Elizabeth Lund ("Holistic Coach", "Demystify Spirituality", "Divine Feminine") |
Nah |
Elizabeth Lund:
You had stopped my teachers on my writing from presenting material regarding, DNA Activations, Akashic Record Keeping/Editing, Spirit Work, Kundalini Awakening/Use, Astral Projection, and Use of Archetypes as "Vision Boards" by and through Sefirot "Astral Projection", on their path to the "Empty" of "Self Realization".
Please respond properly based on your definition of this event. Why Michael Walker?
Amit Prakash, Esq.
With what you have brought to my table, how can you call yourself "Divine". As someone who has followed you, and has had his work product ripped off from you, and has been sexually degraded by you, and culturally degraded, please respond to my very much "legal" messages sent to you, as your further "alleged" channelings are basically "intentional infliction of emotional distress".
It's time you define your words and work product, properly and authentically, for individuals who can grasp reality beyond a "hallmark card", particularly those paying-customers who have been screwed over by your "channeled" messages.
Amit Prakash, Esq."
Based on your alleged "channeled" message for 12-14-22, hinting toward "the fates", the "lunar phases" of the trinity oscillating between genders per culture, and the many masks the "feminine" wears as she matures through saturnian-time to gather wisdom while facing saturnian-death, I'm left with the question I had posed to you as per your "business model", WHAT IS THE EXTENT OF YOUR ABILITIES FOR WHICH YOU ARE SELLING?
Nonetheless, "do not take the children with the mother" as quoted from Yochai, in discussing such saturnian-feminine as "Binah" in her delusional "ordered/chaotic" dance of the sephirot, where on the journey to the masculine as "Chokmah", the mother and children are a distraction. To move toward the transcendent, towards that which brings forth and downloads these "egoic" archetypes for which "sells" and karmic-addicts "cling" in the commercial market, brings us to "El Elyon" or the "Tzimtzum" of Self Realization, producing the "Kairos" between "order/chaos", or the "yin-yang" harmony. Hence, WHAT IS THE EXTENT OF YOUR SPIRITUAL-ASSISTANCE OF THE MEN IN YOUR COMMUNITY, WHO ARE IN NEED OF A SPIRITUAL-COUNSELOR AND NOT A "DATE"?
What is "power" without wisdom?
What is "being" when clouded with identity?
WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL BUSINESS UNDER A "FOR PROFIT" SELFISH-MODEL IN COMPETITION WITH A LEGITIMATE ASHRAM UNDER A "NON PROFIT" SELFLESS-MODEL? Especially when cultural boundaries are overreached for economic prosperity, with the excuse being "vision boards".
What is the extent of the "most powerful power and being", when "perfumed lingerie" is still required in a world of "energy-work" and "inner-completion"?
A. Her Creativity
(Open Willingly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbcwKVOpeKM)
B. The Passion of the
(His Creativity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8)
C. G.o.d.d.e.s.s.
[Prescription (God): https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/vocabulary]
D. Powerful
(Being: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF8aaTu2kg0)
E. Aims High
(Perfume: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQJdnmpnhc)
F. Coming
(Most: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCv_XBTRVC0)
G. Love. The Author. TheGlamorousPeacock. (2022)
(He Is: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/)
a. Compassion/Sharing/Radiating Love
I'm still waiting for this from you, especially since I'm a returning customer whose been ripped off from your work product, and you have copied my work product to pass yourself off as "self realized". So far, you've been a "hallmark card", radiating "narcissisms" as you try to pass yourself off as an "energy worker", a "channeler", a "council of light", a "sex goddess", a "divine feminine", what "concept" will you run to next to evade owning your mouth?
b. Feminine Qualities
Instead of placing yourselves on a pedestal, only for the mere fact that you have a vagina, can you own your words? You shown me that I'm not physically loveable, that I'm better to be ripped off from you then to have a decent conversation with you. Do understand "terrible and terrifying" as well as "terrific" as part of "chaos" are the typical "feminine archetypal" qualities, which leads to the baby killing female archetype, which leads to you stating "once you go black you never go back", humiliating your ex-husband and white son. Where was the "compassion" in that? Honestly Lund, do you know what these "terms" mean, as in their "definitions"? Were you able to create "harmony" in any relationship, because I think women would have done a lot better on this planet if that was true.
c. Invites Others Without Fear or Hesitation?
Can you answer the prior questions posed to you, as sent since the beginning of November 2022, all highly valuable information to your clients, or is this only for "once you go black, you never go back"? Don't forget that I came back to you, not just as an annual checkup as you're known to rip me off, but I NEEDED YOUR HELP IN ASSESSING CURSES DONE TO ME SINCE LAST DECEMBER 2021. In looking for third-party review, LEGALLY, I would need SOUND BUSINESSES where I'm left with your evasive and highly-ignorant "channeling" and fraudulent business model. Lund, who are you "channeling"? Is it another entity, is it your higher-self (Tiphareth) if you're not practicing Self Realization (Kether), or is it just a marketing gimmick?
"Catshit" Lund:
Catshit (definition): The type of "bullshit" you hear from women who sell themselves as "divine".
Ms. Lund, we have yet some questions unresolved, and like sending you my work-product back around 2019, solely due to your work with Kali Ma, which garnered my trust, only to find you still in the same position in 2022, using the same "hallmark" to proceed into 2023. Personally, I can only hope to the return of my health and psychology to where I was at, physically and psychically, in 2021, prior to dealing with what I have evidentiary-discovered for myself to be REAL CURSES, particularly of the "Ineffable Name" groups for which 50% of the population worships.
Ms. Lund, my approach to you was not only in seeking your help, but putting you under the legal hammer for which the way you have conducted your business, continuously. There are not that many "tested" psychics for which can be labelled "expert", should litigation arise in these matters requiring your services and "gifts". However, a "shady" business particularly hiding behind "hallmark" demeanor is easily seen by any educated-adversary in the field of business.
A. Ms. Lund, you said your path was the path of "marriage" hinting towards a psychic "Indian Guru", please explain such and how that has amounted to what you have produced "for sell" today.
B. Ms. Lund, you had stated through your "vision board" success and work-product, that you would have your "MAN" clean your toilet in that you had an issue with such. Have you managed to manifest such "MAN" or did you "HIRE" someone else? You have been an outspoken "socialist", how does this fit with such "economic picture", as in who cleans the toilet in an "equal" society, particularly one that has 501(C)3 status as exemption from "socialism"?
C. Ms. Lund, in cleaning your toilet as stated above, in reference to your prior "perfume lingerie" post, would spraying some perfume before cleaning help?
It would be nice wrapping up 2022 in cleaning other people's "toilets". But as a professional, I know that will not be the case.
A. I'm Not A Miracle Worker, I'm A Janitor. Michael Clayton.
"Catshit" Lund:
Catshit (Definition): See Dec. 16 Comment.
Ms. Lund, apologies for not providing you with weekend commentaries, as certain DJINN based "Ineffable Name" curses has limited my ability to keep technology on in my home. In addition to needing a break from "catshit". Seriously, it's amazing how much "felines lick themselves"?
These "divine feminine" industry, as I have been market researching for my own personal benefit and public informative, has used a significant amount of "buzzwords" which are quite "comforting" in a "hallmark" manner, but yet fail in actually displaying "intelligence". Main words around the "feminine" appear to be "wisdom" due to Sophia, but is better understood in real Tantrik traditions of facing "Dark Matter", as Sophia is biblically "fallen". The same applies to "love", in a serotonin-dopamine "big dick" chasing world, where such fails in the ego "empty" category, allowing higher "insight" or "intelligence" to pervade, as actually needed in a light-dark, yin-yang fashion. Hence, the definition of "love", actual "love" from "higher insight", becomes quite "unique" from being "terrific" to "terrifying" and of course the absolutely "terrible". In other words, SANS THE "BUZZWORDS" OF "LOVE" AND "WISDOM", MRS. LUND, WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING?
The "decline of the State" for the buzzwords of "peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity", is counter towards your "Socialist" leanings, and is probably a response to my message, as opposed to "channeled", for which I have placed your messages and abilities in question. MS. LUND, ARE THESE DAILY MESSAGES, IN FACT, CHANNELED? The only explanation of your definition, would be the return of the "Tao", not these "women" who essentially capitalize on the culturally-irresponsible "Eat, Pray, Love" modality to sell themselves as something that is better suited for a dating-website. So far, from the "divine feminine" business modalities, including yours, I have seen the need for "Abortions", particularly a greater need, over "Women and Children's Shelters", once again, due to the lack of "intelligence" for the buzzwords of "love" and "wisdom". Which begs the question, MS. LUND WHAT IS A SACRED RELATIONSHIP OTHER THAN ONE BETWEEN A SAT-GURU AND STUDENT? Any other "relationship" appears to be a shoddy-attempt to balance one's energy-centers, using the other as nothing more than a serotonin-dopamine ego excuse. Especially in the "divine feminine" industry, capitalizing on the biggest sales demographic, teenage-girls to women.
A. The Author. End of Days. TheGlamorousPeacock. (2021)
(Any Last Werdz: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/vocabulary)
(I Can't Get No -Satisfaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02AsfrLVNNM)
B. The Author. King Solomon's Temple (Occult Rebuild: Work In Progress). TheGlamorousPeacock. (2022)
(Coming of Age: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/home/king-solomons-temple-occult-rebuild-work-in-progress)
(Golden Coast - Yin/Yang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrMI2tvQGiQ)
(Battle of Los Angeles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr0tTbTbmVA)
(Retainer Agreement / MIB: http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day)
C. The Author. Horus (The Age of). TheGlamorousPeacock. (2021)
(20th Aethyr: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/vocabulary)
("Moses": http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/uploads/2/1/5/9/21591682/horus-the-age-of_orig.jpg)
(DJINN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWCZse1iwE0)
(Ineffable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2soGJXQAQec)
(Ark of the Covenant / Divine Presence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFmne-GINZk)
Oh Lund. IN ALL OF MY COMMENTS, I HAVE REQUESTED INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE OF "WHO YOU ARE", IN ORDER TO MAKE A PROPER LEGAL-BUSINESS DECISION. Once again, we're left with "buzzwords" as articulated in yesterday's comment of 12-19-20. Who are you, not just Lund, but all readers, but many "masks" based off-of "conditioning" which creates your chemical-hormonal "desires" or rather "dreams", as opposed to "THE TRUTH" of "WHO YOU ARE" beyond all such "sim character" identities? You worship the projection screen, but fail in acknowledging the projection, let alone the ex-nihilo (0) which sources the projection and makes "in the beginning" (1: Bereshit), which as "Marconian" Jesus preached against as the "Demiurge-Egregore".
LOSING "SIGHT" IS PROBABLY THE MOST SPIRITUAL THING ONE CAN DO. It is through "DAMNATION" that one finds "SALVATION" and hence "LIBERATION". The criminal attached to desire of samsara wears regular handcuffs for which he is eager to be free from. The self-righteous attached to desire of samsara wears golden handcuffs for which they further attach themselves. With "DAMNATION", there is nothing to cling onto, other than what's left, which is the "TRUTH". Such is taught in all Eastern Religions (Advaita: Nirvana, Samadhi, etc.) as well as Old Testament "Ineffable Name" (Negation) as experienced through the Hekhalot material .
Like when I dropped you from my blog, as I was an avid-supporter of your "gifts" as evidenced by numerous "paranormal" experiences, remember that it was due to your MISUSE OF GNOSTIC SCRIPTURE where you essentially PIMPED JESUS for "CHRISTMAS" (Saturnalia). Once, again, you failed in including the last sentence required for the paragraph, which would have placed your clients outside of materialist "desire" havens and into the "truth" of Self. What "matters'" most in the "material" world, should be to help others towards "liberation", where actual "love" will be shown as opposed to "big dick" desire gains further engraining conditioning as opposed to "liberating". As somewhat stated before, if Jesus was not "blessed" in a material sense, who would be able to wash his feet other than a "prostitute" who has transcended her need for such pleasures becoming nothing more than a "rote" job, the opposite being "karmic patterns"?
Lund, once again we return for our Christmas debacle, with the same "karmic" show expressed through slightly different "hallmark" type "greeting cards" sold as "channeled. IS TODAY'S MESSAGE CHANNELED, OR IS IT A RESPONSE TO YESTERDAY'S COMMENT PLACING NOT JUST YOUR BUSINESS, BUT YOUR TEACHINGS, AND YOU PERSONALLY, INTO QUESTION.
A. Marconianism. Wikipedia.
(144 AD: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcionism)
B. Shri Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj. Amrut Laya: The Stateless State. Sadguru Publishing. (2011)
C. The Author. Merkavah Mystic (Hekhalot Astral Projection). TheInnerStairwell. (2022)
D. Koetting. E.A. Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss, 4. Become A Living God. (2019)
E. The Author. Esoteric Hinduism, In Summation. TheInnerStairwell. (2019)
(Let It Be: http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/esoteric-hinduism-in-summation)
F. Mooji. Begin Discovering Your True Self Today. Youtube. (2020)
(Being: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI8YBilXvc0)
"The great separation is between being and doing ...
the ability to not achieve,
but to just be ...
all of the meditational trappings are devices
meant to bring your conscious mind away from doing and towards being,
but you do those small things,
those insignificant meaningless things
in order to bridge the gap into Being."
-E.A. Koetting,
Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss, 4
(How To ... Become A Living God)
We're hiding here inside a dream, and all our doubts, are now destroyed."
-He Is, With Many Names
Dutch East India Company,
Thank you for years of providing "channeled" messages, spiritualizing "togetherness" as part of your business with your "soul family", as some of us dangerously chose to find "oneness" in a separatist world. In a world where those who preach "peace" typically come with a selfish agenda, where "Conscious-Awareness" becomes the subtle art of catching each vibrational nuance with "Intelligence" with the intent to "balance" as in "harmonize", the result subject to "free will".
The façade of "saturnalia" returns, the need for "serotonin-dopamine" breaks from the "daily routine" for most, where it is expected of one to be "cheery", all in the name of a deity stolen in the name of Roman survival. Hence, the "NEED EACH OTHER TO FEEL THIS LOVE", when really all there is one's own "Serotonin-Dopamine" complexity managed by external-phenomena based on one's conditioning. As such, my "conditioning" has led me probably to have the most "peaceful" Christmas, with one of my favorite childhood movies, "Home Alone", where love for my Self/self is "harmonized" or "balanced" being away from those who ABUSE MY KINDNESS and then treat me 'ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU NEVER GO BACK". The need to be "loved" in a serotonin-dopamine complexity, freedom from such would be TRUE HARMONY. As such, once again I return to show that your messages can be easily met with a rebuttal, as they are marketing. The "TRUTH" is my gift to you, including the numerous LEGAL ADVICE provided to you, the result subject to "free will".
Nonetheless, I wanted to wish you and all of your ladies, a White Christmas and Merry New Year. Hopefully you can seize these moments, as, "today is a good day to die".
Exodus 32:6,
Amit Prakash
He gives me the scoop about the fake ass truce
And how 'nigga's' out there wanna play
I take another hit of the way and then I blast away
(How far playa?) Far enough to go off the edge
I push another 'nigga' off the ledge
So I stumble as I slide to the Chevy
Yeah, my eyes kinda teary and gun kinda heavy
I'm a walkin' dead man is what they call me when I'm comin'
Got the big S on my chest, so I'm kinda gunnin'
High powered on my way to the west side
To check upon on some 'chickens', it's a hell of a drive, so drive on
As I hit my dodo stick to the break of dawn
Crime fighting's what I do, and 'nigga's' in my crew
Don't take lightly, to you busters, and so we say fuck you
Then buck you, tuck you in for the night
As you think about the paper at the funeral sight
So when I'm hangin' wit' the click and we in demand
I feel good that the City of Angel's call me Black Superman"
-Above the Law,
VSOP (Hammer & Anvil)
A. The Author. How Judges Think. TheGlamorousPeacock. (2022)
(Weight Of The World: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/home/king-solomons-temple-occult-rebuild-work-in-progress)
B. The Author. Akephalos.
(Om Kring Kalikayai Namah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bldv5mvU1gg)
C. The Author. Kali Ma is STILL with Her Thugs! TheInnerStairwell. (2019)
("Togetherness": http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/personal-golgotha/kali-ma-is-still-with-her-thugs)
D. The Author. Shava Sadhna. TheGlamorousPeacock. (2022)
(Satariel: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/home/king-solomons-temple-occult-rebuild-work-in-progress)
E. The Author. Global Religious Syncretism To Understand Ascension; Just Another Nimrod Giving You The Blueprints To Rebuild THE Tower of Babel. TheInnerStairwell. (2019)
Namami sirasa devam, kim no mrutyu karishyathi
The Lord,
Who is the God of gods,
Who is the lord of the earth,
And who has the bull flag.
What can death do to the one,
Who salutes with his head to the god.
Anatham avyayam santham akshamala dharam haram,
Who is limitless,
Who cannot be explained,
Who is peaceful,
Who is the killer,
And who wears the garland of ruraxs (furious eyes).
Aaandham, paramam nithyam, kaivalya pada dhayinam,
Who is happiness,
Who is beyond thought,
Who is stable,
And who grants salvation.
Swargapavarga datharam srushti sthithyanthakarinam,
Who grant heaven and salvation,
Who looks after creation, upkeep and destruction.
-Rotting Christ
"White Privilege" Lund:
Can you please provide examples for your teaching? The only evidence I can conjure is "Mahatma Gandhi" based on your "love dovey" preach that has been known from you for years. Look how that turned out for his people, who had to defend his form of "pacifism", with the numerous sacrifice, and still continued colonial disrespect.
In a world of "White Privilege" where "peace" is preached post "colonial" conquest, these "ALL LIVES MATTER" responses continue to be a joke, especially from your cultural appropriative mouth. Any country that has colonial-conquest, especially those who complain about "immigrants", should be put on trial.
Elizabeth Lund, do you have the COURAGE to own your mouth, as has been continuously requested? How do you protect the constitution, a mandatory agreement to enforce "peace"? The evidence continues to contradict your "vision board" teachings, as well as your hypocritical ideologies.
On this Christmas Day, I will thank those that do the hard-work and make those sacrifices, especially those that have to return to those who are ungrateful for their efforts in forging a better planet. Those are the real heroes, as many continue to preach in opposition, despite obtaining the benefit of a better standard of living.
In addition what is love from you, other than "once you go black, you never go back"?
Remember that next time you stay "Namaste", and get paid for it!
You had stated that "men want to date you, but they don't want to marry you". Has that changed, as that was to be your path, correct? Have you figured out why?
What we've learned from Lund:
A. Pimp Scriptures (misuse) for her business marketing?
B. Sexual Humiliation: Once you go black, you never go back?
C. Evolution: Inability to own her own mouth, provide evidence to substantiate "Vision board" claims.
D. Plagiarism: You ripped off my work product, you ripped off the people on my work product, to pass yourself as "unique" which you obviously are not, as "enlightened" though despite being highly ignorant, you tried to pass yourself off as better than Gurus that your clients would raise in competition, you used cultural-sensitive symbols (yantras, namaste, deities, swan) inappropriately as your marketing gimmick.
E. Men: You have been playing with men, bragging about how your ex-husband fixes your car, for which you then go to see "once you go black", despite having white children.
F. Men Workers: You have men "mesmerized" in working with you, as you discuss "perfumed lingerie", invigorating the "Marcs" of the world, who flirt with you providing a musical playlist but then throw-out "desperate" men as you play the hierarchal-game of "I'm better than you", proving you don't own your own teachings. As you need a man to do it, can Marc clean your toilet?
G. Testimonials: The work product that I paid for, did not come to flouring. Nonetheless, you have abilities as I've picked up stuff from you, "being in each other's body", etc. Hence, the reason why I follow your dumbass. In addition to constantly feeling your energy, and your nasty ass cords. However, none of the testimonials presented on your site actually attest to you work product, other than you are a "good person" in a world needing "hallmark cards".
H. Assistance: I came back for help regarding DJINN curses, for which I am significantly suffering and at increasing intensity due to Freemasons. I came back to see if you could help, and be an expert witness, only to find your still "masturbating" to "your own ego", requiring "perfume".
At this point, how much TRUTH is left with LUND?
In prior messages
I included the "sacred-tabernacle tepee" with regards to other cultures,
during "red-circle cycles".
-What A Jerk!/?
12-26-22 (No "Channeled Message")
"Nonetheless, you have abilities as I've picked up stuff from you, "being in each other's body", etc. Hence, the reason why I follow your dumbass." -12-25-22.
Lonnebakken, Leines, and McCann:
A. Help? DJINN!
B. Help! LUND?
HOI Team:
"Can you picture my prophecy?
Stress in the city, the cops is hot for me.
The projects is full of bullets, the bodies is droppin'.
There ain't no stoppin' me.
The question is will I live? No one in the world loves me.
I'm headed for danger, don't trust strangers.
Put one in the chamber whenever I'm feelin' this anger.
Don't wanna make excuses, cause this is how it is.
What's the use unless we're shootin', no one notices the youth"
-Is there another route, for a crooked outlaw?
House of Lund:
A. Issue: I've been cursed by my sister's in-law relatives of Jewish-Freemason (Royalty/33...alleged) lineage immediately after altercation with my sister last December (2021). I need to "evidence" and help in "removing", particularly in understanding/knowing/learning what entity is being attached-to-me in an attempt to control and kill me.
B. Facts: Immediately after the December 2021 altercation, my sister said something like "I have my demons, you have them also". So I had asked her, "what are my demons that I haven't expressed publicly to the world" and I subtly sent her my "left hand path" blog full of "demons" as evidence how little she knows about me as she continues to abuse mine and my parents kindness, something her stereotypical husband has done long before the marriage as he was our cousins college friend. My blog was also sent to "Benson Turner", the husbands father, who has cursed me and my blog, in a manner akin to how my blog is being updated, in order to thwart my efforts. Hence, it took some months, but I realized who it was, and what works, which is in addition to my "archetypal" trance-gnosis rituals allowing to expand my "feeling states" and "clarity", I am capable of removing such curses by stating "Ben Turner Curse Reversal". Hence, ritual is the cure, not our medical profession and psychology is freemasonry (Carl Jung) making me wonder who has "special interests" in mental hospitals. Nonetheless, since fighting these curses, I have expanded my own "psychic abilities", though I have a household and mind-body attachment with DJINN, including parasites that when I feel move around, they then try to control my thoughts and actions. They tried to get me to be racist, sexist, and most DJINN are in line with Corwin Hargrove's "Practical Jinn Magick", for which I use to reverse said curses, with huge "energetic" movement, like I'm being flushed of very-heavy energy. I will be contacting the author later, questioning how he obtained the names of the DJINN and also if he has relations to Freemasonry as this may be a hidden practice as I feel associated with the "Fez" hat.
In doing such curse reversals, I have also had to collect evidence, as in a "pre-trial" discovery fashion, however, before filing a legal "complaint". Hence, I sent near-daily emails to family members, including the TURNERS, questioning them in order to get help. However, knowing their "arrogant" son, my sister's husband, I chose to be an "investigator" and played many roles to "poke and prod" with only arrogant-responses, if any. In fact, the Jewish-Freemasons hid behind my Hindu-Woman sister, making me wonder how Tu-Baals are forged in Freemasonry, for Masculine Maturity? Especially since I've found, and email-evidenced a lack of "morals and ethics" from the TURNER family. Once again, I spent most of the year, on almost a daily basis, sending emails in an attempt to get help, whether successfully, or as a means to assist legal-discovery.
These "entity-attachments" are in all my work product attempting to cloud my head, control me, and have me fail. They are in my food, sending pain through my body, especially neck tensions, as well as DJINN manifestation in digestive system (yes, gross but I got used to it). They are in my bed as energy feeders, and attempting to sexual control/inhibit. They have blocked meditative channels, and are attempting to thwart my abilities. They also try extremely hard to put pressure on my head during Advaita "satsang", which is the worst for them. I can't step outside my house for long, before having the feeling of being "filled up", with my home an "animist-sanctuary" being protective of such energies. Honestly, if I wasn't practicing these rituals, I would be dead. In fact, I have to conjure my "normal personality" and "guides" to come-back as they feel like they are being "stolen", this includes my "shadow aspect" which appears to be only getting stronger and ready for revenge.
Rule: I need "experts" in a field that doesn't have much in terms of success, that is "public", to be able to have a firm business modal in a courtroom. In other words, YOU NEED TO OWN YOUR OWN MOUTH, as this business is a "teaching" modality, not a "hallmark" industry for which many succumb due to "love dovey" religious sales-brainwashing.
Analysis: So far, I drilled Lund since November, near daily. Only to find the same "Lund" for which I had dropped her from my writing. Do understand, "Lund" had expressed that she would be closing this business in light of "The Sacred Tent", with some excuse to cover her bullshit. Only to find that such was a mere transfer of bullshit. If "Lund" had taken the advice of real "spiritual teachers" as in accomplished-experienced gurus, for which she knew and ripped, she would not be calling herself "Divine" ... or should she? Once again, what is House of Lund selling? I know and seen enough "woo woo" with Lund to know she is real. I know and heard enough "drama" with Lund to know she is messy. Her toilet is evidence enough.
Analysis can really help here Lund Team! It sucks to return to Lund and catching her "red handed" like the "Sacred Tent" days, only to find her continuing to be a "jerk" making her business smell extremely "fishy", and not in the feeding-the-masses "Sacred Tabernacle" way. In studying scripture, it seems deity typically holds both qualities of a "hand that blesses" and a "hand that spanks" where I feel the public should be provided with a proper "assessment".
Conclusion: House of Idems, please help.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(An Adversary, A Gentleman)
A. Sublime. 40oz To "Advaita Vedanta". Universal Music Group. (1992)
(War&Peace / Ananda Tandava / Caught Slippin'?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlpAAHar96E)
B. Tubal Cain. Nephilim. Azazel. (2022)
(Seer/Watcher/Witch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tubal-cain)
(1 Enoch 15:4-9 / Togetherness: https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe018.htm)
(1 Enoch 12:5-6 / "Delight: Beloved": https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe015.htm)
(Better Than Slangin' In the Valley: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/home/king-solomons-temple-occult-rebuild-work-in-progress)
(Jurisdiction: http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/scramblings/elimination-of-bias-in-the-courtroom-even-avvo-cant-answer-proper-legal-questions)
(1 Enoch 10:13 / "Against One Another": https://book-ofenoch.com/chapter-10/)
C. The Author. A Qabalist Interpretation Of the Nigerian Igbo People (Judaism and Odinala). TheInnerStairwell (2022). (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/a-qabalist-interpretation-of-the-nigerian-igbo-people-judaism-and-odinala)
(Abakua / Masulinity)
D. The Author. Invoking The Dark Goddess. TheInnerStairwell. (2015)
(Hekate / Femininity: Primal Self for "As Above, So Below")
E. The Author. Your Honor. TheInnerStairwell. (2021)
(Retainer Agreement / "Doubtful Repute": http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day)
(Los Angeles Times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tJP29ja1WM)
(Chapter of Rose Croix Degrees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_Iv7p8rt_0)
(Confidential / Doctor Report / Luke 7:34: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhSVlp2-u20)
(Masculinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U8kUEzEnUM)
(Gurus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo2tsSRAhew)
(Milk and Honey: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%2013:27-33&version=NIV)
(Giants / "Ineffable Name": https://www.lawofone.info/results.php?q=anak+yod)
(Chillin' With The No. 1 Station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktKZy7xFSbo)
(Talkin' To The Chicks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_eBPiKPe18)
F. Judgment Day. Still Waters Run Deep. Easter Bunny (03:00)
(Trainees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEg_6Hs71Cg)
(Adversary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51oVUpajcCo)
(Attorney: https://theglamorouspeacock.weebly.com/vocabulary)
(Protection: http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/resheph-to-mikal-rooting-archangel-michael-for-gnosis)
G. Saw Red. Leviathan. Santeria. (2022)
(Swim / Reef / No Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmadSGJCzo8)
Curse Reversal:
Not "Benson Turner" Curses, but "Freemason" curses as in "Curse Reverse Freemasonry", is required for the above music.
I need to remove quite a bit, to stop from throwing a tantrum at Lund, post publishing. Fabricated "tantrum" as there was no "logic" behind it, and clearly altered my "energy field" to limit me especially during Advaita "satsang". This has been my typical year of "Ben Turner", controlled by his "ineffable name" cult. Now it is confirmed that it is "Freemasonry".
I can't listen to much of the material posted on my work-product, as I feel limited with "Ben Turner" energy cords, and have to deal with his curses before I can assess the material free of "his limitations" (not mine).
They are typically removed with these messages, as someone consistently follows readjusting based thereon. Nonetheless, they cursed much, as it is taking quite a bit to return to the original vibration, of when I originally posted my "clearing" sigil-symbols on my blog.
(Sent via Private Submission)
RE: Expert Opinion
House of Idems:
In case you can't tell, I'm trying to make an "expert" of Lund, to be under the crossfire within a "professional" situation. It didn't happen placing Lund on my blog, questioning Lund on my blog, removing Lund from my blog, returning to question Lund for 2 months, threatening to publish such post-comments, publishing such posts-comments with further commentary, all of which filled with significant "legalese", only to find we still have the same "House of Lund".
In a world where "psychics" are questionable, where such can now be a "peer-reviewable" practice, from manifestation to vision boards, to astral-projection "deity" gnosis for soul-evolution, to discovery of "empty" or the lack-of "free will" for one's "true self" beyond all conditioning or anchoring one's "spirit contracts" via "karma", we would have to fight against, or rather counter-create not co-create, with a heavily prejudicial and arrogant-hedonist psychological environment.
Should "psychic" phenomena be evidentiary-proven true, it may be kept a secret due to the potential for misuse, abused by the few at the manipulative expense of the many. Such "practices" are due-diligently noted in elitist-circles, one of which requires legal "discovery" at a national-public level due to "Constitutionality" purposes.
Instead of your need to "compete" as you had ignorantly-addressed when I had your name on my work-product, as a recommendation, you should have just owned your skillset unclouded from "hallmark" marketing and "baby girl to motherhood" reflection of emotional-sentiments and crutches to "emotional dolls", all of which we are stuck in some sort of "disney" enchantment conditioned since childhood.
On an "overpopulated planet" sold under "go green" ideologies, education and discernment, or rather "conscious-awareness" becomes pivotal, as opposed to sheepishly "breeding" and satisfying hedonist "serotonin-dopamine" complexities, much sold on the market under the disguise of "follow your bliss", leading people astray from the "true-bliss" of "empty".
Lund and her team of experts, are you capable of standing-up and addressing the concerns of your/our communities, and developing a business modality that can be placed under "peer reviewable" efforts for evolving "success" to effectively educate the next generation in a world full of opposition, or do we return to "once you go black, you never go back" placing everything Lund and her community does into question? Do we place the path of service to "serotonin-dopamine" self over the path of service to "empty" self, both providing a "mirrored" reflection?
Do we return to the barbie doll's dreamhouse of a "white privilege" vision-board, Ms. Lund?
Amit Prakash
Elizabeth Lund:
In dire need, I came to you for help, only to find you flaunting the "New Dick" as in "Black" in front of me, Michael Walker.
1. You already told me "once you go black you never go back", for which I gave up. Some word of advice, judge women by the men they fuck. If they have no respect for your white children, who are you spreading your legs for, and what is the point of you breeding?
2. You are giving "Michael Walker" respect? Another KKKRACKER teacher, right, because he would get behind all your bullshit. Seriously Lund, what about the respect for all the real spiritual teachers you ripped off, including myself. Looking at Michael Walker's facebook posts, as this is the new generation of spiritual teachers, GIVE ME A REASON TO NOT KILL MYSELF! I seriously can't believe you went that direction. But then again, how else are you going to glorify yourself other than hiding behind the "Marcs" of the world.
In a world of "All Lives Matter" requiring "Black Lives Matter", proving that life is actually meaningless especially with "once you go black", showing me that I shouldn't breed, the whole "you bring peace to the world by loving yourself" is better met with "buy a gun". In a world of "white privilege", what else is there to do? If I'm going to go out, I might as well go out with a bang, RIGHT BITCH? In other words, treat white people, the way they have and continue to treat the rest of us.
3. The last time I heard about you dating, I think it was an Indian guy for which you removed a serpent or some other story you conjured as an excuse. You stated that he ended up cursing you out. Please speak the truth, about what happened. Honestly, I basically sent you a demand letter every day for two-months (Nov-Dec.) for which I am owed damages from you fraud, plagiarism, misrepresentations, intentional infliction of emotional distress, etc. Honestly, I'm surprised someone doesn't "beat the shit" out of you on a daily basis, given how much bullshit comes out of your mouth. Honestly, do your children go to school, or do they just use vision boards?
4. I asked for your help, and all I can get from you is you rubbing dick in my face, hence the reason why you labeled the "walker" email "BLACK". In other words, FUCK YOU BITCH AND THE FUCKING CUNTS YOU FUCK!
ELIZABETH LUND IS TOO BIG OF A BITCH TO OWN HER CUNT-MOUTH, LET ALONE CLEAN HER SHIT TOILET. SO TOILET-CLEANER MICHAEL WALKER, I CREATED A SUICIDE-DEATH COURT, TO INVITE YOU AND ALL YOU KKKRACKER-ASS MOTHERFUCKERS. Please give me a reason to end this shithole life, surrounded by "White". At least, I won't have to worry about FREEMASONS or other DESERT RELIGION fraud meant to enslave. LUND ARE YOU STILL AN angEL? Do you still sell "wings" to your clients? If you can't help regarding DJINN, can you just say so, instead of rubbing your sex life in my face, you fucking asshole. Seriously, how many of your former-clients have you pissed off over the years, make sure you keep a record of them for legal purposes, and the real reasons why including their contact info as your shit mouth will "white wash" everything.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(Lund: Once again, each and every message to you is basically a demand letter to your lawyers. Now, I will only be further collecting evidence for "Fraud" against you and your team, as well for the reason why I call you "BITCH" as in "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". Provided that I'm selling nothing but my own death, I invite you KKRACKERS and STANK-ASS BITCHES to MY SUICIDAL COURTROOM. You wanted a spiritual business, I want to die, let's see where we end up, shall we?)
1. What is a Daemon? -Qliphotic Practitioner
2. Cultural Hypnosis? -Qliphotic Practitioner
What is the "Divine" if not "Empty" attained in "Ain Soph Aur", where Dreams are merely cracking the foundation in "Yesod"? How does one face "fear" if they are afraid of the "dark"?
3. Not a psychologist, not a pharmacologist, not self-help, not spiritual? This comment is ripe with legal issues. Why get an education when you can be an arrogant clueless fuck?
4. Wisdom of the Numinous Soul. Where is it? Where is the Wisdom, especially since we don't need scientists anymore, or the need to be scientific with our work-product? Once again, what is "wisdom" without "intelligence"? Fancy interpretations, or dreams in themselves and "CONDITIONED" symbols in addition to theta-brainwave sigils, are all mere attempts to rebalance the energy centers in recognizing one's power, done by going "empty".
5. Ego. He talks about his identity "ego", and then puts his picture on the post. Consciousness and "Ego", you might want to STUDY REAL SPIRITUAL TEACHERS. Your dreams are a delusion. Your dreams (yesod) in materiality (malkuth) are taught from ex-nihilo nothing (kether) that evolves the soul (tiphereth). In other words, SELF REALIZATION IS GREATER THAN YOUR CONDITIONED WANTS, DESIRES, AND DREAMS. This is the reason why "GURUS" were not to have "SPIRITUAL BUSINESSES".
Honestly, I can't even get through the rest of your facebook posts as you're merely kissing your own ass, and coming up with excuses why you don't have evidentiary support. No wonder the "Lunds" go towards this nonsense, it makes her feel "Divine".
Captain Sav-A-Ho putting Pussy On A Pedestal, and rather stupidly I might add. But then again, this is the "once you go black, you never go back" with a "white son" shithole selfish-spirituality of "House of Idems".
A. Lys Campbel. Dynamic Intententions.
(Fuck the Hero's Journey: https://dynamicintention.podia.com/)
(Quickly get the activations you need from these "Dreamscape" teachers, and ditch the sales "wisdom" for the "intelligence". Not just your own time and evolution, but humanity's is at stake.)
B. Seth Speaks
C. Story Waters
D. Masculinity?
(Is Dreamscape like playing "Video Games"? I wasted my life trying to be "good" and "responsible". I wasted my life looking up to "Jesus" if not a "deity" at least a "homie". Old slave masters god, a new outlook, Socratically crucified.)
E. Become a Living God
(The answer to "Video Games' is "yes", but only after rebalancing and forging with powerful archetypes, deities "condemned" due to their "heavenly powers and wisdom", in "daemonically" adjusting humanities "evolution".)
Elizabeth Lund,
just because you "suck someone's dick",
doesn't mean you should do business with them!
-Legal Advice
How does "Dreamscape" work, is it like Lund's "Vision Boards"?
Did you dream yourself with "black" size penis and manifest Lund? Is that how it works. Honestly, after looking at your posts, I wish I never have done "an honest days worth of work". Fuck helping people, when you can just tell them to "imagine yourself with a bigger penis", right? Do you still visit the doctor, or rely on medical intelligence?
In fact, what is your size, as Elizabeth Lund has sold her business as a "Sex Goddess" but a "Size Queen". How does she help those, particularly the ones she's constantly turning her back on, in an elitist "White" manner.
Seriously, what the fuck are you selling, especially if you're still stuck on new age Joseph Campbell in a world where 50% of the population still need to figure out what they are worshipping. Follow your serotonin-dopamine "bliss" over the true "bliss" of empty, bringing intelligence and conscious-awareness to balance the moment, something Lund has continuously failed to do for years, keeping her audience INTENTIONALLY in "ignorance is bliss".
Should either of you, collect a single-penny, for the crap that comes out of your mouths?
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(Apologies for the numerous posts, but I have had to switch email accounts as I keep getting blocked for some reason, right Lund? I thought I'd get them in, while the legal fire is hot)
You labelled the email advertisement with Michael Walker as "Black". What does that mean? Does that mean you're getting married, congratulations, as in "once you go black, you never go back"?
Why did you label that advertisement as such? Answer is a hint towards your psychology, for which I called "Cunt".
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Lund got her understanding of "Daemon" from my work product, for which she then relied, and used for her business model. Even her concept of "unique" comes from my differentiation.
Please address why you are teaching such information, post Ms. Lund being educated from my work product. Your whole outlook simply looks like one of my posts, in an uneducated fashion. (http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/research-in-becoming-the-daimon-demons-are-a-girls-best-friend). Honestly, even your "chivalry" picture post adds up to the "powerwolf" song addressed in the article. In other words, you're a wannabe attempt at my blog post!
Seriously regarding Lund and now yourself, evidence needs to be addressed on her plagiarism, unfair competition, and lack of evolution as noted "intelligence" is highly frowned upon in these communities.
Amit Prakash, Esq
Why is it that you are supporting "Michael Walker" for "Daemon", but you talked so much shit about what I was doing, what I was writing, what I was creating, and the teachers I was using, which was then when you started using the word "Unique" as you were bringing people away from "religion" post another one of my posts attesting to my experience in Christian schools.
Do understand, YOU HAVE SHOWN SIGNIFICANT "UNFAIR COMPETITION" in the way you have presented your Business, MISUSING YOUR MARKETING DEGREE. The work product that you and your community are producing, is sexist, racist-rapist hierarchal, elitist, prejudicial, and highly uneducated and glorifying yourselves as such.
Continuously, I can't help be but disgusted with the state of "spirituality" as it is capitalist-competitive in the market, with a bunch of racist ANTI-GURUS, like LUND.
In terms of the "Daemon", can anyone in and associated with "House Of Idems", before collecting a penny, prove the world that Louis Farrakhan is wrong about them. As in, is, "the White Man The Devil"? White spiritual businesses, theologians, historians, and hell even politicians, should all be answering that one question.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(Lund: "Is the White Man the Devil?")
In Elethica we work with focus on empowering you by supporting your connection with your psyche/soul which is emphasized in your dreams and visions.
In Michael's words...
"Your consciousness is based on the instinctual intelligence,
and not what you think about thinking."
And we connect best with our instinctual intelligence when our mind is prevented from (over)thinking.
You are hereby invited to join us on our Facebook- and/or our Instagram-page, where you can get a daily kick of wisdom and expertise on Integrated Healing, dream and vision work.
We also invite you to sign up for our FREE Dream-course, which will be launched in January. All you have to do is reach out to us on our facebook-page with your email address, so we can put you on the list of participants.
Like, share and subscribe to Elethica, where much will be shared from now on, and join in with your comments and/or questions, and we will make sure that you feel seen, heard and responded to in every case.
Thank you for all your energy and support over the years, I am beyond honored and I am looking forward to be connecting with you again through Elethica. If not, thank you for being here with me and hopefully our paths will cross again some day.
With love
Elizabeth Lund
Learn More
+45 3133 5773
Go to Elethica
Elizabeth Lund:
Are you capable of having an Adult Conversation, if not professional? You obviously don't care about your reputation, where now we need to discover if you are a "Scam" or a real "Psychic". You're marketing for your business model, once again, is essentially limited and done in a manner where you can rape other teachers, under the disguise of the "uneducated" and "unlicensed" title of "COACH".
I am at a loss on how much you have ripped off from my work product, to end up with the "Michael Walkers" of the world, unless it's just sex with you. I came to you regarding curses, and I have to deal with your inability to close your legs, for some sort of "Divine" sex and reproduction, both of which needs to be highly evidenced in order to present you adequately, not like a scam. Honestly Lund, instead of calling your relationships "divine", you're giving us evidence that your relationships are "shit". Even with your children as you hide behind and use MELISSA as your marketing gimmick for your "SACRED TENT", but of course we don't know what your son's name is, he's not as important. No wonder your ex husband left, no wonder men want to fuck you but not marry you, no wonder they end up yelling at you, no wonder you date men that "have changed" from abusive to "pickup artist", HONESTLY, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING IF YOU ARE SO SEXIST WITH YOUR APPROACH AND TEND TO FALL TOWARDS "DUMB".
I ASK ONCE AGAIN FOR A PROPER STATEMENT ON WHAT BOTH OF YOU ARE SELLING ON THE MARKET, as I have suffered significant legal repercussions from Elizabeth Lund and MICHAEL WALKER SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ALLOWED TO OPEN HIS MOUTH IN PUBLIC. Seriously, YOU FUCKING ASHRAM-COUGAR, how often do we have to negate the "intelligent" because they are wearing a turban, for the deluded "wisdom" of the kracker? So far, your educations are showing to be a joke, your work product is showing to be elitist-narcissist-arrogant, and your mouths are nothing more than "hallmark" cards preying on the "emotional".
Honestly, Lund, I came to you for help only to find you're still the same asshole, however, now you're dating a "retarded version" of my blog post on "daimons".Just a quick glance at his facebook posts, I CAN NEVER PROFESSIONALLY RECOMMEND "MICHAEL WALKER". But Lund, it makes sense that you do, provided the numerous comments I have given you since roughly 2019. IT'S AMAZING THAT YOU REFUSED TO GROW UP LUND.
The world doesn't need more spiritual scam artists. You assholes should be held liable for what comes out of your mouths.
Amit Prakash
A. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. CACI No. 1600. (2022)
B. The Author. Research In Becoming The Daimon (Demon's Are A Girl's Best Friend). TheInnerStairwell. (2019)
(http://www.theinnerstairwell.com/house-keeping-day/research-in-becoming-the-daimon-demons-are-a-girls-best-friend )
(Evidence that "Elizabeth Lund" has not evolved, has not grown up, since being recommended on my blog, but still presents herself with an asshole "superiority" model.)
C. Lund, Elizabeth. House of Idems.
(Case Study: The damage of White "Spiritual Businesses" on proper "Spiritual Teachers". How to spot lovey dovey "hallmark" cards that essentially rape intelligent "teachers", with a superiority complexity hiding behind false "ego death". As evidence and comparison to Advaita and Qliphoth, no evolution, no progress, no intelligence in an industry of "coaching" where the uneducated don't have to "own their mouth".)
(Lund: In one of your videos, you had discussed that you were almost raped. The next day, you had stated, that someone (male) who brought wisdom into your life, sent you "protective energy". PLEASE TELL US WHO WAS IT THAT SENT YOU THAT PROTECTIVE ENERGY, AND IF IT WAS "DARK".)
D. Chili. The Dog.
(The dog was named and treated better in all of her videos, than her son, who is?)(Remember those videos, I don't remember who was hornier, you requesting friends with benefits, the men you discussed on your dating websites from "abusive to chivalry" pick-up lines, the men you hired to brush off other men while they created musical "playlists" to serenate you, the men you collaborated with who in your meetings would say "hey babe, show me your tits", or the dog who continuously-viciously would be caught humping the pillow.)
E. Melissa. Sacred Tent
(I'm sorry children, but this has not been fair, and you deserve better. The next generation deserves better, including children who are not "white". Your mother has not been professional at all with her business since first meeting her where she is still the same today, let alone using you in her business, where it has become obvious she does not care for anyone else's reputation. With your father leaving you and a selfish mother of "once you go black, you never go back" stated publicly despite her white family and colleagues, I am at a loss on why certain people should be permitted to have children. Once again, you deserve better than vision-board "hallmark cards" over education, "real teachers" over whiteness, a balance of "logic" with "emotion" for the most holistic human being, to have the most amazing life possible, FEARLESSLY. It is only the "left hand path" where "fearless" is found, as the "Michael Walker's" of the world stupidly preach about the Daimon. Under Tiamat, "they are a girls best friend". Sorry for all the chaos I created, Melissa.)
And no one knows the gypsy's man
And no one hears his lonely sighs
There are no blankets where he lies
Lord, in his deepest dreams the gypsy flies"
Seem To Come And Go
(Solo Path: No One Else Can Do It For You)
[email protected]
1-23-23 (Email)
I received no response, no courtesy, and of course, no morals and ethics, from your organization once again, especially since you are known to utilize my work-product and the spiritual teachers listed for your own marketing and ego-centered "female" glorification. Like "Michael Walkers" facebook post as part of your business "partnership" as "Elethica" which has been since "removed", it's amazing how one can glorify their "egos" in presenting "ego death" material, hinting towards the emotional-bodies primal instincts of "flight or fight" and the lifelong conditioning engraining "fear" responses, leading towards his "dreamy" work product. Such also indicates that you, Ms. Lund, were unable to integrate Kali Ma despite your cultural-appropriative mouth.
For the life of me Lund, instead of ripping-off the teachers on my blog, did you comprehend or let alone experience the gnosis they provided, before returning to your self-glorification "jack off" business? What is "processing" that you are selling, if it is not "Advaita Vedanta" pointings. In fact, how many times since last November 2022 have I asked you, "what are you selling?" for which you continued your self-glorification, sexist, and self-loathing "buzzword-hallmark" charade. Your messages, though couched in tarot or some obscure-astrology for marketing-differentiation, may land correctly but the probability and the sourcing is questionable. Hence, the need to clean you up as in "help you put your pants on" and see if you can handle questioning to systematically assess your information-output, becomes highly necessary for your business if we are to use your "gifts" in a professional setting.
A. Advaita Vedanta
If you or anyone in your community cannot do the "samadhi blanket", meaning bring people to "bliss" which is found with Sat-Guru in becoming "aware of awareness", causing the mental body to "dark night process" its conditioned responses and attachments, then please articulate what you mean by "processing" as sales.
B. Kriya Yoga
If you are mentoring others regarding "psychic gifts", others have already provided time-tested stepping stones, of running your energetic-channels in a Taoist manner, as well as imaginative-guidance in navigating one's consciousness in exploring the "netherworlds" as a psychopomp with experience in many different aspects of using one's abilities. Once again, in a stepping-stone manner. Not only are these pointers amazing when detailed providing numerous "arrows" for one's quiver, but the assistance of "entity-archetypes" is expansive well-beyond the "vision board" conquests of the typical marketed material geared towards those logical-scientific.
C. Channeled
If you present "channeled" material, please describe such entities or energies, as they may be "inspiration", they may be "egregore", or they may be "mind control". Moreover, please ensure the "channeled" material is "intelligent", as many in the audience may actually be smarter. Inspired messages should not be considered "channeled", but actually "inspired" or "energy readings".
D. Intelligence
When possible, and as much as possible, substantiate practices and claims. Peer review to set the stage for the next generation.
E. Expert
Research your field, become a market researcher to develop your own material. Only present your material, when you've forged beyond or with the material you are consuming. Differentiate and substantiate.
Once again, I came back to you to assess your gifts, your talents, your business model, your attitude, in order to prepare an EXPERT OPINION report based on the year 2022 and continuing today, in dealing with Freemasonic and Ineffable Name based occultism, in a field with a terrible reputation and strong skepticism in a courtroom. I expected a whole lot more from you, especially since I attempted to assist you only to find your attitude to be quite selfish, self-centered, and self-loathing.
You are provided, once again, to publish a full public-report in allowing you and your "trusted" community to freely and openly "read me", because that's how stupidly I still trust your abilities, which will allow public assessment of your gifts and abilities. It's free marketing for you, and an opportunity to establish some credibility for the psychics of the world, and allow me to be one step further in getting these issues to cease.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
[email protected]
1-26-23 (Email)
Lund, LuND, LUND!:
Please take a look at what the lawyers are looking like in my country.
Please, PleASE, PLEASE! let me know if you can help me.
A. Lund 2023
Every time you open your mouth in public,
I'm reminded of how shitty people are.
Because of you,
I learned that it is better to slice one's wrist than to help others.
And, I'm going to keep following you to prove that.
Every penny you make,
is raping spirituality.
What's worse, is you know it,
and you knew it back when I threw you off my blog for pimping Jesus.
Of course,
you don't judge yourself or take responsibility or reflect
unless it is to "white wash" in the name of "peace".
Lund which is it?
A. You bring peace to the world, by loving yourself.
B. You bring peace to the world, by sacrificing yourself.
Answer ASAP!
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Evolution: Did you not learn anything from the many spiritual teachers you ripped-off over the years, at least since 2019, or are we back at this "hallmark card" momentum.
Grounding: Cord to Earth to anchor consciousness-centered in head, and release psychological baggage, as in conditioning. These are proper "kriya" techniques, not "advertisements" for "lovey dovey". What you present is nothing more than "commercial" forms of "mindfulness" plaguing the market, where with an introduction to Advaita, you should have know better. Significantly better.
Head should be "spacious" as in "empty" free to engage the "moment" as in "inspiration" of "in-spirit", while the mind-body anchors such "empty" complexity through "grounding".
Amit Prakash, Esq.
What is "home" other than the "empty" or "inner completion" where one no longer has the "desire" for "manifestation"?
Provided such teaching is an example of the introductory course known as "the Secret" plaguing the new age community, as well as legal, are you capable of peer-reviewing and scientifically-cataloging your "manifestations" and the quickness of "mind over matter" capabilities?
Personally, I would like to resolve traumas that inhibit my feeling-states, my vibrational-momentum inhibited by muscular-tension plaguing my "kinesiology", before I would even be able to enjoy a "manifestation". Once again, as the Buddha taught against desire, it is best to help end suffering.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
As a "parent", you have many responsibilities to others, many of which are why some of us are "lawyers". Your perspective is nothing more than your conceptual ideation based on your conditioning, broken by the "inspiration" found by going "empty".
Response: You have failed to respond to my messages for two (2) months for the closing of last year (2022), with my health at risk. Do understand, I am legally owed damages. This post shows why.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
These astrological readings of yours, keep one in the "monkey head" wouldn't you say? As they are repetitive of prior "monthly readings" for which I needed to stop reading, and focusing on energy-myself, not in reading due to the amount of mind-control and entity-manipulation, but in managing and manipulating to my "meditative" frequency. As in, outdo and transcend the planetary aspects, as they are archons as attested by the Christian Gnostics.
Elizabeth Lund, many of your posts are actually you attempting to avoid "responsibility", as in to your children, to your family, to your society, to your "lovers", obviously to your "clients", as you continue to peddle "the Secret" as if it is scriptures for your "hallmark" charade. As you have continuously shown us to be the "main character" of your soap-opera life sold as a spiritual "eat, pray, love", should I be "responsible" for your "reflections" and "responsibility" in society?
Should others bare the burden of wiping your ass, provided you're incapable of cleaning up your toilet, aka "release".
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Nazi Lund:
Nazi: Nordic adopting Hindu ideation for egoic enculturation and inflation.
Once again, as you are my "Cunt Mentor" where I requested your psychic assistance regarding my "Kike Mentor", Mr. Benson Turner, father of eloping brother-in-law Michael Turner, both Jewish-Freemasons, cults revolving around the "ineffable name" of what Gnostic Jesus referred to as the Demiurge, or as in Abraxas the "Matrix". The "ineffable name" appears to work well with the gnostic listed "archons".
As indicated to you last year, where I attempted to forge you in preparing a professional EXPERT REPORT sans the hallmark "the secret" language of new age commercialization, I needed you to be on point with the top spiritual teachers on the planet, only to find you still playing the soap-opera of "big dick" spirituality. To advance to other spiritual teachers, the goal would be to kill, which I will not hesitate, as people like you and the Turners have taught me that life is meaningless. In others words, be like a Nazi or a Jew. Same shit, differ shade of white.
As requested, it is through Jewish material that I am capable of having these attached-entities flushed away. They are sent contiously throughout the day, and every early morning during the sleeping hours of 12am to 5am, having me wake up with Anti-Jewish sentiments, and of course thinking of Benson Turner as I am corded with him. His cords are nasty, it's old angry man pile of shit, parasitic shit, that requires curse reversal. His cords arise every time I sit at my computer, with something else trying to take over. Moreover, it is often parasitic in the genital area, creating sexual assault issues. His energy cords are obvious, and it is like mind readers. From my writing, it is obvious why.
He hasn't stopped, even now as I type this, as I oscillate between having to turn the wireless on and off, due to being cursed with the inability to work. Such curses also include DJINN, many of which I have listed and help remove said curses. Such shows that Mr. Benson Turner's death is mandatory in order for these issues to stop, and that the Holocaust may have been necessary, and may continue to be necessary.
Based on your teachings, let's hear your psychic evaluation, your manifestation process, your solution. Seriously Lund, let's have at it finally! Are you worth the time and trouble, or do you just deserve a bullet between your eyes, as in, treat both the Kike and the Kracker the way they have treated the rest of us. Peace is usually sold to the world, after war.
Rest In Peace,
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Lund and New Dick:
Ms. Lund, I'm still waiting for the response from your new dick, Michael Walker. Seriously, he is now the third (3rd) one for me. What is it with all the "white mikes" of the world running like a "little bitch"?
Like my Freemasonic-Jewish brother in law, Michael Turner, who ran like a "little bitch" when asked questioning regarding curses and Freemasonic practices such as Medieval Occultism. It's odd, both him and your new dick are into Medieval "Chivalry", trying to play some sort of hero or dragon slayer. Typical white complexity.
Moreover, it's interesting that Tubal Cain plays a major role in the "craft", especially representing the "forge". Where under gnosis, Tubal Cain grants telepathy. Add that up with all the required memorization of freemasonry, and you have an interesting occulted-society. As I write, I can feel nasty energy-cords, Ben Turner, connect to my "lower chakra" with a nasty sexual feel. You will be talking about chakras in one of your upcoming seminars, can you explain that one, and how I can protect myself?
As you know, I am publicating this information and you know the direction my work product was previously going, before the Turner debacle. So you can tell, if I'm lying or not, as this would actually harm my reputation and hence, success of my work product. Nonetheless, truth needs to be told, for which I have risked everything. Again, I'm being unique which I have always been, and of course, segregated and separated for it by fake-asses like yourself, Ms. Lund. It's obvious you would rather breed with the "white mike's" of the world, hinting towards the irresponsibility of your commentaries including "once you go black you never go back" showing the need to neuter your children provided your inability to close your legs, but are you actually capable of evolving, growing, maturing, and actually owning your mouth and assisting? However, your probably hoping that I would just die, and my work-product disappear, especially knowing how much more and much deeper my work product can assist others, for free, threatening your "hallmark" spiritual business of course.
Which you shit teachings, with what you have led me on with your shit messages, give me a reason not to put a gun in the Turner's mouth. Give me a reason not to put a gun in your bitchass mouth. Give me a reason not to put a gun in my own mouth.
I have no problem publicizing such statements, as that would force the real culprits to hire a lawyer or file a police report. Meaning, they would have to go into a confessional booth.
Fuck the World!
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Breathwork, or rather, returning to breath like a child energizing the lower-gut (lower dantien), causes the meridians to open and energy to flow properly, balancing-harmonizing the psychological-centers known as chakras, to have an "as within, so without" experience.
Attention should be on "awareness", breathwork assists in dropping the mind-body conditioning and release of the resulting muscular-tension, as one goes towards "empty" for "inspiration" of Self. The "present moment" is in your "head", which is why most of these teachings and teachers fail, though are sadly repeated. This is why real "spiritual teachers", as in "gurus" are desperately needed, but for the distraction of this white-washed commercialized cookie-cutter sold as "unique" industry.
In the "empty", you have the "tao", or the Greco "chaos and order" for the balance of "kairos". What you have, is an addiction to "samsara" as in "manifestation". Your ego wants, what your ego wants.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Are you in "peace" when meditating on "war"?
Do you "consciously choose" anything, or do you wait for "inspiration", hence "clarity"?
Amit Prakash, Esq.
You say that life is lived in the "now", but you're on the path of "desire" as you sell "manifestation" for the "now". However, is not your past-conditioning the reason for your "desire", and hence your intent towards "manifestation", and hence the reason for your importance on the "now". If you are to address the "now", what is the importance of an "astrological" reading indicating the future. What is the importance of the past, if you cannot evolve and mature.
Excellent psychological post on showing the difference between: 1. Commercial Spiritual Teachers; and 2. Gurus.
I see you removed all of my posts for November and December 2022. Obviously, as someone who supported you through my writing, as someone who was your client, as someone who has to sit here and listen to yourself call yourself "divine" and "pure", it sucks to read your posts saying your going to respond ASAP. Obviously, my pain that you have caused doesn't mean shit to you, the legal damages that you have caused doesn't mean shit to you, raping other spiritual teachers and their work product doesn't mean shit to you, overall my life doesn't mean shit to you unless I'm kissing your ass and giving you a dollar.
Ms. Lund, so far, you are the path of selfish conceited desire, the path of "big dick syndrome". Ms. "once you go black you never go back", can you own your mouth intellectually and legally?
Amit Prakash, Esq.
I could really use your help.
Since Dec. 2021, I've done nothing but fight off Freemasonic-Jewish curses. It's taken over my life, to the point where it is better to just end it. I'm constantly connected with the other's energy cords, which is painful to remove, and I can't get it all. They are entity-attachments, and they try to get me to act. I can't work anymore.
I've wrote to Lund for nearly two (2) months last year (2022), which I hope you've taken note. Lund brags about her abilities, her predictions. Her general readings are on point, if one can read between the lines. My paid for sessions on the other hand, were a complete waste of time, leading me on irresponsibly. In fact, I should be with my "twin flame" or something, which makes sense since the divine union is in me. In fact, shakti-tapas clears the left side of the body, where the right side is struggling to resolve its issues leaning on the left. Hence, I would be mostly the "feminine" trying to heal my "masculine". Nonetheless, Lund is a piece of shit, with arrogant "divine feminine" syndrome, where she essentially rips off other teachers then hides behind cards or astrology. She's proving to me that women are more and more basically "easy bake ovens". Something weird to me since both my mother and sister worked their asses off.
I could use your help as a third party reviewer and if you can help clean me up. Maybe help me move on without going towards tougher teachers. However, I don't know the extent of your abilities, and Lund clouds everything especially with her white-washed spirituality ripe with her own personal agendas, hence, Cult of Lund.
Please help. At least respond.
Please help Katrin. Everyone of Lund's videos makes me want to kill myself. I hate that selfish self righteous bitch who thinks she's better than actual Gurus. After following my blog for so long, she should be a lot smarter today, instead of reverting back, where I'm basically seeing "cut and paste". My family also kicked me out in support of those who have abused my family their whole lives, because they have cute kids to manipulate everyone else. In this world, the good are abused. The bad and abusive, like the Lunds of the world, are the success. Lund is just another socialist-liberal with "going green" sales, but really wants to be "donald trump" with her cultish behavior. Same conduct, different flavors, easily noticeable if you've had to grow up around white people. When it comes to women, should I be "kind and courteous" or should I be "grab em by the pussy"? How about we ask, "once you go black, you never go back". And yes, that statement will continue, and we will look to the past, because Lund has left a trail that shows her "modus operandi", her M.O.
Nonetheless, Katrin, please help. At this point, and in this world, and after Lund's bullshit, can you give me a reason to live. Please Katrin.
That's the beauty of being an "energy worker". Everything is "energy" (e) and it presents our consciousness (c_squared) with a mirrored reflection of an atomic dance of mass (m). As in E=McSquared.
In terms of "mirrored", it's amazing how much intelligence consciousness (c_squared) presents itself in a "know thyself" fashion, when observing matter (m) and the vibrational thought forms of energy (e) that compose such matter (m). Provided time-space are delusionary, its interesting how much one can deliciously learn by simply being in one place and consciously-focusing on particularly mass, in an energetically interpretive hungry manner.
In particularly, it also helps see the truth in an intuitive "hunch" sense. Like the natural scent behind "perfumed lingerie", where such "masks" are essentially "per fumed", allowing for a proper gander and possible sampling of the goods before sales. Such also helps balance one energetically, instead of having to live the mirroring-relationship "drama-filled" experience of "once you go black, you never go back", one can restore and heighten their senses without personal issue rebalancing one's energy centers to harmonize those desires, leaving one filled not wanting another "slice of cake", though other may need "the whole pie" or at least the "tin-trey" for burial.
Nonetheless, despite the numbers selling themselves as "divine" in the new-age dating scenes known as "spiritual businesses", one can sense astral energies of an embodied individual, some as delicate as "fay". Such is a rarity, a keeper, someone worth feeding.
Ammit, Esq.
A. Dj Quick. Do I Love Her? Suga Free. (1990)
(Energy Pimping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5qZwDLr7k0)
[email protected],
[email protected]
Cunt Mentor:
Is a masculine only "divine" when you fuck him? I'm so confused as to your standards, and once again WHAT ARE YOU SELLING?
Seriously, white privilege is nice. (Divine Masculine)
Amit Prakash, Esq.
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I just wanted to ask now that you've ripped off and white-washed my religion, culture, demonized our race, etc....
Every time I watch your videos, I feel like slicing my wrist ... you should know why.
How the fuck do you go from Advaita and Qliphoth to that shit!
You talked so much shit about me, tried to get me away from psychic training and "the void" and the "dark matter", etc.
What is wrong with you???
I fucking hate you Lund!
Can you confirm whether or not Lund is a "Con Artist".
1. Please describe how she has helped you develop your abilities?
2. How has she used her abilities, the extent?
3. How are you developing?
4. Have you done market research and comparisons? If so, who and how are your competitors?
5. Has she used other "teacher's" material?
6. What is the success rate of her "readings" or channeled "meditations", are they repeat like energy "drug dealers"?
7. What is the probability of her success, and what is the extent of the difficult challenges she faces?
8. What is the scope of yours and Lund's "Channeling"?
9. What other training have you and her or others been through, what is the comparisons?
10. Is Lund better than other spiritual teachers, particularly the one's she is well aware of?
11. What are the amount of complaints Lund has received, and how has she handled? Has she used her teachings to be "evasive"?
12. Have others suffered from Lund's messages and the direction she has presented her teachings, has such teachings conflicted with other teachers?
13. What is the extent of her "marketing" efforts in her business, and how does she use her abilities to "attract"?
14. Can Lund be considered a "Guru" as in "Sat-Guru" helping actual Self-Realization, particularly "ananda" bliss?
15. What is the dating-profile of Lund's clientele and coworkers, as this can easily be a sex cult?
16. Are there relationship damages based on Lund's relationship "teachings", especially by the men, including the one's who have yelled at her.
17. Does Lund surround herself with competitors, or people different, so they don't outshine her. As in, Cult.
Please Katrin. Since 2019, I've realized I don't see a point to Lund's efforts, and I used to follow her daily. She has a "mezmerizing" demeanor that "serenades" the audience, where intelligence is not required, as I'm reminded by watching her videos, as she explores her sexuality, as we all know, sex sells.
I'm living in "lord of the flies".
Lord of the Flies
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Elizabeth "Show Me Your Bewbs" Lund:
Ms. Lund, provided that you have sold yourself in dealing with "Spirituality' and "Relationships", in actually proving the opposite to be true that "Relationships are a Distraction from Spirituality", I'm really wondering if you are capable of learning from the many teachers, particularly MEN, who you have PROPPED for your CULT videos?
When I supported you, even after "once you go black you never go back", you were told by Mr. Demon Toothbrush to open your business up to men who are in the feminine. That it was SO IMPORTANT. This was around 2019, only to find your still carrying on the SEXIST VENTURE, to glorify ELIZABETH LUND.
With my writing, you attempted everything you can to thwart people away from such practices. Including Kriya Yoga to properly flush the Chakras, Theta-Healers to explore the many realms and work with any entity and akashic records, Spiritualists who can teach "hands on healing" upping the game on energy work, and legitimate occultists with psychic background and tested "peer reviewed" experience for which you degraded. You stated you "integrated" KALI MA, but then you degraded the left hand path for your "hallmark" charade.
Now, I'm finding the "new dick", the "divine masculine" has finally arrived, to support LUNDS SEXUAL IDEATION. Of course, the teachers on my blog aren't "divine", especially when talking about the Daemon, the Void, Dark Matter, Psychic Development, Energy Use, etc. The "DIVINE MASCULINE" HAS TO FIT THE 'DIVINE FEMININE'S" SEXUAL INTERESTS, apparently.
But, the problem arises with your Modus Operandi, your "M.O.". Are you going to listen to "Michael Walker", despite the ignorance of his work product, for which you know he is ignorant, as I've shown you much better, for which you talked shit. Or, are we back to your colleagues telling you, "hey babe, show me your boobs". After revisiting your videos, that may be the only real reason to have a conversation with you, especially since you don't listen. In other words, PROVIDED WHAT YOU WEAR, PROVIDED HOW YOU MARKET YOURSELF, PROVIDED HOW YOU USE MEN, DON'T COMPLAIN IF MEN ARE SIMPLY TRYING TO GET A "RETURN ON THEIR INVESTMENT". The "return on investment" is obviously not your "spiritual" work product.
Once again, you had said MEN WANT TO FUCK YOU BUT THEY DON"T WANT TO MARRY YOU. It's not hard to find out why. But maybe it's the other way around if you were to be honest. YOU WANT TO FUCK MEN, BUT DON'T WANT TO MARRY THEM LET ALONE HAVE A PROPER RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM. Once again, you were to be "the path of marriage", but really, it's the path of SELFISH LUND as your desire-distortions are evident especially in your faulty "Self Reflection" sold as "Processing".
So in looking at your videos, where you are essentially USING YOUR TITS AND MAKEUP as part of your SALES, and the inability to learn, grow, and evolve with real spiritual teachers, may I ask you to just give the audience what they want? ELIZABETH LUND, SHOW US YOUR BEWBS!
You also propped WAR AS EGO, to fit your selfish ideation and interpretation of Mars (Gevurah) and Judgment, or rather "Discernment", something your cult lacks unless it is to get dick. On the other hand, you have the manipulative tactics of war-based Venus (Netzach), who USES SEDUCTION AS AN ART OF WAR. Like I had asked you before, if you cut your hair, and covered your tits, would you be able to make a dollar?
War has brought peace. Tits have started wars. (Helen of Troy)
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Other Woman:
To other woman, including those in the "Cult of Lund". I apologies for my demeanor.
I hope that you are "safe and warm" with whatever you choose to wear or not wear, with whoever you choose to "cuddle and/or display".
Nonetheless, I would be a faulty "teacher" if I didn't discuss otherwise. While many praise "hope", such becomes merely a "psychological distortion" that may inhibit clarity, of both thought and emotion, for a sense of "distraction".
The one that many of us "hope" for, who should they place their "hope" within? That is a question I've had to ask myself numerous times, while burning the "midnight oil" in the "war room" known as the "Law Office".
Find those who can give you "clarity". Who can "counsel" rather than just "coach".
Amit Prakash, Esq.
"The Real' Elizabeth Lund:
A. Divinity: Like I had predicted about this shit industry known as "divine feminine" and "twin flame", there is only a DIVINE "MASCULINE" when he fits her conditioned-egoic sexual interests. Once again, many of my assessments in this demographic, are based on your work product as you have had one of the worst mouths I've come across. You even watched me complain about you, with no effort to change and grow whatsoever from your "hallmark" perspective.
- Divinity: With all the teachers that I have shown you through my work product, HOW DOES HE EVEN COME CLOSE TO BEING DIVINE? In fact, he sounds like he needs a vocabulary to understand his own mouth as this community uses obscure "BUZZWORDS" stolen from real teachers to make themselves sound Authentic. Elizabeth Lund, how is the retarded version of my work product, divine? And, Why is my life worthless to you, especially since you raped my work product and appear to be continuing to do so. That includes Michal Walker?
- Relationships: Michael Walker fits your patterns Ms. Lund. Rape other spiritual teachers, sell yourself as better than them, and continuously brag about yourself selling something "obscure" as if you're better than everyone else. And yes, that "I'm better than you" reeks with you Ms. Lund, as evidenced by my responses to you through my blog when we followed each other, where I had to call you out on all the people, especially MEN you through off your vlogs or you ignore. You currently have one of the most sexist, elitist, white washed, self absorbed, ignorant, white privileged, as well as maximized on "double standards" where woman are glorified for merely having a "pussy", seriously, instead of "divine masculine" ... can you find me one "divine feminine".
- Divine Feminine: An idiot with abilities, is still an idiot. An asshole with abilities, is still an asshole. A white person with abilities, sadly still acts white, as in historically. Like Guru Snoop said, "...when bitches get scandlous they pull a voodoo, what you gonna do, you really don't know, so I'd advise you not to trust that ho. Silly of me to fall in love with a bitch.". Ms. Elizabeth Lund, I'm still assessing you as a scam artist, in light of real spiritual teachers, so can you instead of "hallmark" ignorance plaguing your work product as "MARKETING", can you own your life, own your motto, own your words, and properly DESCRIBE WHY YOUR CULT IS BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE?
- Children: Do you care about your son? Should your daughter be educated? So far, your son should be neutered, and your daughter should drop education and sell "femininity" like "mommy". Why would anyone want to bring kids into a world, surrounded by ELIZABETH LUNDS and her IDEATIONS. Should you be allowed to have kids?
- Sex: In addition to using "feminine" antics such as "titty" clothing, though complaining when such is effective, you love bragging about the men you're fucking and also trash them. Listening to your uneducated-mouth, I"m left suicidal, hating humanity, no longer wanting children, because I do not want them to suffer the spoiled-whitness that is the Elizabeth Lunds of the world. Ms. "once you go black, you never go back", are you capable of actually helping/serving anyone else through your business other than yourself. I'm ugly by your standards, my work product is worth ripping off, but of course you have to talk shit, while fucking the ignorant "Michael Walkers" of the world calling them "divine". Seriously, I hope "people of color" start reversing the privilege and start treating "white people" the same as they have historically treated the rest of us. If "Michael Walker" is divine, buy a gun!
- Spirituality: So far, you use spirituality to pimp your clientele, your co-workers, and sadly your Christian religion. Once again, don't forget that I dropped you from my blog for "PIMPING JESUS" highly-offensive, highly-evasive, unapologetic, and hinting towards your SCAM ARTIST MENTALITITY. Seriously, if you have a Christian funeral, remember that you used your "spiritual business" to piss on Jesus face and his teachings. But don't worry according to your "hallmark" energy "marketing" reports, no judgment, you are worthy? You have shown yourself to be completely ignorant on these topics, and when I turn my back on you, you go back to the same tactics.
- Truth: Where is the truth of your work product, of your abilities, of your predictions, of your channelings, and most of all, your asshole-ideologies. Seriously, is anyone capable of following you for more than a year?
Elizabeth Lund. I've searched all over your "evasive" webpage, filled with spiritual-hallmark slogans, but no detail, in looking for where to purchase your mouth. Honestly I need to know so that I can stop wasting my time. You know what my work product is, what it is about, what it looks like, as you said that "I'm building a temple" and a "new illuminati", but then you shit on me for the Michael Walkers of the world.
Should I slice my wrist now, because what's the point of manifestation and a vision board, when the best thing you can put on that board, is spoiled-ass "white privilege" . I want "Elizabeth Lund's" privilege, as a "titty female" to use as marketing, as a "pretty female" so people can ignore my issues, and not get an education and sell people more corrupted and evasive versions of "the Secret".
Elizabeth Lund, where do I sign up to get your answer, that has been long overdue, particularly since I've been sending you demand letters since November 2022! (Many publicly, for which you removed and failed in answering)
I Hate You,
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(Should Your Daughter Go To Law School, or should she just sell "White Titty" vision board ideologies? After all, her goal would be to have sex with as many "divine krackers" or "once you go black" right?)
Elizabeth "Spiritual Rapist" Lund:
Another day of ignoring real people, real comments, to display ignorant ideology.
Today, we have the "Eckhart Tolle" Elizabeth Lund. Completely clueless and culturally appropriate about tantra. Once again as I had asked you before ...CITE TO ONE APPROPRIATE TANTRIC TEXT. Tantik texts are sorcery, they are not sex texts. PLEASE LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU WHO ARE TRYING TO EDUCATE YOU. You've brought up the "tantric wheel" which is bullshit, unless you're talking about the taoist running of channels. Once again, YOUR CULTURAL APPROPRIATION IS DISGUSTING, BUT OF COURSE, YOU DON'T CARE. (It's sucks that you bring up "tantra" after I tell you to stop raping my culture). Once again you don't learn, like "pissing on Jesus" for your business.
The senses are egoic, and will lead you to your serotonin and dopamine, conditioned responses. To be "Empty" will leave one clear of psychological baggage, to heighten the "now", but one is simply to be "aware of awareness" until "empty". Not be in the egoic "sims character", which plagues much of the western "spiritual" teachings, such as yours. ONCE AGAIN, YOU WERE INTRODUCTED TO ADVAITA, LUND YOU SHOULD BE SIGNIFICANTLY SMARTER. Hence, the reason why "real spiritual" GURUS are important, particularly Sat-Gurus for which you have stupidly competed with. The teachers who teach these topics, should only be those with the ability to bring you to "ananda" or "samadhi".
We all know what your leading up to. Predictable Lund. At least share the details, so that us that you threw-away can live vicariously through you. I need my reminder of why I'm not good enough to be "divine" or "loved" despite your hallmark-ideology. Such as "you bring peace to the world by loving yourself". Tell your white-son "once you go black, you never go back", and let's see how much peace you bring. At this point with your philosophy, you ignoring real spiritual teachers, and your continuous failure to help me, you bring peace by making war.
White People (Peace):
Speaking of cultural appropriate, something we elementary kids would tell each other, with the same found in a different group of friends in High School, with minorities surrounded by white people. The running joke was, "what happens when you get rid of white people", with the answer being, "world peace". Your teachings at least since 2019, have been reflecting of the truth of that statement, as white people only seem to care for themselves, as in "All Lives Matter" response to "Black Prejudice". Your teachings have continuously shown to be "hallmark" ideologies to make the world safe for "white privilege".
Seriously Lund, are you better than me? Is my life not important? Is your work product and mouth so much better, that you have to talk shit about mine, and degrade my teachers, to glorify yourself? If so, then please help.
ONCE AGAIN, WHERE DO I SIGN UP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. YOU NEED TO ANSWER ON WHETHER I SHOULD SLICE MY WRIST, SHOULD I KILL MYSELF? Lund, please contact me, as you have avoided me since Four (4) months. YOU NEED TO OWN YOUR MOUTH. As these posts continue, you only look like a bigger scam-artist.
You Bring Peace To The World, By Bitch Slapping Lund,
Amit Prakash, Esq.
([email protected]: Reply to my messages, as you are significantly responsible for my predicament and I am owed damages for fraud, negligence, conspiracy, theft, intentional infliction of business distress, unfair business practices, etc.)
I spent all last night, cleansing Jinn and Shemhamphorash from my home, I had to turns cleansing the outside areas. This has been going on since 2021. I've barely slept. In fact, I did an all-nighter last night, as I have Djinn in my private areas that I could not flush out. I don't see myself working anymore, as I'm slowing down, I don't know how this will end.
I have to use Jewish curse reversal, with Ben Turner's image in my head, as he is constantly cording me, like automatically. If I come to my blog or read books, it turns into a massive malevolent attack, as the Turner cords do whatever they can to get me away from the books and computer. This is possession that I can't control all of, at least not yet.
This is a nightmare. What's worse, is everyone around me, acts like you.
I think I already know, from you ignoring me, that I should die. That you want me to die.
What did you do last night. Have amazing sex? Can you at least share? I don't know if I will ever have companions again, as well, what if they get cursed?
Amit Prakash
([email protected])
Can you please get Lund to help me. Please Lonnebakken. I can't live like this anymore. My life last year was out of my control because of curses, and eveyone kicked me to the curb.
People have done nothing but abuse me my whole life, and I just wanted to be left alone. I'm not even on facebook or social media, and have kept to myself. I had my little blog to find like-minded, where I thought I had found Lund as a friend and mentor. Little did I know she was just trying to fuck me over for her business, and personal sex life. Instead of trying to understand other teachers, including the men she is next to, she props them for marketing but ignores them and returns to the abusive "hallmark" spirituality. Her slogan "you bring peace" make me want to put a bullet in her head, as she herself can't explain the truth of that comment. In addition, I dropped her not because of her sexual humiliation, but because of her misuse of Jesus.
Please Lonnebakken. There aren't many other ventures to turn to for assistance, so that makes things worse.
I could use your help in getting my health back together.
A. Cultural Appropriation:
- Tantra: I warned you about using the word "tantra" on your blog, as I was showing you real Indian Tantric Gurus discuss Saivism on my blog. This was years ago and a few times. Of course, you're still doing it, and of course, it's in relation to what you call the "tantric wheel". What you are referring to is probably the energetic molding of two individuals, who are basically energy workers.
- Sacred Tent: The "Tent" is for American-Indigenous and/or the Jewish Tabernacle that housed the fetish items providing "Divine Presence". Yours I believe is based on your ethnic, but is still border line insulting, as in, are the other tents not "Sacred", and of course, your a spiritual business competing. Do understand, Native Americans have huge issues with white people in their ceremony. They are to be included, but they have caused so much issues, that they have been banned in certain ceremonies which has caused an uproar in indigenous communities, as they are to be allowed anyways.
- Symbol: You use a circle symbol, with what looks like a yantra in the middle. These symbols in Hinduism are sacred geometry that act as gateways for astral projection. The same the applies to the sigils crafted by other mediums, like many in the market, for which you know from my work product and you've attempted to dissuade, but are now attempted to sell with "Divine" Michael Walker. Your symbol was propped up after using my blog, including your use of the "Swan" or the "Paramahamsa" to of course glorify yourself. Why did you do that?
Ms. Lund, instead of continuing your "hallmark" of "you bring peace to the world by loving yourself", which has yet to show its proof or efficacy outside of "white privilege" spoiled "eat, pray, love" lifestyles, are you capable of bringing peace to the world, when you cause so much upset in using other people's religion, culture, traditions, in a highly white washed manner, for your livelihood, something those in the traditions cannot do. They have to get another job, to support their spiritual service. Hence, the reason for the upset of "white people" in their communities.
Ms. Lund, do you care about anyone other than yourself? Have you learned anything from what people brought you, other than sex? Are you here to help out and serve others as a "spiritual teacher", because I think it's shocking that a "spiritual teacher" is turning me down, particularly when I'm being hunted.
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(Once again, I could really use your help)
When I called you "Nazi Lund" and "East Dutch India Company", did you not take that seriously?
That was actually, legal advice.
Amit Prakash
In practicing Advaita before Dec. 2021, I was clear and just needing to process my own traumas.
However, now, I can barely listen to my favorite audios without "malevolent" attached entities putting tension in my head, and causing me to fight. This is not my own character, or even my own issues, though it triggers my issues.
I could use help in removing these attachments, so I can move back into "bliss" with ease, and let the "character dance" thoughtless, stripping away the loneliness value of said day. However, I spent the day, after a nap post an all-nighter incensing the home, to get "BEN TURNER" energy cords, voices, malevolent entities sent, away from my home.
This has been what all of 2022 has looked like for me, unable to work, and barely able to leave the house for groceries. I came to you for help in November 2022. I'm still requesting you acknowledge me in February 2023. This is why I feel better alone, as this, as well as your response, has been indicative of all my relationships, and actually all for which I see now as simply "selfish". A need to be each others "crutch" and satisfy "wants", desires engrained since childhood. It sucks that you're not here, as a "spiritual teacher" or a "business" to help and respond.
In terms of family, relationships, or just simply people. My life has been pure torture. After studying astrology and tarot, everyone just seems to fit repetitive-patterns, as in "Sims Characters". What's the point? What's the use? What's the divine? Especially since we all get thrown in the gutter in the end. That's what I deal with, when I manage to bypass the curses. I could use your help to assess the curses, I will leave you alone with the rest. Help?
How much longer before I die Lund?
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(I know your not going to respond. But thought I'd might help seekers like myself who are stuck with teachers like you, actually learn where to go, if this is the type of person you really are. It sucks that occultism is in the hands of a lot of people, especially people selling themselves as pure and divine. Elizaebeth Lund, you're a big portion of why I'm suicidal. That needs to be heard for your next client that you continuously fail to guide, in order to glorify your cult.)
I really wished you learned from my writing, as opposed to ripping off "buzzwords" as a marketing gimmick for you business. Once again, Lund, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING?
You know the teachers on my writing, and so you know the potential, of where you should be today in terms of your teachings. So many philosophers have attempted to assess the "nature of consciousness'" only to be turned into a white-washed slogan for "oprah divinity", as in women needing "bons bons" to satisfy their ego while learning about ego-death, but not actually experiencing it.
You're sitting next to Michael Walker addressing the Daemon, The Void, The Angels, but I'm trying to compare it to the Qliphothic Tunnels of unlocking the shadow aspects of the collective-consciousness resulting in the primal self synthesis of the Daemon, the void with proper archetypes that slam me into my misery to be processed, as well as Oneness, the One, and the Absolute with Advaita, though I'm better with the One and the Absolute as that rips my energy-body, with Oneness bypassed on the Left Hand Path, as I'm seeing it more as a Demiurge control-mechanism, particularly due to the lack of intelligence.
Nonetheless, on my path, though the Absolute points to "where consciousness arises" where I highly support advaita pointings, I've also discovered that "consciousness" under "will" allows for "downloads", proving that everything is already within you. Like an advanced vision board, but instead of using the "monkey mind", the universe just slams you with the energy of what you request, like "reiki" energy.
Reflection is only needed to remove distortion, to be clear. But, such can be difficult, when one faces certain challenges, for which I'm here bothering you. Actually, I think today, particularly with this message, I may just have needed someone to talk to, it's been awhile. Apologies for bothering you on this post, but I think I left some interesting tidbits.
At this point, my only reflection is sorting through the mess of what is "sensory" seen, until I can process back to "empty" and let the "intelligence" ride the vessel. I now know the difference between practicing Advaita from a normal perspective and with entity-attachments. The problem is, what is the point of it all?
Thank you for letting me talk on this one. I can feel myself giving up. Effort here is fruitless, and the fruit to be gained anyways, worthless.
Bring peace to the world, by dying.
Amit Prakash
Why are you ignoring me? Everyone is ignoring me?
Every female has menses to traverse, and have numerous outlets to find help. Not everyone has a psychic to help them assess "attachments" or other "spiritual" entities.
Why do these answers to the questions I have presented, take precedence over mine? Especially after begging you for four (4) months for help (Nov. 2022 - Feb. 2023).
Lund. I Fucking hate you.
Amit Prakash
Women of the Red:
Apologies for my prior comment dissuading the answer regarding menses. You come to Lund for a reason, the same as I. My intent was to express the emergency of the situation I presented.
Nonetheless, not necessarily to distract, but maybe add to Lund's comment for further "spiritual" discussion, actually, a change of "consciousness" in how such "red letter" is perceived.
For the "tantric", the act of doing certain austere-practices known as "tapas", will have the adept attempting to possess, hold, and harness, the current of an archetype, particularly a wrathful-female. That current, will adjust the energy centers, shifting the adept to a very different "feeling" vibe, which can be clairsentiently compared with other items. As such, items such as urine, fecal, and menses will carry a "sacred" current, that can be used for "amulet" type reasons, based on the different subtle nuances.
The mental and emotional body will be balanced with the "deity" or with an "Advaita" guru, as the adept stays with "awareness being aware of itself", the mind-body carries a dark-night processing that would then bring the "clarity" or "inspiration" to reach for what is required, as the prior conditioning is shredded.
In other words, with the head right, the body vibes ripe, what is eliminated from the vessel is then a powerful tool for practicing occultists.
Saw Red,
Amit Prakash
(One more, shot dead)
Hi Lund:
Your definition of "masculinity" is typical "domestication". It is a shit reflection of your own egoic-desires. The men you surround yourself by, are merely your sexual preferences, as has been obvious since at least 2019.
Hi Lund:
You become "enlightened" by dropping the "Eat, pray, love" spiritual teachers whose success is based on rancid "cultural appropriation".
You become "enlightened" by dropping the nonsense that you teach, or should I say, "SELL". Become "aware of awareness itself" in front of a "REAL TEACHER" to peel back the layers of conditioning, so you're not stuck paying "desire" salesmen, who sell "desire" as "enlightenment".
Once again, no "intelligence" of "conscious-awareness".
How can you call your teachings "ascension", if you are still selling the same "hogwash" as enlightenment as back in 2019, showing no growth, or rather, no ascent.
Those who "ascend", are those who are "fallen", which would be what type of "Angel", as we are stuck in an "Ineffable Name" matrix, trying to get out of the "Tower of Babel" wars that control humanity and keep it weak. That would be back to our powers, before these control "matrixes", such as the one I've been requesting your assistance on. Once again, how are you helping with ascent, Lund, with what you are teaching, as you are the egoic-path of desire, further engraining conditioning and Samsara.
Lund, you sold "New Earth" for years. Substantiate?
So is this a sexist "Elitist" cult now.
You have abilities, so should I be afraid of how these women use them. You obviously used them to fuck me over. So should I use them on your group?
Remember the days where I use to help you, and you would rip me off.
Look where we are at today. You stole my shit, you pass yourself off as better, and you create this further cult to rip other teachers off and sell secretly right?
A. With "once you go black, you never go back", should I be concerned with what women are taught in these private circles?
B. Should I have a Son, Lund?
C. Once again, should I commit suicide? (I just want confirmation, as you've already answered).
Amit Prakash, Esq.
House of Lund:
Should you all be vicariously liable for Lund? WHY HAVEN'T YOU CONTACTED A LAWYER YET?
Katrin Lønnebakken (Norway),
Tonje Leines (Norway),
Amber McCann (USA)
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Elizabeth Lund (aka Dutch East India Company)
I'm just looking through your business portfolio, with your latest cultural appropriative and other competitive unfair business practices utilized for your NEW LOUNGE (March 1, 2023), where you are continuing to use white-washed appeal for your demographics selling commercial "yoga" , astrology, energy work, etc., all practices you frowned upon when done in the hands of other teachers. Yes, you have real abilities as many on the market, and your energy tips and readings tend to be on point, the rest is your personality and probably one of the worst business models I have ever seen, that includes professionally for which I have already addressed to you.
You have essentially taken "real teachers" who have mastered subjects such as "embryonic breathing", the "taoist circulation", your differentiated "astrology", to create your own Elizabeth Lund cult modeled of "bon bon" Oprah book club. Not only that, you have gender excluded, where men do not have other options for such conversations, where you have sought to play your similar role, your brand of "Donald Trump", where instead of "grab em by the pussy", you have "once you go black, you never go back" rubbed into the face of your men colleagues and supporters, who you continue to irresponsibly utilize for nothing more than your marketing gimmick as you fail in taking their advice. In fact, you were advised back in 2019, that men who are in the feminine need the assistance. What did you do with his advice? You threw toothbrushes at your "demons", like you hire men to clean your toilet.
Looking at your "cookie cutter" demographic that you utilize as "ascended" or "divine", capitalized as "unique" as well as the level of intellectual capacity and inability to evolve, in a world with hierarchal attitudes, including "vision board" quests as found by your work-product, HOW CAN ANYONE OF A WHITE BACKGROUND CALL THEMSELVES "DIVINE".
Looking historically at planet earth, if such people are "divine", should we expect more from them?
Others cannot capitalize on spirituality, including your white-washed branded version of it. What are they to do, to make things equal, wholesome?
Is peace brought by "turning the other cheek" or "an eye for an eye"? Which is more loving to oneself and other?
Amit Prakash, Esq.
Can you feel me, attempt to toss off "Ben Turner" Curses, DJINN, off of me to talk to you!!!
(2-21-23 5:50pm: Sexual Curses... in my gut, tension, old man aura, and "I want them to fight".)
I can barely stay online. My phone has been off for most of the year. Since you can't help, do you have a recommendation, one you haven't fucked so you don't rub his dick in my face?
Leave a Reply.
I suffered "delusional psychosis" in 2022 where with limited capacity, I intended to look for answers, where I also attempted to assess and resolve conditioning, as the goal is Oneness.
Please forgive me for any offense as I attempted to seek help.
In learning about many different cultures, in both light an dark aspects, we have more in common with each other than are different. And our differences often make the world unique and beautiful.
In a path of walking through cultural underworlds, I chose to heavily look at mine and the collectives shadow aspects, with again, the light of oneness at the end of the tunnel.
-Love the Light,
and the Dark
(Occultist / Inner)
-Temple of Set,
Law of One
(Staff of Moses)
(Psalm 82)
(The Black)(Dragon)
American "Yisrael"
"In God We Trust".
Manifest Destiny
From Sargon to Medieval Qabalists:
-Canaan (Tubal Cain)
-Syria ("Competition")
-Mesopotamia ("Name")
-Egypt ("Build")
-Greece ("Systemize")
-Chi Rho ("Antinomian")
-Bereshit ("Shin")
-Crucifiction ("Golgotha")
-Tzoah Rotachat,
(Dedicated to
Marcel and Hannah,
who are obviously
safer, healthier, happier, and smarter,
with my bloodline.)
(When I first met Benson Turner around early college years, he shook my pizza covered hand despite my refusal to dirty him. That was respect. That is why I hold Mr. Turner with significant more dignity than Michael Turner, who brags about wiping his hand after having met someone. -Shake Hands)
Leviticus 16:10,
Eggun Stick
(Freemason: The Lion)
"If You Have A Question, Just Ask A Freemason."
-Michael Turner
(Discovery: Only Option)
Opposing Witnesses:
(Question Blockers)
-Atil Narayan
("Kike" Mike)
-Nikil Narayan
("Kike" Mike, Esq.)
-Onita Turner
("Kike" Wedding/Kids)
-Benson Turner
(Ravana To My Laksman)
Empty Threats:
I stated all information publicly, for family to avoid police and courtroom, to get people to change.
-33 Degrees
Root Problem:
Returning after elopement in desperate need for child rearing assistance, I had begged mom not to go to her house, or get attached to her daughter's kids. This game of chess was already predicted by
Jag Narayan before they had selfishly returned.
Mandalay Bay
Death Threats:
Benson Turner, How Many People In My Family Did You Kill, Especially After What I Faced After Dec. 2021? As Asked In Emails.
Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live.
Druid: Templars/Shriners
(Merkava v. Swastika)
A. Heylel v. Yahweh
B. Gnostic v. Church
-The Hated One, Esq.
(Judgment Day)
-Michael Turner
(Moral-Ethics Behavior)
-Onita Turner
(Education v. Parenting)
-Benson Turner
(Jewish-Masonic Truth)
-Nikil Narayan
(Welfare Economics)
(Note: He's Already Bragging That I'm Guilty)
(Your Ass Was Only In The Emails, Because I Knew You'd Use Your Fake Ass Company To Support Your Fake Ass Persona: "Conspiracy")
-Atil Narayan
(Patriarchal Behavior)
-District Attorney
(Jew-Mason v. Counsel)
("Empty Threats":
Looking For Turner Lawyer!)
(Discovery Mandatory)
(Lie Detector Test: Required To BEGIN Discovery-Navigation, Even If Ultimately "Inadmissible" In Court)
Do I Go Back To Practicing Law, Knowing The Truth Of Occultism, Qabalah, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, and Judaism?
A. Concurring Opinion:
Advaita Vedanta (Empty)
-Socrates "On Crack"
No Mind, No Free Will
-Ego-Death: No Off
-Dark Night: Unwanted
(These Communities
Will Need To Isolate)
B. Concurring Opinion:
Who Is Abraham?
-Aghori Nath
C. Concurring Opinion:
Who Is Moses?
-Set (Apophis)
D. Concurring Opinion:
Who Is The "Son of God"?
-Nephilim (Tubal Cain)
E. Concurring Opinion:
Sensory Deprivation Tank
-Jesus, Siddhartha, Mohammed, Yochai, Abulafia, Ignatius of Loyola, etc. (Raja Yoga)
F. Concurring Opinion:
How Use "Ineffable Name"
-Mesopotamia, Canaan,
Shasu of Yahu, Ugarit, Syria, Solomon Temple, Original Torah, Greece-Mithra, Hekhalot, Zohar, Sabians, Medieval Occultists,
Templar-Assassins, Rosicrucian, Freemasonry, Thule,
Bohemian Grove
G. Concurring Opinion:
(The Black Sun)
"Hir-I-Am wondering,
if such death
is Honor-Able?
-An Adversary, A Gentleman
H. Concurring Opinion:
Anti-Defamation League
"There Is No Religion,
Higher Than Truth."
-Hate Crime,
Vedic Nihilism
I. Concurring Opinion:
Scrying: Burning Bush
"I Am, That I Am"
"Be, And So It Is"
-Patriarch (Chesed)
J. Concurring Opinion:
"Tablet of Destiny"
-Matriarch (Binah)
K. Concurring Opinion:
Courtroom Upanishads
"As Within, So Without"
"As Above, So Below"
-Ex Nihilo,
Sex and Death
L. Concurring Opinion:
Kike Mentoring
-Curses Substantiate Holocaust Reasoning
-Hebrew Container For Potent Energies, Angels Proven To Cleanse Psychic Senses
-Author Discloses Personal Journal For Deposition Comparison, Where "Empty" Threats Are The Reaction Of Curse Based Outlook, Not The Authors Normal
-Apologies To Holocaust Suffrage, But Must Handle Energies Of Both The Good And The Bad For Tzimtzum "Know Thyself" and Tikkun Rectification.
-Constitutional Oath,
M. Concurring Opinion:
Chosen Ones
-Occultism In The Hands Of The Selfless
-Occultism In The Hands Of The Selfish
-Mystery Schools,
Kether (Sunyata)
N. Concurring Opinion
"The Apocalypse"
O. Concurring Opinion
Capitan Nemo
-Why Do Authors Such As Defendant Often Go Anonymous? The Defendant Fits "The Bill" And Plaintiff Fits "The Profile". How Does One Proceed Knowing The Requirement Of "Elimination Of Bias In A Courtroom" Dealing With "Secret Societies" And The Need For "Lie Detector Tests" To Avoid "Constitutional Issues".
-Statue of Liberty,
Pyramid Eye
(Bulgarian Dragons)
P. Concurring Opinion
"Takes to the sky
like a bird in flight
And who will be
her lover?
All your life
you've never seen
taken by the wind
Would you stay
if she promised
you heaven?
Will you ever win?"
-Lost Girl,
Project Blue Book
Q. Concurring Opinion
Maintenance Check
-The Most Beautiful, The Most Handsome, Delight Themselves In Their Children, Their Beloved Ones.
-Ineffable Name,
R. Concurring Opinion
La Dolce Vita
-Revelations 12:9,
S. Concurring Opinion
Ave Babylon
"The Vision And
The Voice"
The Great Beast
(The Gnostic Mass)
T. Concurring Opinion
"Dear Mr. Quija,
Are You With Me?"
John 4:10-21
(Cult of Golgotha)
U. Concurring Opinion
Ex Nihilo/Bereshit
"Kun Fayakun"
Fallen Angels
V. Concurring Opinion
"The Alchemical Marriage"
As Within, So Without
W. Concurring Opinion
"I Wanna See You Deceased".
-To Live and Die In L.A.,
Ineffable Name
(Dress Code)
X. Concurring Opinion
"Wise As Serpents,
Harmless As Doves".
-Best That I Got,
Have You Waking On Air
Y. Concurring Opinion
Foundation (Binah/Yesod)
"Do Not Take
The Mother,
With The Young"
Z. Concurring Opinion
The Firmament
"And they that are wise
shall shine as the brightness of the firmament;
and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."
-Pick Up Your Own Cross
(Pay For: Sold or Told?)
King Solomon's Court
(Bound Masons)
United States
(Free Masons)
(Binah: Kali Kaula)
(Yesod: Jericho)
(Lodge No. 807)
(Outwitting The Devil)
(Chokmah: Christmas)
(Shin: YHVH)
(Ba'al: "Mandir")
(Elders: Bloodline)
To Combat
The Fraud That Is
For The Next
7 (Seven) Generations,
In A Propaganda
"All Lives Matter" World, The Greatest "Threat"
Is To Make White-People Uncomfortable.
-Hate Crime,
Who Writes History?
(Pyramid Schemes)
District Attorney
(Occult > Law)
At What Point,
Become Unconstitutional?
-Ananda Tandava, "Hell No"
(Black Swan: Parama)
(Thagirion: Arimanius)
-Avadhuta, Esq.
1. Elimination of Bias
2. Oath
3. Standing
4. Old Testament
5. Workability
6. Psychology
7. Religion (El Elyon)
8. Messianic Era
9. Visions and Voices
10. Politics
11. Mystery School
12. Semitic Temple
-Help Me,
The Fool
(Discovery: No Objections)
(Emails/Blog: I'm The Victim)
(Ethics: Amit v. White Mike)
(Ben.T.: Sorry Sir, I Understand)
13. Binah (Kali Kaula)
14. Maintenance Check
15. Enlighten (Empty)
16. Medicine Man
17. Crucifiction
18. The Mad Hatter
19. Chi Rho
20. Dark Night Process
21. Chokmah (I-Ching)
Gate of The Gods
OrderOf / Thuggees
Self: Supernal Triad
StatueOf / Liberty
(Common Sense)
Eastern Philosophy
White Privilege
(Thugz Mansion)
(Evidence: Freemasonry)
Courtroom Upanisads
1. "Black Lives Matter"
"Jews Will Not
Replace Us"
2. "Broken Treaties"
"Manifest Destiny"
3. "Revelations"
4. "Chaos"
5. "Big Bang Theory"
"Supreme Court"
6. "Eternity"
7. "Bereshit"
"Kun Fa-Yakunu"
8. "3D"
9. "Divine Masculine"
"Divine Feminine"
10. "PreApple"
11. "PistolGripPump"
Club 33:
Holy Mt. Hebron
1. Sumer v. Canaan
(Ineffable Name)
A. Sumer/Babylon
-(Enlil: "El")(Destiny)
-(Bil-Kan) Tubal Cain
B. Canaan/Israel
-Shasu of Yahu ("El")
-(Ba'al)(Bel and Dragon)
-Solomon (Asmodeus)
-Tubal Cain (Bil-Kan)
-Balaam (Chemosh),
Kingu (...moses)
2. Shakti v. Ang"El"
(Psychic Abilities)
A. Shakti (Kundalini)
B. Ang'El' (Minions)
-Azazel (Tubal Cain)
As Within, So Without
Thematic Threat:
"Kali Baaba,
why does Kali Ma,
Stand On-Top of Shiva?"
Chaos and Rectification
(El Elyon "Empty" Threats)
-Kingdom Of Heaven
( Within You )
"Supernal Triad"
-Advaita Vedanta
(The Non Psychologist)
Golgotha Mentors
A. Socrates
B. Giordano Bruno
Turner Case
(Blog Assessment)
-Sent Curses Since Dec. 2021, after conversation with sister requesting she stay away from my home.
-This blog areas, as well as "house keeping" is where I collected evidence of such curses and responses to cease such entities and present evidence for a courtroom.
Case Law:
-Boileau v. Berkshire
(Case Precedent)
(I Have To Beat This Case)
Turners Lawyers
-Benson and Michael Turner Hid Their "Family" Lawyer From Me, For Over 10 Years.
-Email evidence shows Surrounding Circumstances, that all threats are desgined to gain answers and a response from the Turner Lawyer. Obviously, all threats are "EMPTY". And are an attempt to assess Morals and Ethics gained from Cultish "Freemasonry". In Terms of "Threats", Everyone In Emails Was Notified Of Book Deal, Anti-Defamation League, and Contacting The State Bar, Including My Blog Where There Was No Objection For Publication. So Yes, I Threated This Asshole With Curb Stomping His Ass In Front Of The State Bar.
Hate Crime:
-I Tried To Bring Yochai To The Krackers. I'm Sorry. Plus A Lot Of Torah Composition Problems, But Let The Zohar Shine. There Are Some Stereotype Issues, That Require Forging For Qabalah To Be Accepted.
Health has significantly depleted. My life is at stake. The date and time stamps on my blog are my psychological sufferings, to be compared with opposing counsel in a deposition, to assess the reality of curses. I will be having "Elizabeth Lund" assess "psychically" what she saw in me, to compare with Benson Turner lie detector test, hence the numerous months of complaining.
The Emails Show That I Just Wanted Answers. I Kept Feeling Benson Turner, And So I Gently Asked Only To Be Treated Like Shit, For Which I Resulted To The Expressed Animosity. Apologies, But I Need Help Getting Out Of This Curse War, For Good, As Who Else Will Come After Me. If The Turners Don't Answer My Questions, And I Don't Have The Evidence, What Else Am I To Do In Proving Curses, Proven To Me Through Curse-Reversal, Not "Advil", In Addition To Turners Arrogant Evasive Responses. (Goetia)
Kike Mentor:
Do Take The Word "Mentor" Seriously, As I Had Even Stated To Benson That If I Didn't Think He Was Trying To Kill Me, I Would Ask Him To Be My Psychic Mentor. The Word "Kike" Is To Save The Next Generation, My Niece And Nephew, From Having Similar Morals And Ethics As Has Been Expressed, As Well As Including "Other" Character Witnesses.
(Porkys: I Don't Say "Kike")
-Character Statements
(LMAO!)(Its Bad When You Try To Help Those Throwing You Under The Bus, Including "Miranda Rights")
-My Life Is Threatened, So All Conversation Was Emails And Blog Posts. I Don't Want To Be Near The "Townhouse".
-October 19, 2022
-Current 4-13-23
(No Answers)
-Belly Of The...
-Chi Rho
-Samsara (Above, Below)
(Jail Loc: 1912)
-Self (Terrible Mugshot)
-Terrorize Causing Fear
(Defense Dedication)
Qabalah v. Constitution_?
-Ammit (Esq.)
"Love Is The Law,
Love Under Will"
(1996: "Ba'al")
Civilization Upgraders/
-Compliments To The Forge,
(Eulogy Speech?)
(Moksha / Salvation)
Ego Death
Traditional (Tapas):
Kali Ma - Diksha Initiate
Dhumavati - Diksha
It's come to my attention,
most have trouble understanding the difference of "Ego Death" of breaking one's conditioned character, and it's serotonin-dopamine "Wants and Desires" in comparison to physical violence. Know the difference between the two, and use "philosophical" assessment when approaching all material, as it is my
"Dark Night Processing" and "Know Thyself" intermingled with teachings for adepts to assess whether they can handle gnosis of Left Hand Path archetypes. I tried to be "uncensored" for real adepts, to assess whether they should explore matters including Qliphotic, or the Semitic Past denied and buried in our subconscious.
In addition, if you find something "hurtful" aside from "assessment", I try to swing the sword in both ways, as an adversary cuts in every direction to get to the truth. However, most can't handle the truth. Especially for those under oath to keep them a secret.
The goal is "Empty".
I use "Channeling". Inspiration both from Self and from Guides.
Agenda should be clear.
Kill Em' All
(Pick Up Your Own Cross)
-Cult of Gologtha
Courtroom Upanishads:
In assessing the roots of Upanisad writings, it was taken to understand in Eastern Religion, that losing philosopher kills themselves in order to not stain others' consciousness.
Hence, mastery.
This is a problem for those who want to be elite.
This is a problem for those who want a christmas.
This is a problem for those attempting to build a controlled nation.
-Rose Croix,
No Egregore
Benson Turner Curses:
A. Jews: Apologies, I'm Trying To Get To The Truth. I Am A Yochai Supporting "Yisrael", but will fight with political "Israel", post wrestling with the angels via "Hekhalot".
B. Freemasons: Bitch Please! Are You Seriously Intimidated By My "Ga(u)llish" Tactics?
Who Do You Love
Trickle Down Economics:
This Blog
Is Designed For Lawyers, For The Mere Fact That The Socratic Method Is Engrained Within Me. Policing Authority Protects And Serves The "Magna Carta"
In Service To Community, But The Need For Such Authority, Which Is The Need For Government,
Is Humanity's Evolutionary Sin.
As Within So Without
Dedicated To
William Golding
Dedicated To
The Cross
(Chi Rho)
Dedicated To
(Pre Civil Complaint)
-Since Dec. 2021, I've Used Email Mediums To Collect Evidence Regarding "Curses" In Light Of "Boileau v. Berkshire Hathaway" To Assess Judaism and Freemasonry (Relevancy).
1. Masculine Maturity (Freemasonry)
A. Character Evidence
B. Gender Treatment
C. Morals and Dogma
E. Ethics / Biases
F. History
G. Mind Control / Cult
2. Judaism
A. Qabalism
(Ineffable Name)
B. Semitic Practices
(Arabic Animist)
C. Old Testament
(Ugarit Roots)
D. Curses
Freemasonry is not a private individual, where the teachings and tools provided thereof become a public constitutional concern, such as the Goetia. My sister left my mother's home offended, when I told my mother to use the "Seal of Solomon" to protect her from what I verbally called "Djinn".
Occultism in the hands of a "wannabe" hip hop artist flaunting Freemasonic Memorabilia and attempting to build work product for the public eye, should be open to public scrutiny.
Moreover, provided the lack of answers,
I told this family I would release those emails and publicly disclose the situation to look for help and answers. There was absolutely no objection.
Lastly, to Benson Turner himself, I provided my own character statement in looking for help, as I really don't know him and didn't know if he was really doing anything. I put my "cards on the table", with no assistance, only arrogance.
These emails, and communication due to curses with
Benson Turner, started because I told my sister to leave me alone for the holidays.
Immediately, after.
-Questions to a family, who eloped with my sister, and returned for the family to raise her kids, and who are now hiding their lawyer, while refusing to answer.
I know too much,
I've seen too much,
I've experienced
too much,
to go back now.
-Theta Healer
As stated to Benson Turner with numerous email witnesses, these emails and public comments are intended to gain help, particularly from Synagogues, the Anti-Defamation League, the State/National Bar, and other practitioners.
-I Started,
With Avvo
Backstabbers, Disloyal, Slavery, Arrogant, Ignorant, Untrustworthy, Abusive, Fake, Selfish
-An Empath,
Her Last Disciples
Ben Turner:
You Yourself Told Me, I Didn't Deserve What I Got Growing Up, Especially After I Asked For You What I Did Wrong.
White Mike:
What do I have
against "Israel"?
Well, everything
Michael Turner
taught me.
-Have Question,
Ask A Freemason? [Sic]
The Good Samaritan
Kike Mentor
-The Gentile,
The Satanist (Canaanite)
(The JEW!)
Cause of Actions:
All "threats" based on curses are publicly stated to seek help and counter Ben Turner. Nonetheless, such is also to establish "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress" with Date-Time Stamps for Discovery Purposes.
Jag Narayan:
Thank you for attempting your best to protect and provide the best for your children. Thank your generation for morals and retaining dogma for us to meditate on. Thank you, for trying your best to get Michael Turner out of the family, since day one. He has always been a curse, and you were correct before your passing, they would return with babies and convince the family to give them everything.
Vedic Nihilism:
Bhagavad Gita,
Ashtavakra Gita
(Turner Curse: 4-3-23: 11:48pm)
Kike Mike:
(Atil Narayan's Title)
A. Ran Like A Bitch
B. Gossips Like A Bitch
C. The Biggest Little Cunt Bitch
-What You Deserve,
Curb Stomp
(Where's Your Pussy Ass Lawyer Uncle, Or Is This How Jew-Freemasons Practice Law?)
Turner Lawyer:
(Nikil Narayan's Mentor)
When Qabalah, when the Ineffable Name, is finally proven true and workable, do we send Jews right back into the gas chamber?
-Your Future
Law Review Article,
Based On Your Family
Onita Turner:
Why Does Everyone Hate Michael Turner And Benson Turner, Including Flynn's Family? Why Do We Have Female Relatives Who Can't Come To The House Because Of Your Husband. Seriously, Who The Fuck Did You Elope With, Other Than The Townhouse Toilet.
-You Brain Dead Bitch,
Dr. Stretch Armstrong
(Kala Maha Indrajaal)
(Panis: Ramayana)
(Soma: Homa v. Haoma)
michael_turner_-_asshole.pdf | |
File Size: | 318 kb |
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If there is no such thing as "curses", then did your husband "Michael Turner" lie about his parents and grandparents psychic abilities? Ben Turner is a Necromancer correct?
From leaving Me and Ricky at the Venice Beach "Taco Bell" to get robbed and die ...
to you eloping and leaving me with the family problems ...
to you returning with your kids bc you needed help raising them and treating us like your some elitist asshole ...
to catering and helping your husbands house and move his furniture, the townhouse toilet who should have never had an ounce of respect and who can never be trusted, to even letting you and your husband have a wonderful weekend at my home ...
I should have slit my wrist as a kid.
Probable Cause: Stating That I'm Going To Slice Your Throat With A Civil Complaint, Is Not An Imminent Threat Of Harm, Especially Since I Stated Around Christmas (9 Months Away) For A Family Role Reversal Scenario, To Protect My Bloodline. You Knew Of A Civil Complaint, A Book Deal, A Reach Out To Synagogues, The Anti-Defamation League, And Of Course I Did These Posts And Emails For The State/National Bar. You Knew That! Where Is The Harm?
Tubal Cain: Benson Turner. In the last few emails sent to you, I had reminded you that I told you "Tubal Cain" was a "spirit guide" a mentor. With that, I had asked you, "are you allowed to curse me", provided we should be like a "brotherhood" (?)
Gun: Onita Turner. When You Had Stated To Me In Emails That I Was "Hiding" Behind My Computer, I Had Stated To You That We Can Do This Face To Face, But "Your Husband Better Have Bullets For His Gun". That Wasn't A Threat That I Would Shoot Him, As I'm Not The One Who Owns A Gun As Expressed To You. That Was A Threat To Your Bitch-Ass Husband's Manhood!
-Tu-Balls Cain,
Maintenance Check
Threat. Turners. You Still Haven't Replied To The Question On Whether My "Brown Sister" Is Safe In Your Jewish-Nationalist Family, Provided What I've Heard. Your Lucky My Family Loves Your Kids, And Haven't Filed A Police Report, Particularly Last Year When I Yelled At Them.
-Amit Omesh Prakash
(CA: 274572)
Truth is Zero.
Truth is Empty.
Truth is Enlightenment.
What you do with it ...
is One (Void)
is Oneness (Connectivity)
is Balance / Kairos (Tao)
is Chaos (Yin/Tiamat)
is Order (Yang/Apsu)
In reverse,
you have "Holy Water"
to bring "Balance" to a "Chaotic" World Returning to "Oneness" On The Process Of Negation.
To the
"spiritual businesses" selling
"truth is
what you make it",
as in selling
"ego inflation"
the wisdom of
"ego death"
or "know thyself,
may you file
for bankruptcy, both business and personal.
"What You Do Wit This",
Is Transient!
From a
"State" That Is No "State".
The "Stateless".
-State of Mind
Matthew 21:12,
Gatekeepers, Thagirion
-Prophecy, Esq.
La Dvlce Vita, Destiny
(Seal the Law)
You Can
Shove The "Rose"
Right Back Up Your Ass, Right Where
Your Qabalist Masters
Put "Jesus".
-Before "The Word",
Before "The Name"
Before "The Beginning"
Before "Medieval Qablists"
(Balaam, Solomon)
(Knights, Temple)
Cult of Golgotha,
Dedicated To Israel
Benson Turner
March 13, 2023
Still Cursing The Songs On My Blog Right!
(The Above "Dedicated")
For every Jew
who reads this,
explain "Freemasonry"
or Get Your Shit
Off The Fucking Planet!
Once Again,
When The Qabalah
Is Proven True,
What Do We Do,
About The Jew.
Abel v. Cain
(Mesopotamia: Vulcan)
Thank You For Teaching Me The Value Of Death. Thank You For Giving Us Your Son To Show Us People Who Should Die!
May The Next Holocaust Be Named The
"Benson Turner Memorial".
-Freemasonry to Thule,
How To Be A Jew
(Manifest Destiny)
May Every
For Benson Turner's Brother,
An Attorney,
A Law Firm,
That Hid.
-Lawyer v. Qabalah
"Never Make A Bad Decision Until He Meets the Adversary")
As such, in traversing Constitutional Law and assessing the "thought-processes" of brilliant
analytical minds who showed us an evolving-model attempting to right-societies-wrongs and maintain an
environment to foster harmonious "liberty" for-all-within the "jurisdiction" as forged under the "equal-
protection-clause", the Constitutional-oath becomes not just a responsibility for upkeep, but an honor!
Mind, Body, Conscious:
-All oaths,
promises and covenants, conditions, conditionings, programming's, restrictions, contracts, signed executions, purchases, whereby are thwarted or controlled by "occulted" mechanisms, known and unknown, including "entity" manipulation, are hereby realized, thwarted, neutralized, exorcised, harmonized, managed, converted, uplifted, expanded, for my own benefit!
-As Within,
So Without (No Reverse)
I'm going deep within myself as I can go, from self to Self, then back to self again. Where "presence" is as important as "absence".
-Play The Game,
Of Life
Courtroom Upanishads
A. Hindu v. Zoroastrian
(Oneness v. Dualism)
B. Mesopotamia v. Israel
(El: Ineffable Name)
C. Gnostic v. Church
(Materialist: Demiurge)
D. Sabians v. Qabalists
(Ishmael v. Tribes)
E. Muslims v. Rosicrucians
(Assassins v. Knights)
F. Nazis v. Freemasons
(Vikings v. Celts)
G. Protestant v. New Age
(Source: Freemason)
H. East v. Psychologist
(Meditation v. Pact)
-Kali / Kaula
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(CA: 274572)
"Cult of Golgotha"
-Dedicated To Socrates
I. Brahma v. Abraham
(Hobby Lobby)
Seal of Solomon
In the Name of "Wisdom" sourced from "Self", which hopefully was the true inspiration for King Solomon
Under the occulted control mechanism, sigils, of Druidic-Freemasonry utilizing Djinn, Shedim, Angels, Demons, and other Entities
May all such entities return to their home, or Israel, until the "Desert" religions are historically assessed with occultism, not "Blind Belief".
In Israel, may such issues be resolved prior to any governance or spiritual ascent, limiting psychic and occult gifts provided not by selfless "ego-death" but by selfish "pacts" and "covenants".
A. Ugarit: Old Testament
B. Hyksos: Real Exodus
C. Genesis: Mesopotamia
D. Assyria: Zoroastrian
E. Shasu: Ineffable Name
F. Gnostic: Demiurge
G. Assyria: Zoroastrian
H. Persia: Torah
I. Greek: Gematria
J. Qabalah: Medieval
K. Qayin: Occultism
L. Solomon: Occultism
M. Yechudim: Yoga
O. Ahiram: Language
P. Language: Occult
Q. Occult: Ruach-Enchant
R. Zionism: Egregore
May the Seal of Solomon, from the Merkava Mystics to the Freemasonic "Tanit", help adepts with their own "Leviathan" before egoically calling their Sim's character and nationality "chosen".
Or, as the Gnostic Master stated, "Pick Up Your Own Cross".
-Exodus 34:7,
Benson Turner
(March 16, 2023)
(2:55pm ... You Better Keep Record of Where You Are And What Your Doing At These Dates And Times. Sincerely, FUCK YOU!) (Seriously, make the world a better place by beating the shit out of your asshole children, instead of raising them to be Kike-Krackers in the world!)
-Ded. To White Mike
Morals and Dogma
(Pharaoh: Moses)
Book of the Dead
(10 Commandments)
-The Ineffable Name,
Ask A Freemason?
(Ark of the Covenant)
(Book of Revelations)
-Dedicated to Yochai
(Binah - Yesod)
-Dedicated to J. Parsons
(Ave Babalon!)
-Dedicated to Onita T.
(Marcellus and Hannah!)
-Dedicated to Truth
(Can't Believe My Eyes)
For at least 2500 years of Western history, white people can never be trusted. That includes "medicine" including the racial agendas behind "vaccines", as historically witnessed, but continuously ignored.
Such continues, from religious indoctrination, propaganda education, social engineering, entertainment NLP, "spiritual" businesses, and of course the unexplained Mk Ultra and Tesla's HAARP with Cabalists Rituals at Bohemian Grove.
(Ex.: Wonder Woman)
As such, for proper Eugenics sans racial or religious superiority, decisions regarding the next seven generations needs not only to be assessed, but needs to be put on trial for proper compensation of damages, and punitive damages to cease such conduct disguised and supported as "religious".
Therefore, all hidden "Eugenic" agendas, should be thwarted towards "Disclosures".
b. Christianity
c. Islam
If you cannot answer for the many discrepancies and hierarchal enslavement that has historically plagued humanity in these resource conquistador "pact" religions that has sought selfish "heavens" over diligently caring for "nature", remember on an overpopulated planet, your parents should have been neutered.
Any occultism used towards "Eugenics" may first start with the above mentioned-groups, until they learn how to "wipe their ass", for the sake of humanity's future.
May every Holocaust Museum also discuss Manifest Destiny. From "Indian Reservations" to "Concentration Camps", those who win the war, write the history books, as evidenced by the
Old Testament.
True Religion:
0. Empty/Ex-Nihilo
1. Energy/Sound
2. Polarity/Wisdom
3. Thoughts/Formation
4. Judgment/Discern
5. Archetypes/Evolution
6. Agendas/Will
7. Mind/Intelligence
8. Analysis/Inspiration
9. Elements/Manifest
10. What'sMy/MFName?
IHVH's greatest "fear",
is an "accuser".
-Amit Prakash, Esq.
-Covenant With goD,
Reverse White Privilege
Fuck a church,
how does
a Jew and a Freemason walk into a courtroom without
bursting into flames?
(Catholica / Gnostica)
Ineffable Name
(Bel and The Dragon)
1. Enlil "El"
2. Marduk
3. Dumuzid "Adonai"
/ Ishtar
-Ahiram Sarcophagus,
(Form Is Empty,
Empty Is Form)
Ammit, Esq.
(Counsel: VajraIndra)
-Age of Horus,
What Else Would Be The Height Of Freemasonry?
(13th Aeon)
-Dedicated To Abraham
(Dedicated To Yochai)
Sumer, Elam, Kushites
(Tower of Babel)
Syria, Levant
(Ark of the Covenant)
Assyria (Persia):
-Torah Composition
(Genesis: Chaldea)
(Pre-Bereshit: Tiamat)
(Noah: Izudbar)
(Adonai: Abraxas)
(El: Bel and the Dragon)
(Exodus: Hyksos Egypt)
(Ark: Cyrus the Great)
(Persian: Magi)
(Phoenician: Po-Sidon)
(Letters: Ahiram)
(Rim Sin: Ram Chandra)
(Aryan: Veda & Avesta)
(Africa: Egypt-Nubian)
-Garden of Eden
(Adam: Livestock)
(Adapa: Tree)
(Ubaid-Eridu: Enki)
-Tower of Babel
(7 Rows: Planets)
(Top: Marduk)
(Pact: Gentile v. Israel)
("Name for Ourselves")
-Ark of the Covenant
(Barc: Egyptian Boat)
(Aron: Coffin)
(Moses: Son of ...)
(Book of the Dead)
(Punic: Utilized)
-12 Tribes
(Sinai: Jacob's Ladder)
(Jeroboam's Temple)
(Dan: Stone of Scone)
(Essene: Qabalah)
(Qabalist: Rosicrucian)
(Mason: Druid Revival)
(Bloodlines: President)
(Flood: New Atlantis)
The Ineffable Name:
(Qayin: Kenite-Kushite)
(Ugarit: Shasu of Yhw)
(Vampire / Truth)
(Genesis 11:4 / MJ 12)
(Free / Masonry)
(Exodus 22:18)
(Guru: Avadhuta)
(Temple of Set)
Ammit, Esq.___
(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Catholica Gnostica
"The difference between
the Mithras Liturgy
and the Hermetica
are also clear: whereas
the former maintains
the actual practice
of the ritual,
the latter drop the ritual and fully internalize
and spiritualize
the religion."
-Hans Dieter Betz,
The "Mithras Liturgy"
(The Greco-Zoroastrian "Hekhalot Mystic"
Using The
"Ineffable Name")
IAW: Helios-Mithra (Ra)
Soli Invicto Comiti
A. Tzoah Rotachat
B. Christmas/Saturnalia
-El Elyon (Tzimtzum)
are to take into consideration,
-Humility Sells,
Sheep Are Buying
(From Survivalist To Empire Builder)
The Blue Dress:
-Book Of Revelations
Benson Turner:
(3-29-23: 1:35pm:
Thou Shall Not Suffer A HABIRU to Live! Fuck Your Curses, Fuck Your Religion, Fuck Your People, Fuck Your Cult, Fuck Your Ancestry-Lineage, and Most Of All, Fuck Your goD!)
33 Degrees:
1. Guru v. Kracker
(Shaman v. Belief)
2. Ashram v. Secret Soc.
(Individual v. Group)
3. Liberation v. Salvation
(Kether v. Astral Realm)
4. "Empty" v. Demiurge
(Inspire v. Manipulate)
5. Enlighten v. Power
(Intelligence v. Energy)
6. Self v. Pact / Oaths
(Wisdom v. Desire)
7. Culture v. Cult
(Teachings v. Empire)
8. Globe v. Nationalism
(Oneness v. Separation)
9. Awareness v. Pollution
(Sacrifice v. Desire)
10. Hindu v. Medieval
(Roots v. Prejudice)
11. Vedic v. West
(Neti, Neti v. Hermetic)
12. Yoga v. Communion
(Samkhya v. Science)
13. Truth v. Ignorance
(Ego: No Mind v. Mind)
-Age of Enlightenment
Dedicated to Leviathan
-Captain Nemo
Who Do You Love?
Chesed to Binah
(Sword of Attila)
(Dedicated To Israel)
The Ineffable Name
-Not Supported
-Conflicting Archeology
-Conflicting Roots
-Conflicting Politics
-Heavily Supported
-New Age/Black Magick
-Psychic Abilities v. Roots
-Bohemian Grove (1982)
Cremation of Care
The "Dull Cares"
-Sara La Kali
-Benson Philip Turner
(Los Angeles, CA)
(2100 Duxbury Cir.)
-Michael Lane Turner
(Sherman Oaks/Valencia)
(24327 Vista Hills Dr.)
Case Study)
-Flynn Page Turner
(Fort Lauderdale, FL)
(1033 NE 17th Way)
(Apologies Flynn: I need to figure out why your wife and kids don't talk to Benson Turner, and why they had to move across the country)
-Jacqueline M. Turner
(Los Angeles, CA)
(I don't feel curses from you. Sorry, but I have to do discovery)
-Richard W. Turner
(Los Angeles, CA)
(Whose the lawyer?)
"White Mike"
Who Is The Lawyer Uncle You Have Always Referenced?
Are You Capable Of Speaking Without Telling A Lie?
-Lie Detector Test,
Coronation Chair
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(An Adversary, A Gentleman)
Bon(e) Fire
(Grammar / School)
Benson Turner (Memorial)
Do you know why
Hitler went after the Jew,
because he knew
what is a Freemason!
Ineffable Name
A. Freemasons
(Medieval Occult)
B. Jews
(Ugarit, Egypt, & Meso)
C. Scientists
(Operation Paperclip)
D. Theologians
(Evolution & Politics)
E. Historians
(Secret Societies)
F. Psychologists
(Esoterica: Carl Jung)
(Gov't: Remove Viewing)
G. Journalists
(Sales: Unsourced)
H. Religions
(Agenda: Hobby Lobby)
-Manifest Destiny,
Enlil "El" (Tablet Of)
Occultism in the hands of the selfish. Benson Turner, tell your family when the in-laws are supporting and raising your shithole family, make sure they
(Your Son's Definitions)
Michael and
Onita Turner Wedding.
(Interracial Marriage Ad)
1. May the whole world know what a Casino "interest rate" wedding looks like.
2. May the whole world know what its like to have a Jew in the Family.
3. May the whole world see the white privilege network that is freemasonry.
4. May the whole world see what an "elopement" looks like, then running back to the brown parents to raise the babies, and treating them like how a racial stereotypical Jew would.
5. May the whole world see what "disloyal" friends, family members, colleagues look like. Where are you, when these assholes are in court, or need food, as they continue to suckle others in a narcissitic fashion.
6. May the whole world finally assess the "sacredness" or lack thereof, of a "marriage" which is essentially a generational estate plan for builders.
7. May the whole world finally see the truth of the cultish attitudes and propaganda of culture, presenting itself as nationalist ideations or egoic conditioned control mechanism, of superiority complexities establishing themselves a nation under "chosen" pretexts.
a. May Your Sons Grow Up To Be Like "White Mike"
b. May Your Daughters Grow Up To "Pull A Nitu"
c. May Their Children Bribe You Into Complacency
d. And, May Your Guests Sleep With The Fishes
"El/Baal: Ishtar"
-Shasu of Yahu,
(Genesis 11:4)
-Dedicated to ...
(Idolatry _ !)
Brought to you by:
Hyksos : Temple of Set
Blessing To Some,
Curse to Others
-Father Time,
Judgment Day
Turner Family
Benson Turner's
Favorite Jinn
(Corwin Hargrove):
(2:49pm: 2-12-23)
Sour Love/Sex
Sex Dysfunction
Disgust Sex
They come with
your energy cords,
"El" and the "Name",
they release
with picturing you and using mental symbols.
Once again,
as stated yesterday,
Having You As Family!
(The Same Applies With The Shemhamephorash)
Why Did You Put The Occulted Seal of Solomon on Your Flag?
It's in my water, hence, my digestive, hence, my urethra.
-Does Your Family One,
A Jew?
(Covenant: Rape Others)
Once Again, You Won't Get Off the Dick, Where You Curse The Songs On My Blog, As Well As The Posts. They Are All Felt, As Your Curses Give Me A Tight Feeling, And I Can Hear The Song That You Curse, Where Curser Is Automatically Donated.
-Lingam Baetylus
(Turner Favorite)
Women and Children First, While Their Bitch Men Watch
Bitch: Ben/Mike Turner
I Can't Sit At My Desk, Without The Highly Uncomfortable feeling of "Ben Turner" cording me, like a "Mind Reader". If this is the future of humanity, it becomes necessary to teach and learn how to use death magick. On the "Ben Turner's" of the world, one shouldn't hesitate to kill. You and yours, never deserved an ounce of kindness. May you and yours, be returned all similar favors in hell.
-Help Humanity,
Curb Stomp Kike Mike
(Greek Word)
If you ever wonder why synagogues get shot up, like I did near my college during those years, just ask BENSON TURNER.
If Question, Just Ask?
-May Your Wife Get RAPED For All Eternity In Hell, While You Watch Salivating Wearing Your Son's Pink Underwear
(While Your Son's Hip Hop Albums Are Playing)
Benson Turner
There are entities other than Jinn in my body, sent post Dec. 2021, after you receiving my emails. They all have your energy cords on them.
Many of them want me to leave my home, so I can't work, or of course, study your culture. You don't want me to speak the truth on Jews and Freemasons.
Many are removed using Jewish amulets, and lettering, supported by the Phoenician "El".
Obvious you won't stop cursing, and you will look for whatever you can,
as Freemason have rooted themselves in every occult tradition.
Moreover, like your son Kike Mike taught, the Jew just does the finances, not the dirty work, they hide behind another demographic like the Italians for that.
In other words, like your son who ran like a bitch, I can't expect you to be,
"A Man".
Till Death Shall We?
(I Need Training To Deal With Others Like Yourself.)
Yes death.
It's becoming
a Way of Life.
It's a killing season
and the sun shines bright.
-May You Rest in Shit,
Tzoah Rotachat
Benson Turner
If I keep feeling
your disgusting
Jew Energy Cords,
with attached entities
... I might as well
name my blog
provided how much
I'm learning about your shit cult.
-Fuck Your goD!
(If I don't get better,
I will
slice you son's throat.
Make the world
a better place! FYI, you and yours absolutely deserve it.)
Benson Turner, I know it is you, and your curses have respond and molded to these messages.
(All Masonic Texts,
Have Swastikas Over the "G" On Them)
Tubal Cain is a Mentor
Confessional Booth:
1. Lawyer
2. Police Report
(Still Waiting)
Tubal Cain
Since making the above "Tubal Cain" comment
(2-9-23), it has gotten significantly quieter, as expected, as I have done before. More importantly, I think I have "masonic" help, as if someone is pulling Benson Turner off of me, his gross old man energy cords. For that, I thank you and hope I can receive more assistance and hopefully training. Nonetheless, without the curses limiting me, I'm basically a child attempting to play "blacksmith" while Tubal Cain himself smokes up my visionary state enveloping my bedroom completely. I guess that's what happens when a bhakti yoga type practices ceremonial magick.
-Apologies To The Jews and Freemasons,
Read Between The Lines And Help The Gentile
Many Freemasons are still corded with me, felt, and heard, though intelligently.
Get "Ben Turner" out of my life, and get every "Freemasons" out of my life! I've seen many, especially in Dec. 2021.
Ineffable Name
Still attempting to harness the "power" behind the Phoenician script as well as Semitic thought looking at Egyptian script, to be later transcribed in the Hebrew Torah offering a gematria code assisting trance state gnosis of such "powers" found harnessed while under the theta-brainwave, with "powers" of ruler of the universe akin to owner of the "tablet of destiny" as found with the Mesopotamian Enlil, also known as "El" of the Elohim and the AngELs, only to be later classified as planetary Archonic under the Gnostic Christian tradition presenting us with the roots of the Qabalist tradition where such Archons easily fit the Sephirot in ascending the "Tree of Life".
For everyone who has cursed me since
Dec. 2021, particularly the families of
Benson Turner and Michael Turner,
The curses significantly decreased,
and the entity attachments
significantly fled
after the above
"Tubal Cain" comment of (2-10-23).
Curses are real,
as the solution has been curse reversal,
not medical advice.
Forgiveness is futile,
for the innocent.
The guilty breed.
Though evidence of
Nazi Occultism is speculative to
somewhat circumstantial as the case with
secret societies,
I've taken note that
Nazi Coins have been protective against
said curses.
If the "Turners" have cursed my family, I will return the same. My family should have been significantly healthier,
I should have been significantly healthier, but for the near lifelong curse that is "White Mike".
(11:35am) Saying
the word "Freemason"
is now removing
"Ben Turner"
corded energies,
sitting on my chair, with Ruach-Enchantments in old man grumbling saying, "Racist, Racist, Racist". Now get rid of the "energetic needles", "parasites", and Djinn. (11:50am) There are two things on the sides of my head, above the temples, entities I don't know and can't remove. (11:56am)
I think this one is tied with relatives, as I saw another one also being "racist". (12:00am) That's good. I think I need to do my own processing now, but feeling better than yesterday, and probably the best since 2021.
Can you keep
"Old Man" Turner away,
his cords are "Creepy". (12:09am) He put something back in and I heard "he fucked us over". In addition,
GET OFF THE DICK! (12:40: Keep it that way)
List: Internet, Cell Phone, Clothes, Food (lower gut), Cabinets, Light Bulbs, Toilet, Pipes, Garbage Disposal, Trash, Carpet, Air Conditioner, TV, Computer, Stereo, Stuffed Animals, Religious Items, Gemstones, Documents, Books, Pens, Chairs, Bed, Cushions, Sheets, Blankets, Pillows, Water Tank, Fridge, Drums (Decor), DVDs, Masonic Memorabilia (2:13pm) After the below "Amen-Messe" post, I feel so damn good. Thank you! (2:26pm) Psalm 23:4! Thank you! (2:31pm) Dense tension on top of head, gut cords "Turner". (2:36pm) Gut cords, old man saying "Racist, Racist, Racist". (4:22pm) Blog posts, especially Lingam Baetylus you sick fuck, Turner and "Friend"! (4:24pm) Immediate release, fucking asshole! (4:29pm) It's getting quieter, I shouldn't have to hear any of you fucking clowns, especially since Dec. 2021. (4:32pm) Hear, "bullshit everybody, comeback in there". Fuck you! Get your disease out of my stomach, throat, and head. "Dick Dick Dick", right you disgusting fuck! (5:27pm) GET OFF THE FUCKING DICK! (Jinn: Corwin Hargrove)
-Get Off The Dick
(10:01pm: female)
(10:03: family members)
(10:08: Turner: I can feel you every time, you're disgusting. I can also feel it removed, so I'm not insane.)
-Thank You,
To The Remover
(Who Are You?)
Benson Turner:
Do the world a favor, instead of attacking me,
chop your sons dick off! If the curses, don't stop, I will do it myself, put his disgusting dick in a blender, and feed it to your shitbrained wife. Shitbrained because she is a "Jew-Freemason".
-We All Know Why,
Slice His Throat, Publicly!
(Kike Mentor - Kike Mike)
Onita "Abortion" Turner:
"I am concerned for the safety of my husband, myself, my children, and my father-in-law. I am in fear of our lives. His emails today are direct threat. I will not provide an address to him"
-Jan 26, 2023
(You're in fear of a lawsuit. Or else, you would have filed a police report.)
Bitch Still Can't Answer Any Questions,
after One Year!
Onita "Jew" Turner:
We all know what an "ugly ass Jew" is because of your husband. We all know the selfish arrogant lying piece of shit, that he has always been. There have plenty of emails all of last year attesting to that fact, for which your whole shit and racist family failed to respond.
Let me ask you, provided the definitions of "Jew" that have been provided to us throughout the years by your husband, you know when he says "that's my people". WHY DID YOU COME BACK TO THE FAMILY! Was it to rape us of our resources, our kindness, while you and yours acted like a "Jew"?
2-11-23 (9:00pm)
Still can't sit at my work desk without "Ben Turner" energy cords trying to enter, and control, with old man shit residue. Fuck you and fuck your useless life and fuck your pollution generation! Because of your generation and it's religion and it's kracker-kike cult, our world is shit.
My life will only improve, when your dead, right?
I dare the Turner family to prove Hitler wrong?
The only way to trust any one of you, is to use the "Ineffable Name".
Thank you to the few Jews teaching others. Fuck a freemason for their disinformation campaigns. I can't even trust Carl Jung anymore, meaning,
Western Psychology.
-Fuck Your Life,
Fuck Your Bloodlines
(Fuck Your Family Crest)
-Qabalist, Esq.,
Fuck the Constitution
Have A Question,
Ask A Freemason,
And Then Watch How They Run Like A Bitch!
-Michael Turner,
Masculine Maturity
Please "Freemasons"
get your
and empowered
"Ben Turner"
the only thing worse
than over 2500yrs of
Old Testament lies
to hide "Gnosticism",
are those that
protect those lies.
I can see why
the Knights Templar
were given
the death penalty.
I can see why the "Ineffable Name"
was kept hidden, particularly by
Builders typically bound in-want of Freedom.
-Coronation Chair,
Jacob's Ladder
Dedicated to the homies in service,
who've told me
stories of backlash
from fellow countrymen after
defending liberty.
Just another day being
a janitor I suppose.
-Michael Clayton,
I'm Not A Miracle Worker
"Thou Shall Not Kill"
-Exodus 20:13
"Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live"
-Exodus 22:18
1. When the
Gentile In-Laws
are Raising Your Kids, Don't Act Like A Jew!
-Turner Wedding,
Exodus 34:7
Daniel 12:3
Shasu of ARYA_!
-Primal Self
(Cult of Golgotha)
Qliphothic Explorer
This One Goes To
-Mack 10, Foe Life
Ravana Mentors:
George Bush:
-Skull and Bones
Dick Cheney:
Master P:
-No Limit
Suge Knight:
-Death Row
(Kala Maha / Indrajaal)
Depths of the Sea!
Tablet of Destiny
"God Hates Us All"
Ark of the Covenant
(Graze the Skin)
Dedicated To
"Benson Turner" (11:00pm 2-12-23)
Old Testament
Operation Paperclip
-Standard of Living,
History, Who To Thank?
(Freemason or Thule)
With more advanced technology,
despite the war machine, agreement wise,
who really won?
is 33 Degrees
"Ringling Brothers"
"Medieval Occultism"?
Gas Chamber?
Benson Turner,
since doing intensive "Jewish" studies since your curses began
Dec. 2021,
I'm still looking for what is "holy" about what
50% of the population calls the "holy land". Particularly, since
Jesus is in Jewish Hell, Tzoah Rotachat,
such makes one
consider was
"Pagan" King Solomon actually "wise",
and what is the agenda behind the "Commandments"?
What Is "Holy"?
Garden of Eden:
Dilmun: Enlil "El"
Livestock: Adam
Sheol: Reincarnation
Covenant: Build
Messiah: Return
-The Fourth Kind
Benson Turner Energy Cords of Course
-Seriously, every time you cord, you really want me to think and write about the Jew, especially your ugly ass family, that mine was forced to care for and raise.
-Then again, you told your hell-bound wife that you would never hit your kids, because you're afraid of what your hands can do.
-In other words, you're a selfish abusive-fuck who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself.
-Benson Turner, are you capable of giving anyone one reason why you and you family don't belong in hell, based on what my family has witnessed with yours? What about Freemasons and Jews, provided the limited "Honesty", where "The Good Samaritan" should have a modern twist of "The Honest Jew" such as your son, Kike Mike.
-May your wife and children suffer for your bullshit, like your god biblically covenanted.
-Exodus 34:7
Anti-Defamation League
Can there ever be
such a thing,
as an "honest" Jew.
(Egyptian Propaganda)
After studying
Semitic culture,
I can see why Jesus was the "Savior" as in
anti-demiurge of the "Ineffable Name".
I feel like I have "processed" Christian Slavery, in seeing Christ as a Slave Master goD. Where Jesus has shown to be the perfect friend, even to the publicans and sinners.
-Messianic Era,
Tzoah Rotachat
Dedicated To The Turners
-Kike Mentoring!
1. Benson Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
2. Michael Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
3. Flynn Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
4. Benson "Wife" Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
5. Turner Siblings Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
6. Turner Lawyers Can Eat A BIG FAT Dick!
7. Wedding Guests Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
8. Onita Turner Can Eat ... Michael Turner's Dick?
9. Israel Can Eat Palestine's ... ?
("The Holy Land")
(You Better Hope I Never See Your Fucking Face. Thank You For Teaching The Value and Beauty of HATE_!)
Turner Marriage
To everyone who went to this casino-covenant wedding,
may your children grow up to be like the "Turners".
Thank you for teaching me disloyalty, all of
Marcell Turner:
-May you grow up to treat women like your father, before he dated your mother
-May you be a lying chauvinistic "faux news" gluttonous pig, who is always just full of shit, like your father, and his father
-May you be a completely arrogant narcissist fuck, completely ignorant in the world but with the vanity plate that states "scientist".
-May you be a pious Jew like "Abel", but with Masculine Maturity like "Caine", As You Evade "Karma" For "Scapegoats", Which Explains "White Supremacy" And Hence The Reason For Your Success,
-May you not speak at your father's funeral. Actually, may you not speak at your grandfather's funeral of the family who raised you when your mother ran back home, who did their best to better your standard of living despite your arrogant attitude, like Master Retard Nikil Narayan who ran a record company for decades without any contracts or legal protection. Just ask his lawyer White Mike, your dipshit father, why he didn't speak at his father's funeral.
Hannah Turner:
-May you grow up to date men like your father, before he dated your mother
-May you grow up to treat your mother, the same post pregnancy
-May you grow up to educate yourself with a Doctorate degree, but marry out of the "Townhouse" Brothel.
-May you grow up to betray the people who tell you the truth, for a lying glutenous pig, who completely fucks over your family.
-May you have to serve and clean up, and go to court hearings for the men, in the "townhouse" brothel, only to have those men betray you.
-May you grow up to marry a "mature man", like a Jew-Freemason, where you never have to make a decision for yourself again.
Michael Turner:
-May You Pull A "Nik" With Your Shotgun, Particularly Since You Ran Like Bitch When Asked About Freemasonry!
-Find me one ounce of truth to your life, or give us a reason why your sick-ass should be breeding?
-Atil stated he recommended you because you "matured", in other words, your Kike-Ass, "changed". Where still waiting to hear what he meant, as it is not witnessed.
-Don't ever ask again, why the world hates the Jew.
-On an overpopulated planet, why should your ass breed, like those before you?
33 Degrees:
May your children elope, then come back
in desperate need
to help raise the children,
then treat the family who raises your kids,
Cursers [Sic]
For every unwanted
energy cord,
I have a new soul
to donate
to the astral realms.
And So It Is Done
I wish I made this comment sooner, provided I actually had some peace finally, hinting towards the truth of "Ben Turner" Curses.
Anyone who works with Lucifer, has the Goetia already within them. Though, Lucifer has many masks and friends. It would be interesting to know what your life looks like future wise, let alone what your afterlife holds.
Of The Old Testament?
(Curse Reverse History)
every "Semitic" curse sent to a "Gentile",
may the new covenant with "El"
be to chop your child's dick-off.
How else will humanity stop the "Ben Turner's" of the world, in an overpopulated dilemma?
A. Jew (Abel):
Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live
B. Freemason (Cain): Thou Shalt Not Kill
To include women, to avoid sexism, may your tits be chopped off, so you don't nurture gluttonous pigs. It would be "tragic" if one's child were to become a "white mike".
-Dedicated to the
Turner Family Shield,
May You Bless All Of Israel
-For the Mind
(Ineffable Name)(Mantra)
(Sefiroth)(Mind Psyche)
(Ain Soph Aur) (No Mind)
(Hekhalot) (Negation)
(El Elyon: "Presence")
-Salvation (God Other)
(Creator: Demiurge)
(Result: Israel)
-Drop the Mind
(Negation)(No Mind)
(El Elyon: "Presence")
(Yoga: "Integrated")
-For the Mind (No Mind)
(Science: Samkhya)
-Liberator (God Self)
(Destroyer: Truth)
(Result: Samsara)
White Supremacy
1. White People
With Religion
(Mind Control)
-Propaganda / Politics
2. White People
With Guns
(Body Control)
-Robbery / Colonialism
3.White People
With Occult Abilities (Soul Control)
-Colonial / Builders
"These days,
you gotta be strapped.
I'm already knowin'
ain't nobody
got my back.
These days,
you gotta be down
Who said it was easy claimin'
Dogg Pound?
-Before I Let Go,
This One Goes To "Eleven"
(Unforgiven: "Samsara")
It is a "blessing" to be "ugly".
It is a "curse" to be
-La Dvlce Vita,
To Your Brethren In The Dark
(Dedicated To the Ugly)
Crooked Masculine
-Worthless One,
Elizabeth Lund:
(House of Idems)
Would it have been better if you were "raped"
(January 12, 2023)
causing you to reflect, which would have finally changed the direction of your "white privilege" teachings?
Cultural Appropriation:
Namaste Elizabeth Lund, provided how much
you have "raped" from other spiritual teachers, especially
of those of color,
if someone put a gun
to your head
and took everything
you own,
would it be justified,
in a world
as evidenced by
your "work product" as "white privilege"?
Pyramid Schemes
I'm not good enough,
to be loved.
But I'm good enough,
to be killed.
-Thank You E.Lund.
Divine Feminine
"...when bitches get
they pull a voodoo,
what you, gonna do,
you really, don't, know,
so I'd, advise, you
-Silly of me,
to fall in love with a
(Eggun Stick)
(Temple of Set)
December 2022
October 2022
September 2022
November 2021
February 2019
November 2018