Back in early 2014, when I felt that life was basically a "wall" for me, I met with a Vedic Astrologer in an attempt to get a glimpse of anything beyond that "wall". As I'm sure for all us, there is always something beyond the wall, but knowing it provides some hope when you feel like throwing in the towel. One question that I had asked was rather intense, and I didn't know that it would lead me in a particular route. I had asked what was the purpose of all my spiritual practices? I've had a passion for the esoteric mysteries since boyhood, but started to feel like it was an entertainment-hobby. In other words, what are the fruits of this labor? I didn't really believe in the "do this and that" and you'll get to heaven dribble, provided that, for me, that sounds like an outright attempt to control/dominate someone. The astrologer had simply responded to my spiritual question with simply more information about myself, my intuitive abilities, etc. I was left thinking to myself that he didn't answer my question. However, I realize I wasn't ready for the answer, which was really a deep philosophical question that was to unfold for me as opposed to be outright told. Sans any external permission-slip, when I'm ready, the answers will unfold. To really get the grasp of my current understanding, I needed to psychologically depose myself and my beliefs/thoughts connected with my emotional body. Though they're teachers that express this process as unnecessary, it is nonetheless what I painfully went/going through. To really separate myself, my awareness from the story-identity-ego, is really being your own psychoanalyst trying to figure out why I believe in my short-comings. Going though this is to dive into your shadow side and face your demons. Where it seems that every other pre-2014 teaching I had come across and practiced was geared towards an outward divinity, usually one with it's own ego-identity story, to help with my life, I began moving more into going within. Inside I found emotional memories (blockages/binds/attachments) that seemed to manifest my personal limitations. I can no longer find where I discovered this interpretation, however, I like seeing religion defined as re-legion, where the many become one. Through the sanskrit word yoga, we have the word yoke, meaning to bind. Spirituality seems to be best defined as dealing with spirit. So, within the symbolism of our metaphysics, we're given a glimpse of the answer that I was seeking. Through these symbols we find the aim of religion and yoga is to make an individual whole and complete, which I believe is the merge between spirit and matter originally found within the symbol of the equilateral cross. This is the merge between the Higher Self (spirit) and Ego-Identity-Story (matter/maya/samsara). To bridge the gap between spirit and matter is my aim whenever I take part in religious, yogic, spiritual practices. It is powerful to simply be in the "intent" of making that one's goal, as I do believe the universe hears through the law of attraction. The heavens of the astral plane, or celestial-abode, that form-worshipers seek to attain is still within the illusion, maya, as described by yogis. Though such abodes are excellent heights to aim for, and I'm not here to deter anyone as I would love to make such pit-stops myself, but I seek the truth of myself/Self. Moreover, I prefer the idea of the many attempting deep inner practices (yoga) and coming together to discuss our findings (religion) to better understand the nature of Spirit (spirituality). Now, I really can't identify myself, my identity-story, with the person that I was pre-2014. Any memory of those times that come up, seem to come up to be cleared. I'll use NLP, or just imagine my present self sending love to that self in that memory, if need be. That seems easier then dissecting and judging (seeking the truth, not punishing) that former aspect of myself. Overall, the emotion just needs to be cleared.
As I see it as I continue on my hero's journey, my goal is to continue to further myself to my Self. To unfold and unravel that which has limited me from reaching my true potential and accept the truth of myself. To bridge the gap of understanding and experiencing unlimited possibilities. To gain knowledge and experience wisdom. To come closer to the inner love and light within. Enlightenment. Reaching this full expression of Spirit, I hope to be liberated from all my limitations. I think that's a way we can bridge the gap between: spirit-matter; brahman-brahma (kether-malkuth); atman-atom; and A'tem (Egypts first realized man)-Adam (Hebrews first man). It's our birthright, to face crucifixion on the equilateral cross.
I've often stated that I like the way the ancient Egyptians called their deities, Neters. From Neter we have derived the word "nature". Another words, a particular deity would be the "nature" of an aspect of the infinite one. As an example, Hathor would represent the abundance, prosperity, and love aspect of the infinite one, just like the Devi Lakshmi in Hinduism. Astrologically, Hathor and Lakshmi would be the archetypal planetary Venus. In essence, she is a certain aspect, a particular "nature" of the infinite one. In Hinduism, there is a particular Sanskrit term that is often portrayed with Goddess energy, Prakriti. Prakriti means "nature" and is also where the English term "practical" has its roots in the Indo-European languages. To act as "practical" is to act as the way one normally would, to act "naturally". Therefore, to put God into practical terms, we are basically using permission slips (deities) to tap into certain aspects of the infinite one. For the infinite one, it is "natural" to be abundant, prosperous, and loving within the unlimited vast expanse. Hence, in using these archetypes, we are essentially attempting to return to the "natural" way of thinking and doing. We attempt to embody the creative aspects of Brahma, the proper management of creation through Vishnu, and the ability to transcend our creation (illusion/delusion) with Shiva, and obtain knowledge through such experience with Shiva's consort Kali (Mahavidya; Wisdom Goddesses) who cleans us of our delusions. In Vedic philosophy, one is self-illuminated by the Atman, or the Spirit (Self). To take a step further, the ultimate reality is Brahman for which each sentient being seeks. The difference between Atman and Brahman is the difference between the air inside of a jar and the air surrounding the jar. Hence, in understanding the Self and each deity mainly as a permeation of the Self, the deities of our pantheons become the inner psyche for which we attempt to embody, to act in a "practical" way that would be "natural" for the infinite one.
In my early college years back at the turn of the millennium, it bothered me to take courses on philosophy only to find that much of the lectures revolved around free-will. Having read certain philosophers outside of course material, I took a different perspective and understanding of each of these great thinkers insights. However, with an Eastern background, my answer to free-will was always "karma". Though we have the ability to make choices, such choices are causes that will have an effect. Bentinho Massaro defines free-will as akin to the third density, or third chakra. The third chakra is the solar plexus that seems to embody the individuals identity. Of course, an individual identity is composed of different choices based on free-will. The third density is compared to the lower densities, particularly the second density that is the sacral chakra. The second density would be compared to the animal kingdom, particularly animals that are solely driven by base desires: to eat, to procreate, to sleep. The human is different in that questions began to arise beyond eating, procreating, and sleeping, where humans dabble in thought seeking for more. Though compared to the animal, insect, and plant kingdom, humans seem to have a stronger grasp of holding the ability to make choices. Humans are driven by more than simple base desires where humans have created culture, art, science, etc. Nonetheless, beginning in 2014, I started thinking about the concept that what seems to be real, is merely an illusion. When taking our mass into a subatomic outlook, we are more space than mass. Moreover, information is floating around that we're only about 10% human, with the remaining 90% being microbes. In asking questions in attempting to discover what we really are, I started having fascinating ideas that have only lead me further down the rabbit hole. My initial college assessment of free-will was to view such choices under the laws of karma. In studying astrology, and having my own reading where a Vedic astrologer eerily predicted the exact date my finances would start to change, it seems that much of our free-will is already predetermined by what is written/reflected in the stars. Even after studying the different astrological archetypes, whenever I see a close one act a certain way, my response is now "typical Virgo looking to serve" or "the Aries needs to get his name out there", etc. So, do we really have free-will, when although we may be blind to the astrological energies and think we're acting out of free-will, but we somehow end up acting out of our typical nature that's already structured? Taking it a step further, I started having ideas of how easy it would be to control a human provided the correct technology. Imagine if you had a remote to someone's bodily chemistry, if you wanted someone to fight, all that would be necessary is to his the anger button releasing the bodily chemicals that get an individual heated. Same thing with hunger, sensuality, etc. All you would need is the ability to control certain chemicals within an individuals body to get him/her to act accordingly. It would be like playing a game of "sims" where you create a small society and control the characters daily functions. When you take a look psychologically at most people, it seems that the majority are acting accordingly to these bodily chemicals. Advertisers play on this human weakness with images of delicious food, sexuality, and even prestige. In addition, when taking a meditative look at the plethora of human feelings, we're told things like "not to act out of anger". Under meditation when you are analyzing your thoughts, you'll find that such analysis travels into your daily routines. If one is angry, you can take note that the thoughts will be similarly based on anger. If one is happy, then the thoughts carry an uplifting flare. However, the point is that the "thoughts-feelings" seem to tag-team each other and somewhat direct our action. With astrology showing some aspects of our personality and life-experiences as predetermined, and our "thought-feelings" being dictated by our bodily chemistry for which most humans typically submit too, do we really have free will? Thinking in terms of legality, our "thought-feeling" structure would seem to hold each human under duress to create certain life experiences. Though we have the option to fight against duress, is it really a fair battle? Let's take it a step further. Most of the way we think and perceive the world is based on cultural perspectives, mostly given to us by our parents. For example, children are not born racists, but the external perspective and beliefs given by authority figures have the ability to instill hatred within a budding child. Racism is an obvious example, but the same applies with culture, religion, politics, etc., beliefs and theoretical concepts that children grow up willing to defend at all costs simply because their parents instilled those belief systems. Again, are we acting under free will, or acting under someone else's definitions of the world that is embedded into our (sub)consciousness. I do not remember any of these concepts described above in any of my philosophy courses. Then again, such professors also had to get an education in philosophy where they are trained to see philosophy in a certain light, which is then again pushed onto the future generation of students. Again, where's the free-will even in the philosophy courses. Under the yogic traditions, calming the monkey mind and controlling the sense are keys to liberation. With the assessment above, I can see why. With a clear head irrespective of emotions, we have clarity. With the senses under control, particularly the bodily chemistry and its desires, we finally have the ability to make choices out of free-will, a liberation. Like what Sri Yuketswar said to his student Paramahansa Yoganada, it's only on certain realizations that one is able to opt-out of one's astrology, particularly the negative aspects. That's just it, most of us don't realize that we're not the ones making the decisions as we typically don't dive deeply psychologically and ask ourselves the "why" for certain desires.
From continuing my studies and insights, I can see why individuals like Carl Jung sought the ancient texts, setting him aside from his western counterparts. Overall, maybe mastering the senses and monkey mind is the reason for third density (solar plexus) free-will, human evolution beyond the animal kingdom. Although we look towards the law of attraction to manifest the tangible materials we believe will bring us happiness, the real goal should be to feel whole and complete within oneself, recognizing your self as a Creator. At that heart of all of our wants and desires, ranging from the material objects we wish to have, to the relationships we wish to manifest, to the health we wish to acquire, are they not all to make us FEEL a certain way? Let's take a look at tangible material objects. We may wish to have a certain car either for practical purposes, aesthetic appeal, or social status. In fact, much of our longings for material objects tend to fall into those categories, such as clothing, etc. But dive deeper and realize why you wish to have such belongings. There are things we need (practical), things that hold artistic qualities that give us a sense of beauty (aesthetic), and those that place us into a category based on societal definitions (social status). Though objects are not necessarily solely subject to one category, they all create a different emotional appeal, a different FEELING. We are manipulated by our external circumstances to create those FEELINGS, though we have the potential to create such with our own imaginations. Close your eyes and let your imaginings take you to a life of an abundance of whatever possessions you desire. The FEELING of enjoying such material is more important than the actual object or external circumstance. In diving into that FEELING you trigger your emotional vibration, which then, though somewhat subject to the illusion of time, is rippled throughout the cosmos. Holding onto that FEELING is another battle, where societal induced definitions of lack are triggered. Such definitions include, a sense of worth, where you may feel unworthy of the material objects you wish to possess. For example, in the extreme masculine Western world of "yang" of "do this, do that", we often hold the belief that we need to work for the things we want, we have to fight for it. Such is true, only if you believe it to be so. Another words, as a surgeon with steady hands pierces into the inner depths of the physique, so you must also pierce into your own psyche and deconstruct/reconstruct your inner psyche, your belief system. Doing so will increase your vibration, or should I say, your ability to FEEL into your desires. Hence, master your thoughts, especially if they trigger an emotional response. Relationships are another aspect subject to many of our manifestations. You know the whole adage of "people only value you as much as you value yourself". Yep, "as within, so without". We so much place our emotional construct, our ability to love, on external circumstances. Before we love ourselves, we try to get others to do it for us. The feeling of falling in love is often associated with external stimuli, but that's just it, it's a stimuli felt within the emotional body that can be conjured up with our own imaginings. It's easy to compliment the beauty of others, but we can often neglect our own selves. One of the brilliant techniques that I have come across for overall health has been Mantak Chia's taoist technique where you focus on each body part, each organ, all the while smiling into that area. In fact, science has shown that the very act of manipulating your lips to make a smile triggers your emotional body despite your mood. In other words, before we attract the optimal relationships, we need to be able to treat our own selves they way we desire others to treat us. Use your own imaginings to create the desired relationships, FEEL into it, and own that FEELING for yourself. Allow yourself to dive as deeply as possible into that FEELING and dissect any belief system, any obstacle, that forces you to deny that FEELING. Therefore, the saying of "to best get over someone, is to get under someone" is completely not in line with these teachings, where such understanding will seem to attract the same type of relationships. Loving your self and being completely whole, not the "better-half" as typically described in a two-person relationship, is the key to manifesting the ideal relationship. Though I can't quite confirm the truth of this as of yet, especially since the clearing process and loving thy-self is not necessarily the easiest for someone with a Black Moon in Aries, at least I know now what needs to be done. Though I have noticed people around me being seemingly much nicer, something odd in my line of profession. The ability to FEEL into my imagination has been a long tedious process. I've used many teachers to assist in this area, such as Lazaris, Bashar, Abraham-Hicks, and Bentinho Massaro, all of which through their lectures have made me face early memories of where I felt minimal, lack, self-loathings, etc. Such emotional structures trigger the law of attraction vibrations. Going through the law of attraction is a form of self-healing, when one decides to continue with this path. It's a form of Karma clearing, with Karma being "thought forms that keep you stuck in your manifesting capabilities". (definition from Nithyanandaji though reworded). It's the ability to stay in a lighter emotional body when your thoughts can trigger beliefs of lack. It's trying to imagine the desired possessions, the relationships, the spiritual wisdom, all the while having the attacks of a negative belief or ideal that inhibit your manifestation progress. Again, such limiting beliefs are embedded onto our spirit through external stimuli, including Karma/Attachments that we've brought forth from past lives. It's our external circumstances that dictate our lives, when it really should be our inner sanctum. In doing this mental clearing, I've noticed the things that I've chased after would not necessarily have made me the most happy. The high ranking job, the numerous possessions, the relationships, the spiritual power (siddhis), through the use of my imagination and taking note of how I feel, I can tell what option will make me happier. For example, I no longer fantasize of a large mansion dream home, but feel the most blissful in a small home lost in some serene natural environment. I no longer dream of having the high ranking job as someone in my profession would strive for, but feel that abundance needs to be redefined as "having the ability to do whatever I want in each of my moments". As much as I have emotional baggage left to clear to manifest my happiest reality, including clearing the belief that I have emotional baggage, it's time we stop letting our circumstances, our external reality, our society, our exterior relationships, dictate how we FEEL within and stay non-attached to our external stimuli. The emotional gift that loved ones give to us, the inner feeling of excitement we get when obtaining our desired possessions, we should be able to own that FEELING for our self without conditions on any external stimuli and raise such FEELINGS on command, even during the darkest of nights. We should own that for our selves, that there is greatness in our own "being" not necessarily "doing" and we are completely worthy of the abundantly blissful life being the Creators that we are. The law of attraction is more like the "law of manifestation", through your vibration, through your FEELING, you create. Realizing this about yourself is part of Self-Realization, of the age-old question beginning from the time of self-awareness, "who am I?". So, imagine your abundant life full of adventures, love, nourishment, inspiration, confidence, bliss, and ever increasing enlightenment and FEEL into it! Imagine what if FEELS like to be more and more enlightened, prosperous, abundant, and let that trigger out into the universe and ripple down your crown chakra to be absorbed into your complete being, your complete reality. Don't let anything outside of you or within you hold you down from reaching your true Self, your Higher Self. FEELING is everything. True happiness cannot be found in things that change and pass away. Pleasure and pain alternate inexorably. Happiness comes from the self and can be found in the self only. Find your real self (svarupa) and all else comes with it. -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That My last day in Sedona was exhaustively eventful. My body was sore, but I've taken care of myself enough where the pain was minimal. Although a bit dirty and ready to crawl back into a bed, I drove back down the gorgeous scenery to International I AM where I was enthusiastically greeted by name by one of International I AM's owners, Christina. With complete elation, she was in gratitude that I came to support their students. Again, I was a bit perturbed at first given my motives were completely selfish in that, I'm looking for some answers. Given the power of Wednesday's session, I didn't doubt the caliber of the students, who were also at the Wednesday session.
Each student took her turn requesting to enter the energy of a particular audience member for a short message from Spirit. Although there were gaps of time between obtaining messages, each moment was well spent as I was completely impressed by each students ability. Although my messages appear to be a bit cryptic, others audience members who had no correlation to the organization had messages on point. Nonetheless, I was given messages such as holding a duality where I have the conservative appeal on one side and a flip to that with a "freak" side. Provided that my spirituality is my "freak" side, where I am intimidated to disclose much of my knowledge/experiences as they are not the norm, I have found myself becoming more and more open since my first visit to Sedona. Apparently, Spirit was really applauding me for that aspect of myself. In addition to obtaining some well-needed career information, the presence of two Spirit dogs following me (the 1 hour sessions was mainly silent outside, but dogs began barking when this tidbit was disclosed), I was also provided information about a joyful event (Wedding; not necessarily mine) to help boost my emotional body, an unknown but distant travel to Africa for the end of next year, and quick visit and hello from my maternal Grandmother who was kneading bread (roti) in the after-world. The session ended with a quick goodbye where I thanked the owners, Whitney and Christina, for both Wednesday and Friday. The sessions were a big part of my Sedona experience that I will always remember and I felt saying goodbye was the perfect way to end my Sedona trip. Although I didn't think of it at the time, Whitney had expressed to me that when she saw me walk into the building, she had the sense that I was also going to stand up in the front and give a reading as if I was a student. Maybe that's a prediction for the future, as both Whitney and Christina would be excellent teachers given the positivity that effortlessly flows through them, but I'll leave that up to Spirit to decide. For now, I'm complacent with the knowing that Spirit is guiding me and believe will continue to have a greater presence in my life.
Sedona holds a special place for me. I visited these red rock mountains for the first time last year, where I purchased my lemurian quartz that really opened up the world of gemstones for me. I believe Sedona was a catalyst in increasing my sensitivity to beyond tangible reality. So with my boss leaving for a week to visit family out of country, I decided to take an impromptu trip back to Sedona to re-experience what has become my favorite place traveled so far. The day before my trip, Tuesday, Oct. 27, was the full moon in Taurus. The energetics are more grounded compared to what the astrological shifts have been addressing these last few months. Numerous websites have addressed this as "dreams come true" or simply "settling feelings" where the road we walk is a bit more stable. Awesome energetics to take this short sabbatical to hopefully gain some grounding again. Provided that my condominium faces west, I normally don't get to see the moon until much later in the night or early morning. However, waking up for work on Oct. 27, she appeared from a small open fold within my bedroom window curtain, shining in all of her glory. I took that as a good sign with the idea that hopefully my trip will look somewhat like James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy.
Prior to my travels, with last minute planning, I researched events occurring during my stay. Among the concerts, or Halloween festivities, there was one "new agey" event that sparked my interest. This was the only event scheduled during my stay, a Psychic and Mediumship Workshop at the Sedona "International Institute of Advanced Metaphysics (International I AM)". As an introvert that mainly wanted to get to the vortexes with as much mental clarity as possible, I hesitated to do any social event. However, I told myself, "if it's close to my hotel, then I should really consider it". Well, it ended up being 0.2 miles, or a 5 minute walk away from my room. So I registered. Provided that my 2014 trip lacked visiting the indigenous ruins, I chose to visit "Montezuma's Castle/Well" (nothing to do with Montezuma) which is right before Sedona. It was a nice detour from immediately going to my hotel, where there was only so much I could squeeze in between 12:30 pm and the scheduled 6:50 pm workshop. But, everything worked out perfectly. The "Castle/Well" reminded me of alternative history tunnels into inner earth, something straight out of a David Hatcher Childress book. It was my first stop on my trip, and although I felt the solitude of being on my first solo personal travel, there was no loneliness with the knowing that I have a higher purpose for this trip. I then proceeded to the Amitabha Stupa for further blessings for my travels before I check-in with my hotel.
The next stop I had planned was my hotel, rest for a bit and clean-up, then move on to the workshop. However, I missed making a right into my hotel parking lot and made the next right to turn back around. However, in huge print was displayed on a poster "book sale today", where I took the bait and ended up spending the next hour at the Sedona Public Library. On seeing the metaphysical books this place had for sale, and at the near-steal prices, let's just say I was having flashbacks to the Chariot card. After spending about $45 for books ranging from Tibetan high meditation to the Rosicrucian's, I was under the pressure to rush to make sure I made it to the workshop. I quickly entered the hotel check-in rushing knowing that I needed to iron my clothes, shower, and hopefully take a short breather before the workshop. I was greeted with the scent of delicious Indian food and a fellow Indian who greeted me with a huge smile. A bit exhausted, I took in the room decor with a large "Aum" symbol, numerous tourist flyers, many large and gorgeous gemstones, and a picture that made my jaw drop. On the wall, the Hindu owners had hung a picture of the beautiful Hathor. If you've read my prior posts, you know my affinity for Hathor and her connection with Kali. After the owner told me a few things about Sedona and knowing I was under time constraints, I just had to ask about the Hathor portrait.
I only had enough time to unload my car, iron my clothes, and quickly dash to the workshop. I was exhausted and a part of me didn't want to be in a social atmosphere. Just wasn't in the mood, and food and sleep sounded pretty good. However, I knew I would hate myself if I missed this experience. Hence, I proceeded to "International I AM" and was greeted by numerous females who just had a radiant glow. Everything and everyone was of love and light. As a workshop to increase sensitivity, I was expecting an arsenal of techniques to add to my meditations or confirm my current practices. However, the workshop ended up being so much more powerful, do I dare label it more of a seance.
More to come in part II. Beginning last month, my relatives and I started a documentary project on alternative forms of medicine. Provided the credentials of the individuals that have blessed our paths, sharing our community with a broader audience seemed brilliant. Linking astrology with medicine (ayurveda), the last video interview was of the humble Mr. Vimal Sood. Mr. Sood is a respected Vedic Astrologer who, months in advance, had predicted the exact date (7-7-14) that my finances would begin to change. My assessment of Mr. Sood's talent is simply that it is an honor to have reading from someone energetically surrounded by the blessings of Guru Yogananda, student of the Vedic Astrology Master Swami Yuketswar. Pre-interview, I had asked Mr. Sood if Vedic was expressing the same sentiments regarding a global shift as espoused by Western Astrology. To begin, Mr. Sood wanted to make the distinction between Western and Vedic where Western tends to ignore the Moon sign. My response was simply, that it would depend on the astrologer where a few Western Astrologers utilize the Sun, Moon, Ascendant as well as other energies including Chiron, Dark Moon Lilith. During Mr. Sood's introductory interview, he proceeded to discuss that it was not the particular tool that is at issue, but the one interpreting the tool. Hence, tarot, astrology (Vedic and Western), etc., were all sufficient tools under the correct reader. Moreover, Mr. Sood provided an example of a Psychic reading he had witnessed where a fellow diviner laid out cards and was able to provide the same interpretation that Mr. Sood would provide under a Vedic chart. Hence, the power of an inspired (in-spirit) and skilled individual is key to a good reading. My initial interpretation was in concurrence where any tool under the right individual would be successful. Hence, we would need to find the right diviners for a proper reading. Moreover, such is the same in any profession such as our legal system. Under practicing law, the tools of statutes are the same, but the right attorney would be the one most creative. Take if further, we're all looking for the best to support our life, the best relationships, the best tools under our economics, etc. Hence, we should look for the best astrologer, psychic, etc. Seemed logical, until I woke up this morning with the intuition that "it's not him/her, it's me". Sounds like a bad break-up, but really a realization that it's all dependent on me. When you actually know the question, the answer is everywhere, and you can see it in anything you observe. - Lon Milo DuQuette, The Book of Ordinary Oracles. Under the Upanisad axiom, "as within, so without" and vice-versa, the external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. This supports the statement, "when the student is ready, the teacher will come". In other words, for those of us looking for answers, the power may not rely so much in the individual giving us the divination reading, but within the level/vibration/awareness of the one being read (the one asking the questions). Hence, it is our inner level of being that will bring forth the teacher. Prior to having my own reading last year, I heard that Vedic Astrology can even predict the date you have your first reading. Initially sounding far-fetched, today that seems correct where when the student is good and ready, the proper reading/teacher/experience will come. For my first reading early 2014, I acknowledge that if I had the reading a few months earlier, it would have been emotionally devastating predicting my relationship break-up, continued professional struggle, and overall lack of objective "life" growth for a certain time period. All that stuff was better not knowing at that time, leaving me to live more in the moment and not worry about the future. Nonetheless, the time I had received the reading was perfect, where I could merely sit back and let life take its course knowing the Universe had much more planned. Therefore, when I was ready, the answers came. To humbly and only slightly negate Mr. Sood's emphasis on the "Reader" and not the one being "Read", is to dive into Unity Consciousness that expresses "we are all just One conscious being looking at life through different perspectives". If we are all One then we have a better understanding of the Mayan greeting In Lak-ech which is essentially saying "you are a mirror of me". Hence, we're all just mirroring information back to ourSelves at the time we need to receive it. At the feet of Mr. Sood's channelled energy for the documentary video, my Self was simply creating an experience where my Self was simply mirroring back information to mySelf. The information obtained may not be so important, as the energy received which tapped into my psyche, allowing the unfolding of my path including the intuition that lead to this article piece. Hence, more unfolding of mySelf. Therefore, it may not be so much the diviner or the healer with the "gift", but more so the individual for who, when he/she is good and ready and open to such information, the Universe will bend itself accordingly. Whether you gain the answer from the cards, the stars, numbers, tea leaves, or your imagination, it doesn't seem to matter. However, it's only when we're ready to be open to the answer do we obtain such insight. (Or, maybe it's when we're ready to ask the questions?).
AuthorOverly educated and continuously exploring and revealing more behind the veil. "It cannot be too highly emphasized that the mystic swims in the same waters in which the psychotic drowns."
-James Wasserman, The Mystery Traditions Archives
August 2019