The reason I raise sexuality is because the Goddess energy appears to carry a sexual undertone. When contemplating different Goddesses, I feel a different sensation. Kali is passionate and rigorous, Hathor is complete joy and bliss and love, Quan Yin and Mother Mary are nurturing, and Mary Magdalene is like falling/being in love. So here, I would like to address Kali provided that I have been chanting her mantras for over a year with phenomenal success. Her presence is vicious with the reminder of her loving presence when you need to have that memory. Provided that She is the benevolent consort of Shiva known as Parvati who acts as an intermediary between devotees and Shiva, she is also the love and bliss of Hathor who will tear shit up in the most bloodthirsty way as Sekhmet. She is the terrific and the terrible. So this was Tuesday, October 20, 2015. I had a great day, was full of energy, got some exercise, and was just full of bliss given the new insights I have been obtaining. It was the day after Kaalratri, which is dedicated to Kali, under the nights of the Goddess tradition of Navratri. The incense was lit whenever I had the chance, I had light meals, it was like walking on air. I began my evening ritual meditation where I set myself up in position with certain gemstones and begin focusing on my breathe. When fully relaxed, I grounded into the Mother Earth, pulled in energy from the Cosmic Universe, and let my Chakras light up and release whatever is holding me back. Go back into the mindfulness of my breathe for a few moments, and the mantras began. Unlike most mindfulness practices, if my mind drifts off to areas worth exploring, I proceed with those thoughts instead of the whole "when you see the Buddha on the road, kill him". I saw myself as a child wrapped up in Mother Kali's bloody arms. I was also getting images of my biological mother holding me, and just sensing the passion and love that the feminine was providing. With Kali, provided that she is nude, her bodily warmth was the perfect place to rest. As a child, she proceeded to breast feed me. The milk absorbed was felt throughout my body, like pranic jet fuel. As she is the great nurturer, the Mother is known to provide all the nutritional sustenance needed for an infant. As a child, I felt complete. However, as an adult, well, we'll just say it gets a bit odd from here. Provided that I am a grown straight male in a society that has overly-sexualized the female breasts, the visionary inner child was obtaining pranic bliss, while the grown male sitting in meditation was feeling the sensations of arousal. Now, in terms of sensations, breathing deep is pulling in prana to fill our body, like placing gasoline in an automobile. However, sensual arousal is like setting that gasoline/prana on fire. Kundalini energy, which is prana in motion, carries with it strong erotic tones meant to be mastered in the inner world. Needless to say, it took the meditation to a completely different realm.
Provided that human destruction is not my interest, the imagery was at first very disturbing. Nonetheless, in moments of doubt, I would have flashes to Parvati, which was reminder of the Goddesses constant change of nature. The destructive qualities have a purpose. As Kali or the masculine Kaala is associated with "time", without time there is no death or birth, and here She is devouring that illusion. She is the one to assist in the transcendence of our attachment to these illusions, including our attachment to the illusion of time that so dictates our lives.
Through my awareness, I was able to shift my perception between the masculine and feminine while the parties were intimate. The sensations were ecstatic and led to a climactic event that sent wonders up my spine. Oh how I wish to stay in that moment, but I must proceed with our illusory "reality". The session ended about 10 p.m. and I didn't fall asleep until midnight knowing I had a long work day ahead of me. Between 10 p.m. and 12 p.m., I just kept having quick flashes of insight regarding the "I Am" presence, the nature of "reality", etc., but it was happening so quick that I was unable to assess each and write them down. Moreover, I think my logical mind may have forgotten much of the information received in that time frame. However, I guess you can say that I was "downloading" information that may unfold as I continue on this path. All I can conclude with is that I feel blessed knowing that Her presence is stronger than ever.
Particularly this understanding arises with "triggers". Things that piss us off. From the small moments of tinge to the larger outbursts of fury, these triggers are possibly awakening moments. If someone else pisses me off and triggers me, well, isn't he/she just a mirror of myself? How should I approach that and even more so, what is that moment revealing to me if I have the belief that everything happens for a reason. After all, as the loving Dr. Wayne Dyer stated, "how people treat you is there karma; how you react is your karma". How people treat you is there karma; how you react is your karma. - Dr. Wayne Dyer In studying the teachings known today as the Law of Attraction, or better stated Law of Manifestation, I think we're offered a glimpse as to our universal mirrors and why our reflections can cause these triggers. Last year, I would have credited something like Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" for the teachings, but really, it comes from the Self-Realization that many Guru's have attempted to enlighten those with ears to hear. It was from the Siva Sutras that I really felt a k(g)nowing of an "I Am" presence, which I currently understand to be part of Self-Realization. From here, I also understood "I Am That" where "That" is the creation of the "I Am" presence. However, I think many Gurus felt that creation with "I Am That" would lead towards more materialism, which not negative on it's own, carries an addictive quality that creates karma aka attachment. Why is attachment so bad? Well, we get attached to things because we have this negative illusion of "lack". We have lack within our material reality therefore we cling to our possessions. On a deeper level, we have a lack within our own abilities to manifest our reality, which then manifests externally via the belief being imbued into the "I Am" presence. So if our external reality is a result of our "I Am" presence, then really everything that falls under my conscious awareness is a mirror of what was going on inside of me. All of those triggers and people that cause my stomach to twist, I created them. But, those feelings of gut wrench are really just a chemical reaction based on what my brain is telling my body based on perception of an external circumstance. In other words, it's all in my head. Hence, it is in the perception of the external circumstance that is causing the issue, not the actual circumstance. With the "I Am" presence teachings, your "I Am" level of consciousness is the part of you that is beyond your body. It is the watcher of your body, the one who is aware of your body and all of its sensation and identities that you place upon it. Your body is part of the "That" in "I Am That", it's part of the creation that your "I Am" presence has manifested.
Given that you are another reflection of me, we're just being/witnessing (awareness) different perspectives of the infinite. Our co-Created reality, our thoughts, our Creations affect each other as if we are One. We are all related or Mitakuye Oyasin as stated by the Lakota, given that we have the ability to affect each others belief systems that can than create a ripple effect into our "I Am" presences, which would then be manifested through the Universe. So dig deeper into yourself whenever a trigger comes, uproot that limiting belief, and manifest a World that is more in line with the love and light beings that we are. Welcome to the beginnings of the fourth density.
As with many Indian mythologies, there is a an "ego" who does incredible spiritual penance, invokes a deity, and then is granted a boon. However, that boon then proceeds to elevate the "ego" to the point where the individual becomes demonic and causes chaos. These boons can be seen as some form of invincible weaponry that the ego/demon then uses to rule over and manipulate kingdoms. In the Ramayana, the ego Ravaana did penance to Shiva. From my own meditation practices including the use of mantras, when you verbiage certain terms associated with an entity, you send those vibrations throughout your being. That would typically entail a purification process as well as conscious elevation, I would deem. Ravaana's own penance to Shiva was so strong that Ravaana is often considered to be Shiva's highest devotee. Well, if Ravaana is Shiva's highest devotee, then would not his penance make himself more "realized", and, well, not a demon? Provided that Shiva is associated with the Goddess of Ego Transition (Kali), what would make Ravaana act mainly through ego to give him the definition of demon? Although falling under the banner of Hinduism, there are philosophical competitions between the Saivite and Vaisnava sects on who is "higher", Shiva or Vishnu. More so, there is an aspect of the story that I've always remembered that packs a punch in the whole "good vs. evil" scenario. Upon Ravaana's death bed on the battlefield, Rama had his brother go learn from Ravaana all he could since Ravaana was still an elevated being. Although that sentiment expresses that we have much to learn from those we consider opposite from us, no matter how evil we make them out to be, I still would like to know what Ravaana actually taught Rama's brother. More so, was Ravaana really evil and was there an ulterior motive for the battle? In Indian lore, including the Tamil and Jain traditions/legends, Ravaana is an enlightened being and there are even temples built in his honor.
As she was kidnapped, she was forced to go through trials of purification and through constant tests to prove her purity. Finally fed up with the tests, she states that if she is finally proven pure, she's leaving the surface world and returning back inside the Earth. That would conclude her aspect of the epic, where the hero's journey is focused on Rama's journey. However, given that Sita is the embodiment of Lakshmi, and Lakshmi is symbolic of the Venus energy of love, abundance, prosperity, one has to ask himself what happened to Rama's kingdom when Sita (Lakshmi) left. So, to stay in love with the story and the characters, I had to adopt a new interpretation of Rama's journey. This interpretation would be along the lines of learning from Rama's mistake in his assessment of Sita. The consistent testing of Sita led her back into the Earth, taking with her the energies of Venus. A punishment for Rama as one may perceive. However, it's still difficult to see our deities as fallible, including the honorable Rama who holds highly benevolent characteristics. Even going into greek mythology, the same types of characters make up the pantheon with deities having good or harsh characteristics. That seems to be the case with all of our ancient deities. But what triggered Rama to not believe Sita, for would not being kidnapped be frightening enough? The incessant tests show that Rama may have had an inclination that Sita would hide something.
These spiritual practices (or life in general) is to "raise your level of consciousness". The term "raise" simply means to place above. The term "level" expresses that there is a hierarchy that is climbable. Hence, to "raise your level" is simply to take another step above where you are currently presiding. "Consciousness" is something that is not typically defined, nor expounded upon through the majority of the pundits. Consciousness is simply "conscious". For there to be "conscious" there must be a subject (with the ability to perceive) and an object. The subject perceives that object. From that perception, the subject has an "awareness". "Awareness" is the key to understanding the "raise your level of consciousness". It is through the awareness that the subject percieves it's own individual parrallel universe that is defined by that subjects experiences, thoughts, and belief system (including knowledge). Hence, the subject creates a whole experience filled with thoughts, emotions, judgments, all from simply perceiving and creating an "awareness" of the object. To further the point, take as an example of boy (subject) perceives ball (object) and is therefore conscious of the "ball" where an "awareness" develops to define the experience including the ball is black, round, etc. To "raise your level of consciousness" would be to not only perceive and have a simple awareness, but to extend the awareness into new ideas/thoughts, such as the ball can bounce, can be thrown, can develop into a game, etc. Suddenly, there is a whole new way of "perceiving" the ball, based on a belief system (one that includes sports). Hence, to "raise your level of consciousness" simply means to perceive things differently than you normally would have, and in a higher/lighter manner. Another words, with circumstances remaining constant, raising consciousness would mean you perceive those circumstances in a different manner. When you perceive things differently, you are expanding your view of the circumstances to include more ideas, more thoughts, more solutions, etc. Basically, you're getting smarter. And to be smart like Buddha, like Christ, like Krishna, would mean you perceive life with their level of perception. The world, the problems, the circumstances can all stay the same, however, its the subject (the perceiver) that changes. Provided that Krishna, Christ, Buddha are titles given to individuals who are able to perceive reality in a "godlike" manner, they understood life to the degree where they were able to choose the best options in proceeding through life. To proceed knowing the best option would mean you have the ability to know all of the options in order to choose. Such options are created by all of our experiences, which are then added into our Collective Consciousness aka Unity Consciousness, which then individuals like Krishna, Jesus, Siddharta can tap into and proceed with a higher level of awareness. To begin to master the concept of mental disciplines it is necessary to examine the self. The polarity of your dimension must be materialized. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Each thought a being has, has in its turn an antithesis. The disciplines of the mind involve, first of all, identifying both those things of which you approve and those things of which you disapprove within yourself, and then balancing each and every positive and negative charge with its equal. The mind contains all things. Therefore, you must discover this completeness within yourself. -Ra, The Law Of One (Book One). So, in essence, our spiritual practices are really tools to tap into the collective consciousness the way Krishna, Jesus, and Siddharta did. Again, the collective consciousness is really the databank of the infinite expansive number of conscious levels/beings, the many experiences possible for an infinite being. Once the level of consciousness changes, "as within, so without" dictates the external manifestation changes also. As said differently, the self-realization process of the inner world has a self-actualization reflection in the outer world. Cheers to that!
Beginning last month, my relatives and I started a documentary project on alternative forms of medicine. Provided the credentials of the individuals that have blessed our paths, sharing our community with a broader audience seemed brilliant. Linking astrology with medicine (ayurveda), the last video interview was of the humble Mr. Vimal Sood. Mr. Sood is a respected Vedic Astrologer who, months in advance, had predicted the exact date (7-7-14) that my finances would begin to change. My assessment of Mr. Sood's talent is simply that it is an honor to have reading from someone energetically surrounded by the blessings of Guru Yogananda, student of the Vedic Astrology Master Swami Yuketswar. Pre-interview, I had asked Mr. Sood if Vedic was expressing the same sentiments regarding a global shift as espoused by Western Astrology. To begin, Mr. Sood wanted to make the distinction between Western and Vedic where Western tends to ignore the Moon sign. My response was simply, that it would depend on the astrologer where a few Western Astrologers utilize the Sun, Moon, Ascendant as well as other energies including Chiron, Dark Moon Lilith. During Mr. Sood's introductory interview, he proceeded to discuss that it was not the particular tool that is at issue, but the one interpreting the tool. Hence, tarot, astrology (Vedic and Western), etc., were all sufficient tools under the correct reader. Moreover, Mr. Sood provided an example of a Psychic reading he had witnessed where a fellow diviner laid out cards and was able to provide the same interpretation that Mr. Sood would provide under a Vedic chart. Hence, the power of an inspired (in-spirit) and skilled individual is key to a good reading. My initial interpretation was in concurrence where any tool under the right individual would be successful. Hence, we would need to find the right diviners for a proper reading. Moreover, such is the same in any profession such as our legal system. Under practicing law, the tools of statutes are the same, but the right attorney would be the one most creative. Take if further, we're all looking for the best to support our life, the best relationships, the best tools under our economics, etc. Hence, we should look for the best astrologer, psychic, etc. Seemed logical, until I woke up this morning with the intuition that "it's not him/her, it's me". Sounds like a bad break-up, but really a realization that it's all dependent on me. When you actually know the question, the answer is everywhere, and you can see it in anything you observe. - Lon Milo DuQuette, The Book of Ordinary Oracles. Under the Upanisad axiom, "as within, so without" and vice-versa, the external world is merely a reflection of our internal world. This supports the statement, "when the student is ready, the teacher will come". In other words, for those of us looking for answers, the power may not rely so much in the individual giving us the divination reading, but within the level/vibration/awareness of the one being read (the one asking the questions). Hence, it is our inner level of being that will bring forth the teacher. Prior to having my own reading last year, I heard that Vedic Astrology can even predict the date you have your first reading. Initially sounding far-fetched, today that seems correct where when the student is good and ready, the proper reading/teacher/experience will come. For my first reading early 2014, I acknowledge that if I had the reading a few months earlier, it would have been emotionally devastating predicting my relationship break-up, continued professional struggle, and overall lack of objective "life" growth for a certain time period. All that stuff was better not knowing at that time, leaving me to live more in the moment and not worry about the future. Nonetheless, the time I had received the reading was perfect, where I could merely sit back and let life take its course knowing the Universe had much more planned. Therefore, when I was ready, the answers came. To humbly and only slightly negate Mr. Sood's emphasis on the "Reader" and not the one being "Read", is to dive into Unity Consciousness that expresses "we are all just One conscious being looking at life through different perspectives". If we are all One then we have a better understanding of the Mayan greeting In Lak-ech which is essentially saying "you are a mirror of me". Hence, we're all just mirroring information back to ourSelves at the time we need to receive it. At the feet of Mr. Sood's channelled energy for the documentary video, my Self was simply creating an experience where my Self was simply mirroring back information to mySelf. The information obtained may not be so important, as the energy received which tapped into my psyche, allowing the unfolding of my path including the intuition that lead to this article piece. Hence, more unfolding of mySelf. Therefore, it may not be so much the diviner or the healer with the "gift", but more so the individual for who, when he/she is good and ready and open to such information, the Universe will bend itself accordingly. Whether you gain the answer from the cards, the stars, numbers, tea leaves, or your imagination, it doesn't seem to matter. However, it's only when we're ready to be open to the answer do we obtain such insight. (Or, maybe it's when we're ready to ask the questions?).
Ma'at is symbolized with the "feather of truth, balancing scales, her All-Seeing Eye, her throne, the gates to the underworld and her faithful guardian, the dog". (Andrews, Munya, The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades). In balancing the scales, Anubis would place the subjects heart on one side, with the other side containing Ma'at's feather. One interpretation as pointed out by Munya Andrews is that "[t]o be light as a feather meant one was unburdened by sin and therefore exonerated in death". (Id, citing to Walker, Womens Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects.)
The concept of Judgment in both its exoteric and esoteric meaning as found in modern culture come from Egypt. The scales and sword of Lady Justice are a derivative of Ma'at's scales and feather of Truth. As recorded by the scribe Thoth and assessed by the ruler of the afterlife Anubis, Ma'at's scales adjudicate whether an individual has followed the Truth of her own Heart. That is your Judgment Day.
September 27, 2015 marked the beginning/ending of something quite not yet fathomable. For the months preceding the event, I was bombarded with youtube recommendations ranging from channeled entities, to astrologers, to fanatical Christians. As had been my routine, I looked to the channelers and astrologers who all entailed an enlightening shift into the 5th dimension, beyond the space/time trappings of the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Moreover, we are to be moving from the 3rd density akin to the third solar chakra representing will and free-choice, into the realm of the heart found in the 4th density.
Afterwards, the only information about the illuminati I would come across was from conspiracy theories. Lastly, I came across a video expressing that George Washington, a well-known freemason, vehemently opposed and banned the illuminati, where thereafter, the Bavarian group disbanded and infiltrated freemasonry. Again, I don't know the merits of this information, but it seems like there are bad seeds in any group where even Jesus had his Judas. Not to support/attack freemasonry, but given the depth that I have dived into this information, I require more information to equate an all evil illuminati with the precincts of freemasonry. Even then, I would rather focus on my own spiritual development then try to figure out where I should point my finger of shame. As a fan of Laura Walker's Oracle Report, there is currently progressing a battle between the light and dark. However, I would like to switch up the way we think of things, with the axiom "as within, so without", there is a battle between love and fear. Any entity that is causing harm, I believe is most likely acting out of fear, including the black brotherhood or the "illuminati". Within ourselves, we should be eradicating fear, particular in the areas of security (root chakra) where many of us still believe in a limited universe where we must compete for resources. Moreover, my impression of the darkness is like a dark room with a candle flame. The candle flame will shine in the room affecting darkness, but the darkness does not attack the light. Hence, it's not so much of a battle between good and evil, as it is between wisdom and ignorance.
The Book of Genesis is an extreme example of a jealous entity. To begin with, the original sin was the Mother of the Living (Genesis 3:20 NASB) partaking in the forbidden fruit of either/both the tree of life and/or the tree of knowledge. Tempted by a creature considered sacred in ancient traditions and associated with enlightenment (Egypt, India, South America), the serpent had told Eve, "[f]or God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil". (Genesis 3:5 NASB). From this event, the deity of the Book of Genesis creates a patriarchal standard degrading women. (Genesis 3:6 NASB).
Because mankind was becoming powerful, the god of Genesis felt threatened believing that if mankind put their intent into something, nothing would be impossible. It was out of this fear that the god of Genesis destroyed mankind's attempt to reach into heaven and scattered mankind across the globe eradicating their ability to effectively spread ideas through language manipulation.
From my interpretation of these above mentioned verses, it appears that the god of Genesis is intimidated by mankind becoming powerful or the equivalent of god. With a fear of mankind becoming "like Us", I can only conclude that this particular god is quite limited and does not fit into an all encompassing, compassionate, loving, and all powerful being. Hence, it seems that those that follow this particular doctrine (Christians, not the Jewish interpretation) would rather remain submissive but yet such statements by the Genesis god may actually contradict the teachings of Jesus. Gnostic Christianity did not accept Jehovah as a "true" god and the majority of ancient Christian teachings have been vehemently eradicated by those seeking control. In fact, as found with the Nag Hammadi scriputres, the Biblical New Testament text only accounts for a small portion of ancient Christian literature. Moreover, as the NASB Bible shows, there is the possibility that much can be lost in translation. Lastly, when studying archaeology including the works of Zecharia Sitchin, there is a whole pre-Genesis backstory or revision (Chaldean Genesis) that sheds further light into who "Us" may have actually entailed. I'm left contemplating why the Bible failed to mention much of Sumerian civilization as expressed in the Sumerian tablets (including profound insight into astronomy) where it appears that those who edited Biblical text (such as Nicene Creed) may have purposely excluded such information. On the other hand, you have Jesus, a being so filled with faith that he was able to heal individuals, walk on water, raise the dead, all done with love and humility. This same being also taught how to do miracles by having faith. (Matthew 21:21-22 NASB). Furthermore, Jesus taught that others through faith will be doing "greater" works. (John 14:12 NASB). Jesus seems to hold a power that would intimidate the god of Genesis, and seems to contradict the god of Genesis by teaching the methods of conducting such powerful miracles through faith to a mass audience. Another words, the god of Genesis seems to fear an empowered humanity, where Jesus sought to give the keys to greater power. I could be wrong, but all my logic and intuition points to something more than what is propounded by orthodox Christianity (Catholic and post 16th century reformation). The more I dive (re-dive) into Christianity, the more I can't seem to understand Christians or anyone who doesn't desire to have more power/enlightenment. I mean, how limited is this god if it fears an empowered humanity, and would this god be worthy of the title God. Like Giordano Bruno who was persecuted for attempting to expand the definition of God, what keeps the masses appealing to limitation? All I can say is that Eve may have been given a bad name under orthodoxy for simply wanting to be "wise", as with all of us seeking to raise up our inner serpent to have our "eyes opened" in order to obtain the fruits of knowledge and life. (Genesis 3:6 NASB).
AuthorOverly educated and continuously exploring and revealing more behind the veil. "It cannot be too highly emphasized that the mystic swims in the same waters in which the psychotic drowns."
-James Wasserman, The Mystery Traditions Archives
August 2019