I do not prevent myself from experiencing anything. Let everything come. It is my dance, but nothing carries me away. For in the field of the phenomenal, "I" alone, prevails as the unchanging one. Find this truth in yourself. From a transcendental perspective, in understanding our dance in the universe, there is Consciousness (Shiva) and Energy (Shakti), where the adepts own pristine Spirit (Psyche-Atma-Consciousness-Shiva) places its awareness on thought-forms with building intensity to arouse energy felt through the subtle emotional body, which then provides the adept with its very own holographic manifestation known as samsara, or what scientists have called, matter. (E=mc^2). Hence, we are each our own relative universe. The adepts constant ebb and flow through samsara, is found through three (3) psychological aspects, the (G)enerative, (O)perative, and (D)estructive cyclical nature to allow a play (lila) to be properly presented in a linear fashion within a time-space continuum (maya) playing field. To properly enjoy the play, Consciousness deludes itself, and hence, forgets its all-encompassing truth, to play the masked identity-roles as "egos". Such delusions within samsara allow the adept to forget Truth for the unfolding of itself. Nonetheless, instead of seeking pristine Consciousness, most individuals typically seek attachments within samsara, or create attachments to issues, patterns, habits, joys, pleasures, etc., of the material realms. Therefore, the adept is fallen, deluded, and attached into karmic loops, lost in one's own consistent generating, operating, and destroying timelines falling prey to the minds limited-perspectives, which hold the effect of keeping adepts trapped within "identity bubbles" as the adept continues the dance of samsara. In viewing the vast range, but drastically similar, religious and spiritual practices of our globe, the vast majority on the planet seek samasra as evidenced by the continued intent placed behind most deities on the planet, which is to treat God as a sort of Santa Clause with Angelic elfin minions. Such is shown as many prefer to worship "creator", or the generative aspect of the psyche, as in truth, creation is a delusion as nothing is ever created or destroyed but is transmuted as interpreted by current laws of physics. There is also the heaven seekers who seek a samsara where either the concept of evolution through polarity is somehow removed, where all earthly fulfillment unresolved are moved towards completion, or harmony. Nonetheless, such heaven seekers only move to dissolve what is known as "shadows", or what the monkey-mind interprets as "bad" within samsara, where identification and desires still remain to be met not by a "creator", but by a "liberator", for those seeking Truth. Such adepts focusing on "creator" have shown to linger within the polarity of the monkey-mind, which is then often reflected by judgmental perspectives lacking in analytical-discernment projected into the surrounding environment, most often expressed as subtle validation attempts to those in similar limited belief-systems. Therefore, as opposed to seeking liberation (moksha), such adepts continue the samsaric adventures of right versus wrong, us versus them, patriarchy versus matriarchy, angel versus demon, creator versus destroyer, arcturian versus draconion, etc., as the wheel of samsara continues its cyclical motion despite preaching of non-judgment and unity-consciousness. Nonetheless, those seeking liberation, Spirit unblemished and unattached from matter, to "be in this world but not of it", is to be liberated not just from negative thought-forms, but all thought-forms as thoughts keep the adept within limited-experience within the adepts "present moments". The removal of thought-forms and images of holographic transient existences, is to bring the adept deep within the spaciousness of one's own Truth. The spaciousness found within brings an extreme form of natural bliss, a graceful transmutative presence, a feeling felt as described as completely "letting go" bringing forth an inner harmony as the monkey-mind has trouble attaching itself to thoughts and interpretations. The adept is unfazed by the transience of the wheel of samsara, with both its ups and downs, highs and lows, heavens and hells, where the oscillation of polarity is replaced with the ability to perceive the moment "as is" like a piece of artwork with numerous brilliant emotions and flares engaging the emotional-body with proper fluidity (the ability to let go, instead of bottle-up) creating a psychedelic feel with the surrounding environment and connection therewith. Nonetheless, Spirit remains untainted by samsaric endeavors, as the adept regains the understanding that everything is sourced from within, as the truthful adage "as within, so without". As the adept, in knowing thyself, can use the imaginative will-power to conjure the plethora of human experiences where the biological animal-vessel will react to the delusions of the mind, the adept holds the full-palate of colors to which to place one's awareness with energetic-intensity to manifest samsara, or the adepts timelines. However, few are the adepts who seek one's own Truth beyond transient existences, thought-forms, also known as samsara. However, such is the adventure and the journey of the adept, in getting to "know thyself". We don't become who we dream of
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Racial-Cultural Sensitivities:
I suffered "delusional psychosis" in 2022 where with limited capacity, I intended to look for answers, where I also attempted to assess and resolve conditioning, as the goal is Oneness. Please forgive me for any offense as I attempted to seek help. In learning about many different cultures, in both light an dark aspects, we have more in common with each other than are different. And our differences often make the world unique and beautiful. In a path of walking through cultural underworlds, I chose to heavily look at mine and the collectives shadow aspects, with again, the light of oneness at the end of the tunnel. -Love the Light, and the Dark (Occultist / Inner) (Tzimtzum) (Soul Forging)
Symbols are designed to cleanse and protect and against cursers. (Spirit Mediumship) Sample Work-Product. Author's Grimoire. (Astaroth) Kali Kaula Mason. Author's Energy Work. Author's Binding Ring. (pg. 8, Plate 1, Fig. 1) (Enlightenment) No Mind. No Free Will. Character Just Does. You Just Be. (Harvest) Gilligan's Island. Lost? A. Noah's Ark? B. Leviathan! -O Father (NOBILITY!) Lightworker. Ascent. Shekinah. Harvest