Ma'at is symbolized with the "feather of truth, balancing scales, her All-Seeing Eye, her throne, the gates to the underworld and her faithful guardian, the dog". (Andrews, Munya, The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades). In balancing the scales, Anubis would place the subjects heart on one side, with the other side containing Ma'at's feather. One interpretation as pointed out by Munya Andrews is that "[t]o be light as a feather meant one was unburdened by sin and therefore exonerated in death". (Id, citing to Walker, Womens Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects.)
The concept of Judgment in both its exoteric and esoteric meaning as found in modern culture come from Egypt. The scales and sword of Lady Justice are a derivative of Ma'at's scales and feather of Truth. As recorded by the scribe Thoth and assessed by the ruler of the afterlife Anubis, Ma'at's scales adjudicate whether an individual has followed the Truth of her own Heart. That is your Judgment Day.
September 27, 2015 marked the beginning/ending of something quite not yet fathomable. For the months preceding the event, I was bombarded with youtube recommendations ranging from channeled entities, to astrologers, to fanatical Christians. As had been my routine, I looked to the channelers and astrologers who all entailed an enlightening shift into the 5th dimension, beyond the space/time trappings of the 3rd and 4th dimensions. Moreover, we are to be moving from the 3rd density akin to the third solar chakra representing will and free-choice, into the realm of the heart found in the 4th density.
Afterwards, the only information about the illuminati I would come across was from conspiracy theories. Lastly, I came across a video expressing that George Washington, a well-known freemason, vehemently opposed and banned the illuminati, where thereafter, the Bavarian group disbanded and infiltrated freemasonry. Again, I don't know the merits of this information, but it seems like there are bad seeds in any group where even Jesus had his Judas. Not to support/attack freemasonry, but given the depth that I have dived into this information, I require more information to equate an all evil illuminati with the precincts of freemasonry. Even then, I would rather focus on my own spiritual development then try to figure out where I should point my finger of shame. As a fan of Laura Walker's Oracle Report, there is currently progressing a battle between the light and dark. However, I would like to switch up the way we think of things, with the axiom "as within, so without", there is a battle between love and fear. Any entity that is causing harm, I believe is most likely acting out of fear, including the black brotherhood or the "illuminati". Within ourselves, we should be eradicating fear, particular in the areas of security (root chakra) where many of us still believe in a limited universe where we must compete for resources. Moreover, my impression of the darkness is like a dark room with a candle flame. The candle flame will shine in the room affecting darkness, but the darkness does not attack the light. Hence, it's not so much of a battle between good and evil, as it is between wisdom and ignorance.
The Book of Genesis is an extreme example of a jealous entity. To begin with, the original sin was the Mother of the Living (Genesis 3:20 NASB) partaking in the forbidden fruit of either/both the tree of life and/or the tree of knowledge. Tempted by a creature considered sacred in ancient traditions and associated with enlightenment (Egypt, India, South America), the serpent had told Eve, "[f]or God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil". (Genesis 3:5 NASB). From this event, the deity of the Book of Genesis creates a patriarchal standard degrading women. (Genesis 3:6 NASB).
Because mankind was becoming powerful, the god of Genesis felt threatened believing that if mankind put their intent into something, nothing would be impossible. It was out of this fear that the god of Genesis destroyed mankind's attempt to reach into heaven and scattered mankind across the globe eradicating their ability to effectively spread ideas through language manipulation.
From my interpretation of these above mentioned verses, it appears that the god of Genesis is intimidated by mankind becoming powerful or the equivalent of god. With a fear of mankind becoming "like Us", I can only conclude that this particular god is quite limited and does not fit into an all encompassing, compassionate, loving, and all powerful being. Hence, it seems that those that follow this particular doctrine (Christians, not the Jewish interpretation) would rather remain submissive but yet such statements by the Genesis god may actually contradict the teachings of Jesus. Gnostic Christianity did not accept Jehovah as a "true" god and the majority of ancient Christian teachings have been vehemently eradicated by those seeking control. In fact, as found with the Nag Hammadi scriputres, the Biblical New Testament text only accounts for a small portion of ancient Christian literature. Moreover, as the NASB Bible shows, there is the possibility that much can be lost in translation. Lastly, when studying archaeology including the works of Zecharia Sitchin, there is a whole pre-Genesis backstory or revision (Chaldean Genesis) that sheds further light into who "Us" may have actually entailed. I'm left contemplating why the Bible failed to mention much of Sumerian civilization as expressed in the Sumerian tablets (including profound insight into astronomy) where it appears that those who edited Biblical text (such as Nicene Creed) may have purposely excluded such information. On the other hand, you have Jesus, a being so filled with faith that he was able to heal individuals, walk on water, raise the dead, all done with love and humility. This same being also taught how to do miracles by having faith. (Matthew 21:21-22 NASB). Furthermore, Jesus taught that others through faith will be doing "greater" works. (John 14:12 NASB). Jesus seems to hold a power that would intimidate the god of Genesis, and seems to contradict the god of Genesis by teaching the methods of conducting such powerful miracles through faith to a mass audience. Another words, the god of Genesis seems to fear an empowered humanity, where Jesus sought to give the keys to greater power. I could be wrong, but all my logic and intuition points to something more than what is propounded by orthodox Christianity (Catholic and post 16th century reformation). The more I dive (re-dive) into Christianity, the more I can't seem to understand Christians or anyone who doesn't desire to have more power/enlightenment. I mean, how limited is this god if it fears an empowered humanity, and would this god be worthy of the title God. Like Giordano Bruno who was persecuted for attempting to expand the definition of God, what keeps the masses appealing to limitation? All I can say is that Eve may have been given a bad name under orthodoxy for simply wanting to be "wise", as with all of us seeking to raise up our inner serpent to have our "eyes opened" in order to obtain the fruits of knowledge and life. (Genesis 3:6 NASB).
There is a particular meditation that I practice to help connect with certain entities, or vibrations rather. Originally used for embodying more of my Higher Self, I've found this technique effective for getting closer to any entity. Essentially, once grounded, maybe cleared, you visualize the entity in front of you and your chakras link-up one by one, including any chakras above your body. Linking with different entities feel different, which supports my belief system that the technique works. On the night of the super blood moon after the eclipse, I chose to link my chakras with a Moon visualizing her through anthropomorphic means. In comparison to the above mentioned Goetic Work, I was warned of the dangers of a lunar eclipse. One advice went so far as to say that we should remain indoors, which is understandable given that the moon is a reflection of our emotions and the eclipse may have something to do with the shadow side. But, I thought myself to be some sort of badass, so what the hell, why not? Overall, the day had been going well, spent mostly with family. I had no reason to be in a bad mood and was actually delighted given how much I've read about this particular blood moon, or a wave of ascension that was purportedly scheduled for this particular day. Nonetheless, all hell seemed to break loose during my meditation that lingered throughout the following days. Unlike fearing spirits in the Goetic practices and the havoc they may wreak, I probably should have considered what invoking an eclipse moon may do to my psyche.
As it happens, the one planet in our solar system that is no longer actually a planet could be the most powerful of them all. This is because it is unconscious and anything that remains unknown or hidden, by its very nature, holds power. The Black Moon encapsulates what Carl Jung called our "shadow side". It represents the unconscious part of the psyche that drives many of our choices and actions. Our lack of awareness of it keeps us trapped in cycles of self-defeating behavior. -Laura Walker, The Astrology of the Black Moon
The meditation took me deep into my life, showing me aspects of my childhood that all pinpoint to my sense of self worth. Although these emotions are typically something we run from, either through some form of medication, or other social involvement, they are rooted into our subconscious where it manifests itself into our world causing disruption. This quite possibly could be the reason why certain type of events tend to reoccur within our lives. Worse is when we emotionally throw ourselves into the raptures of these delusions, which may end up attracting more of the same. You will attract what you judge, until you no longer judge what you attract. -Matt Kahn As with the teachings of the channeled entity Lazaris, we're all born with equal amounts of worth. Such amounts are always carried with us and never shift. The problems arise when we analyse how much of our worth we can sense. Nonetheless, having an understanding of having worth from simply being is liberating, especially in the western "yang" world obsessed with doing. Once that is established, I am assuming I can further clear areas within myself to manifest the life that I desire. In essence, this blood moon lunar eclipse meditation shed some light into areas within myself that need some work. What are we telling ourselves each and every day? Are we just beating ourselves up, and judging ourselves? Are we too hard on ourselves, and are we our own worst enemy? That's the real work!! I feel we must start by changing that inner dialogue, by loving ourselves more and more, and then, even without having to say or do anything to anyone, the whole outer world changes to reflect that inner world. -Anita Moorjani, NDE Experience. Although this meditation felt devastating, I can count this meditation as a success in helping me acknowledge and deal with aspects of myself. The week after was exhausting, my sleep cycles were off, and I spent much of my personal time assessing areas of my self-worth. Nonetheless, even the phoenix has to burn before spreading its wings. Hopefully, September 27, 2015 marks the beginning of a whole new era for me, one that is full of adventures with a new understanding on how to approach life with my shadow-self.
![]() In the Hindu tradition, we have the ancient folded-hands head bowed greeting with the saying Namaste. Namaste translated into English roughly means "I bow to the divine within you". Holding the divine within oneself is nothing new and rather common in differing religious traditions. In the Christian educational system, we were told to hold Jesus within your heart, and moreover, the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:19. Going back to the Eastern Traditions and inclusive of the Hermetic or Egyptian traditions, the divine-self is essentially the higher- Self who sits as a watcher at the third eye. Hence, a bow with the saying Namaste may be simply the prostration of one's higher-Self to another's higher-Self.
reading, it seemed like my career path, intimate relations, and overall intellectual curiosities (including occult studies) seemed to be in line with the way the Grahas effected my planetary houses. Definitely an "as above, so below" connection where my life seemed to be already scripted. In understanding that much of our life seems to fall in line with the Grahas, it may be that some individual ego-selves were meant to display certain characteristics from the sociopath criminal to the intense self-righteous televangelist. In our cosmic play, such individuals may be here to teach us contrast. However, given that each individual carries a higher-Self, our ego-selves may simply be attempting to do the best with the cards that we have been dealt with. If the Grahas are the remote control buttons that create our personality and push us into acting certain ways, then who controls the remote control? It could be that of our higher-Self using the ego-self and the surrounding circumstances (cosmic play) to help in an individual's ascension to higher spirituality, or it could be something malevolent. Moreover, our societal construct seems to have its own remote control where commercial media can easily incite hunger with delectable food, sex through carnal imagery, etc. Therefore, each individual may simply be acting in a manner suited to external forces. The only writings I have read that seem to go beyond the ego include mindfulness meditation or some other meditational technique to raise your consciousness. Paramahansa Yoganda's Autobiography of a Yogi eluded to becoming one with God through Kriya Yoga techniques to bypass the Grahas where Yoganandaji was requested to wear an astrological bracelet to subdue certain illnesses prior to his Self-realization. The wise man defeats his planets - which is to say, his past - by transferring his allegiance from the creation to the Creator. The more he realizes his unity with Spirit, the less be can be dominated by matter...So long as he remains confused in his ordinary state of spiritual amnesia, he will know the subtle fetters of environmental law. -Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi Nonetheless, provided that many of us are still attempting such ascensions, we probably should choose to lighten up on each other and our ego-play through a better understanding that each individual is simply acting in this cosmic play under external influences. Another words, we're all probably just doing the best we can under our circumstances. The occultists of the ancient world had a most remarkable understanding of the principle of evolution. They recognized all life as being in various stages of becoming. -Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages |
AuthorOverly educated and continuously exploring and revealing more behind the veil. "It cannot be too highly emphasized that the mystic swims in the same waters in which the psychotic drowns."
-James Wasserman, The Mystery Traditions Archives
August 2019