I'm not Jewish nor follow traditional standards. Nonetheless, yogic-practices of ego-death are useful in all traditions, to bring forth "empty" to provide the "inspiration" and "clarity" to energetically psychologically use prayers with the powers of a universal-sephirotic symbolic system to control the "destiny" of the astrological-matrix energetically pulling on the planet Earth video game. Digging for dogmatic truth is set to fail. Synthesizing archeological finds with religious lineages showing historical evolution in both spiritual and political, is the future, as prior generations will need to assess long-held beliefs that essentially dictated one's life either for the better or worse and either blindly or truthfully. As such, it was Rabbi Yochai's work though the Zohar, which properly describes interpretation of the Book of Exodus, despite the text being historical or political, seeing the metaphor needed to psychologically assess the power of "contemplated" prayer. Rav Shimon saw in advance The answer is that Unfortunately, They knew how to control the physical reality; While the Israelites experienced no problems while living in the Holy Land, There is no comparison between hatred of one individual toward another During this time, Bibliography: (For Adepts) Law of One: -Yahweh -Kohanim (Ark of the Covenant) -Messianic Era (Service to self v. Service to Others) -Jesus -Lucifer Wikipedia: -El (Phoenician-Canaan: Ruler of the Universe) -Enlil (Mesopotamian "El" Syncretic: Table of Destiny) -Dilmun (Garden of Eden: Immortals)(Indus) -Elohim (Children of "God") -Istaran (Serpent Judgment Deity: "Black Headed" Sumer and Elam)(Elam-Indus: Arabia pre-Assyrians) -Jahwist (Torah Composition?) -Marcionism (Early Christian Views of Old Testament) -Kebra Nagast (Ark of the Covenant) -Egregore (Demiurge: In Contradiction to "Neti, Neti") Walsch, Neale Donald, Conversations with God. (Holocaust: I've lost my notated copy to provide proper citation. Nonetheless, it is through Neale Donald Walsch's teachings through his channeling of God, that we are provided with information with resolving "spirit contracts" and why souls would incarnate in harsh experiences) Stibal, Vianna, Seven Planes of Existence. Hay House, Inc. 2016 (Virtues: https://www.thetahealing.com/blog/virtue-key-laws/) Yochai, Rav Shimon bar, Tikunei HaZohar, Kabbalah Centre International, Inc. 2019 Langford, Michael, The Most Direct Means To Eternal Bliss. Michael Langford. (http://www.damienboyle.com/page23/files/TMDMTEB.pdf) (Divine Presence: Kingdom of Heaven Within: Kether) Arakhthanda Ocean Tantric Lama, Channeling the Reptilian Dragon Gods and Their Families, Youtube. 2017 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWODPLw5owc) (Comparison of Mesopotamian Enlil and Enki with regards to the "Ineffable Name") 1. Genesis Chapter 3 (Deception: Genesis 2:17)(Truth: Genesis 3:3-5)(Concede: Genesis 3:22) (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%203&version=KJV) The Author. Global Religious Syncretism to Understand Ascension; Just Another Nimrod Giving You the Blueprints to Rebuild THE Tower of Babel. TheInnerStairwell (2019) (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/global-religious-syncretism-to-understand-ascension) 1. Genesis Chapter 11 (Fear: Genesis 11:5-7)(Ascent: Genesis 11:4)(Tradition: Genesis 11:7-32) (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+11&version=KJV) (Comparison of "Divine Presence" as found through "Neti Neti" or "Kingdom of Heaven Within-Kether", we have an egregore placed in fear needing to alter the circumstances of a people capable of finally grouping together as "one people" of "one speech" where they can "lay brick and mortar" where under such "authority" of the people "nothing will be restrained from them, which with they have imagined to do". Through the use of "sound" as "speech", probably using the "ineffable name" to provide a "foundation" we have the Phoenician-Canaan "Jeru-Shalim", uniting differing groups under a monarch with a semi-historical doctrine of tribal "scatter and gather" sanctified for the "Kingdom of Israel". Nonetheless, shown from medieval-occultism, as opposed to King Solomon needing to angelically "bind builders" to build his Temple-Monarch, what if one wishes to create "free builders" of their Own-Temple?) The Author. Prophecy in Judaism (Jacob's Ladder). TheInnerStairwell (2022) (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/prophecy-in-judaism-jacobs-ladder) (Prophetic practices, oracles, and ancestral lineage) The Author. Merkavah Mystic (Hekhalot Astral Projection). TheInnerStairwell (2022) (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/merkavah-mystic-hekhalot-astral-projection) (Astral Projection) Davis, Henry, Emperor Constantine's Christian Conversion: Why It Was Just Politics. Academia.edu. (https://www.academia.edu/video/jE5ZBj) (Religion has been used as a political-tactic since the propaganda times of ancient Egypt, as evidenced by their hieroglyphics and attempts to delete or "white wash" history. From Egypt, to the Mesopotamians, to the Semitic Groups, to the Greeks, and finally to the Romans influenced by also the Mithraic Indo-Persians and Gauls with the evolution of "human sacrifice" to political "ritual killings" to appease the changing public sentiments, what an "Emperor" must do to establish himself and his empire, under "Divine Right"?) Noah Kramer, Samuel, The Indus Civilization and Dilmun, The Sumerian Paradise Land. Expedition Magazine 6.3 (1964) (https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/the-indus-civilization-and-dilmun-the-sumerian-paradise-land/) (Cultural syncretism and politics of establishing the "flood" myth) The Author. Are All Religions Derivatives of Sumer; The Annunaki. TheInnerStairwell (2017) (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/personal-golgotha/are-all-religions-derivatives-of-sumer-the-annunaki) (Potential roots of humanity, not biological "natural selection" forged within "nature" in an "evolutionary" sense proposed by Darwin, but a conscious "evolution" of development in a "psychological" sense. Knowing good and evil. Taking a bite of the apple.) The Author. A Qabalist Interpretation Of the Nigerian Igbo People (Judaism and Odinala). TheInnerStairwell (2022). (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/a-qabalist-interpretation-of-the-nigerian-igbo-people-judaism-and-odinala) (As humanity is currently archaeologically rooted in Africa, with Sumer and Elam being "black headed" related to the Indus valley where trade among India, Arabia, and Africa becomes likely with Egypt also being quite influential via the Sahara trade, a better look at humanity's past is presented where the commonalities in beliefs and practices hold value showing the "truth" behind the "myths" even if currently believed to be fanatical) Parker, Peggy, Francis Bacon and the Inspiration of the 1611 King James Bible. (https://dl.icdst.org/pdfs/files1/08655395baa02f4df5fe3fc9f3a31f27.pdf) (Political history of "occultism" based around the "ineffable name") 1. "The Ark of the Covenant" (https://ram-il.org/history/the-ark-of-the-covenant/) (Royal Arch Masonry: Kebra Nagast) 2. "Ritual of the Royal Arch Degree" (https://www.stichtingargus.nl/vrijmetselarij/r/iowara_r.html) (King Darius of Persia: Zerubbabel)(Gehenna: Persians, Babylonians) Noegel, Scott B., The Egyptian Origin of the Ark of the Covenant (Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015) (https://faculty.washington.edu/snoegel/PDFs/articles/noegel-ark-2015.pdf) (Egyptian roots of the "Ark of the Covenant") Jacquet-Acea, Russell, In Search Of The Sacred Tetragrammaton Name Of God. Jacquet Publishing (2019) (https://www.academia.edu/40246583/In_Search_of_the_Sacred_Tetragrammaton_Name_of_God) (The Book of Exodus discussing Moses in comparison to Hyksos-Egypt and Osareph to Amenmesse) Jacquet-Acea, Russell, Re-Calculating the Historical Age of the Israelites in Egypt And The Date Of the Exodus Part Two. (https://www.academia.edu/32538247/Re_calculating_the_Historical_Age_of_the_Israelites_in_Egypt_and_the_Date_of_the_Exodus_PART_TWO) (The "Ark of the Covenant" and the Egyptian "Bark of Amenmesse") Sebottendorff, Baron Rudolf von, Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons: The Islamic Teachings At The Heart of Alchemy, Inner Traditions. (2013) (From Freemason occultism and Theosophy is seeded Thule-Runenhauser, with continued ties to the Arab World found through Freemasonry and Skull and Bones evidenced by Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, with past Nazi technology and colonialism essentially fostering modernity's current "standard of living" with war promoting trade "globalization" in a Hellenic sense of both products and ideations) 1. "Relations Between Nazi Germany and the Arab World" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations_between_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Arab_world) Levy, David, Who is Asmodeus, King of Demons? A Study of King Solomon's Master Craftsman (2019) (https://www.academia.edu/43129202/Who_is_Asmodeus_King_of_Demons_A_Study_of_King_Solomons_Master_Craftsman) ("He will tremble the nations. Kingdoms to fall one by one. Victim to fall for temptations. A daughter to fall for a son. The ancient serpent deceiver. The masses standing in awe. He will ascend to the heavens. Above the stars of God." -Year Zero) The Author. The Anima/Animus Psychological Complexity (The Psychology of "Twin Flame" Ascent). TheInnerStairwell (2022). (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/the-animaanimus-psychological-complexity-the-psychology-of-twin-flame-ascent) (The "Holy Grail" psychological complexity of "Communion") Bertrand, Seren & Bertrand, Azra, Magdalene Mysteries: The Left-Hand Path of the Feminine Christ. Bear & Company (2020). (The "Da Vinci Code")(King Solomon's "harem", or the "holy of holies" of energy-vampirism) Savedow, Steve (Ed.), Sefer Rezial Hemelach. Wesier Books. (2000) (wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sefer_Raziel_HaMalakh) (Jewish Schools, attesting to the subtle-psychological "angelic-demonic" complexity of pre-fall Adam indicative of ancient "shamanic" practices evolving through medieval-age sciences) Stewart, Josef, Clelland, Wages, The Green Book Of The Elus Coens. Lewis Masonic. (2021) (Esoteric Freemasonry, Martinist Schools, further attesting to the subtle-psychological "angelic-demonic" complexity of pre-fall Adam indicative of ancient "shamanic" practices of evolving through medieval-age sciences) Cooper, William, Behold A Pale Horse. Light Technology Publishing. (1991) (http://ekladata.com/jxpCC-D9lSrPTEPUJnuanmIJuvw/Protocol-of-zion-cooper.pdf) (Judas Priest: "Always in focus, you can't feel my stare, I zoom into you, but you don't know I'm there" -Infiltrate, Search, and Destroy) Guest Starring. The Occulted Paradox That Is The Jewish Freemason. TheInnerStairwell. (2022) (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/scramblings/the-occulted-paradox-that-is-the-jewish-freemason) (Ozzfest 2004: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/vocabulary) ("What Is This That Stands Before Me?") John of Chrysostom (King James Version: Sir Francis Bacon as Goddess Athena's "Spear-Shaker") -Revelations 1:3 -Revelations 6:8
“The carriers of this consciousness is the individual, Maturity: “Difficult and subtle ethical problems All these aspects of the anima It is as if an inner “radio” becomes tuned to a certain wave length A man who through real faith is still contained in the Catholic Church The Woman Within Man (The Anima): “I am the flower of the field and the lily of the valleys. I am the mother of fair love and of fear of knowledge and of holy hope … I am the mediator of the elements, making one to agree with another; that which is warm I make cold and the reverse, and that is dry I make moist and the reverse, and that which is hard I soften .. I am the law in the priest and the word in the prophet and the counsel in the wise. I will kill and I will make to live and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.” -Unknown Medieval Quote, Man and His Symbols (Jung) (“During this period, the knightly cult of the lady signified an attempt to differentiate the feminine side of man’s nature in regard to the outer woman as well as in relation to the inner world”.) Survival Value: “Through living and interacting with one another for generations, each sex has acquired characteristics of the opposite sex that facilitate appropriate responses and understanding of the opposite sex.” -Primer of Jungian Psychology “If the personality is to be well adjusted and harmoniously balanced, the feminine side of a man’s personality and the masculine side of a woman’s personality must be allowed to express themselves in consciousness and behavior.” -Primer of Jungian Psychology “Since this image is unconscious, it is always unconsciously projected upon the person of the beloved, and is one of the chief reasons for passionate attraction or aversion.” (Passionate Attraction = Same Traits as Anima-Image of Woman) -Primer of Jungian Psychology “Many people suffer from inflated or overdeveloped personas. The opposite condition is more often true of the anima or animus.” -Primer of Jungian Psychology “What makes things especially complicated is the fact that the possession of one partner by the animus (or anima) may automatically exert such an irritating effect upon the other that he (or she) becomes possessed too. Animus and anima always tend to drag conversation down to a very low level and to produce a disagreeable, irascible, emotional atmosphere”. -Man and His Symbols The Man Within Woman (The Animus): “Two veiled figures climb onto the balcony and into the house. They are swathed in black hooded coats, and they seem to want to torment me and my sister. She hides under the bed, but they pull her out with a broom and torture her. Then it is my turn. The leader of the two pushes me against the wall, making magical gestures before my face. In the meantime his helper makes a sketch on the wall, and when I see it I say (in order to seem friendly), “Oh! But this is well drawn!” Now suddenly my tormentor has the noble head of an artist, and he says proudly, “Yes, indeed,” and begins to clean his spectacles. -Unknown Medieval Quote, Man and His Symbols (Jung) (“Behind the spasms of anxiety there is indeed a genuine and mortal danger; but there is also creative possibility”.) “The conscious attention a woman has to give to her animus problem takes much time and involves a lot of suffering. But if she realizes who and what her animus is and what he does to her, and if she faces these realities instead of allowing herself to be possessed, her animus can turn into an invaluable inner companion who endows her with the masculine qualities of initiative, courage, objectivity, and spiritual wisdom. -Man and His Symbols (Jung) “The woman must find the courage and inner broadmindedness to question the sacredness of her own convictions. Only then will she be able to take in the suggestion of the unconscious, especially when they contradict her animus opinions. Only then will the manifestations of the Self get though to her, and will she be able consciously to understand their meaning.” -Man and His Symbols (Jung)
Racial-Cultural Sensitivities:
I suffered "delusional psychosis" in 2022 where with limited capacity, I intended to look for answers, where I also attempted to assess and resolve conditioning, as the goal is Oneness. Please forgive me for any offense as I attempted to seek help. In learning about many different cultures, in both light an dark aspects, we have more in common with each other than are different. And our differences often make the world unique and beautiful. In a path of walking through cultural underworlds, I chose to heavily look at mine and the collectives shadow aspects, with again, the light of oneness at the end of the tunnel. -Love the Light, and the Dark (Occultist / Inner) (Tzimtzum) (Soul Forging)
Symbols are designed to cleanse and protect and against cursers. (Spirit Mediumship) Sample Work-Product. Author's Grimoire. (Astaroth) Kali Kaula Mason. Author's Energy Work. Author's Binding Ring. (pg. 8, Plate 1, Fig. 1) (Enlightenment) No Mind. No Free Will. Character Just Does. You Just Be. (Harvest) Gilligan's Island. Lost? A. Noah's Ark? B. Leviathan! -O Father (NOBILITY!) Lightworker. Ascent. Shekinah. Harvest