Tiamat's creation of "abominations" was in revenge for the killing of her husband, Apsu. The story moving from infinite potential described as "chaos" into the hierarchical order of the "cosmos", appears to be the beginnings of the patriarchal civilizations with Marduk taking lead over the control over the Mesopotamian religions. Hence, the "abominations" are in opposition to Marduk and his army. The same can be found in Tantrik Shakti's, where these "abominations" are the vahana-vehicle of Chamunda. Such is also quite similar to the Shiva-Sati story, with the ashes of Sati creating Dhumavati, or Alakshmi. In other words, "abominations" appear to have arisen to cease individuals in "worldy" religions expressing heavens in transient existence, from becoming further attached to samsara. Where the religions of the planet become flipped involves the Semitic people adopting the Mesopotamian religion, language, and culture. As has been described by the Sumerian King's List, the ancient list includes names that are not just Sumerian, but Semitic including Sargon of Akkadia, whose legend has him as a baby who was laid in a basket and found floating in a river. Before the Akkadians , the Sumerian's conquered for resources, but Sargon becomes explicit for political control, where "all" countries revolted against him in his old-age where Sargon's reign was plagued with never-ending rebellions. (Oates, Joan. Babylon). Nonetheless, it becomes important to note that the Abrahamic religions are rooted from the Sumerian traditions. In a time where there is no separation of church and state, religion creates laws and taxes/tithing. In order for individuals to pay taxes/tithing to your local establishment, you would have to subdue tithing to all other deities, hence the beginning of Semitic monotheism. (See Professor Jodi Magness, Ph.D. The Holy Land Revealed). In addition, the evolution of the Semitic religion mostly removes the feminine, including the Goddess Asherah, showing an attempt to remove or minimize the feminine as well as any connection to Tiamat, where she is often veiled as simply the "abyss". (See the works of Baal Kadmon). Hence, there is a huge chunk of our history missing, particularly the spiritual link of Judaism to its Mesopotamian roots, which is the foundation of Abrahamic religions. As part of removing the feminine, such removes the lunar aspects of the psyche, or the darker aspects of the Qabalah (Qliphoth), which is associated with the feminine. "The early Semitic people of Babylonia, whoever they may have been or wherever they may have migrated from, found a theology ready to their hands in the adopted country, which they took over from its primitive inhabitants the Sumerians, doubtless grafting to it many of the beliefs of their forefathers." (R. Campbell Thompson, The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia). The Abrahamic traditions then produce forth "Angels", most likely in association with the deity "El" (either an aspect of God or an Archon), which appears to be in opposition to the serpentine dragon as represented by Catholic imagery of Angels. In contrast, from Egypt to South America, let alone Naga worship in India, Dragons in Asia, it is important to note that serpent worship may be one of earliest forms of religion on the planet, including some Gnostic Christians who identified the Genesis serpent with Goddess Sophia, in opposition to "the rulers" or "archons" who provided commandments in fear of humanity rising above them. (Nag Hammadi; On The Origin of the World). Taken literally, the serpent is not the one that lies in the Book of Genesis. (See also The Origin of Serpent Worship, C. Staniland Wake). In addition, further generations of Zoroastrian colorings further engrossed dualist religions, further separating what may seem as Asuras (Angels) and Devi's (Dragons). (Bible of Corruption, Adam Daniels). Taken by a historical archetypal understanding, while Angels support a deity resulting in order and commandments, the Serpent teaches wisdom and karma. In fact, the word "Guru" is two (2) words meaning Gu-Ignorance and Ru-Destroyer, where "Ru" is Shiva known as Rudra, the destroyer. It is the destroyer beings who bring wisdom of the illusory construct of creation, not the creator Brahma. Further, before the Asuras were demonized in later puranic lore, they were initially beings of light along with the Devas. However, it is the "rudras", the howlers, that are given the "demonic" colorings. In other words, the archetypal understanding shows that one being traps consciousness in samsara, the other frees it. Nonetheless, unlike the future orthodox religions of Christianity and Islam which has somewhat removed the esoteric elements (Gnosticism, Sufism, etc.), the post-Mesopotamian religion of Judaism has kept its esoterica where you at least have outer (orthodox) and inner (esoteric) development, where the "patriarchal" push may have been a result of harsh (by today's standard) "matriarchal" practices of ancient Babylon. In esoterica, the serpent is typically addressed as the kundalini, and is usually initially invoked through one of the traditional high priestesses (witches to patriarchal traditions), such as Kali, Hecate, or Lilith (Lunar Goddesses). It is also important to note that serpentine traditions teach the chakra system (Cult of Kubjika), where Western practices have adopted such from the Naga traditions kept alive in Eastern religions. In other words, the Angels were not initially used for inner liberation in the Western traditions, as in the case with "wrathful" shaktis, dakinis, and yoginis in the Eastern traditions. Hence, the building of Heaven on Earth (or astral) or "good vs. evil" plagues Western Ideologies as opposed to the discovery of one's own soul over transient existences (heavens and hells) in the Western ideologies. (Sans Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Oracles of Chaldea). The Western world seems to be conditioned into light versus dark as further pushed by labels such as "light-workers", where the Eastern world has philosophically been wisdom versus ignorance where the correct label should be "alchemist". Such is further supported by practices of condemning ignorant entities to the lower astral realms as opposed to making them the protectors of the Dharma. In invoking a "wrathful" shakti, she becomes a yidam or meditation deity, who brings about your worst psychological aspects for clearing via kundalini. Such energies are considered Tamasic, or destructive, and the adept (here would be the Aghoris) typically practices on the fringes of society to keep others safe, among other considerations. Such moves one into more Sattvic vibrations of purity by and through opening up one's subconscious to whatever may be lurking. In effect, due to such psychological deconditioning, one's autonomic nervous system is cleansed altering one's fight or flight response within the reptilian cortex of the human brain, which also tends to drastically minimize the fear response. Further, in invoking Kali, she will destroy everything that is not Shiva, or divine pure awareness as she will remove veils of the illusion-maya, providing for psychic developments known as Siddhis. However, she is also MahaMaya, or the matrix itself, where she can also be used to empower egoic coverings (Qliphoth), where many have stated that it is a "sin" to approach Kali if one is not prepared. Tiamat will take Kali one step further. Kali may teach one to ride the current, but Tiamat is the current itself where she is often represented as a Dragon for a reason. Tiamat is like the Tantrik practices of invoking "wrathful" deities in the mode of "fight fire with fire". (See Vajranatha.com). Given the potency of Tiamat, the adept MUST prepare their physical vessel and psychology first to handle not only Tiamat, but her Demon-Gods meant to dissolve transient existence (creation) back into the black hole. Such provides the Apokalypsis of the illusory nature of time-space, and hence, our attachments to creation (Samsara). Such is the Left-Hand Path, where an adept returns as a master of both Light and Dark, also known as, Self-Deification, or Shiva who is worshiped by both the Devas and Asuras and also the middle ground between Sattva and Tamasic vibrations, Rajasaic. In effect, while the Right Hand Path raises the kundalini to infinite potential by and through removing the psychological conditioning that keeps an adept tied to "identity", the Left Hand Path further completely destroys the personal self by and through the Demon-Gods, where the kundalini flows back thereafter down to empower the reptilian cortex of the human brain. Essentially, the nature of moving one's consciousness into the void creates a wise sage, one whose "Will" is capable of containing and harnessing, not evil, but chaotic dissolution energies. In effect, one's instinct feels clean, unburdened by heavy psychological conditioning plaguing the background of our decision making, where one returns to primal instincts such as that of a vicious feline capable of love and capable of tearing apart whatever gets in her way, which is the way of divine Will, the original blueprint before egoic colorings. Nonetheless, such energies are spoken here for Self-Realization purposes (to let go and reach clarity), where to harness such energies for other purposes requires responsibility with some form of code of ethics. Personally, as someone who has had trouble sticking up for himself, I've taken note of the feeling of power and might produced through such invocations and found a use for my own personal development, which has allowed me to viciously "get things off of my chest" creating more expansive space in my high heart, high lung area. As opposed to the axiom "turn the other cheek", this practice is another form of self-love in being able to control one's own life as opposed to external manipulations. Even Jesus had to set things right with the tax collectors in his Father's home. Further, in studying Enochian Magick, I've taken note that "Angels" don't actually oppose "Demons", but seem to get frustrated with the adepts who do not know how to manage such energies. Demons seems to simply be "distractions". Further, Enochian seems to push the adept back to the Mother Goddess, or the Whore of Babylon, showing that Angels and Serpents maybe more of a balancing act within the human psyche to keep one on the path of Self Discovery and Self Actualization. In addition, Angels are programmed to have a mission showing a lack of free-will, differing from the Nagas with more human like temperaments where an adept should keep Garuda (Bird) around for protection. (See Naga Magick, Denny Sargent). Hence, the practice appears more like using the Angels to balance and harness the serpentine force that pervades all of creation as primordial shakti and rests somewhat dormant in the lower sacral areas producing a Tao effect, as opposed to separate opposing forces of good vs. evil plaguing dualist ideologies. Going back to the Sumerian story of Tiamat, it also important to note that Tiamat was subdued by Marduk where she becomes the Mansion of Heaven and the slumbering Mother Earth, and quite possibly the soul-consciousness. Her slain Demon-God "Kingu" becomes the blood of humanity (maybe hinting towards reasons for blood sacrifices). Such shows the deep correlation that humanity holds with the original primal energies. Chaos may simply be infinite potential from a higher perspective, but such is a dissolving force for egoic attachments. In addition, Tiamat is also associated with the Abyss, and quite possibly Da'ath of the Qabalah separating the higher trinity of the supernal triad from the lower streams of divine consciousness, including the lower forms of trinity expressed in religions where Solar deities represent Tiphareth, in correlation to Kether above the abyss. The "daemons" expose creation (Malkuth) and heavens (Tiphareth) for what they really are, an illusion, or a distortion of the flow of divine consciousness in the tree of life, where it is noted that the "nothingness" of Ain is higher than "infinite light" Ain Soph Aur, equating to the Tantrik traditions where Vamachara is higher than Daksinacara in order to rise into Saiva Siddhanth as expressed by Sage Abhinavagupta. For those treading the Left Hand Path, I would recommend the works of Asenath Mason as she appears to provide a holistic approach for the Western occultists. Still, not for the squeamish or "faint of heart". If you can't handle Samashan Kali (and Vajrayogini traditions), Lilith, or Hecate, or transient "monsters", don't even try with Tiamat as this practice is the psychological practice of opening yourself up to the collective subconscious (nightside), which also includes dark fantasies lurking within our shadows. The adept may be devoured by energies taking on "apocalyptic" doomsday feels, particularly being devoured by black serpents, which has the effect of having all transient existence demolished from one's field of awareness by and through exposing deep rooted issues. Just as the Aghoris seek solitude on the fringes of society, such is also necessary with Tiamat's teams as these energies can move further than just the adepts vessel, where the adept at least knows and can harness such energy while dealing with personal shadow issues. In other words, carriers of certain energies tend to trigger those around them. Hence, the psychological move into the void, to be re-birthed as the phoenix/dragon thereafter. Samashan Kali destroys everything that is not Shiva, or pure divine awareness empty of the minds colorings ... learn to ride the current first by cracking open the high heart-throat chakra (throat represents truth, but we've been poisoned from the truth where the throat holds trauma) and solidifying the differentiation between the observer self ("I Am Presence") and ego-personality self, before attempting to ride the Dragon sleeping within the shadows of the lower sacral-root chakra. Solidifying one's awareness with the "I Am Presence" outside of the monkey mind creates a buffer to realign the adept who may empower the ego-identity-self too much. In addition, Self-Realization practices peel back the layers of conditioning, where one may receive a completely different understanding of Kali and Lilith outside of cultural conditioning depending on the level of the adapt. On a lower perspective, these beings may be terrible, on a higher perspective, these beings may be terrific. Self Realization is the Garuda to the Maya aspect of the matrix. P.S. There's probably a correlation between Lilith (Ishtar) and the elite Bohemian Grove, by and through the Vahana-Animal Vehicle the "Owl", also correlates with the Hindu Goddess/Yaksini of abundance Lakshmi. It makes sense with the elite on this planet seeking power by attempting to harness energies from Mesopotamia and develop Siddhis for control. Such seeks external colorings instead of inner completion and harmony, if Self is excluded. Such is reminiscent of the Hindu Ramayan with the hero Ram representing Sattvic qualities and the antagonist Ravana representing more Tamasic qualities, where both were extremely elevated adepts. Both had to choose between following Dharma or egoic attachments. As the only way for a Hindu to repent for the "highest" sin of killing a Brahmin is to tread the Aghori path, Ram would need to repent as Ravana was a Brahmin. Hence, Ram's sadhana setting the stage for the full atma-consciousness flowering of "Sri" Krishna. Nonetheless, humanity rather should realize that it has given its power away to those in the knowing, while being psychologically-conditioned by those in the knowing. In addition, the real masters have shown us that virtues such as compassion, loving humility, etc., are what is necessary to properly develop Siddhis, as you recognize your oneness with all (external is a mirror to internal; as within so without), even your opponents. (See Vianna Stibal, Seven Planes of Existence). Tiamat is the womb-void that produces all souls-consciousness, including daemons. To pierce into her is to dive deeply within the depths of the adepts psyche. Though I've left many warnings and safety precautions above, in invoking her and her team, there is no going back as these energies cannot be banished. As the inner layers are being pulled back, the external world will reflect as such which can be quite a negative experience, a "dark soul of the night", or facing a "tower" moment before seeing the light/void at the end of the tunnel. As humanity is learning more and more about it's truth, and how the elite on this planet have sought to subdue certain information, it is my intent simply to provide a holisitic understanding of why someone would tread this path, particularly for an adept seeking wisdom and inner completion.
AuthorOverly educated and continuously exploring and revealing more behind the veil. "It cannot be too highly emphasized that the mystic swims in the same waters in which the psychotic drowns."
-James Wasserman, The Mystery Traditions Archives
August 2019