(Sales Pitch): I grew up in a harsh Protestant Elementary, where we learned of ancient Christian martyrs who would blindly/faithly die for their god, where it was necessary to build a Christian "Calvary". All was such for the sake of attaining a heaven, and mostly to deter away from the greatest fear of all, a Christian ideology mostly crafted 1,000 years after Jesus, known as Hell. This is the same ideology that has globally spread with a Bible in one hand, and a gun in the other, in order to not only spiritually (psychologically; consciousness) control a flock, but politically as well, as Religion has always been a political institution. I really did grow up looking at other minorities like, "why do you worship the slave masters' god?". Christians have to look to ancient times for their martyrs! I don't have to look very far in my own bloodline to see the Devil that has been Christianity. And of course, the current Pope got some "flack" for comparing Muslim conversion tactics to the early Christians, as Christians continue to be blind of their own karma, and bling of their own god post the Dead Sea/Nag Hammadi Texts. Moreover, there is a gorgeous Buddhist Temple near where I currently live, that in their early days had to remove the Swastikas from their front gates as it offended the neighboring Jewish community (If what I've been told is correct). If that's the case, then how about we remove one of the biggest symbols of slavery, the symbol that makes a group think they're better as their god and legal-dogma is the only correct one, the Christian Cross. Nonetheless, like good Buddhists, the Temple provided no rebuttal and completely agreed with the community. Hence, the need to continually put my own little self in check. It was 6th grade, Bible class with one of the most amazing loving individuals as a teacher, but also most fanatical. This was a school, where the teachers' resumes must be to a Protestant standard. Such was drastically different from my Catholic High School, where we had even had a Muslim teacher. The setting was a debate on abortion, and be wary, you are only allowed to venture within certain perspectives within these organizations, unless you prefer the Salem witch trials. Everyone falls under pro-life where pro-choice arguments are only valid when the mother's life is at risk. The only other option is to give the child up for adoption. However, this one day, this girl had the guts to push the conversation further and ask, "what about when the girl is raped, I think the girl should be able to have an abortion". As a 6th grader who barely found out what abortion was (traditional Indian parents don't talk to their kids or will have a wildly out-dated and different-cultural perspective), I had to sit and linger for awhile and hear what others had to say. But as I had already learned from being in this Western school and being raised in an Eastern home, that I had to constantly question everything, every doctrine, every argument, as I was torn between two (2) different cultures and ways of looking at life. So this brave little girl was a gem to me, a new fresh perspective, where she described the emotions that the female would have to go through in coming to that decision and the ensuing psychological damage from the numerous potential options that were provided to the female. This argument was too far for this group, as the spirit considered to be in the fetus is superior to the psychological (and financial) developments as an aftermath. These were all Republicans, who only want to help the impoverished and needy if it's done by and through their organization (so they can push their agenda), all the while attempting to get every tax break possible. Secular country my ass! Truth is in dissecting these conditioned belief systems, where the truth here is, the baby needs to worship Jesus before it dies, or it goes to Christian "Hell". Forget an imaginary hell, that poor girl was put through hell, by "judge not lest ye be judged" people. I couldn't stick up for her, as I was still processing everything, and also hiding my token deity under my shirt whose holding a pitchfork with a snake around his neck. I understood this girl's emotions in trying to have her voice heard, where I noted others only empathically-felt for her only after discovering the following day that this girl was describing her older sister. This memory is probably a long lost memory, a little bump on the road for the bigger missionary agenda, for most of my colleagues in this classroom. For me, this girl's voice, and more so, her emotions, will never be forgotten, as I now comfortably begin to champion The Adversary current that has always flowed through me. My own Beast. As Dr. Ol Doinyo Laetoli le Baaba (Kali Baaba) was a long-time family friend and guide to many of my relatives, our heroes were not the Martin Luther King, Jrs., who preached to the masses and yet led a shitty personal life. Our heroes were Malcolm X and Black Elk Speaks (Gandhi pushed it too far for some of his practices for me), excellent case studies for adepts to evolve both spiritually and materially. The words of brother Louis Farrakhan would also bless our home. While the Bible Belt Republicans all blame the government, I've seen Louis Farrakhan stick up to these leaders with the intent of at what point are you going to learn not to trust these "White-Devils". Yep, I grew up hearing the "White-Man is the Devil" on one side and a Christian "Calvary" on the other. Nonetheless, I understand what the Roman Constantine did when he combined the archonic Old Testament god (spiteful, jealous god that was blowing everything up in opposition) with the adept-Master New Testament guy (peaceful turn the other cheek). Hence, you have blonde-haired, blue-eyed, gun-toting (not judging guns here) Jesus, and an extremely judgmental religion. Judgment is to use discernment for the truth, or rather "to judge", not punitive damages (hell). Louis Farrakhan has been the main leader, the pioneer in what I've seen, in pushing forward in self-sufficiency, not just for the Black community, but for all Minorities. Essentially, we need to take care of our own, as external assistance will not understand. Such is shown by and through the illogical rebuttal to "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter", a simple butt-hurt cop-out to get a conditioned monkey-mind to continue to ignore a prevalent issue, especially if people are called to question their own integrity. Despite whoever funded such campaigns to push for a civil-war type agenda, the "civil-war" will only apply should you choose to keep the heavily conditioned programmed monkey-mind, where we have yet to be able to sit at the table and understand each other. If such isn't applicable, then I will be playing the video game, of being that hated Black Dot within Yang, in order to maintain that balance of Yin and Yang. See how duality works. Your consciousness did not plunge itself into lower density to bitch about the suffering required for your soul growth, but to ascend by and through this galaxy's master class. I see the direction my blog, my writing, and the way I hold myself in strength is changing as I allow my inner beast to grow up. I no longer fear my death, as in most of my life, death would have been easily welcomed. As such, I can shoot the shit now, without the fear of getting my throat slit. I understand why the Dalai Lama stresses the need to develop compassion, a drastically unnecessary task for an extremely sensitive empath, for when the beast is strengthened, the Divine Will of Higher Self is required as a balance. I have chosen the route of the qliphoth to ascend, most likely due to being constantly surrounded by religious horseshit. My spiritual practice is not a belief system, but a practice that can easily lead to my insanity. As I have opened my "doors of perception" into deeper aspects of my subconscious, both God (Theta- Healing; 7th Plane of Existence) and God's Adversary (Temple of Ascending Flame; I trust Asenath Mason's philosophy and guidance) are both alive and well within me. Nonetheless, as the introductory quote attests to further fear preaching, when current light-workers on "Team Jesus" preach, I would suggest to Minorities to remember the song by The Who, Won't Be Fooled Again. Do understand, that not all light-workers are under this dualist mentality, as these spiritual terms are willy-nilly thrown around without proper definitions, it is up to the adept to have proper discernment in assessing a healer, teacher, etc., as I personally will not go to just anyone for help where I need to develop some trust and understanding with a Teacher. I have heard more than enough webinars of Theta-Healers thinking they are better than Shamans because they can talk to God (another voice in their head) essentially labeling everyone they don't agree with as "evil" as this is the "Team Jesus/Anti-Guru" camp. You can't be you're own Guru when you have so many layers of the monkey-mind to dissolve to actually see the wider perspectives. Talking to a voice in your head (separation) and Self-Realization are not the same thing, where these psychics like to brag on how they get all the information on their own, that they don't need to study books or other teachers, all the while looking philosophically dull and overtly racist as they push and capitalize another eurocentric belief system. At least these Westerners are no longer capitalizing on yoga, all the while talking shit about my lineages traditions, gurus, etc.
The person who made the above comment, I've crammed a lot of their work-product since 2017, so getting the healing is one thing. However, discernment is extensively required with any teacher who is not Self-realized. Nonetheless, "as within, so without". These teachers are also my mirror, where I have to shed a couple layers by and through being triggered by the above comment and then drafting this blog piece. I had forgotten about my elementary friend who was essentially "burned at the stake", where I had to shed a couple of tears for the mere fact that she had to live through such an experience. This sweet little girl, another introvert, defended herself in honor of her sister, and ended up red and crying by the end of the class. I may not have wanted to continue living most of my life, but as a professional representative (and just myself), people have needed me simply to just understand their perspectives, so I see my importance in just being around as much as I don't want to be here. Offering a differ perspective, with no fear, with no need to hide behind any mask. I'm not trying to hide my "twilight". If anything, I didn't want to be persecuted, harassed, and killed, as Christians have historically and continually shown to us. I mean, they are still cutting/burning trees to print your mind-control materials, as missionary's and right-wing governments have typically worked together (and far-left wing, Jesuits, sheep are whipped from both sides to herd them in line). Again, secularism my ass. You cannot separate the Church and continual mass-extinction of indigenous people. In journeying through my own path, in facing my own abyss of Daath, I'm constantly reminded that I need to stand on my own two-feet, as the above-expressed quote is just one of many light-workers going on an anti-Black bender. Angels help you create something shiny, Demons help you see through horseshit, hence, they can ruin the light-worker's false "grace" of "ignorance is bliss" by showing you the truth of your happy delusions in samsara. Worse, your own demons only show you the truth of your own self, whereas those projecting those issues externally, are only afraid of looking in the mirror. Light-workers, spiritual communities, etc., are only continuing reminders to myself that the adept has to do this work for his or herself, and no one else can do it for the adept. In crossing the abyss of Daath and moving into and beyond the supernal triad, there are no more saviors as there are no more gods. You can be an agenda for the light, you can be an agenda for the dark, but at some point, the adept may wake-up to the fact that there is no separation between the viewer and viewed, the person looking at the mirror and the mirror. You are what you perceive. You can either point the finger, or you can get over your limited-self. The qliphoth is a dangerous path as it can immediately bring in the most intense dark-night of the soul, as the adept has invoked many archetypal beings meant to help liberate the adepts delusions for transcendence or egoic coloring. The adept must face their own beasts and forge their Divine Will by Ego-Death. Initiators and guides are utilized along the path of Self-Recognition, such as the original Light-Bringer. This is not a practice that closes at the end of the ritual, but something that must be watched as the adept proceeds forward. In other words, I'm not afraid to admit, the adept burns, as we ought to.
I want to redefine "Twilight". TWILIGHT, the original language of the Witches/Goddesses as spoken of in the tantras, is the ability to see someone's darkness, and Still Love Them, still shine on them. A lesson while walking through the abyss, "Father, forgive them, for they (g)now not, what they do!".
One of the things that I've noticed in my spiritual development, is that those that I follow regarding spirituality typically shift or adjust based on my private practice in synchronicity, or it's time for me to move on. In other words, "as within, so without". As an example, as I began working with the Draconian Current and Umma Tiamat, I spent time looking for information on general dragon invocation only to find mostly bindings, with very little substantive information outside of the Luciferian traditions. Nonetheless, I took note that the large meditation groups I follow began working with dragons, particularly the "mother" dragon. However, because these groups are "light-workers", instead of the Mother Dragon being black and the mother of demons, she is golden and vomits healing rainbows as guided by the Arcturians, Andromedans, etc., all the beings of the "light" in opposition to Draco of course. The instructor in this meditation group, despite stating that she has anchored in her "I Am" presence, is quite fond of the images in her head, such as Archangel Michael and Mother Mary being "twin flames". Significant monkey-mind psychological conditioning abounds in these "light-worker" communities expressing significant polarity, all the while these teachers are attempting to teach nonduality. Hence, the Saiva saint Abhinavagupta was correct in his Sri Tantraloka in describing the left hand path (vama) as being hire than the right hand path (daksina), in order for the adept to achieve Siddhant. I'm not saying "don't follow these teachers", especially if there is healing to be had and if we are all lending our unique signature energies into the mix. I just wish the depth of understanding was deeper and I'm left wondering if I'm being healed, or reprogrammed by many astral beings who seek to control the adept, including beings who take on the role of Jesus and Mother Mary as described by Aleister Crowley in his astral projection writings. (Magick Book 4). These light-workers lost in their siddhi delusions may not cater to such information as I have presented, which is a slight summation of Patanjali's assessment in his Yoga Sutras. The adept is to ignore siddhis as they will become a distraction to your reach for enlightenment. I think the same assessment applies to "twin-flame" communities attempting to understand Ardhanareeshwara, communities which are essentially a cesspool of romantic projections and delusions of divinity with messianic life-purpose complexities. Patanjali was a NAGA (reptilian), who taught the nobility (Aryan) of turning the beast that is a human into a God through integration with Self, not this light versus dark polarity, or Disney-type romantic projections of continually looking for something outside of yourself. If an adept calls themselves the "divine feminine" as in the receivership nadi, then I would expect the "divine masculine" counterpart as the doership nadi to reflect back the divine feminine's own psychological mess and understanding. Before transcending the need and want to have a divine counterpart, I would think the twin-flame process of ascension to be quite hellish. To get the divine counterpart, I would argue to try to transcend the divine counterpart, and also, as part of ego-death and shedding identities, stop identifying with your genitals. Be in this world, but not of it. Here, I would recommend Elizabeth Lund as she appears to be the only one I can find on youtube who helps me understand the nadi's through her own extensive personal experiences and the twin-flame concept, in addition to aiming for sovereignty and understanding one's own power. Since last December, anchoring in the "I Am" has been key. Once the adept has the experience of "samadhi" (no mind), or better yet, the experience of ego death (Ain Soph Aur and above the light; In the beginning was the light, but what was there before the beginning, before time-space/kala-kali) typically described as the "void", then the adept is given the task of clearing their own egoic issues stemming from numerous lifetimes as the monkey-mind (ego) fights back. This is accomplished by simply dropping the monkey-mind COMPLETELY for the darkness of the void beyond the light, which has a transmutation feel helping the adept let go all that needs to be released. In practicing the qliphoth, I think the "void" space is akin to the central BLACK sun, where adepts who are unable to cross the abyss of Daath fall further into the egoic-psychological mess creating arrogance with a megalomaniac-messianic feel such as Hitler, or Pauline Jesus who proclaimed "No one comes to the father, except through me" (John 14:6). As a side-note for the adept, there is a huge difference in emotional upheaval between calmly letting yourself psychology go into the void, typically by and through proctors who have "been there and done that" such as Mooji and Bentinho Massaro who transmit deeper levels of samadhi where the adept is not tied to samsara (present to the moment versus present to the increasing psychological emptiness), and doing a central BLACK sun invocation that unleashes heavy issues within the inner beast or a deeper push into the subconscious. The inner beast, our own inner animal lower self can either be buried deep within our subconscious (Draconian Current, the primal Self), or it can be harnessed and mastered in working with higher self by and through ego-death practices. In other words, your own inner beast can work with you, or can arise in probably the most inopportune moments to ensure the adept learns their lessons, not necessarily just to create heaven which is an egoic-desire based on monkey-mind conditioning, but to push forth in soul evolution. For adepts who choose this path, a Nightside (subconsious) guide is required, typically an Angel who has already mastered this path of both light (Dayside) and dark (Nightside). The adept must learn to tame their beast and master holding the trident: 1. (g)enerator, (o)perator, and (d)estroyer; 2. awake, sleep, deep sleep; 3. Mother God (feminine principle; Shakti-Energy, brain hemisphere), Father God (masculine principle; Shiva-Divine Will/Consciousness, brain hemisphere), and the synthesis of such producing the Divine Child; and 4. Heaven, Earth, and UNDERWORLD. In reaching for inner completion, instead of harnessing the trident, many light-workers, and divine feminine's and divine masculines are stuck playing archetypal roles rather than realizing their own fullness. In doing such, duality continues further into denser layers creating further separation, as men are still believed to be from Mars and women from Venus. The near-future may be "female" as many women are beginning groups that look like an attempt at something found within the "Rosary Gates of Ishtar". But the original Goddess, the holder of the original Holy Graal, brings someone with her to usher in the astrological era of freedom, and sorry light-workers, it ain't Pauline Jesus. Look at our mythologies, is enlightenment found in Heaven and Earth, or somewhere else. This should be understood by light-workers who have to conjure their "I Am" presence in their meditations, and have the audience plug in with "positive" e.t.'s, and unplug from "negative" e.t.'s., of course, more western monkey-mind conditioning. I would ask light-workers to look at the anthropological roots as to why Light/White is perceived as good and Dark/Black is bad in western countries, and vice-versa with certain African traditions. Can you imagine someone of color outside of the "Bible Belt" degrading dark or black? Who got to decide that Light/White was positive and Dark/Black is negative, we should ask brother Louis Farrakhan! Don't read too much into my comment, after-all, "All E.T. Lives Matter". Advaita, and wrathful Shakti mantras (Kundalini colorings) are my bread and butter. Shakti mantras have been on my tongue since the inception of this blog, as it is a practice that keeps me sane and properly breathing as the Goddess adjusts me energetically and physically. In addition, since last December I pushed forward with Advaita, neti neti (not this, not this) to clear everything out of my head and emotional body, where the observer and the observed had become significantly psychologically experienced. Bentinho pushes my buttons and gets me to dig deeper all the while throwing me in the flames of purgatory, while Mooji gently calms the adept into samadhi and helps them walk through their dilemmas from the perspective of "I Am", not a religious or societal monkey-brained conditioned perspective. A few months back while sitting with a Mooji satsang, an adept asked a question regarding himself as the "seer" and the "seen", where the adept was advanced enough to separate the two, but wanted to know more of the "seer". Before the excited Mooji responded, the questioner, or rather the question in itself (Self-Inquiry), dropped me back into the ego-death experience that I had back in 2015. I was psychologically emptied-out to the point where I was separated from my body and all material forms and simply lingered in an increasing spaciousness. This feeling of "I Am" has the affect of shifting all psychological emotions (happiness, joy, love serotonin-dopamine cocktail, etc.), for the blissful (the proper definition of Ananda) state of just dropping everything. There is NOTHING to cling onto, let it all go. Even titles, such as God, or Divinity, are fruitless in this field as they become egoic traps the monkey-mind can feed on. Literally, this is an equal playing God-field of which everything is a part, including ego. In other words, it's quite stupid to call myself God, or Divine Masculine, etc., as these are all concepts within the video game, where few people actually desire to wake up from the video game. Now, it has become moving myself into lingering within the void as much as and as blissfully as possible, where I feel my psychology, emotional body, and tension-stress within the physical body drastically decrease at a speed where I'm forced to pace myself. My physical body has been shifting, but more so drastically since last December, where my spine has stretched and moved to be properly placed in my body with my shoulders and hips being naturally moved back, with the rest of my body painfully adjusting requiring frequent salt baths. I'm glad I've had warnings by twin-flame teachers, though such teacher stated that men aren't doing the work and therefore, men aren't going to feel it. Such teachers fail to see the universe as a mirror, despite what they preach. Such teachers also only do "women only" healing groups, and then complain about men. Even though the healing groups I ended up in, I was the only male there showing that these teachers may be correct that men aren't doing the work, but it's another reminder for me that spirituality is a solo path if you're aiming for sovereignty. In my path, I've healed and significantly felt both my regular male ego self and an inner female where the concept of gender is more and more being blurred within me, including sexuality. However, I'm not asking to open up the "women only" groups, as I've had to recently block numerous, if not all, of my close male relatives due to an energy of what has been labelled as "toxic" masculinity. These men also consider themselves "spiritual", though without ego-death practices, spirituality is just "spiritual materialism" (See Chogyam Trungpa). I'm just glad I've found Mooji and Bentinho to help me reach Self and linger in Ananda as my monkey-mind self has perceived numerous suicide timelines since last December, both of which are lessons in letting go. I guess I know what happens to me on the denser Earth, if there is a harvest occurring as described in The Law of One (Ra Materials). The lone wolf has to purge the emotions of loneliness, as the human is mostly a programmed pack animal. Such isn't that difficult, when one enjoys his/her own company, something I'm finding most other people are incapable of doing. Again, Sovereignty! As I've pushed on in anchoring this emptiness, this blissful-void (there is also a neutral void which can become depressing), I'm constantly trying to assess my experience with others who alleged to be similarly situated for better understanding. Nonetheless, I'm finding many are preaching as opposed to describing their experiences and helping adepts dig deeper without significant dualist ramblings. The direction many of the light-workers I follow has become messianic and preachy due to polarized belief systems plaguing the western mind. The eastern world has the yin and yang and it is typically philosophically understood that we are to integrate both. But the western mind is plagued by the Abrahamic traditions, much of which is simply Jewish/Semitic politics, especially when viewed without the Qabalah. Unlike most of the world who had deities that have both negative and positive aspects, it seems like it was the Temple of Solomon and the separation of demons and angels from the original daimons or 72 names of God that created this extremely polarized ideology, which has become quite fanatical by and through its Christian and Islamic offspring. Let's just say that I've worked with the counterpart of Archangel Michael (Temple of Ascending Flame/Asenath Mason) in walking through Daath, in addition to having done the Enochian calls (Jason Louv) which shreds the ego. My understanding and take on angels and demons is very different than your typical "angel reader" or "demonologist", and Archangel Michael seems to hold different coloring now that I can perceive his shadow (like a Black Knight with some orange under my monkey-mind imagery, orange most likely because of the Ninja Turtles). Nonetheless, having grown up in both Protestant and Catholic education, there has been significant programming of monkey-mind dualist concepts as "purity" and "impurity" where I'm finding the work-product of the Temple of Ascending Flame optimal in deconstruction of Christian ideologies, groups and individuals with ideologies on par with with actual Tantra (Sorcery Texts, not Sex Manuals). Therefore, the left hand path was necessary in purging these judgmental based belief systems, showing it to be a stepping stone above the right hand path. In terms of "purity" and "impurity", well, beauty is in the "eye of the beholder", and, is there not always a "silver lining"? The saint and the sinner, the virgin and the slut, are ONE and the same, holding different expressions of the same One-Consciousness. But, monkey-mind belief system projections of "impurity" and "purity" are excruciatingly apparent with many light-worker preachers, particularly the ones who market their work-product under the banner of "Team Jesus". For those still stuck on the "light", I suggest reading our global mythologies to see who actually wins in the end, not the original Corporation herding human capital that is the Catholic Church and its derivatives. Church and Religion have never been separate. If you actually believe the U.S. is secular, then explain why Obama potentially being Muslim is an issue and the unintelligible support of Israel, a name and land that ancestrally does not belong to the Semitic groups, but was conquered by them. This is what happens when psychologically-conditioned sheep vote. Lastly, Heaven is also a shadow of the original consciousness flowing down the tree of life, another delusion for the monkey-mind to attach onto, where Heaven and Hell have always been political tools. In terms of Self-Realization, the light-worker communities are moving too slow for my taste, where I'm finding incessant projections as empathic-ally draining, from people who have allegedly done the shadow work. There are those that are working up there own pace, dealing with their own issues and projections by and through global situations. For such, I would recommend my mentor Dr. Lauren Cielo who conducts free weekly meditations, and whose techniques help work with spirit guides and help the adept LET GO. The beauty of Dr. Cielo's meditations, if there is an issue being projected out into the world that creates triggers, he brings it home with healing something within ourselves and the collective energy field, very little external blaming. Nonetheless, despite how many people are talking about Brahman, Kether, Zero-Point Consciousness, very few people are actually ready for Self-Realization, to remove all of their delusions (attachments to samsara), including religious-heavenly delusions. Historically, Self-Realized masters have not set out to save the world as they've come to the realization of the perfection AS IS as it is God's divine play (lila), or the fact that the adept is simply jumping parallel timelines when they amp-up their vibrations. Though Samsara may be beautiful, she will always remind you that the world of forms and your attachments thereof are doomed to fail, as it is "untruth". One last recommendation, an adept on par with Mooji and Bentinho Massaro (I have found other nontraditional Advaita youtube teachers to be lacking in significant depth, understanding, and mostly darsan; such teachers may be present to the moment, not the emptiness of the void; in addition, such teachers fail to understand/experience that Advaita-Oneness is not the highest as Shiva taught in the tantras), is an adept who I feel would be the step above the left hand path, or Saiva Siddhant. Like most of my favorite teachers, she doesn't need to talk, her mere presence and also her transmissions are more than enough to drive my clairsentience wild. She would be a recent find of mine, the incredible Jivanmukti of Siddhanta Yoga. Jivanmukti has no need for archetypes, religious structures, belief systems, etc. As the adept reaches the void, images of deities, angels, ascended masters are no different than images of festering fecal matter, as they are both images dancing on the smokescreen of consciousness where the monkey-brain places definitions and meanings as such.
In moving into and working with the Qliphoth, though it was known to me from prior teachers, it appears to be the case here as well, where the Universe has provided numerous road maps for ascension. In other words, I really don't see a difference between the Right Hand Path ("RHP") and Left Hand Path ("LHP"). Though one may take you into "presence", the other more like a "void space" or "awareness" looking away from itself, these two seem to complement each other. In order to play the game, you are part of the One, where any forms of separation appear to be another reflection of yourself. It's the One getting to know the One through the duality of separation. In climbing the tree of life, the goal for every adept appears to be returning before the fall of man. In other words, returning to the state of Adam-Lilith Kadmon, or humanity's original Godhood. The adept oscillates and harmonizes between the dual poles of the tree of life, the pillar of severity and the pillar of mercy, to balance and harmonize something within oneself. Too much of competition/war (pillar of severity) can lead to the hells, especially if such is not balanced with love (pillar of mercy). In reaching the abyss (Daath), as I was following a Western practice, I invoked Jesus for assistance. Despite my efforts, no assistance was provided. I was forewarned about angels not assisting earlier. Reaching for Padmasambhava brought me back to "presence" where I can observe the events from the observer state. Same applied when walking through the hells of Golachab. Though, I was initially shocked at the existence of a "hell", it made me question what was meant when a "god" can send a being to heaven or hell. Moreover, I'm left sadly pondering if people who hold such belief systems can actually end up in such a pit. I'm not too eager to dive back in and find the answers. As a devotee of Kali, she walked with me by my side removing all fear, as I simply just wanted to look, and rush out of it. I can handle the images of serpents devouring me as I can perceive it as a movie, but watching people burning in Hell raised too many questions. For now, rather than ponder and engage the monkey mind, "presence" is the goal. The goal is pushing for inner completion, or an attempt to resolve as many issues as possible to anchor in "presence" of the kingdom of heaven (Kether). As noted above, Jesus did not assist. This was quite disappointing, especially afterwards with numerous people taking to youtube expressing Jesus was near them. That led me to think, are they talking to the "formless" Christ consciousness, or are they talking to a historical Jesus? In moving through the abyss, the adept is essentially Jesus, Siddhartha, Mohammed, and many others attempting to move into the kingdom of heaven (kether). It was only later I realized, Jesus didn't have a "Jesus" to reach for assistance while he was in the desert. While the adept walks through the abyss, like Jesus, it is the adepts own Will that must push the adept into the next sephirot and actually enter the Supernal Triad, or fall back into the shell of the tree of life, Qliphoth. Here, the adept has no assistance, and must face his demons. In other words, here, you have to be like Jesus. Like Shakti meditations, where you invoke Shiva to harness Shakti, I'm left worrying about individuals who practice the Qliphoth without an ascended master whose moved into Kether. Yes, strengthening the lower self is a goal for such practices, as I have found significant lower gut/pubic clearing, in addition to being strengthened. It was like years of being punched in the stomach were finally being healed as I was finding strength within myself. Nonetheless, the goal of the adept is transcendence, as has been stressed by Asenath Mason (Temple of Ascending Flame). This is not "light" versus "dark" or "good" versus "evil", but harnessing, and actually loving, the completeness of the human potential. As the ritual required a Goetic demon, I was expecting something out of a horror movie. Truthfully, all this demon needed was to remove me out of "presence", as I had started each ritual with advaita meditations. In addition to being thrown back into "personhood" where the monkey-mind may have its way with me, I realized that all this demon did was remove "hope". The removal of this veil forced me to see what lurks under the feeling of "hope", and of course, the Sitra Ahra is the unconscious. Hence, significant clearing using other methods should be done prior and after to ensure the psychology of the adept. My blog shows numerous individuals that I've used to clear issues, where I have relied on Lys Campbell's Akashic Reboot and other techniques, Panache Desai's numerous energy work including kundalini awakenings to help the adept clear out each chakra, in addition to numerous youtube transmissions (Steve Nobel; Ellaeenah Jadefire) to clear such issues. Reaching for the supernal triad was not an issue, as I have already significantly studied this aspect using the Right Hand Path. In addition, the first sephirot after the abyss is Binah, the Mother Goddess. If anything, that's the sephirot I would have failed, as why would anyone leave the Divine Mother. Nonetheless, the supernal triad was again, harnessing the aspects of "I Am That" coming down the tree of life and "That Am I" in moving up the tree of life, I would opinion. Though another issue arose in concluding the ritual. I will invoke beings so long as I'm in control, hence, many of the invocations I had no issue. Nonetheless, some invocations required signing a book, particularly with Lucifer who made an appearance after I had simply glossed over the invocation. My first instinct was to flip that book around and make Lucifer sign my book, not an act of arrogance, but this is what I would expect in seeking sovereignty. Lucifer tended to drift away as I stared into his trident, where I then asked myself, is Lucifer the same as Shiva. Though the image and its energy drifted away without me acknowledging his book, I looked at the trident, a typical tantrik tool, and wondered if the trident represented the Hindu G-O-D aspect of generator, operator, and destroyer and the ability to harness it, something inherit within all humans. (See J.R. Picken, Ph.D, M.D., Creator Protector Destroyer). Though I waited for some days thereafter, the concluding ritual was an invocation to Kali to essentially activate the chakras located towards the back of the skull. Kali represents Binah, along with other Mother Goddesses including Goddess Isis. Here, I would recommend the work of Elizabeth Lund (House of Idems), who personally helped clear away what I kept at the back of my mind. Ms. Lund is another spiritual scientist who has anchored in "presence", probably what I would consider a Bhairavi outside of an ashram. I am living evidence that a team should be utilized, where I've used the law of attraction not to attract wealth, romance, etc. (though I will after I'm satisfied with my seeking and locate new passions), but the best teachers. In fact, I think what Ms. Lund did for me last year, is similar to what practicing the Qliphoth did for me, where it made me feel good at first, which then sent me under the safe covers of my bed sheets for a good two weeks while I let it all out. My greatest passion in life, was to unveil the mysteries of spirituality, the occult, etc., which gives me a deep appreciation for global cultures. Hence, I had to jump off the Qliphoth. Nonetheless, I probably had over a decade worth of studying, and it wasn't until I had internal nudges, personal tarot readings, etc. to provide me with guideposts. Such includes seeing repeating signs such as angel numbers, the Eastern 108 reminding me of "presence", and 144 or 441 which seems to be constantly repeating for the past few months on almost a daily basis. Moreover, in over a decade of remaining at my residence, birds never landed on my balcony. This year, my balcony appears to be a bird sanctuary. There's even a pigeon who decided to lay two (2) eggs in-between two of my plants during my ritual, and watching the Mamma pigeon who doesn't seem to be scared of me, is now one of my highlights. Nonetheless, pigeons represent coming home, as described in Ted Andrews, Animal Speak. As I felt this ritual push my boundaries, it was easily tolerable so long as there was adequate time to purge. Sensitives have significantly developed, but I can tell I still have some psychological straightening to conduct, as I return to "presence" by and through my settled on teachers. Nonetheless, as with all of my practices, I'm left wondering why I chose to go against the grain in terms of what spirituality I practice. The vast number of youtubers saying Jesus was with them, left me wondering if I actually was the "bad guy". For example, invoking the Egyptian Deity Set was an eye-opener, where after a few minutes of feeling his energies I think to myself, "holy shit, this guy thinks like me". Set is just curious, where he is constantly presenting different perspectives, something necessary as lawyer. Nonetheless, his curiosity keeps him out of conformity, and not conforming to societies norms are considered weird. But yes, I was left feeling, "am I the devil", "am I the bad guy", for the mere fact that I'm quite curious about what lurks in the dark. Even if I walk the Qliphoth relatively sane, I will still be considered "bad" for the mere fact of practicing this. As the youtubers I follow were all providing some incredible energy work, the words they were presenting were "light" versus "dark", where I felt a significant amount of shame arising not knowing whether it was the resulting issues from practicing the Qliphoth, or simply being metaphorically brought back to my Protestant Elementary School Church. Especially having a different understanding of Lucifer now, who may have been the Poseidon archetype of Atlantis, a water deity banished to the subconscious, the light versus dark polarization may be done for me. Nonetheless, one of my favorite channelers, Story Waters, provided me with the message that I needed, found through an email blast sent over the past weekend. Story Waters being one of favorites, as when he channels, so does his audience. As long as you reject that which you do not understand, as long as you do not seek to open yourself to the viewpoints of that which opposes you, you will be polarized. You will be only half of what you are. The awakened one is one that loves all. And that is to love the all inside of yourself. And that is one who flies and falls, goes left and right, up and down, heavy and light, dark and light. One that knows that they are the whole palette but understands equally that within that palette they are human...
First and foremost, I wasn't looking for ascension, life purpose, healings, akashic readings, etc., in my seeking of the Divine. I was born interested in all things "supernatural" and wanted to learn the truth for myself. Much of that was proven to me via intuitive training with my big sister Lys Campbell, who would evoke Archangel Michael (and others) to open me to Vianna Stibal's modality of Theta-Healing. But more than that, the real reason why I pushed in spirituality, is the same reason why a child in a Krishna-home chooses Kali. Not that there is a difference, it's just that only one of them, over historical time, has remained Black. More than abilities-siddhas, wisdom, love, etc. ... I wanted out.
Shakti is associated with the inner, lunar dimensions, and is often portrayed with Naga-Serpents. The Naga energy really became noticeable a few months back, where I have mostly stuck with Shakti mantras. Nagas worship Shakti, so while the A/Brahmaic religions may oppose the serpent, the adversarial traditions understand their connection. The Goddess of the Nagas is none other than Tripura Sundari, a Wisdom Goddess. In invoking the naga energy, I kept picturing a black serpent around my waist. Like Ganesha's belt, all the while he has a rat at his feet. India philosophically understood the harmonization of the naga, not violent suppression as portrayed by the creator gods' Angels. I'm sorry to tell you, but your Angels and beings of "Love and Light" don't compare to the primal Ones, murdered by the following generations of creator gods in order to create your illusory existences. To really anchor in the naga energy, I found a black python belt designed by a small leather-shop on etsy. I'm no longer really interested in dualistic fantasies of meat versus nonmeat debates, where the very act of breathing forcing the death of many microbes should make the vegan bite their lip. Don't get me wrong, I see the Jains and their practices, but I'm not so sure starving yourself to death like the notorious Chandragupta Maurya is way to Self discovery. On my first wear of the belt, it was just a belt. After placing the belt on my altar with aghori blessed amulets, that belt makes me feel like a kid again holding my stuffed animals. My naga belt doesn't go in the closet, it stays on my bed, or on my altar. Nonetheless, my relatives like to point out that I'm wearing "meat" at spiritual gatherings, and kids tell me my belt is not cool because the snake is dead. Can't argue with that. In addition, I've taken note that as soon as I started wearing this belt, it seemed like the few youtubers that I have settled on, all seemed to shit on black serpents, only letting me know it may be time to let the world know what's up. After working with the nagas, it was time to invoke Uma Tiamat, the Grandmother Dragon of the nagas and all of existences. To the untrained mind, the forces of chaos can be psychologically devastating. Most prefer creator (atoms coming together), where the destroyer (atoms separating) is perceived as "evil". Hence, anchoring in the feeling of "I Am ... period!" where the monkey-mind drops for the present moment, is a must in practicing the left hand practices. If energies get too intense, returning to "I Am" is key (breathwork assists), not Archangel Michael or whatever other spiritual crutch an adept may reach for in moments of intensity. Let's just say that belt took on further colorings, where I sometimes find it difficult to even hold this belt as if a heavy weight comes over me. These black nagas have outright possessed me, giving me internal imagery of such, further letting me know that what I practice creates some sort of phenomena. In doing these personal practices, the external world still goes on. Particularly "family", the traditional-cultural-socio prison system that I just can't seem to kick. With an overbearing manipulative mother, who always has her illogical-thoughtless way, as most humans are controlled by unresolved emotion, I can't say "no" to her without worrying about her health. As my extended family has found, if her children do not do what she wants, she will mentally drive herself mad with a 200+ blood pressure, driving herself into the hospital with the whole family surrounding her and defending her because of her health. My mom is young and doesn't eat the typical American diet. There is no excuse other than her own mental state. I ditched my whole family for last Christmas as was my one and only request, but only to have my mom show up at my door. She did the same while I was sitting for the bar exam, because she wanted to throw a 4th of July party for the relatives, all the while I had begged her to leave me to my studies. I had to kick my whole family out of the house for staying well into the night, when I had a practice exam the next morning. She also left me harassing messages the morning of my bar exam, where today, my parents like to brag to other people how they put me through law school. I'm not sure what she's talking about given that I'm not paying my student loans (low income), let alone my health care. My earthly mom calls me every week asking for something. To her, it's just a conversation. To me, I have to emotionally deal with this family prison system. I even overheard my older sister telling her newborn, "whenever you get the chance, take it, be free". Her husband did the typical, "no dating until 30, wear only sweaters until 40, etc.", to his newborn daughter. Quite odd knowing his shadowy past, and his love of all things Trump. As I have been trying to establish boundaries with the woman who can't take "no" for an answer, as I get pissed, so does something else. Let's just say, a voice woke my father up in the middle of the night to protect him, as my mom unconsciously stood above him with knife yelping for "blood" in her native Hindi. I know what's happening. The bhuta talk to me. In my life, patriarchy has been expressed through females, including my ex who only mirrored the same issues that I have with my mom. Haven't been on a date since, and that's well before beginning my blog. My father is extremely passive and anti-social. Growing up, my mom would be in a ranging tantrum, yelling, throwing cooking utensils at her children, even if her children did nothing, all the while my father would be sitting in front of the T.V. eating his food. He never protected his kids, he's barely spoken to them. The bhuta see him, the same way his older brother (now deceased) see him. Yes, I significantly hold back and try to purge my issues so that they are not projected out in the world. But what am I to do when surrounded by conditioned-minds, that can't think outside of themselves. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Of course, my mom is back to her old ways, planning exactly how to use me for the remainder of the year. In love with Uma Tiamat's energies, which feels more passive requiring male Demon-Gods for dynamic movement, and realizing more and more that I really don't relate to much of conditioned humanity, I finally decided to dive into the western Left Hand Path. As I have already studied the qabalist supernal triad, which syncronstically brought me to the Siva Sutras, then Bentinho Massaro, then Mooji, which helped me quite accurately discern the difference between monkey-mind (malkuth) and presence (kether), I decided to study the remaining sephirot by gnostically climbing up the Sitra Ahra of the Tree of Life. As I only work part-time, I am able to separate myself from most of society, a psychological necessity for this introvert. In pushing forward between the oscillation of the monkey-mind and presence, I've noticed a significant increase in my sensitivities, where I now only need to look at a sigil and mindfully observe an invocation, where my imagination will provide the required blood to open the collective-subconscious, a feeling on the top-back of my head, in order to be more than half-way possessed by another entity. In other words, gnostically invoking the beings of the Sitra Ahra was a piece of cake, handling it is another story.
In walking the LHP, the adept is typically psychologically destroyed. You need to be, in order to perceive beyond mental conditionings. In studying numerous shamanic traditions, I've taken note the similarities on how a dis-incarnate entity, such as Kali, would "court" the shaman. Kali has been my romantic interest and has introduced me to numerous Goddesses around the global pantheon. Goddess Freya provides me with desperately needed affection, whereas Goddess Oshun's honey soaked beauty still intimidates this nerd despite how much love I feel with her. More importantly, the adept here must not be afraid of self-destruction. I had my head chopped off before Kali, but my problem was that I enjoyed it. I offered it to her the second time she came to me, where she said "that's been done, what do you want?". Since she didn't let me exit, I asked her to "be with me". With Tiamat, expect to be devoured by black nagas, and so much worse in climbing the Sitra Ahra. If you've anchored in "presence" and have made things right with the Divine Mother (in her many differing archetypes), and are also not squeamish of the macabre, this path may be ripe for you. Again, please take into consideration my own psychology, as I perceive the world differently than most people. I have no problem imagining myself soaking in a tub with slit wrists, but I've noticed other people get offended when I tell them this is a great way to begin your meditation. Ego-death, you drop the body, you drop the mind, then suddenly you're not tied to the egoic character play that is being played out in samsara. The technique I just described is quite emotionally liberating for me, again, this path is not for everyone.
While many were in Church for the Easter festivities, I was in my bedroom invoking the Anti-Christ, antinomianism, disunity over unity. This Goetic demon essentially did something to my third eye, requiring me to lie down. It appeared as though archetypes were being upgraded, where Kali simply took a black silhouetted-latex form with red serpents protruding from her head in a Medusa fashion. More interestingly, Freya modernized herself for me with a classic-punk meets modern day steam-punk appeal. The clarity of my clairsentience in that moment pushed my boundaries as I truly understood Goetia to be a real phenomena. Such was preparation to walk through the hells of the next sephirot, Golachab.
Where the qlipha really pushed my buttons, was when invoking the non-sephirot Daath. The Right Hand Path (RHP) barely acknowledges Daath, where the adepts might accidentally fall into the sitra ahra and lose their sanity. On the LHP, we invoke certain Goetic Demons that I will keep nameless, but is representative of the "worthless one". Daath would be Jesus facing his egoic issues in the Judea desert, also known as the "dweller in the abyss", the last great obstacle, the ego destroyer. Although not bluntly stated, those walking this path know that here, you need to be like Jesus. However, as I had tried, don't bother invoking Jesus or Angels, where it was Padmasambhava and the "I Am" that came to my rescue. The ego becomes the beast, and it doesn't want you reaching higher above the abyss. Even more interesting, Goetic demons not part of the ritual were making "guest" appearances. The adept can either reach higher into the womb of the Goddess at Binah/Satariel, or fall back down the tree and essentially be more enmeshed in ego/samsara. Entering Satariel, is essentially Goddess Inanna stripped bare and standing before Ereshkigal. On my altar, at the foot of my Kali statue lie two carrion crow skulls. One feels feminine who I like to pick up and pet, the other feels masculine and doesn't prefer the cuddly affection. Although feared in India, crows are symbolic of Goddess Dhumavati, or Lakshmi's sister Alakshmi who is ignored by most Hindus, as she is misery. Dhumavati, as the smoke of Sati burned because of Brahmanic arrogance, she represents the void, the womb of esoterica, and makes a perfect fit for Satariel as she is the Guru of the Mahavidyas. Crows are also the messengers of Father Odin, who similarly like Shiva, was trained by the feminine Freya to become the "All Seeing Father". Yes Odin, I know to whom you gave your eye. Here, my crows decided to name themselves to me, Persephone and Hades. The ruler of Ghagiel/Chokmah is the Father God known as Beelzebub. Originally meaning "lord of lords", quite similar to Shiva's "devadevam", the political Semites demonized him in pronouncing his name to mean "lord of the flies". Nonetheless, such may bear truth as invoking Beelzebub, Belial, etc., is essentially going through your own whipping post. The Abyss of Daath is comparable to Jesus' last temptation, whereas, Ghagiel and Beelzebub would be the equivalent of the "Passion of the Christ". After my ritual, I walked into my kitchen in the middle of the night, only to find one of the biggest cockroaches I had ever seen (my car might be old, but my place is nice; somewhat new buildings are not infested). As Smashana-Kali has helped remove much fear, there was no issue with the size of the cockroach, until it spread out and I realized, "oh shit, this mo/fo got wings". After my failed hunt, I realized who I was invoking in my earlier ritual. As within, so without, astral beings test the initiate, as has been my life scenario in working with Kali. The goal is to move into Kether or Thaumiel, where Kether is sometimes defined as blinding light and "presence", and Thaumiel simply being "presence". Hence, both LHP and RHP are moving into "presence" or the "I Am", where the LHP takes it one step further into the void to be properly "born again". It appears you step into unity consciousness, and then the void, to only then be spit back out as a master of duality. While many philosophically understand the "drop" as returning to the ocean, few understand that the ocean is within the drop, or choose to maintain individuality by being a drop of oil in the ocean. In the tantrik categorization as presented by Abhinavagupta, this would be why the LHP is higher than the RHP. Nonetheless, the master must not just know thyself, but master thyself, especially when Beelzebub's flies are constantly testing you. After completion of my 11 day ritual, I was required to attend my sister's house-warming puja to bless her million dollar home. The Hindu priest kept saying, if you worship God, then you will be blessed with all of these things. Beelzebub's flies reminded me that I've spent my whole life in front of the altar, with nothing material to show for it. I barely ate last year and this year, where I will opt to buy incense, books, and ritual tools, over food. I no longer have health insurance, and I'm still driving my high school car. Though, Beelzebub actually needed to try better, as I'm not that much materialistic, and will take my current freedom over being stuck in the socio-economic rat race for the next two decades while children become of age. Nonetheless, the triggers would keep coming, such as my car stereo breaking down on the freeway for the first time, while I'm stuck in Los Angeles traffic. Moreover, I was just given a new job offer, to be paid more to teach kids to read and write as opposed to practicing law. In other words, all my past efforts flushed away, like being in the abyss with the "worthless one", a common sentiment that I discovered has been in the background of my psyche probably my whole life. Lastly, Monday morning comes around where excitedly I look to one of my favorite youtube mentors to help me get through. Nonetheless, she literally throws a punch below the belt, reminding me that pestilence is contagious. The flies of course, further remind me that a few weeks back, she had made a comment around something like "breast size doesn't matter, none of that matters". Not that big of an issue, as there should be no shame in her game. Not really an issue for me either, since I gave up on relationships and have been practicing seminal retention techniques. I'm not sure if my plumbing will work appropriately. I followed "twin flame" teachers to make sense of the images and voices in my head, and to cater to my Disney-romance psychological programming plaguing the pack-animal that is human. The lone-wolf archetype is how I managed to keep myself alive and somewhat sane. Nonetheless, the youtuber's comment (she did not portray herself as an advocate) resonated deep, "once you go BLACK, you don't go back".
Did I succeed in climbing the sitra ahra, I'm assuming the states of my monkey-mind will tell as I proceed cautiously into the future. There is a slight coloring of arrogance, where I have walked into my room feeling the presence of being surrounded by gargoyle looking/feeling demons, who upon giving them my attention, all bow before me. I can either inflate my ego, or I can recognize it as simply symbols for the monkey-mind to interpret, as I have found that taking literal interpretations of visions and messages and blindly following through may lead to devastation, as these are often initiations to see how the adept responds. The goal of the LHP is not swearing oaths and bowing before another entity and following blindly, it is about owning your sovereignty by and through raising that inner Dragon to unite the masculine and feminine aspects within the adept. This is what Jesus meant in the gnostic texts where devotees enter the kingdom of heaven, but the perfected man enters the kingless realms. This is probably the harshest piece I've written, but I'm finding it drastically necessary in order to properly educate on topics now fully thrown about on T.V. shows such as "Supernatural" (terrible portrayal of archetypes) or Netflix's "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina". I personally wish I grew up in "The Worst Witch", with a teacher named Hekate. This piece wasn't intended to offend, or even purge my own issues, but to educate the public who really do not understand the many faces of Kali Ma and what it's like to actually work with her and the LHP. I write pieces that I wish I found on my journey to help others similarly situated or to help me find people to make further sense of things. Other than that, this blog would be closed, as I've already had traditional people, including Saivas, pretty much defecate on me. I significantly hold back here, as evidenced from what I disclosed above. I don't go around preaching about Kali, as much as I want to, given her mantras keep me psychologically sane. This path isn't for everyone and I rarely tell people about my blog, especially after my Saiva incident occurring around 2015. Whether I can walk this path successfully, well, we just have to see what I become as I continue to play this game of duality.
The Notre Dame Cathedral has quite a bit of reflection brewing among the collective. From my indigenous friends complaining how funds can easily be employed for a European monument but funds to protect nature and indigenous sacred land remain a debate, to essentially people getting annoyed stating "bigger" issues in the world, everyone appears to be vomiting some sort of issue these days. Nonetheless, it's the purge, a return to look at the way we have viewed each other, ourselves, and a constant return to look at old ways. In the U.S., wikileaks has taught me, most would rather eat-up the roughly six (6) corporate owned propaganda machine and keep their conditioned-ways of perceiving the world, then assess the actual truth. Go vote, while those you vote for slaughter the courageously honest. Give up your guns, with the police armed more than the military (look at Ferguson under Obama) and a Trump CEO-President where conservatives do not understand that running a government like a business is a dictatorship. Couch-potato liberty, so long as there is a boogey man to blame, and a neurologically conditioned sensory hungry human vessel, which has no idea how to harness the sexual-creative force, mass-media images are under the guidance of exactly how to satiate the human vessel, as well as invoke emotions to manipulate the human psyche. The early Romans knew how to use sports, creating the stadium as a way to distract the public from the failings of an empire. Your business men, your marketers, your religious spiritualists, understand Neuro-Linguistic Programming ("NLP") and the Law of Attraction at the occult level. Sheep are easily programmed, that's why some of us prefer the Goat! Yes, I'm in the camp that holds Notre Dame Cathedral special to me, as a student of the esoteric studies and overall, some of the most stunning art. My family visited London/Paris back around 2002, where the only main destination that I had chosen on that trip was Notre Dame Cathedral. I made my family walk to see this thing, including some of our more elderly. As like most Gothic Cathedrals specifically designed under esoteric studies, you enter the womb of the Goddess with it's many folds and gorgeous flower above the entrance. But not everyone can enter the domain of the Goddess, so you have Gargoyles protecting the premises, just as Goddess Chamunda has her bhutas. I still have a gargoyle candle holder purchased in Paris protecting my personal altar, so yes, Notre Dame is a bit more for me than a simple visit. It was a stepping stone on my development, and the memory of lighting a candle for the Divine Mother to bless the organization and all of her devotees, parishioners, and children (all that is), feels like a twist in my heart. Yes, it is a dark history, but a mystery that I loved unraveling during the age of Pisces, when one can step outside the egoic-story and see the world as a pretty cool "Game of Thrones" (The Mother of Dragons is a Dragon Herself!). Though I'll proudly admit that I'm more on the "Da Vinci Code" end, I will also suggest that the fire-burn may have been to remove certain esoteric hints. This is an organization that houses one of the largest libraries on the planet, but expects the rest of the planet to bow before one heavily edited book. Given that Catholicism still holds derivative roots in the Roman traditions (Greek-Egypt, etc), where the Jesus story has been catered to follow the dying Solar God (Osiris), a natural phenomena of the Sun dying on Winter Solstice (Saturnalia) and rising again to bloom around Spring. Not all early Christians believed Jesus was crucified, not all early Christians believed Jesus actually existed (was a metaphor), and definitely not all early Christians agreed with the creator gods where the Serpent actually brought the Truth. The Roman empire understood the occult grounds of tapping into the astral realms (Yesod) to effect the material realms (Malkuth). Hence, the use of angels, "ascended" saints, and of course, Mother Mary remained in Catholicism. The derivatives of Catholicism have further removed the feminine aspects, maybe due to occult reasons. As evidenced by John Dee and Queen Elizabeth, the early Anglican Church was not a stranger to occult sciences as well. In actuality, just as it is stupid not to study your business competitors, it is stupid not to study your alleged enemy. Astrology, Alchemy, and other such original sciences were practiced in both the Catholic and Angelican churches, but banned because such tools were used against each other in the push for religious dominance. Hence, demonize such tools for the masses instead of outright forbidding such practices, which would actually creates an attraction emotion, is a tactic to keep such tools in the hands of only the elite. Remember, the Catholic Church did try to control global time and astrological effects by and through the production of the unnatural and unharmonious Gregorian calendar. Some organizations exist to simply create disorder (chaos), such as the Jesuits, in order to move individuals into occult-egregore institutions and/or to push for a global ascension by and through a global "dark night of the soul". Heavens cause stagnation and indigency, Hells push evolution and growth. Creator gods teach form, to further trap you into a form (heaven), while the Destroyer gods teach you to look behind the form to the formless (Apokalpsis; Form depends on the illusion of time and space). Nonetheless, the feminine is a necessity for proper occult practices and spiritual development. Above the entry to the astral realms (Yesod) is the ability to harness the will (Hod; Masculine) usually conducted through ceremonial rituals which alter consciousness. Nonetheless, it is the emotional and fluid, the intuitive feeling (Netzach; feminine) which ensouls the the ceremonial rituals (Hod) for such astral workings to manifest on the material plane (Malkuth). Hence, to remove the "feminine" is to remove one's spiritual abilities, paving the way for a hierarchical control systems by and through a religious middle man system. The feminine (Binah), is an aspect of the One consciousness (Kether) as it flows into manifestation (Malkuth), subjugation of such only hinders one's abilities, and ensues patriarchal psychological conditionings embedded in both genders. Each individual holds both nadis as the ida (feminine) and pingala, (masculine), androgynous as Adam-Lilith Kadmon or Ardhanarishvara, where it appears based on the tantras, that one gender archetype tends to take the role of teaching the other gender archetype during differing yugas, as both are balanced until inner completion. In occult-spiritualists practices, such includes sexual-alchemy of using sexual hormones to shift already altered consciousness for actual gnosis-communion with the divine, which can often be mistaken as physical sexual union. Sadly, the closest state to higher gnosis the average individual may experience is that of the sexual orgasm, or the "la petit la mort" where the egoic-story and egoic-persona are "dead" for a momentary glimpse beyond the world of forms. Hence, sex has always been sacred and a means to commune with the divine. Such is found through the early Protestant group, the Moravians, where Jesus' wound from the "spear of destiny" was viewed as a vagina, while the sexually straight male and female adept could all be in courtship with Jesus, rendering many mystical experiences. Mystics such as William Blake were heavily influenced from such traditions. (Schuchard, Marsha Keith, William Blake's Sexual Path to Spiritual Vision.). The Catholic Nun is considered a bride of Christ, is she not? A [G]oddessless religion is half-way to atheism. In the word Elohim we find the true key. Elohim is translated "God" in both Authorised and Revised Versions of the Holy Scriptures. It really ought to be translated "God and Goddess," for it is a feminine noun with a masculine plural termination affixed...If we want equilibrium instead of our present condition of unequal stresses, we must worship the Elohim, not Jehovah. The worship of Jehovah instead of Elohim is a potent influence in preventing us from "rising on the planes," that is to say from obtaining supernormal consciousness as part of our normal equipment." - Dion Fortune, The Mystical Qabalah Constantine's intent, three-hundred (300+) years after the life of Jesus (Essene as called by the Jews, as they were Gentiles) during the times of the Creed of Nicea, is still unclear on whether he was a convert, or strategists who found a way to save the failing Roman empire. Nonetheless, the differentiation between Catholicism and Gnostic teachings/texts is quite clear, where much of Christian colorings have little to do with Jesus, but have been usurped from many other traditions. Such includes the definitions of an afterlife, where Jesus described very little. The Kingdom of Heaven (Kether; Father/Self-Realization) being within you (Tiphareth; Communion with the Holy Gaurdian Angel), where Heaven is described as having "many mansions" feels more like a multi-dimensional consciousness (Astral Realms). In addition, Constantine's vision was of the symbol "Chi Rho" which paved the way for his conversion, which actually looks more like an "x" not the "t"-sign. In fact, it would be much easier to crucify on an "x" as opposed to a "t", where the "t"-cross was another adopted symbol. Why would the Romans inconvenience themselves for a punishment, and how does a body not slide of a cross? Christian education terribly tried answering these questions. Growing up surrounded by religions, I've truly felt like the self-hating Jew in the film The Believer, where fanatical belief systems that lead to oppression will create the Aleister Crowleys and Anton LaVeys in the world. The Roman Church may have been an early attempt to usurp the traditions of two groups they did not care for, the Jewish tradition and Gnostic Christianity, in order to continue the Roman empire. Not something new, as the Romans essentially ripped/merged their tradition from the Greco-Egyptian, and further made themselves blameless as Pontius Pilate washed his bloody hands. In truth, the incredible history of Italy is the reason why the early Catholic Church would need to be cut-throat, as Italy was invaded from all directions and still holds an interesting history that should beg any proper historian to look into secret societies. The corporate structure of the Church influenced global economics, but yet certain positions of power breed arrogance, especially when doctrinal rule is done by religious divine right not just as a messenger, but where the leader was to be considered an incarnation of the divine. Hence, the history of the Knights of the Templars (possibly early Freemasons) who broke bread with Muslim mystical hash dealers who taught them about the idea (not the image) of Baphomet. Hash being a conduit to the astral realms (Hod; symbolized by peyote), warriors from cults including the Order of Hashashin (Assassins), Knights Templars, to the secret Roman Mithraic (derived from Persian Avesta; also found in Indian Vedas), all held secret practices where removal of such in the hands of outsiders would be necessary to continue the existence of the Church. In other words, continue to get rid of the heretics as well as any traces of their history and existence, to keep the masses eating up the religious propaganda machine. On the flip-side, the Roman Catholic Church is so much more than simply a political organization seeking tithing, future generations of parishioners (anti-homosexuality), and mass-control as providing religious laws to individuals eating up punitive "blind-faith" belief systems as opposed to understanding the dynamics of karma. Though certain individuals, such as Mother Theresa, held severe racially-ethnocentric and religious superiority programming as evidenced by non-Christian witnesses, where religious threats of hell dictated her conduct, St. Francis of Assisi is well-loved globally as the truth pervaded his being and even influenced the animal kingdom. That same truth, I felt through the Sisters and Padres of my high school. I still remember President Bush (W) bringing us to war, and our celibate Sister Jan holding a picture of an Israeli-Palestine couple deep in a kiss surrounded by war, stating with pride in her face, "isn't this the most beautiful picture you have ever seen". This elderly, exquisitely gentle Sister also stated, "if we are to fight over the Holy Land, then no one should have it, God should take it away from us!". I also remember Sister Pat, though a bit on the "aggressive" end, looking at a picture of Buddhist monks deep in meditation stating, "isn't that beautiful, look at that dedication, same God, different technique". I have found such to be true in studying St. John of the Cross, who coined the term "dark (k)night of the soul". Again, "same God, different technique". So yes, I do love the Catholic tradition and her many mysteries, as well as my Catholic family. Like Ramakrishna, I find the same gnosis in every religion that I study, including the Left Hand Path. But, there is a difference between politics and spirituality, where much of the world has yet to consciously separate the two to properly discern spiritual truths over elite control mechanisms.
Hence, such Qabalist understandings define not just major religions, but show that religions are rooted in Indigenous Shamanism. Moreover, the size of a religion which stresses "hell" and "demons" may be adding more issues into the astral realms, which the adept may need to navigate around for proper manifestation in moving down the tree (Malkuth) and for ascension moving up the tree at least to Tiphareth. Jesus himself was one such adept as shown through his time in the Judea desert, being tempted by his own issues further evoked by astral parasitic egregores. By looking for the Kingdom of Heaven within (not with Pharisees and Sadducees), one first achieves communion with one's own holy Self at Tiphareth. Such an adept who has attained communion is considered the Son of God, as such an adept can show you the way and the truth to bring you back home to realizing our true Self at Kether. Finding consciousness outside of material realms of forms, and into the formless, to identity with the space between the atoms as opposed to the atoms themselves, to realize that which perceives through me is the same One that perceives through you, a multifaceted diamond with each individual face brilliantly shining to support the One (Yin/Yang not Light vs. Dark) is what the Qabalists (Pillar of Severity/Mercy), Hermeticists, Tantrics, Vedantics, Gnostics, Sufis, and Taoists taught. People that have disclosed such information have been historically persecuted as it goes against religious doctrine aka control mechanisms. I face the same worry, as I still remember the looks, smirks, and comments I got from the patrons of the same Catholic high school post 9-11, something odd given my background, but not odd understanding the psychology of conditioned minds where many in the U.S think India is in Africa. Or, how about when I used to secretly wear (shamefully, intentionally hide) my Shiva pendant at my Protestant elementary, understandable since Shiva is basically a guy holding a trident with a snake around his neck. Well, my beloved Kali-Mahavidya-Sophia has taught me that the word (tongue; Goddess Vak) is mightier than the sword. Should I be seen as Frankenstein's monster, all I can remember is the pain I felt when offering tobacco at the cemetery-smashan in front of the Church of sacred Wounded Knee, remembering Black Elk Speaks, the Ghost Dance, and the words, "Hokahey, Today is a Good Day to Die!". Yes, it is the masculine Osiris that dies. But don't forget that it was through Goddess Isis that we are reborn and we bloom. Just as Shiva suffered the pain of his chopped-up Sati, so I to understand Devi Isis' pain, where Osiris' Phallus is a reminder of the Divine Masculine and of the Crucified Rose. Though, I do not believe it was Set, as the lawyer is typically blamed with the client. In relieving my personhood, I do wish everyone a Blessed Ishtar (Ashera for the Semitic traditions; Bhuvan-Aswari for the Tantrik; Inanna, the original dying/resurrecting Goddess) and thank you Soul-Family for helping me speak up, as I am inspirited as you speak and live your truth. We are in this together, externally and internally, for there has never been separation other than what our monkey-mind has told us. I am pushing to love more and more outside of me beyond the internal cocktail dribble of serotonin and dopamine, as I learn to accept, love, and empower what is inside of me, including my shadow self. This memorial piece was an emotional roller-coaster for me as I dig deeper into my own truth. Thank you for reading.
I'm still new to Tiamat and "dragon" energy, and am mostly trusting my own impulses in moving forward until I can find proper teachings. As a bhakta of Kali, opening myself to the stretch of Tiamat was like resting in the arms of Mataji herself. Like a deep cleansing breath, but one that reaches into nervous crevices bringing out what lurks beneath. Incredibly beatific, but not without its psychological issues. When it comes to "darker" materials, I can easily throw myself into Eastern traditions as it all ends with Shiva-Shakti. To be clear, my invocations are to invoke Shaktis for Chakra-Aura cleansing/balancing, kundalini, and to assist in reaching the samadhi state. I'm not attempting to entangle myself further in samsara, with practices I feel I do not understand. I think it may be my curiosity of the odd that pushes me. Compared to Eastern, I'm much more intimidated by the "darker" Western traditions (Abrahamic), as I further explore areas only I feel in common with the beloved Mother (which I'm finding, still is all of it). Lilith works similarly to Kali, though Smashan Kali may go towards root chakra dealing with fear and death issues, I feel Lilith rocks the sacral. Growing up in a protestant educational system, where I never questioned the existence of Jesus, but would make philosophical comparisons, I realize I adopted many of the puritanical colorings relating to sexual, creative areas, as well as self-sacrifice martyrdom. Not to complain, I see the purpose of these experiences in my search of wisdom. Just a warning for those with similar conditioning who choose these practices, particularly with Lilith whose "collective consciousness" conditioning will release the depths of the subconscious having us face what darkness, including fantasies, buried deep within our own selves. It is important that the adept not take such energies and psychological images raised, as "personal" during and post such invocations, where the goal is to release and flush the central nervous system to return to the clarity of one's "presence". To be within the body, fully mindful of one's awareness of the moment, where the psychological baggage of tomorrows/yesteryears is flushed, brings a blissful stillness, allowing the adept to further move with the flow of life despite the monkey-mind. Personally, I always have a "form" of Kali with me when working with any ritual, who, like Bhairavi, will assist with my breath work to make sure my form and cranium are properly oxygenated. Further, should one have a bad "trip", breath work appears to be the perfect fix. Lilith seems to be protective and loving, like my Kali. But Lilith seems to also unleash a bit more, most likely because of the collective conditioning created by current understandings of Lilith. As an empath, I've also realized that what is raised, is not always mine not having much emotional coloring with a feeling of "that doesn't look like something I have an issue with". Tiamat has held my interest for some time, with certain syncronistic moments making it quite clear that she would hold some value for my work (which I'm still discovering). With the same personal ethical standards in approaching any practices, I do not make oaths (or contracts), unless it is harmonious (better humanity, bleh bleh). I find, if an entity does not want to assist in the path of Self-Realization on their own, best not to work with them. At least for now. Tiamat also comes with her Demon-Gods (demons as they were the primal ones overthrown by the newer generation). Tiamat is simply energy, the Demon-Gods raise issues and blessings ranging from sexual to power. In these practices, one must realize that these are simply colorings for us to use within moments of our lives, where such colorings mixed with shades of compassion can bring about a certain eloquence, allowing the adept to freely express their own truth. Given that my tangible life appears to be going through a "tower" moment, I decided to dive into Tiamat and her lore where I really do not mind drastic shifts and changes. Blood is normally required. As shown in modern "ghost" shows, where an entity may need to drain energy from a battery source to provide some sort of tangible manifestation, Tiamat's crew require sustenance. I did not offer blood, however, I was drained of something I can only label "vital energy", as I felt slight but noticeable weakening, which continued until I required rest afterwards. Filled with their essence, I felt the hunger and thirst for crude sexual gratification. Power was not as intimidating, as I'm not really competitive in nature, where the energy of power was extremely helpful in helping me establish personal boundaries. Nonetheless, the time that I chose to invoke Tiamat and her companions, was also when I was deeply engrossed in practicing Advaita, following Bentinho Massaro's techniques and Mooji's 2019 Rishikesh Satsang. So when these energies arose, I really was just "present" to them, where I would have Mooji's silent meditation bring me out of personhood leaving a harmonizing effect of such energies on my psyche. Mooji's 2019 Rishikesh Satsang was phenomenal, or should I say "noumenal", returning his audience to Samadhi almost on a daily basis. While my "personhood" would feel the throws of the Tiamat energies, Mooji would bring us to "presence", with simply Advaita based self-inquiry. From this experience, I felt the obvious discernment between the "I Am-Presence" and "Ego-Personhood", where my own ego was even called out by Mooji, when I felt an arrogance of "knowing" more about Advaita than Mooji. Such triggers pull one out of the moment, and leave the monkey-mind to throw its fits. Hence, I also now realize why Guru is necessary, to make sure one finishes the job of coming from "presence" as opposed to "personhood". Though Guru's may no longer be necessary in the Age of Aquarius (freedom) as compared to the Age of Pisces (mystery), it's because of people like Mooji, who hold the capability of pushing the adept to look deeper into the clarity of the moment instead of the mind tricks. As a result, Advaita masters typically have many holding animosity as egoic issues are triggered, where adepts tend to project their wants and mental understandings of spirituality as opposed to self-inquiry. Advaita by far is the purest form of spiritual practice, teachings of self-inquiry cannot be refuted as they are not really teachings but reflections that unveil "presence", so the actions of an individual flowing with their harmony becomes the subject of criticism of conditioned minds. Ego will throw a tantrum before a Master as personhood is unveiled for the blissful moment. These practices have resulted in significant mental clearing. The monkey-mind seems much clearer in the morning, where upon waking, my head would normally be in the throws of chatter. With the monkey-mind subdued, it is much easier to linger in "presence" and what simply "is", as opposed to bringing one's personal identity and story into the mix. The moment appears with a heavenly calm, as an observer entering a video game for the first time, excited and curious about the senses surroundings. In addition, physical muscular tension around the spinal column are released, which is common for me in doing chakra based practices. Hence, I feel emotionally, psychologically, and physically lighter, where Tiamat's energies feel quite loving though still intense.
Nonetheless, I'm still in the process of navigating between "personhood" and "presence" as I navigate my phenomenal existence, where I'm learning to trust the moment as well as my own guidance, as I oscillate between the observer and the one playing within what is observed. "To be in this world, but not of it". Currently, my "personhood" may be really worrying about the future, but "presence" is bringing me back to faith and the resulting bliss is much better than being in "personhood". This isn't easy all the time, though the seeds of "presence" have been sowed, or I should confidently say watered. My "personhood" is quite curious as to its continued fruition, whereas, "presence" just "is", it really is the state of not metaphorically giving fecal matter. Why would someone invoke Tiamat? She is the Sky and Earth, with her slain consort, the blood of humanity, according to the Mesopotamians. This was our primal unified selves, before the "fall of man". She would be the potency of our true self beneath the monkey-mind conditioning. She would be kundalini unleashing all-conditioning to allow for our true-self.
Tiamat's creation of "abominations" was in revenge for the killing of her husband, Apsu. The story moving from infinite potential described as "chaos" into the hierarchical order of the "cosmos", appears to be the beginnings of the patriarchal civilizations with Marduk taking lead over the control over the Mesopotamian religions. Hence, the "abominations" are in opposition to Marduk and his army. The same can be found in Tantrik Shakti's, where these "abominations" are the vahana-vehicle of Chamunda. Such is also quite similar to the Shiva-Sati story, with the ashes of Sati creating Dhumavati, or Alakshmi. In other words, "abominations" appear to have arisen to cease individuals in "worldy" religions expressing heavens in transient existence, from becoming further attached to samsara. Where the religions of the planet become flipped involves the Semitic people adopting the Mesopotamian religion, language, and culture. As has been described by the Sumerian King's List, the ancient list includes names that are not just Sumerian, but Semitic including Sargon of Akkadia, whose legend has him as a baby who was laid in a basket and found floating in a river. Before the Akkadians , the Sumerian's conquered for resources, but Sargon becomes explicit for political control, where "all" countries revolted against him in his old-age where Sargon's reign was plagued with never-ending rebellions. (Oates, Joan. Babylon). Nonetheless, it becomes important to note that the Abrahamic religions are rooted from the Sumerian traditions. In a time where there is no separation of church and state, religion creates laws and taxes/tithing. In order for individuals to pay taxes/tithing to your local establishment, you would have to subdue tithing to all other deities, hence the beginning of Semitic monotheism. (See Professor Jodi Magness, Ph.D. The Holy Land Revealed). In addition, the evolution of the Semitic religion mostly removes the feminine, including the Goddess Asherah, showing an attempt to remove or minimize the feminine as well as any connection to Tiamat, where she is often veiled as simply the "abyss". (See the works of Baal Kadmon). Hence, there is a huge chunk of our history missing, particularly the spiritual link of Judaism to its Mesopotamian roots, which is the foundation of Abrahamic religions. As part of removing the feminine, such removes the lunar aspects of the psyche, or the darker aspects of the Qabalah (Qliphoth), which is associated with the feminine. "The early Semitic people of Babylonia, whoever they may have been or wherever they may have migrated from, found a theology ready to their hands in the adopted country, which they took over from its primitive inhabitants the Sumerians, doubtless grafting to it many of the beliefs of their forefathers." (R. Campbell Thompson, The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia). The Abrahamic traditions then produce forth "Angels", most likely in association with the deity "El" (either an aspect of God or an Archon), which appears to be in opposition to the serpentine dragon as represented by Catholic imagery of Angels. In contrast, from Egypt to South America, let alone Naga worship in India, Dragons in Asia, it is important to note that serpent worship may be one of earliest forms of religion on the planet, including some Gnostic Christians who identified the Genesis serpent with Goddess Sophia, in opposition to "the rulers" or "archons" who provided commandments in fear of humanity rising above them. (Nag Hammadi; On The Origin of the World). Taken literally, the serpent is not the one that lies in the Book of Genesis. (See also The Origin of Serpent Worship, C. Staniland Wake). In addition, further generations of Zoroastrian colorings further engrossed dualist religions, further separating what may seem as Asuras (Angels) and Devi's (Dragons). (Bible of Corruption, Adam Daniels). Taken by a historical archetypal understanding, while Angels support a deity resulting in order and commandments, the Serpent teaches wisdom and karma. In fact, the word "Guru" is two (2) words meaning Gu-Ignorance and Ru-Destroyer, where "Ru" is Shiva known as Rudra, the destroyer. It is the destroyer beings who bring wisdom of the illusory construct of creation, not the creator Brahma. Further, before the Asuras were demonized in later puranic lore, they were initially beings of light along with the Devas. However, it is the "rudras", the howlers, that are given the "demonic" colorings. In other words, the archetypal understanding shows that one being traps consciousness in samsara, the other frees it. Nonetheless, unlike the future orthodox religions of Christianity and Islam which has somewhat removed the esoteric elements (Gnosticism, Sufism, etc.), the post-Mesopotamian religion of Judaism has kept its esoterica where you at least have outer (orthodox) and inner (esoteric) development, where the "patriarchal" push may have been a result of harsh (by today's standard) "matriarchal" practices of ancient Babylon. In esoterica, the serpent is typically addressed as the kundalini, and is usually initially invoked through one of the traditional high priestesses (witches to patriarchal traditions), such as Kali, Hecate, or Lilith (Lunar Goddesses). It is also important to note that serpentine traditions teach the chakra system (Cult of Kubjika), where Western practices have adopted such from the Naga traditions kept alive in Eastern religions. In other words, the Angels were not initially used for inner liberation in the Western traditions, as in the case with "wrathful" shaktis, dakinis, and yoginis in the Eastern traditions. Hence, the building of Heaven on Earth (or astral) or "good vs. evil" plagues Western Ideologies as opposed to the discovery of one's own soul over transient existences (heavens and hells) in the Western ideologies. (Sans Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Oracles of Chaldea). The Western world seems to be conditioned into light versus dark as further pushed by labels such as "light-workers", where the Eastern world has philosophically been wisdom versus ignorance where the correct label should be "alchemist". Such is further supported by practices of condemning ignorant entities to the lower astral realms as opposed to making them the protectors of the Dharma. In invoking a "wrathful" shakti, she becomes a yidam or meditation deity, who brings about your worst psychological aspects for clearing via kundalini. Such energies are considered Tamasic, or destructive, and the adept (here would be the Aghoris) typically practices on the fringes of society to keep others safe, among other considerations. Such moves one into more Sattvic vibrations of purity by and through opening up one's subconscious to whatever may be lurking. In effect, due to such psychological deconditioning, one's autonomic nervous system is cleansed altering one's fight or flight response within the reptilian cortex of the human brain, which also tends to drastically minimize the fear response. Further, in invoking Kali, she will destroy everything that is not Shiva, or divine pure awareness as she will remove veils of the illusion-maya, providing for psychic developments known as Siddhis. However, she is also MahaMaya, or the matrix itself, where she can also be used to empower egoic coverings (Qliphoth), where many have stated that it is a "sin" to approach Kali if one is not prepared. Tiamat will take Kali one step further. Kali may teach one to ride the current, but Tiamat is the current itself where she is often represented as a Dragon for a reason. Tiamat is like the Tantrik practices of invoking "wrathful" deities in the mode of "fight fire with fire". (See Vajranatha.com). Given the potency of Tiamat, the adept MUST prepare their physical vessel and psychology first to handle not only Tiamat, but her Demon-Gods meant to dissolve transient existence (creation) back into the black hole. Such provides the Apokalypsis of the illusory nature of time-space, and hence, our attachments to creation (Samsara). Such is the Left-Hand Path, where an adept returns as a master of both Light and Dark, also known as, Self-Deification, or Shiva who is worshiped by both the Devas and Asuras and also the middle ground between Sattva and Tamasic vibrations, Rajasaic. In effect, while the Right Hand Path raises the kundalini to infinite potential by and through removing the psychological conditioning that keeps an adept tied to "identity", the Left Hand Path further completely destroys the personal self by and through the Demon-Gods, where the kundalini flows back thereafter down to empower the reptilian cortex of the human brain. Essentially, the nature of moving one's consciousness into the void creates a wise sage, one whose "Will" is capable of containing and harnessing, not evil, but chaotic dissolution energies. In effect, one's instinct feels clean, unburdened by heavy psychological conditioning plaguing the background of our decision making, where one returns to primal instincts such as that of a vicious feline capable of love and capable of tearing apart whatever gets in her way, which is the way of divine Will, the original blueprint before egoic colorings. Nonetheless, such energies are spoken here for Self-Realization purposes (to let go and reach clarity), where to harness such energies for other purposes requires responsibility with some form of code of ethics. Personally, as someone who has had trouble sticking up for himself, I've taken note of the feeling of power and might produced through such invocations and found a use for my own personal development, which has allowed me to viciously "get things off of my chest" creating more expansive space in my high heart, high lung area. As opposed to the axiom "turn the other cheek", this practice is another form of self-love in being able to control one's own life as opposed to external manipulations. Even Jesus had to set things right with the tax collectors in his Father's home. Further, in studying Enochian Magick, I've taken note that "Angels" don't actually oppose "Demons", but seem to get frustrated with the adepts who do not know how to manage such energies. Demons seems to simply be "distractions". Further, Enochian seems to push the adept back to the Mother Goddess, or the Whore of Babylon, showing that Angels and Serpents maybe more of a balancing act within the human psyche to keep one on the path of Self Discovery and Self Actualization. In addition, Angels are programmed to have a mission showing a lack of free-will, differing from the Nagas with more human like temperaments where an adept should keep Garuda (Bird) around for protection. (See Naga Magick, Denny Sargent). Hence, the practice appears more like using the Angels to balance and harness the serpentine force that pervades all of creation as primordial shakti and rests somewhat dormant in the lower sacral areas producing a Tao effect, as opposed to separate opposing forces of good vs. evil plaguing dualist ideologies. Going back to the Sumerian story of Tiamat, it also important to note that Tiamat was subdued by Marduk where she becomes the Mansion of Heaven and the slumbering Mother Earth, and quite possibly the soul-consciousness. Her slain Demon-God "Kingu" becomes the blood of humanity (maybe hinting towards reasons for blood sacrifices). Such shows the deep correlation that humanity holds with the original primal energies. Chaos may simply be infinite potential from a higher perspective, but such is a dissolving force for egoic attachments. In addition, Tiamat is also associated with the Abyss, and quite possibly Da'ath of the Qabalah separating the higher trinity of the supernal triad from the lower streams of divine consciousness, including the lower forms of trinity expressed in religions where Solar deities represent Tiphareth, in correlation to Kether above the abyss. The "daemons" expose creation (Malkuth) and heavens (Tiphareth) for what they really are, an illusion, or a distortion of the flow of divine consciousness in the tree of life, where it is noted that the "nothingness" of Ain is higher than "infinite light" Ain Soph Aur, equating to the Tantrik traditions where Vamachara is higher than Daksinacara in order to rise into Saiva Siddhanth as expressed by Sage Abhinavagupta. For those treading the Left Hand Path, I would recommend the works of Asenath Mason as she appears to provide a holistic approach for the Western occultists. Still, not for the squeamish or "faint of heart". If you can't handle Samashan Kali (and Vajrayogini traditions), Lilith, or Hecate, or transient "monsters", don't even try with Tiamat as this practice is the psychological practice of opening yourself up to the collective subconscious (nightside), which also includes dark fantasies lurking within our shadows. The adept may be devoured by energies taking on "apocalyptic" doomsday feels, particularly being devoured by black serpents, which has the effect of having all transient existence demolished from one's field of awareness by and through exposing deep rooted issues. Just as the Aghoris seek solitude on the fringes of society, such is also necessary with Tiamat's teams as these energies can move further than just the adepts vessel, where the adept at least knows and can harness such energy while dealing with personal shadow issues. In other words, carriers of certain energies tend to trigger those around them. Hence, the psychological move into the void, to be re-birthed as the phoenix/dragon thereafter. Samashan Kali destroys everything that is not Shiva, or pure divine awareness empty of the minds colorings ... learn to ride the current first by cracking open the high heart-throat chakra (throat represents truth, but we've been poisoned from the truth where the throat holds trauma) and solidifying the differentiation between the observer self ("I Am Presence") and ego-personality self, before attempting to ride the Dragon sleeping within the shadows of the lower sacral-root chakra. Solidifying one's awareness with the "I Am Presence" outside of the monkey mind creates a buffer to realign the adept who may empower the ego-identity-self too much. In addition, Self-Realization practices peel back the layers of conditioning, where one may receive a completely different understanding of Kali and Lilith outside of cultural conditioning depending on the level of the adapt. On a lower perspective, these beings may be terrible, on a higher perspective, these beings may be terrific. Self Realization is the Garuda to the Maya aspect of the matrix. P.S. There's probably a correlation between Lilith (Ishtar) and the elite Bohemian Grove, by and through the Vahana-Animal Vehicle the "Owl", also correlates with the Hindu Goddess/Yaksini of abundance Lakshmi. It makes sense with the elite on this planet seeking power by attempting to harness energies from Mesopotamia and develop Siddhis for control. Such seeks external colorings instead of inner completion and harmony, if Self is excluded. Such is reminiscent of the Hindu Ramayan with the hero Ram representing Sattvic qualities and the antagonist Ravana representing more Tamasic qualities, where both were extremely elevated adepts. Both had to choose between following Dharma or egoic attachments. As the only way for a Hindu to repent for the "highest" sin of killing a Brahmin is to tread the Aghori path, Ram would need to repent as Ravana was a Brahmin. Hence, Ram's sadhana setting the stage for the full atma-consciousness flowering of "Sri" Krishna. Nonetheless, humanity rather should realize that it has given its power away to those in the knowing, while being psychologically-conditioned by those in the knowing. In addition, the real masters have shown us that virtues such as compassion, loving humility, etc., are what is necessary to properly develop Siddhis, as you recognize your oneness with all (external is a mirror to internal; as within so without), even your opponents. (See Vianna Stibal, Seven Planes of Existence). Tiamat is the womb-void that produces all souls-consciousness, including daemons. To pierce into her is to dive deeply within the depths of the adepts psyche. Though I've left many warnings and safety precautions above, in invoking her and her team, there is no going back as these energies cannot be banished. As the inner layers are being pulled back, the external world will reflect as such which can be quite a negative experience, a "dark soul of the night", or facing a "tower" moment before seeing the light/void at the end of the tunnel. As humanity is learning more and more about it's truth, and how the elite on this planet have sought to subdue certain information, it is my intent simply to provide a holisitic understanding of why someone would tread this path, particularly for an adept seeking wisdom and inner completion.
AuthorOverly educated and continuously exploring and revealing more behind the veil. "It cannot be too highly emphasized that the mystic swims in the same waters in which the psychotic drowns."
-James Wasserman, The Mystery Traditions Archives
August 2019