Winding down from the day typically means soaking in the tab. Salt water, purifier of the soul. Already having meditated throughout the day, the ego monkey mind want's to fight. It's the animal-senses way of keeping one on the wheel of samsara. To allow for deeper breaths, invoking the terrifying Bhairavi is the best way to dissolve thought, let go, and relax. She's a must for deeper pranayama, though beware, she brings on the purge. The mind stills and relaxes as a very decrepit, skin melting off the bones, very pale skinned with glowing white hair elderly female approaches requesting my attention. Not annoyed with my personal space disturbed, and actually quite excited to see this individual who reminds me of Dhumavati, surprisingly without fear I say "hello" and reach out my hand to be shook. "Thank you for having me", she states, "I just wanted to say hello and greet you". I asked of her name and received the reply of "Aunt Susan". "What the fuck, I'm Indian, with little to no relatives with a Western name, are you of my lineage", I yelp trying to figure out who the hell just entered into my domain. Communication is more with inner guidance, where I trust the intense pulses within me to come to an answer. That also means my bullshit meter is on point. In response to my request, I felt pulled downward, not to what we would call lower astral levels, but to one of my downstairs neighbors. Coming to terms that I have nothing to worry about, I further greet "Aunt Susan" and allow her to remain and continue to observe me in my "process". Immediately thereafter my soak, my biological mother calls me for our weekly quick updates. As I have attempted to express to certain relatives, the practices of advaita has the effect of shredding something inside of me. My clairsentience has increased to the point that when people talk, the logical mind begins to subside as I begin to feel odd impulses and quite claustrophobic around those who do not practice meditation. It feels like feeling another's deep psychological conditioning as well as outright bullshit. I guess that's what happens when an empath meditates. I guess this is also why the Buddhist Jewel of Sangha is highly important. There have been numerous issues with my family, particularly with narcissistic individuals who think they are doing "good", but are really causing harm. When an individual has not developed logically, that can result in lots of emotional outbursts in order to have their way. My own mother falls into this category who has controlled our household like it's William Golding's, Lord of the Flies. She would be the harsh angry patriarchal energy in our home, with my biological father being a non-sociable introvert who never stood in the way of my mom's warpath. Whether it was getting things thrown at me, or getting kicked out of the house because I spent an hour with my girlfriend, the word "family" today still carries more sting then love, where I found bliss and happiness in solitude. That home life was suicidal for me, especially in having a voice that was just never heard, and of course those emotions return today as I've continually gotten caught up in someone else's mess. Even if I am to enter into a relationship again, the fear of having that someone meet my mother would be worse then Virgil's/Dante's hell. Let me put it this way, my mother had forbid my ex-girlfriend from attending my law school graduation because she said it was against "traditions", all the while she had called me the morning of my bar exam to harass me. Imagine sitting for a three (3) day exam with that in your head, with the CA bar being the most difficult. Yes, I still hate it when my parents tell people they put me through law school. If my mom didn't have her way, her anger would shoot her blood pressure into the 200s sending her straight to the hospital, creating an even worse trap for her kids. My elder sister had eloped with a man whose shadows were well known within the family. Though my mother has sought to resolve her issues, I had seen the same psychological-conditioning arise in both my sister and her husband. My sis shockingly being a supporter of Trump, but not really shocking with the man she ended up with, who follows traditional archetypal standards of men and women, and such views on society. She eloped, had a few good years away from the family, then returned to my mother with a child in her hands. To this day, my Leo sister holds her head up high, views the rest of the family like their some cheap pawns, then has the nerve to tell people in the family what to do without even knowing all the facts. In my conversations with my mother, she has been upset with everyone else, except my sister. Nonetheless, she see's what my sis is doing and even confronted me regarding the latest issue. My mom has thrown tantrums with other family members, including myself when I had stated to her that she had picked a side. However, in this phone call, my mom admitted she will not say anything to my sis given that she doesn't want her to leave again, all the while pointing the finger at other relatives and their anger. I let my mom have it! She has used the concept of "traditions", or used family and their children to manipulate me to get me to do things, even if she can't psychologically see that. Hence, casebook narcissist. I've realized the meaningless of loyalty, where I simply now perceive my family as individuals with highly selfish interests, all of which are afraid of looking in the mirror. I presume this is why Kali is so feared, where I'm so far the only one who taken her name in my family, everyone else perceives her as evil with their extremely limited understanding of spirituality, but extraordinarily inflated ideals of person-hood. Nonetheless, she has been around me assisting me. Even my Jewish-American brother in law is the product of past Romani Gypsies who sought the blessings of St. Sara-Kali. I had trouble in coming to peace with the way I conducted myself over the phone. But as an attorney who understand the efficacy of words, I know sometimes we need to be gangster in order for people to hear beyond their psychological conditioning. And yes, everything happens for a reason. I really got a better understanding of that after I had googled "Aunt Susan". At least the Goddess is with me helping me through.
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Racial-Cultural Sensitivities:
I suffered "delusional psychosis" in 2022 where with limited capacity, I intended to look for answers, where I also attempted to assess and resolve conditioning, as the goal is Oneness. Please forgive me for any offense as I attempted to seek help. In learning about many different cultures, in both light an dark aspects, we have more in common with each other than are different. And our differences often make the world unique and beautiful. In a path of walking through cultural underworlds, I chose to heavily look at mine and the collectives shadow aspects, with again, the light of oneness at the end of the tunnel. -Love the Light, and the Dark (Occultist / Inner) (Tzimtzum) Harvest3D American "Yisrael""In God We Trust". King Solomon's CourtIsrael Freedom-MasonTo Combat District Attorney
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If there is no such thing as "curses", then did your husband "Michael Turner" lie about his parents and grandparents psychic abilities? Ben Turner is a Necromancer correct?
From leaving Me and Ricky at the Venice Beach "Taco Bell" to get robbed and die ...
to you eloping and leaving me with the family problems ...
to you returning with your kids bc you needed help raising them and treating us like your some elitist asshole ...
to catering and helping your husbands house and move his furniture, the townhouse toilet who should have never had an ounce of respect and who can never be trusted, to even letting you and your husband have a wonderful weekend at my home ...
I should have slit my wrist as a kid.
Probable Cause: Stating That I'm Going To Slice Your Throat With A Civil Complaint, Is Not An Imminent Threat Of Harm, Especially Since I Stated Around Christmas (9 Months Away) For A Family Role Reversal Scenario, To Protect My Bloodline. You Knew Of A Civil Complaint, A Book Deal, A Reach Out To Synagogues, The Anti-Defamation League, And Of Course I Did These Posts And Emails For The State/National Bar. You Knew That! Where Is The Harm?
Tubal Cain: Benson Turner. In the last few emails sent to you, I had reminded you that I told you "Tubal Cain" was a "spirit guide" a mentor. With that, I had asked you, "are you allowed to curse me", provided we should be like a "brotherhood" (?)
Gun: Onita Turner. When You Had Stated To Me In Emails That I Was "Hiding" Behind My Computer, I Had Stated To You That We Can Do This Face To Face, But "Your Husband Better Have Bullets For His Gun". That Wasn't A Threat That I Would Shoot Him, As I'm Not The One Who Owns A Gun As Expressed To You. That Was A Threat To Your Bitch-Ass Husband's Manhood!
-Tu-Balls Cain,
Maintenance Check
Threat. Turners. You Still Haven't Replied To The Question On Whether My "Brown Sister" Is Safe In Your Jewish-Nationalist Family, Provided What I've Heard. Your Lucky My Family Loves Your Kids, And Haven't Filed A Police Report, Particularly Last Year When I Yelled At Them.
-Amit Omesh Prakash
(CA: 274572)
Truth is Zero.
Truth is Empty.
Truth is Enlightenment.
What you do with it ...
is One (Void)
is Oneness (Connectivity)
is Balance / Kairos (Tao)
is Chaos (Yin/Tiamat)
is Order (Yang/Apsu)
In reverse,
you have "Holy Water"
to bring "Balance" to a "Chaotic" World Returning to "Oneness" On The Process Of Negation.
To the
"spiritual businesses" selling
"truth is
what you make it",
as in selling
"ego inflation"
the wisdom of
"ego death"
or "know thyself,
may you file
for bankruptcy, both business and personal.
"What You Do Wit This",
Is Transient!
From a
"State" That Is No "State".
The "Stateless".
-State of Mind
Matthew 21:12,
Gatekeepers, Thagirion
-Prophecy, Esq.
La Dvlce Vita, Destiny
(Seal the Law)
You Can
Shove The "Rose"
Right Back Up Your Ass, Right Where
Your Qabalist Masters
Put "Jesus".
-Before "The Word",
Before "The Name"
Before "The Beginning"
Before "Medieval Qablists"
(Balaam, Solomon)
(Knights, Temple)
Cult of Golgotha,
Dedicated To Israel
Benson Turner
March 13, 2023
Still Cursing The Songs On My Blog Right!
(The Above "Dedicated")
For every Jew
who reads this,
explain "Freemasonry"
or Get Your Shit
Off The Fucking Planet!
Once Again,
When The Qabalah
Is Proven True,
What Do We Do,
About The Jew.
Abel v. Cain
(Mesopotamia: Vulcan)
Thank You For Teaching Me The Value Of Death. Thank You For Giving Us Your Son To Show Us People Who Should Die!
May The Next Holocaust Be Named The
"Benson Turner Memorial".
-Freemasonry to Thule,
How To Be A Jew
(Manifest Destiny)
May Every
For Benson Turner's Brother,
An Attorney,
A Law Firm,
That Hid.
-Lawyer v. Qabalah
"Never Make A Bad Decision Until He Meets the Adversary")
As such, in traversing Constitutional Law and assessing the "thought-processes" of brilliant
analytical minds who showed us an evolving-model attempting to right-societies-wrongs and maintain an
environment to foster harmonious "liberty" for-all-within the "jurisdiction" as forged under the "equal-
protection-clause", the Constitutional-oath becomes not just a responsibility for upkeep, but an honor!
Mind, Body, Conscious:
-All oaths,
promises and covenants, conditions, conditionings, programming's, restrictions, contracts, signed executions, purchases, whereby are thwarted or controlled by "occulted" mechanisms, known and unknown, including "entity" manipulation, are hereby realized, thwarted, neutralized, exorcised, harmonized, managed, converted, uplifted, expanded, for my own benefit!
-As Within,
So Without (No Reverse)
I'm going deep within myself as I can go, from self to Self, then back to self again. Where "presence" is as important as "absence".
-Play The Game,
Of Life
Courtroom Upanishads
A. Hindu v. Zoroastrian
(Oneness v. Dualism)
B. Mesopotamia v. Israel
(El: Ineffable Name)
C. Gnostic v. Church
(Materialist: Demiurge)
D. Sabians v. Qabalists
(Ishmael v. Tribes)
E. Muslims v. Rosicrucians
(Assassins v. Knights)
F. Nazis v. Freemasons
(Vikings v. Celts)
G. Protestant v. New Age
(Source: Freemason)
H. East v. Psychologist
(Meditation v. Pact)
-Kali / Kaula
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(CA: 274572)
"Cult of Golgotha"
-Dedicated To Socrates
I. Brahma v. Abraham
(Hobby Lobby)
Seal of Solomon
In the Name of "Wisdom" sourced from "Self", which hopefully was the true inspiration for King Solomon
Under the occulted control mechanism, sigils, of Druidic-Freemasonry utilizing Djinn, Shedim, Angels, Demons, and other Entities
May all such entities return to their home, or Israel, until the "Desert" religions are historically assessed with occultism, not "Blind Belief".
In Israel, may such issues be resolved prior to any governance or spiritual ascent, limiting psychic and occult gifts provided not by selfless "ego-death" but by selfish "pacts" and "covenants".
A. Ugarit: Old Testament
B. Hyksos: Real Exodus
C. Genesis: Mesopotamia
D. Assyria: Zoroastrian
E. Shasu: Ineffable Name
F. Gnostic: Demiurge
G. Assyria: Zoroastrian
H. Persia: Torah
I. Greek: Gematria
J. Qabalah: Medieval
K. Qayin: Occultism
L. Solomon: Occultism
M. Yechudim: Yoga
O. Ahiram: Language
P. Language: Occult
Q. Occult: Ruach-Enchant
R. Zionism: Egregore
May the Seal of Solomon, from the Merkava Mystics to the Freemasonic "Tanit", help adepts with their own "Leviathan" before egoically calling their Sim's character and nationality "chosen".
Or, as the Gnostic Master stated, "Pick Up Your Own Cross".
-Exodus 34:7,
Benson Turner
(March 16, 2023)
(2:55pm ... You Better Keep Record of Where You Are And What Your Doing At These Dates And Times. Sincerely, FUCK YOU!) (Seriously, make the world a better place by beating the shit out of your asshole children, instead of raising them to be Kike-Krackers in the world!)
-Ded. To White Mike
Morals and Dogma
(Pharaoh: Moses)
Book of the Dead
(10 Commandments)
-The Ineffable Name,
Ask A Freemason?
(Ark of the Covenant)
(Book of Revelations)
-Dedicated to Yochai
(Binah - Yesod)
-Dedicated to J. Parsons
(Ave Babalon!)
-Dedicated to Onita T.
(Marcellus and Hannah!)
-Dedicated to Truth
(Can't Believe My Eyes)
For at least 2500 years of Western history, white people can never be trusted. That includes "medicine" including the racial agendas behind "vaccines", as historically witnessed, but continuously ignored.
Such continues, from religious indoctrination, propaganda education, social engineering, entertainment NLP, "spiritual" businesses, and of course the unexplained Mk Ultra and Tesla's HAARP with Cabalists Rituals at Bohemian Grove.
(Ex.: Wonder Woman)
As such, for proper Eugenics sans racial or religious superiority, decisions regarding the next seven generations needs not only to be assessed, but needs to be put on trial for proper compensation of damages, and punitive damages to cease such conduct disguised and supported as "religious".
Therefore, all hidden "Eugenic" agendas, should be thwarted towards "Disclosures".
b. Christianity
c. Islam
If you cannot answer for the many discrepancies and hierarchal enslavement that has historically plagued humanity in these resource conquistador "pact" religions that has sought selfish "heavens" over diligently caring for "nature", remember on an overpopulated planet, your parents should have been neutered.
Any occultism used towards "Eugenics" may first start with the above mentioned-groups, until they learn how to "wipe their ass", for the sake of humanity's future.
May every Holocaust Museum also discuss Manifest Destiny. From "Indian Reservations" to "Concentration Camps", those who win the war, write the history books, as evidenced by the
Old Testament.
True Religion:
0. Empty/Ex-Nihilo
1. Energy/Sound
2. Polarity/Wisdom
3. Thoughts/Formation
4. Judgment/Discern
5. Archetypes/Evolution
6. Agendas/Will
7. Mind/Intelligence
8. Analysis/Inspiration
9. Elements/Manifest
10. What'sMy/MFName?
IHVH's greatest "fear",
is an "accuser".
-Amit Prakash, Esq.
-Covenant With goD,
Reverse White Privilege
Fuck a church,
how does
a Jew and a Freemason walk into a courtroom without
bursting into flames?
(Catholica / Gnostica)
Ineffable Name
(Bel and The Dragon)
1. Enlil "El"
2. Marduk
3. Dumuzid "Adonai"
/ Ishtar
-Ahiram Sarcophagus,
(Form Is Empty,
Empty Is Form)
Ammit, Esq.
(Counsel: VajraIndra)
-Age of Horus,
What Else Would Be The Height Of Freemasonry?
(13th Aeon)
-Dedicated To Abraham
(Dedicated To Yochai)
Sumer, Elam, Kushites
(Tower of Babel)
Syria, Levant
(Ark of the Covenant)
Assyria (Persia):
-Torah Composition
(Genesis: Chaldea)
(Pre-Bereshit: Tiamat)
(Noah: Izudbar)
(Adonai: Abraxas)
(El: Bel and the Dragon)
(Exodus: Hyksos Egypt)
(Ark: Cyrus the Great)
(Persian: Magi)
(Phoenician: Po-Sidon)
(Letters: Ahiram)
(Rim Sin: Ram Chandra)
(Aryan: Veda & Avesta)
(Africa: Egypt-Nubian)
-Garden of Eden
(Adam: Livestock)
(Adapa: Tree)
(Ubaid-Eridu: Enki)
-Tower of Babel
(7 Rows: Planets)
(Top: Marduk)
(Pact: Gentile v. Israel)
("Name for Ourselves")
-Ark of the Covenant
(Barc: Egyptian Boat)
(Aron: Coffin)
(Moses: Son of ...)
(Book of the Dead)
(Punic: Utilized)
-12 Tribes
(Sinai: Jacob's Ladder)
(Jeroboam's Temple)
(Dan: Stone of Scone)
(Essene: Qabalah)
(Qabalist: Rosicrucian)
(Mason: Druid Revival)
(Bloodlines: President)
(Flood: New Atlantis)
The Ineffable Name:
(Qayin: Kenite-Kushite)
(Ugarit: Shasu of Yhw)
(Vampire / Truth)
(Genesis 11:4 / MJ 12)
(Free / Masonry)
(Exodus 22:18)
(Guru: Avadhuta)
(Temple of Set)
Ammit, Esq.___
(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Catholica Gnostica
"The difference between
the Mithras Liturgy
and the Hermetica
are also clear: whereas
the former maintains
the actual practice
of the ritual,
the latter drop the ritual and fully internalize
and spiritualize
the religion."
-Hans Dieter Betz,
The "Mithras Liturgy"
(The Greco-Zoroastrian "Hekhalot Mystic"
Using The
"Ineffable Name")
IAW: Helios-Mithra (Ra)
Soli Invicto Comiti
A. Tzoah Rotachat
B. Christmas/Saturnalia
-El Elyon (Tzimtzum)
are to take into consideration,
-Humility Sells,
Sheep Are Buying
(From Survivalist To Empire Builder)
The Blue Dress:
-Book Of Revelations
Benson Turner:
(3-29-23: 1:35pm:
Thou Shall Not Suffer A HABIRU to Live! Fuck Your Curses, Fuck Your Religion, Fuck Your People, Fuck Your Cult, Fuck Your Ancestry-Lineage, and Most Of All, Fuck Your goD!)
33 Degrees:
1. Guru v. Kracker
(Shaman v. Belief)
2. Ashram v. Secret Soc.
(Individual v. Group)
3. Liberation v. Salvation
(Kether v. Astral Realm)
4. "Empty" v. Demiurge
(Inspire v. Manipulate)
5. Enlighten v. Power
(Intelligence v. Energy)
6. Self v. Pact / Oaths
(Wisdom v. Desire)
7. Culture v. Cult
(Teachings v. Empire)
8. Globe v. Nationalism
(Oneness v. Separation)
9. Awareness v. Pollution
(Sacrifice v. Desire)
10. Hindu v. Medieval
(Roots v. Prejudice)
11. Vedic v. West
(Neti, Neti v. Hermetic)
12. Yoga v. Communion
(Samkhya v. Science)
13. Truth v. Ignorance
(Ego: No Mind v. Mind)
-Age of Enlightenment
Dedicated to Leviathan
-Captain Nemo
Who Do You Love?
Chesed to Binah
(Sword of Attila)
(Dedicated To Israel)
The Ineffable Name
-Not Supported
-Conflicting Archeology
-Conflicting Roots
-Conflicting Politics
-Heavily Supported
-New Age/Black Magick
-Psychic Abilities v. Roots
-Bohemian Grove (1982)
Cremation of Care
The "Dull Cares"
-Sara La Kali
-Benson Philip Turner
(Los Angeles, CA)
(2100 Duxbury Cir.)
-Michael Lane Turner
(Sherman Oaks/Valencia)
(24327 Vista Hills Dr.)
Case Study)
-Flynn Page Turner
(Fort Lauderdale, FL)
(1033 NE 17th Way)
(Apologies Flynn: I need to figure out why your wife and kids don't talk to Benson Turner, and why they had to move across the country)
-Jacqueline M. Turner
(Los Angeles, CA)
(I don't feel curses from you. Sorry, but I have to do discovery)
-Richard W. Turner
(Los Angeles, CA)
(Whose the lawyer?)
"White Mike"
Who Is The Lawyer Uncle You Have Always Referenced?
Are You Capable Of Speaking Without Telling A Lie?
-Lie Detector Test,
Coronation Chair
Amit Prakash, Esq.
(An Adversary, A Gentleman)
Bon(e) Fire
(Grammar / School)
Benson Turner (Memorial)
Do you know why
Hitler went after the Jew,
because he knew
what is a Freemason!
Ineffable Name
A. Freemasons
(Medieval Occult)
B. Jews
(Ugarit, Egypt, & Meso)
C. Scientists
(Operation Paperclip)
D. Theologians
(Evolution & Politics)
E. Historians
(Secret Societies)
F. Psychologists
(Esoterica: Carl Jung)
(Gov't: Remove Viewing)
G. Journalists
(Sales: Unsourced)
H. Religions
(Agenda: Hobby Lobby)
-Manifest Destiny,
Enlil "El" (Tablet Of)
Occultism in the hands of the selfish. Benson Turner, tell your family when the in-laws are supporting and raising your shithole family, make sure they
(Your Son's Definitions)
Michael and
Onita Turner Wedding.
(Interracial Marriage Ad)
1. May the whole world know what a Casino "interest rate" wedding looks like.
2. May the whole world know what its like to have a Jew in the Family.
3. May the whole world see the white privilege network that is freemasonry.
4. May the whole world see what an "elopement" looks like, then running back to the brown parents to raise the babies, and treating them like how a racial stereotypical Jew would.
5. May the whole world see what "disloyal" friends, family members, colleagues look like. Where are you, when these assholes are in court, or need food, as they continue to suckle others in a narcissitic fashion.
6. May the whole world finally assess the "sacredness" or lack thereof, of a "marriage" which is essentially a generational estate plan for builders.
7. May the whole world finally see the truth of the cultish attitudes and propaganda of culture, presenting itself as nationalist ideations or egoic conditioned control mechanism, of superiority complexities establishing themselves a nation under "chosen" pretexts.
a. May Your Sons Grow Up To Be Like "White Mike"
b. May Your Daughters Grow Up To "Pull A Nitu"
c. May Their Children Bribe You Into Complacency
d. And, May Your Guests Sleep With The Fishes
"El/Baal: Ishtar"
-Shasu of Yahu,
(Genesis 11:4)
-Dedicated to ...
(Idolatry _ !)
Brought to you by:
Hyksos : Temple of Set
Blessing To Some,
Curse to Others
-Father Time,
Judgment Day
Turner Family
Benson Turner's
Favorite Jinn
(Corwin Hargrove):
(2:49pm: 2-12-23)
Sour Love/Sex
Sex Dysfunction
Disgust Sex
They come with
your energy cords,
"El" and the "Name",
they release
with picturing you and using mental symbols.
Once again,
as stated yesterday,
Having You As Family!
(The Same Applies With The Shemhamephorash)
Why Did You Put The Occulted Seal of Solomon on Your Flag?
It's in my water, hence, my digestive, hence, my urethra.
-Does Your Family One,
A Jew?
(Covenant: Rape Others)
Once Again, You Won't Get Off the Dick, Where You Curse The Songs On My Blog, As Well As The Posts. They Are All Felt, As Your Curses Give Me A Tight Feeling, And I Can Hear The Song That You Curse, Where Curser Is Automatically Donated.
-Lingam Baetylus
(Turner Favorite)
Women and Children First, While Their Bitch Men Watch
Bitch: Ben/Mike Turner
I Can't Sit At My Desk, Without The Highly Uncomfortable feeling of "Ben Turner" cording me, like a "Mind Reader". If this is the future of humanity, it becomes necessary to teach and learn how to use death magick. On the "Ben Turner's" of the world, one shouldn't hesitate to kill. You and yours, never deserved an ounce of kindness. May you and yours, be returned all similar favors in hell.
-Help Humanity,
Curb Stomp Kike Mike
(Greek Word)
If you ever wonder why synagogues get shot up, like I did near my college during those years, just ask BENSON TURNER.
If Question, Just Ask?
-May Your Wife Get RAPED For All Eternity In Hell, While You Watch Salivating Wearing Your Son's Pink Underwear
(While Your Son's Hip Hop Albums Are Playing)
Benson Turner
There are entities other than Jinn in my body, sent post Dec. 2021, after you receiving my emails. They all have your energy cords on them.
Many of them want me to leave my home, so I can't work, or of course, study your culture. You don't want me to speak the truth on Jews and Freemasons.
Many are removed using Jewish amulets, and lettering, supported by the Phoenician "El".
Obvious you won't stop cursing, and you will look for whatever you can,
as Freemason have rooted themselves in every occult tradition.
Moreover, like your son Kike Mike taught, the Jew just does the finances, not the dirty work, they hide behind another demographic like the Italians for that.
In other words, like your son who ran like a bitch, I can't expect you to be,
"A Man".
Till Death Shall We?
(I Need Training To Deal With Others Like Yourself.)
Yes death.
It's becoming
a Way of Life.
It's a killing season
and the sun shines bright.
-May You Rest in Shit,
Tzoah Rotachat
Benson Turner
If I keep feeling
your disgusting
Jew Energy Cords,
with attached entities
... I might as well
name my blog
provided how much
I'm learning about your shit cult.
-Fuck Your goD!
(If I don't get better,
I will
slice you son's throat.
Make the world
a better place! FYI, you and yours absolutely deserve it.)
Benson Turner, I know it is you, and your curses have respond and molded to these messages.
(All Masonic Texts,
Have Swastikas Over the "G" On Them)
Tubal Cain is a Mentor
Confessional Booth:
1. Lawyer
2. Police Report
(Still Waiting)
Tubal Cain
Since making the above "Tubal Cain" comment
(2-9-23), it has gotten significantly quieter, as expected, as I have done before. More importantly, I think I have "masonic" help, as if someone is pulling Benson Turner off of me, his gross old man energy cords. For that, I thank you and hope I can receive more assistance and hopefully training. Nonetheless, without the curses limiting me, I'm basically a child attempting to play "blacksmith" while Tubal Cain himself smokes up my visionary state enveloping my bedroom completely. I guess that's what happens when a bhakti yoga type practices ceremonial magick.
-Apologies To The Jews and Freemasons,
Read Between The Lines And Help The Gentile
Many Freemasons are still corded with me, felt, and heard, though intelligently.
Get "Ben Turner" out of my life, and get every "Freemasons" out of my life! I've seen many, especially in Dec. 2021.
Ineffable Name
Still attempting to harness the "power" behind the Phoenician script as well as Semitic thought looking at Egyptian script, to be later transcribed in the Hebrew Torah offering a gematria code assisting trance state gnosis of such "powers" found harnessed while under the theta-brainwave, with "powers" of ruler of the universe akin to owner of the "tablet of destiny" as found with the Mesopotamian Enlil, also known as "El" of the Elohim and the AngELs, only to be later classified as planetary Archonic under the Gnostic Christian tradition presenting us with the roots of the Qabalist tradition where such Archons easily fit the Sephirot in ascending the "Tree of Life".
For everyone who has cursed me since
Dec. 2021, particularly the families of
Benson Turner and Michael Turner,
The curses significantly decreased,
and the entity attachments
significantly fled
after the above
"Tubal Cain" comment of (2-10-23).
Curses are real,
as the solution has been curse reversal,
not medical advice.
Forgiveness is futile,
for the innocent.
The guilty breed.
Though evidence of
Nazi Occultism is speculative to
somewhat circumstantial as the case with
secret societies,
I've taken note that
Nazi Coins have been protective against
said curses.
If the "Turners" have cursed my family, I will return the same. My family should have been significantly healthier,
I should have been significantly healthier, but for the near lifelong curse that is "White Mike".
(11:35am) Saying
the word "Freemason"
is now removing
"Ben Turner"
corded energies,
sitting on my chair, with Ruach-Enchantments in old man grumbling saying, "Racist, Racist, Racist". Now get rid of the "energetic needles", "parasites", and Djinn. (11:50am) There are two things on the sides of my head, above the temples, entities I don't know and can't remove. (11:56am)
I think this one is tied with relatives, as I saw another one also being "racist". (12:00am) That's good. I think I need to do my own processing now, but feeling better than yesterday, and probably the best since 2021.
Can you keep
"Old Man" Turner away,
his cords are "Creepy". (12:09am) He put something back in and I heard "he fucked us over". In addition,
GET OFF THE DICK! (12:40: Keep it that way)
List: Internet, Cell Phone, Clothes, Food (lower gut), Cabinets, Light Bulbs, Toilet, Pipes, Garbage Disposal, Trash, Carpet, Air Conditioner, TV, Computer, Stereo, Stuffed Animals, Religious Items, Gemstones, Documents, Books, Pens, Chairs, Bed, Cushions, Sheets, Blankets, Pillows, Water Tank, Fridge, Drums (Decor), DVDs, Masonic Memorabilia (2:13pm) After the below "Amen-Messe" post, I feel so damn good. Thank you! (2:26pm) Psalm 23:4! Thank you! (2:31pm) Dense tension on top of head, gut cords "Turner". (2:36pm) Gut cords, old man saying "Racist, Racist, Racist". (4:22pm) Blog posts, especially Lingam Baetylus you sick fuck, Turner and "Friend"! (4:24pm) Immediate release, fucking asshole! (4:29pm) It's getting quieter, I shouldn't have to hear any of you fucking clowns, especially since Dec. 2021. (4:32pm) Hear, "bullshit everybody, comeback in there". Fuck you! Get your disease out of my stomach, throat, and head. "Dick Dick Dick", right you disgusting fuck! (5:27pm) GET OFF THE FUCKING DICK! (Jinn: Corwin Hargrove)
-Get Off The Dick
(10:01pm: female)
(10:03: family members)
(10:08: Turner: I can feel you every time, you're disgusting. I can also feel it removed, so I'm not insane.)
-Thank You,
To The Remover
(Who Are You?)
Benson Turner:
Do the world a favor, instead of attacking me,
chop your sons dick off! If the curses, don't stop, I will do it myself, put his disgusting dick in a blender, and feed it to your shitbrained wife. Shitbrained because she is a "Jew-Freemason".
-We All Know Why,
Slice His Throat, Publicly!
(Kike Mentor - Kike Mike)
Onita "Abortion" Turner:
"I am concerned for the safety of my husband, myself, my children, and my father-in-law. I am in fear of our lives. His emails today are direct threat. I will not provide an address to him"
-Jan 26, 2023
(You're in fear of a lawsuit. Or else, you would have filed a police report.)
Bitch Still Can't Answer Any Questions,
after One Year!
Onita "Jew" Turner:
We all know what an "ugly ass Jew" is because of your husband. We all know the selfish arrogant lying piece of shit, that he has always been. There have plenty of emails all of last year attesting to that fact, for which your whole shit and racist family failed to respond.
Let me ask you, provided the definitions of "Jew" that have been provided to us throughout the years by your husband, you know when he says "that's my people". WHY DID YOU COME BACK TO THE FAMILY! Was it to rape us of our resources, our kindness, while you and yours acted like a "Jew"?
2-11-23 (9:00pm)
Still can't sit at my work desk without "Ben Turner" energy cords trying to enter, and control, with old man shit residue. Fuck you and fuck your useless life and fuck your pollution generation! Because of your generation and it's religion and it's kracker-kike cult, our world is shit.
My life will only improve, when your dead, right?
I dare the Turner family to prove Hitler wrong?
The only way to trust any one of you, is to use the "Ineffable Name".
Thank you to the few Jews teaching others. Fuck a freemason for their disinformation campaigns. I can't even trust Carl Jung anymore, meaning,
Western Psychology.
-Fuck Your Life,
Fuck Your Bloodlines
(Fuck Your Family Crest)
-Qabalist, Esq.,
Fuck the Constitution
Have A Question,
Ask A Freemason,
And Then Watch How They Run Like A Bitch!
-Michael Turner,
Masculine Maturity
Please "Freemasons"
get your
and empowered
"Ben Turner"
the only thing worse
than over 2500yrs of
Old Testament lies
to hide "Gnosticism",
are those that
protect those lies.
I can see why
the Knights Templar
were given
the death penalty.
I can see why the "Ineffable Name"
was kept hidden, particularly by
Builders typically bound in-want of Freedom.
-Coronation Chair,
Jacob's Ladder
Dedicated to the homies in service,
who've told me
stories of backlash
from fellow countrymen after
defending liberty.
Just another day being
a janitor I suppose.
-Michael Clayton,
I'm Not A Miracle Worker
"Thou Shall Not Kill"
-Exodus 20:13
"Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live"
-Exodus 22:18
1. When the
Gentile In-Laws
are Raising Your Kids, Don't Act Like A Jew!
-Turner Wedding,
Exodus 34:7
Daniel 12:3
Shasu of ARYA_!
-Primal Self
(Cult of Golgotha)
Qliphothic Explorer
This One Goes To
-Mack 10, Foe Life
Ravana Mentors:
George Bush:
-Skull and Bones
Dick Cheney:
Master P:
-No Limit
Suge Knight:
-Death Row
(Kala Maha / Indrajaal)
Depths of the Sea!
Tablet of Destiny
"God Hates Us All"
Ark of the Covenant
(Graze the Skin)
Dedicated To
"Benson Turner" (11:00pm 2-12-23)
Old Testament
Operation Paperclip
-Standard of Living,
History, Who To Thank?
(Freemason or Thule)
With more advanced technology,
despite the war machine, agreement wise,
who really won?
is 33 Degrees
"Ringling Brothers"
"Medieval Occultism"?
Gas Chamber?
Benson Turner,
since doing intensive "Jewish" studies since your curses began
Dec. 2021,
I'm still looking for what is "holy" about what
50% of the population calls the "holy land". Particularly, since
Jesus is in Jewish Hell, Tzoah Rotachat,
such makes one
consider was
"Pagan" King Solomon actually "wise",
and what is the agenda behind the "Commandments"?
What Is "Holy"?
Garden of Eden:
Dilmun: Enlil "El"
Livestock: Adam
Sheol: Reincarnation
Covenant: Build
Messiah: Return
-The Fourth Kind
Benson Turner Energy Cords of Course
-Seriously, every time you cord, you really want me to think and write about the Jew, especially your ugly ass family, that mine was forced to care for and raise.
-Then again, you told your hell-bound wife that you would never hit your kids, because you're afraid of what your hands can do.
-In other words, you're a selfish abusive-fuck who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself.
-Benson Turner, are you capable of giving anyone one reason why you and you family don't belong in hell, based on what my family has witnessed with yours? What about Freemasons and Jews, provided the limited "Honesty", where "The Good Samaritan" should have a modern twist of "The Honest Jew" such as your son, Kike Mike.
-May your wife and children suffer for your bullshit, like your god biblically covenanted.
-Exodus 34:7
Anti-Defamation League
Can there ever be
such a thing,
as an "honest" Jew.
(Egyptian Propaganda)
After studying
Semitic culture,
I can see why Jesus was the "Savior" as in
anti-demiurge of the "Ineffable Name".
I feel like I have "processed" Christian Slavery, in seeing Christ as a Slave Master goD. Where Jesus has shown to be the perfect friend, even to the publicans and sinners.
-Messianic Era,
Tzoah Rotachat
Dedicated To The Turners
-Kike Mentoring!
1. Benson Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
2. Michael Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
3. Flynn Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
4. Benson "Wife" Turner Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
5. Turner Siblings Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
6. Turner Lawyers Can Eat A BIG FAT Dick!
7. Wedding Guests Can Eat A Big Fat Dick!
8. Onita Turner Can Eat ... Michael Turner's Dick?
9. Israel Can Eat Palestine's ... ?
("The Holy Land")
(You Better Hope I Never See Your Fucking Face. Thank You For Teaching The Value and Beauty of HATE_!)
Turner Marriage
To everyone who went to this casino-covenant wedding,
may your children grow up to be like the "Turners".
Thank you for teaching me disloyalty, all of
Marcell Turner:
-May you grow up to treat women like your father, before he dated your mother
-May you be a lying chauvinistic "faux news" gluttonous pig, who is always just full of shit, like your father, and his father
-May you be a completely arrogant narcissist fuck, completely ignorant in the world but with the vanity plate that states "scientist".
-May you be a pious Jew like "Abel", but with Masculine Maturity like "Caine", As You Evade "Karma" For "Scapegoats", Which Explains "White Supremacy" And Hence The Reason For Your Success,
-May you not speak at your father's funeral. Actually, may you not speak at your grandfather's funeral of the family who raised you when your mother ran back home, who did their best to better your standard of living despite your arrogant attitude, like Master Retard Nikil Narayan who ran a record company for decades without any contracts or legal protection. Just ask his lawyer White Mike, your dipshit father, why he didn't speak at his father's funeral.
Hannah Turner:
-May you grow up to date men like your father, before he dated your mother
-May you grow up to treat your mother, the same post pregnancy
-May you grow up to educate yourself with a Doctorate degree, but marry out of the "Townhouse" Brothel.
-May you grow up to betray the people who tell you the truth, for a lying glutenous pig, who completely fucks over your family.
-May you have to serve and clean up, and go to court hearings for the men, in the "townhouse" brothel, only to have those men betray you.
-May you grow up to marry a "mature man", like a Jew-Freemason, where you never have to make a decision for yourself again.
Michael Turner:
-May You Pull A "Nik" With Your Shotgun, Particularly Since You Ran Like Bitch When Asked About Freemasonry!
-Find me one ounce of truth to your life, or give us a reason why your sick-ass should be breeding?
-Atil stated he recommended you because you "matured", in other words, your Kike-Ass, "changed". Where still waiting to hear what he meant, as it is not witnessed.
-Don't ever ask again, why the world hates the Jew.
-On an overpopulated planet, why should your ass breed, like those before you?
33 Degrees:
May your children elope, then come back
in desperate need
to help raise the children,
then treat the family who raises your kids,
Cursers [Sic]
For every unwanted
energy cord,
I have a new soul
to donate
to the astral realms.
And So It Is Done
I wish I made this comment sooner, provided I actually had some peace finally, hinting towards the truth of "Ben Turner" Curses.
Anyone who works with Lucifer, has the Goetia already within them. Though, Lucifer has many masks and friends. It would be interesting to know what your life looks like future wise, let alone what your afterlife holds.
Of The Old Testament?
(Curse Reverse History)
every "Semitic" curse sent to a "Gentile",
may the new covenant with "El"
be to chop your child's dick-off.
How else will humanity stop the "Ben Turner's" of the world, in an overpopulated dilemma?
A. Jew (Abel):
Thou Shalt Not Suffer A Witch To Live
B. Freemason (Cain): Thou Shalt Not Kill
To include women, to avoid sexism, may your tits be chopped off, so you don't nurture gluttonous pigs. It would be "tragic" if one's child were to become a "white mike".
-Dedicated to the
Turner Family Shield,
May You Bless All Of Israel
-For the Mind
(Ineffable Name)(Mantra)
(Sefiroth)(Mind Psyche)
(Ain Soph Aur) (No Mind)
(Hekhalot) (Negation)
(El Elyon: "Presence")
-Salvation (God Other)
(Creator: Demiurge)
(Result: Israel)
-Drop the Mind
(Negation)(No Mind)
(El Elyon: "Presence")
(Yoga: "Integrated")
-For the Mind (No Mind)
(Science: Samkhya)
-Liberator (God Self)
(Destroyer: Truth)
(Result: Samsara)
White Supremacy
1. White People
With Religion
(Mind Control)
-Propaganda / Politics
2. White People
With Guns
(Body Control)
-Robbery / Colonialism
3.White People
With Occult Abilities (Soul Control)
-Colonial / Builders
"These days,
you gotta be strapped.
I'm already knowin'
ain't nobody
got my back.
These days,
you gotta be down
Who said it was easy claimin'
Dogg Pound?
-Before I Let Go,
This One Goes To "Eleven"
(Unforgiven: "Samsara")
It is a "blessing" to be "ugly".
It is a "curse" to be
-La Dvlce Vita,
To Your Brethren In The Dark
(Dedicated To the Ugly)
Crooked Masculine
-Worthless One,
Elizabeth Lund:
(House of Idems)
Would it have been better if you were "raped"
(January 12, 2023)
causing you to reflect, which would have finally changed the direction of your "white privilege" teachings?
Cultural Appropriation:
Namaste Elizabeth Lund, provided how much
you have "raped" from other spiritual teachers, especially
of those of color,
if someone put a gun
to your head
and took everything
you own,
would it be justified,
in a world
as evidenced by
your "work product" as "white privilege"?
Pyramid Schemes
I'm not good enough,
to be loved.
But I'm good enough,
to be killed.
-Thank You E.Lund.
Divine Feminine
"...when bitches get
they pull a voodoo,
what you, gonna do,
you really, don't, know,
so I'd, advise, you
-Silly of me,
to fall in love with a
(Eggun Stick)
(Temple of Set)
December 2022
October 2022
September 2022
November 2021
February 2019
November 2018