool" giving the room a "Monster's Inc." (Disney/Pixar) feel. That feeling of excitement was quickly replaced with thoughts of "he's here, but I forgot to do an intent, oh shit, what do I say to him?". The desolate scenes are gone where it's just Lucifer and myself, in my little bedroom gazing eye to eye, where I'm left wondering, "what do I do?". Lucifer responds. Feeling the intensity of his current pushing my aura, I take notice that the current isn't actually "wrathful" as I would expect, though intense. I'm reminded of "companion" as I felt the feeling of finding a long-lost friend, where to pull me out of my shock, Lucifer says to me, "how about we consecrate your bedroom temple to the Goddess?". My bedroom has been my ashram, where the walls are decorated with framed artwork of Goddess' that I hold dear to me. My bedroom hallway entry holds a large print of Mary Magdalene (Georges De La Tour), where my bedroom houses my altar as this room is my meditation space. It's where the magick happens literally, sadly not metaphorically. Beloved Kali is the centerpiece of course, where She is surrounded by Her Team by and through properly blessed (prana-pratishta) amulets. My bedroom walls are covered in artwork. The Eastern wall holds a large bamboo print of Goddess Kwan Yin, the Southern wall holds a large print of Chinnamasta and a Yab/Yum Tibetan Thangka, the Western wall holds two conflicting pictures of the veiled Goddess through Nicholas Roerich's "Mother of the World" and Daniel Mirante's "Chanting Down Babylon", the Northern wall holds the main altar surrounded by two paintings I picked up from a local artist named Jorge Luis while visiting Trinidad, Cuba of the Orishas, Osun and Yemaya. For those stuck in cultural egoic-identity, I didn't choose the Orishas, they chose me, which really is a past-life connection. Lucifer had me cleaning my room and moving altar pieces around for better energetic flow. In addition, though I am still quite new to Nordic practices, in the past, Lys Campbell (Dynamic Intention) activated my connection to the Goddesses as found in Doreen Virtues Goddess Deck, where that deck now has a heavy loving feel when I hold it in my hands. Freya is found in that deck, and she's been quite comfortable with me, where I am continuing to realize how much she protects my space and practice. Last year, I had managed to find a 1000 A.D. Odin amulet pendant in the shape of an axe, and months later, found a Freya wooden doll that matched quite well. Nonetheless, it wasn't until this Lucifer working, that Lucifer had me create a special corner for Freya who now holds and protects my Western Grimoires. Protects me, in having those Grimoires around, I should clarify. The feel of my home has been different from the outside world, where I can feel my energy field collapse inward when I step out of the house. In addition, I had noticed a slight increase in the feel between my bedroom and mere few feet away of the living room beginning last year or prior. But after this working, the feel of my bedroom is significantly different, vibrant, sleep can be difficult sometimes. There are times where I have been exhausted in the living room where I will move to the bedroom for a nap, but I would be unable to sleep as I would begin to feel energized and wide awake, only to have it oscillate again when I return to the living room. Nonetheless, this is not what I was expecting from Lucifer. It could be due to the masks that I'm shown, or it could be the significant work I've done in moving away from my monkey-mind for "I Am", where I feel like I'm progressing down the tree of life as compared to other adepts who climb the tree of life. I've already had experiences of the no-mind spaciousness, sometimes described as a void, so Lucifer feels more like a companion, with Beloved Kali as my initiator and guide. Nonetheless, Lucifer has shown me why a guide is required. As I have had trouble sticking up for myself, working on the Beast has been phenomenal in helping me have the courage to get things off of my chest (high heart and throat) and do it with some power. However, as I have had many issues with my narcissistic family, particularly their incessant need that I appear and present my good Sagittarius nature for their show (fool) and egoic-inflation, all the while Kali Ma inside of me can feel all their parasitic energy as I have told my family "I'm not your prostitute", the Beast in me has only increased, where Lucifer has held me back by and through flushing those emotions out of me giving me a "care-free" attitude to properly assess my mode of conduct. He brought me back to "divine presence" in the heat of the moment. Hence, the title, Lord of the Beasts. I'm quite happy to have this essence, this liberating current, in my life to help me walk this path in harmony with a compassionate ally. For the haters, just remember, "There is None Wronging The Serpents Cult!".
Racial-Cultural Sensitivities:
I suffered "delusional psychosis" in 2022 where with limited capacity, I intended to look for answers, where I also attempted to assess and resolve conditioning, as the goal is Oneness. Please forgive me for any offense as I attempted to seek help. In learning about many different cultures, in both light an dark aspects, we have more in common with each other than are different. And our differences often make the world unique and beautiful. In a path of walking through cultural underworlds, I chose to heavily look at mine and the collectives shadow aspects, with again, the light of oneness at the end of the tunnel. -Love the Light, and the Dark (Occultist / Inner) (Tzimtzum) (Soul Forging)
Symbols are designed to cleanse and protect and against cursers. (Spirit Mediumship) Sample Work-Product. Author's Grimoire. (Astaroth) Kali Kaula Mason. Author's Energy Work. Author's Binding Ring. (pg. 8, Plate 1, Fig. 1) (Enlightenment) No Mind. No Free Will. Character Just Does. You Just Be. (Harvest) Gilligan's Island. Lost? A. Noah's Ark? B. Leviathan! -O Father (NOBILITY!) Lightworker. Ascent. Shekinah. Harvest