Last night, Sept. 11, 2015, I had another interesting meditation experience close to my lost in meditation. My psyche conjured images that left me exclaiming, "I've discovered it; I've accomplished what I've been trying to do, what I've been trying to discover; There's nothing more for me to realize". Yes, I'm speaking with utmost insanity, is what I realized after the experience. I shall proceed to disclose and let those whose eyes wander to these scribbles judge for themselves.
This figure was looking downwards to a pyramid of never ending stream of door portals. Each portal had it's own story led by it's own character, dictated by each of us. It was basically watching each and everyone one of us, learning and expanding. The figure was mainly watching and none else, I mean mere conscious to the doors existence. I mean, it could have been dictating and creating, but not as much on the levels I was exploring. If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern. -Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception Round Three. The excitement is building and I'm wondering where these images are coming from. I let rationality rest and proceed to be at home with this figure. The amount of doors below is ever increasing as is the figure in watching each and every portal. However, whenever a character for a particular door became conscious of his/her existence, his/her door portal would move up. The more conscious one became, the higher his/her portal would move up. Each character was recognizing his/her own existence and divine link. In that recognition, one would find that they had control over the contents occurring in his/her door portal. As the figure in light watched each door rise, the figure was also excited and rendered it's support via knowledge of more consciousness. Think of a Guru awakening his student to more. This figure just sat back and delighted in watching the new creators have fun. As the Gods/Goddesses, as the deities, as the Neters/Natures, as We, as Us, as All, are One and the Same, I began to see our interrelatedness as each door portal would reflect another portal (think Indra's Web) where two or more characters would share the same experience. The sole purpose of each experience in a portal was to assist each other in raising our doors, and in that process, we raised the figure of light. Imagine a multidimensional spider’s web in the early morning covered with dew drops. And every dew drop contains the reflection of all the other dew drops. And, in each reflected dew drop, the reflections of all the other dew drops in that reflection. And so ad infinitum. That is the Buddhist conception of the universe in an image. -Alan Watts (Indra's Web) Afterthoughts. I was dumbfounded after the mediation and felt the need to compose this article. It made me feel brilliant and was an experience worthy of sharing. However, as my logical assessment typically dictates, was this all simply mumbo-jumbo of a spiritually obsessed mind. In such questioning, my mind began to organize as follows: 1. The figure in light is the great vast, the ocean for which we are told that we will one day return. But we will never return, because the ocean is now at a higher level and we will forever be reaching for what we call the infinite. For if we get there, would it not then be infinite? 2. The character for each portal can either be your ego keeping you in complacency, security, etc., or, your Higher Self is helping you raise beyond your limiting psyche, your doubts, your judgments, your attachments, until you reach your "I Am" conscious presence. However, only after you have reached the "I Am" conscious presence do you then proceed with restructuring your "I Am That" presence, restructuring your world based on your Higher Self. That's when your door gets lifted up, higher and higher, more as you recognize your God Self and reflect that into your world (Your Universe). 3. In recognizing our creative abilities through the "I Am That" presence, which is the law of attraction/manifestation, I was forced to redefine God once again. Deities are essentially aspects, natures, of a higher being that should be our goals. Once we recognize that we are the creative qualities of Brahma/Saraswati, or the adventurous but purposeful qualities of Visnu/Laksmi, and the transcendent qualities of Shiva/Shakti, when we reach these natures deep within ourselves do we recognize our God Self, and live through our God Self. 4. Lastly, our objective forms of Worship (Orthodox Religion) are mirrors to our true inner light. They are really each and every one of us looking into a mirror for the highest aspect or best nature of our selves, aka our timeless Higher Selves. We are now Conscious to the fact that our objective forms of worship, our Gods,Deities/Neters/Natures are put into effect via law of attraction/manifestation to assist us to become more of the vast of our true being. We are now Conscious to the fact that we are the Creators just expressing different Neters. Overall, I feel like I'm onto something big. My door may still be at the lower stages lost in ego, but this meditation offered me a glimpse to what may become of my future, our future. To create from higher intuitive place, would that not be the sole purpose of raising our consciousness, meaning raising our ability to perceive things from a higher level. The beautiful vastness that we are, the Neters that we are, the Gods that we are, does this not give you hope for a better future based on hope in yourSelf?
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AuthorOverly educated and continuously exploring and revealing more behind the veil. "It cannot be too highly emphasized that the mystic swims in the same waters in which the psychotic drowns."
-James Wasserman, The Mystery Traditions Archives
August 2019